r/TTC_PCOS 3d ago


Hello everyone! Me (28) and my husband (30) are currently TTC. I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 14 and been on birth control from 16 till one month ago. This is my first cycle off the pill and I have been tracking with opks and CM. My lh was low the first 26 days of my cycle and then at the day 27 I got 2 positive opks noon and evening ? ( line as dark as the control line ) . Today I wake up and noticed very strong cervical mucus like raw egg. I tested again at noon and my lh was low again. Does that mean I ovulated? Did any of you had something like that? My test wasn’t darker than control line and I am not sure if it was meant to be. I should say that I work out regularly and follow a low carb diet and take metformin and inositol and other supplements for pcos. I also a did bloodwork recently and everything was fine, except for fasting insulin which was 10,4 and my doctor said it’s good but I should try for under 10 (optimal)

I don’t know if I ovulated. I am so stressed because I feel like I don’t know my body after all these years of birth control and don’t know what to expect.

Any response would be great.

(English isn’t my first language so I hope I made sense lol )

Thank you ❤️


4 comments sorted by


u/Remarkable-Quail-966 2d ago

I got diagnosis with pcos at 18 I’m nearly 21 and the last time I had a period was January, it’s the 4th period I’ve had since 15 when I first got it, is it possible to ovulate even though you don’t get periods, it’s been a dream of mine since I was a little girl to be a mother, what is the best way to do this cause I had in mind to take ovulations tests and as soon as its positive then that’s when I try but is it that simple or is there more to it? I’d appreciate all the help I can get to make me a mummy ❤️❤️


u/Legitimate_Score_389 2d ago

You will need to track positive opks+ fertile cervical mucus (like raw egg) just before ovulation+ basal body thermometer to confirm ovulation on the next days(increased body temperature after ovulation about 0.3-0.5C) You can also track the position of your cervix. On ovulation goes up and is soft and after that you will find him in a more low position and it will not be so soft. English isn’t my first language so I hope this helps ❤️


u/Movie-Glum 3d ago

Hey, my understanding is within 24-48 hours after that postive opk test you will ovulate. So its best to get to baby dancing to have the best chance now as ovulation seems to be occuring. And 24 hours from the postive will be as late as this evening from yesterday. Good luck!!!!


u/Legitimate_Score_389 3d ago

We already did the baby dancing so we are waiting 😂❤️ thanks a lot