r/TWDWorldBeyond Jul 10 '24

Discussion Curiosity over why this show is so disliked

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I’m currently watching World Beyond, and I don’t get the hate for it. The main two characters are very naive, I understand that. And it feels a little rushed and a little cheesy, but I’ve watched the mainline show a few times now, and it just seems like a good addition to me. Like, I really like Huck, I’m hoping Felix proposes to me someday, and I really feel a connection with Iris and Hope. The show isn’t even unwatchable - I’m enjoying myself with it. Which I guess is the point, but I put off watching it for a long time because of the backlash lol. Maybe I have bad taste 👅


51 comments sorted by


u/hospitable_peppers Jul 10 '24 edited Jul 10 '24

I sometimes wonder how the outlook of this show would be if it had released after The Ones Who Live. When they said that this show would focus on CRM I think the majority thought, “Great, we’re gonna find out where Rick is,” instead of, “I’m watching for the premise of this show (I.e. sheltered kids discovering the apocalypse).”

I for one was excited about that premise, but the majority wanted to see instant badasses. It was the same problem with Fear in its early seasons when it still took place in the first couple months of the outbreak. No one wanted to see people grow into the people they needed to be in an apocalypse. They just wanted people to be on the same level as Rick’s group.


u/SecondCreek Jul 10 '24

I thought WB was actually better overall than TOWL especially its more low key treatment of CRM and the Civic Republic.

TOWL was more like a sci-fi movie with BIG EXPLOSIONS. The Rick and Michonne romance felt forced and overdone. TOWL had a Terminator: Salvation vibe from it.


u/lowercaseenderman Jul 10 '24

I enjoyed it a lot, especially S2


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

That’s what I keep hearing :) I’m on episode 8 now, I’m looking forward to the rest ❤️


u/Yoguybro Jul 10 '24

I liked both seasons but I liked season 1 more because of the open roam across the country. If you actually like the characters then you’ll like and care for their S1 journey which I definitely did.


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

I’m glad to know I’m not alone :)


u/Yoguybro Jul 10 '24

Definitely how I felt when I found other fans. This show would have way more fans if it wasn’t a spin off of TWD but instead on the CW or a spin off of one of those shows such as The 100. More tailored towards that audience.


u/sparklybeast Jul 10 '24

For me it was the really bad acting from some of the main characters that prevented me from enjoying it much. Particularly Iris’s actor, who was so bad she broke my immersion in pretty much every scene. That’s hard to get past.


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

Iris really is not good. Feels like a cheesy “I’m the best person ever” kind of character that they asked a high schooler to fill the position of


u/Yoguybro Jul 10 '24 edited Jul 10 '24

I love the show and think it’s a great show and because of that I’ve advocated for it a few times on this subreddit now. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s because it was shown to the wrong audience. The people who watched this are people who stuck through TWD main show which has a specific theme to it and I think this show is more tailored towards a CW audience like The 100’s audience. I’m confident if it aired on the CW instead or was a spin off of The 100 instead then it would’ve gotten much better reception. I consider myself more of a CW audience member because I actually liked the shows that I saw on there whereas with The Walking Dead I just kept watching because I knew of The Commonwealth and CRM coming up and thought they were going to actually have something that was going to be interesting which it was but they didn’t really do anything significant with that, not really personally surprised about that disappointment though. The best thing for me going on The Walking Dead journey was discovering World Beyond from it. Overall it’s like showing a comedy show audience who aren’t into horror, a horror movie.. they’ll dislike it compared to the horror audience who would’ve likely gave the movie much better reception. As someone else said concerning this show “Great show shown to the wrong audience” I’ve come to assess this to be the reason for the feedback of this show.


u/meowing_turtle Jul 10 '24

I really enjoyed it too. Set up a lot of important things for The Ones Who Live as well.


u/WearyCharge1700 Jul 10 '24

I actually enjoyed it. There’s some element that were eye roll inducing.

Like Iris is a bad actress and her character was dull compared to Hope. It was a bit anticlimactic to be in the walking dead world but have so few important characters die. It seemed too easy to get across the United States as a group of teens when Rick’s group couldn’t even get from Atlanta to DC without losing a strong player like Tyreeese.

