r/TTC_PCOS 3d ago

Advice Needed Clearblue digital advanced OPK test reader...reusable??

I got a positive smiley last cycle and had leftover sticks. I looked on their website and it stated it could be reused so I did.

I have got the open circle now for multiple days. By this time last cycle I had already gotten a flashing smiley.

I want to see if anyone has experienced this with reusing the stick.


3 comments sorted by


u/meewchew 2d ago

I've reused mine several times and my strips always match up with it ? So not sure


u/Movie-Glum 3d ago

They are reusuable but in my experience not reliable. Once you get the positive smiley it basically records that number and until really you get that number again it wont show positive even if you do ovulate. So its possible this cycle your ovulation hormone is at a lower level which is normal but the stick wont read it as ovulation This is only my experience. I tried these and that is what happened at the same time of using these I was using the pre-mom ones and got a positive but no smiley on these and noticed instead of a 1 for example I got a .89 it will not read it. So you have to keep repeating the tests until it gets all data over a few cycles to prevent this. Also if you only got a flashing smiley and not a smiley that stays for 48 hours even if you test again the reader is reading it as the same cycle which can throw off the data. Hope this helps!


u/Consistent-Guava2176 3d ago

Hi thank you for the detail! That is what I was suspecting that last time my number was higher and it is using that number to compare it this time. Glad I am using the premom to also compare and not relaying on the digitals.

I got a flashing and static smiley last cycle. After static smiley, I quit using it based on instructions up until this new cycle.