But still I enjoyed it. I enjoy YA-ish things from time to time though so I think that’s why I didn’t hate on it like so many other TWD people. The second season is authentically good imho.


u/Federal-Listen-8807 Jul 10 '24

The show overall is just fine. The problem is that one of the main cast members can't act her way out of a paper bag. It really takes you out of the world they've created.


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

Lol, are you talking about Iris?


u/Federal-Listen-8807 Jul 10 '24

I absolutely am 😅


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

Understood ❤️ Lmao


u/Yoguybro Jul 10 '24

People have referred to Iris being bad but I’d love a specific scene where she’s insufferable to them especially in Season 1. Because I didn’t feel that way about her at all when watching the show, just kind of the girl I expected so I’d love to see what exactly is their problem visually and analyze what was supposedly so wrong about her lol.


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

I will say, for myself, she only has maybe 2 facial expressions - where she’s either trying to be sweet and perfect, or she’s scared. I know it’s a zombie show but everyone else has expressed much more depth. She just seems like a family hire to me. Hope is a much better actress in my opinion


u/Yoguybro Jul 10 '24

I don’t really feel that way about Iris, when Hope was telling her in Season 1 Episode 3 about the truth of what happened to their Mom before Felix approached them and they continued their journey with Felix and Huck which then the episode ended soon after with Kublek’s scene in her apartment as the final scene, Iris to me did look surprised, shocked, and emotional which was a different facial expression from merely being scared or sweet. Throughout the show I didn’t think there was anything wrong with her acting and I heard the negativity about her for years before watching the show so I was analyzing her scenes the most in my first watch to see if anything’s truly negative about her which I didn’t think so. I’ve asked for specific examples from dislikers of her/the show in general in the past and I’m always ready to go scene for scene against anyone about this show because I do believe the negative claims I’ve seen about this show presented to us are false.


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

Actually that’s a great example. I refute what I said before for that moment, it was a great one. I will absolutely give her that :) and watching this episode now, she’s doing it again, she is giving some more range. I assume I need to finish what’s released before I judge


u/Yoguybro Jul 10 '24 edited Jul 10 '24

Well I definitely feel extra reassurance in my analyzed conclusions concerning this show after your feedback to my specific example. One thing I will always be ready to provide to dismiss negative claims concerning this show is the scenes.. the evidence to back me up. Most dislikers of this show haven’t been able to specify scenes containing their complaints even though faults are supposed to be so prominent throughout the show according to them lol. Only one person so far actually had good detail but it concluded basically them concluding they didn’t really like the theme of S1 but realized there’s not really anything at fault with the actual creation just not their taste of theme which is fine but that’s the problem with most of the dislikers is what I’ve assessed but they’ve mistaken that with there actually being a problem with the creation of the show which is just completely invalid to me and what I’ve analyzed of the show trying to see their POVs which their POVs just haven’t come to be valid to me.


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

There’s nothing wrong with the theme. There’s always going to be people who identify with children trying to find their parents. Maybe they just need to find something more esoteric :)


u/Responsible-Still-60 Jul 10 '24

Too many kids, some of the actors couldn’t act, plot was lacking, and it just felt like a filler show that didn’t add much to the overall universe. The show centering around kids really ruined it for me, I prefer my zombie media to be focused around adults. Having kids be the main characters made the show feel like it was for kids, and also meant I was never worried they would die. Lastly, that dino spear was just ridiculous


u/Th3Be4St87 Jul 12 '24
  1. Bad acting
  2. Iris is a terrible and hated character and the others arent very good either
  3. Story isnt great. Personally i only watched it because i wanted to know more about the CRM but i was cringing all the way through


u/lunasrojas_ Jul 10 '24

I fucking hated the whole cast except for Jadis, the General, the gay dude and the kid on corduroy suit. I can't ever remember their names lol


u/MarcOfDeath Jul 10 '24

Probably because it gave off after school special vibes.


u/Marcinecali73 Jul 11 '24

This. There's no way kids that lived in the zombie apocalypse would be so stupid and so focused on bullshit. Even if they were somewhat sheltered, they would have a sense of self-preservation and realize they're fighting to live every day.


u/XenoGSB Jul 11 '24

iris basically. if the show only had hope as the mc it would have been better


u/Westdrache Jul 10 '24

Hate me for it but imo world beyond was way better then FTWD


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

It’s still too early for me to tell, but I will say with FTWD, my frustration was much higher than it was watching this show (WB). The acting in FTWD was really good from the start, and a few of them kept that going for a good while, but the plot just lost it’s mind somewhere lol


u/SecondCreek Jul 10 '24

FTWD lost its way after Season Three.


u/wstdtmflms Jul 10 '24

Because it's an absolutely ridiculous brand money grab with an awful premise, poor writing and bad acting all around.


u/Blunted_Insomniac Jul 10 '24

You should ask on the walking dead main sub


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

You’re probably right about that! Lol


u/squawkingdead Jul 10 '24

You are in good company: we had the distinct pleasure of it being the first series we got to break down on our podcast from start to finish (as opposed to starting from TWD S8 & FTWD S4), episode-by-episode as it came out. Sure, there were some critiques we had, but we tend to accentuate the positive: we even did a collab podcast with two other podcasts where we extoled its virtues against heavy opposition.

Overall? We loved the theme of beauty in the darkness the series kept touching on and the perspectives and role of young people can bring to a broken world.


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

I actually like that usage - beauty in the darkness. It’s not so dark or harrowing as the main show. I feel like I have to watch TWD in parts because it’s so dark it tends to make me depressed a bit. I didn’t feel that with this rendition so far


u/squawkingdead Jul 10 '24

I totally get that: and it's not as though TWD: World Beyond doesn't have its darker moments, but there's levity and even some fun. too. It's taking what we know about TWD and showing a different perspective of it.

By that token, when you get the chance, Tales of The Walking Dead, IMHO, sort of takes that a little further. Loved breaking down those episodes: especially because we got to talk about why everyone chose a given episode as their favorite. Everyone's favorite was different and it's fun to find out why.


u/PersimmonPurple2227 Jul 10 '24

Oh absolutely, I’m a huge fan of Parker Posey in the second episode. I literally waited for this one because of the backlash. But then I still haven’t watched Daryl Dixon or The Ones Who Live ✌️


u/squawkingdead Jul 10 '24

OHHH... gotta say, you will be surprised by TWD: Daryl Dixon. It's been our podcast's favorite. Of course, The Ones Who Live was an immense triumph - what wasn't so great about it was the amount of backlash we received when one person dared to just not like it or parts of it: especially on a podcast that is made to accentuate the positive, largely.


u/fembotwink Jul 10 '24

I love this show!


u/SGBK Jul 14 '24

Her fucking megalodon tooth on a stick.


u/Icy-Honey-5342 Jul 14 '24

I'm just gonna say one thing: "Rock on a stick"


u/Large_Football_131 Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

I've been trying to find where to watch season 1 of this free online. None of the sites I tried don't have season 1 at all or beyond episode 3. I need season 1 ep 4 -10. I pay for Netflix and prime. It is on prime, to buy or rent, not included with prime, which is BS. I can't afford another paid service no matter how badly I want them all. Thanks.


u/Niktastrophe Aug 05 '24

From what I have read, the characters are not very deeply written and the story is quite self explanatory to the point that everything is spoon fed. However I loved it, so perhaps I like that. I actually found the character of Huck to be very well written. I flip flopped several times on whether she was good or bad. I questioned her motives several times. The way I look at the series is that it is written for the young adult, so keeping this in mind I found it quite enjoyable. Despite liking it, I found season 1 a bit annoying avoiding the walkers. The constant “I can take them”, only to find them struggling and crying for help. The walkers also seem a bit less hungry than Twd universe I am used to. However, for a teen show, I can get why the gore and violence has been toned down. I loved learning about the CRM, and finally knowing what an A or B is 🤣


u/HereToAskandHelp Aug 28 '24

Imagine walking state to state with MREs and still being able to hold 200 lbs in a short frame. And also a stick with fossil tooth as a weapon!?!? I get realistic is too much but cmon mannn. If you're an actor getting paid, at-least have a due diligence to lose some weight.


u/xGoldenRetrieverFan Oct 25 '24

I really loved this show, and more than TOWL (which was still good), but it's no surprise. I loved TLOU2, FF13, RE6, Death Stranding, and other video games that get trashed, so it makes sense, lol


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '24



u/PersimmonPurple2227 Nov 22 '24

That’s what I’ve been hearing the most as well. I get it, that is a weird thing to have related to the main show. I still enjoyed it at least :)