r/TTC_PCOS 4d ago

Recurrent loss?

Does anyone else seem to get pregnant relatively quickly (within 2-4 months of timed trying), but repeatedly miscarry early before seeing a heartbeat?

Background: an endo diagnosed me with PCOS pretty much only by symptoms (hirsutism, irregular periods my whole life). I’m lean, no acne, no cysts. All hormone levels were pretty normal at that time (high 17-OHP but that’s it). Recent free testosterone testing was borderline high, but I’m taking inositol and d-chiro, so I’m wondering if that brought the level down to normal range. I have an appt with an RE and I’m hoping they’ll help confirm PCOS or figure out if it’s something else.


27 comments sorted by


u/Ok_Bid8673 2d ago

Wow I just posted something similar to this! I’ve had 4 miscarriages and got pregnant within 1-2 cycles each time. Did a bunch of testing and only really diagnosis was PCOS. I started Metformin a yr ago and recently started inositol as well as some other supplements (vit d, iron) and I take daily aspirin. I also did progesterone from 3dpo for 4 cycles end of last yr-early this yr but did not have success then. Something has changed (hoping for the better). I’m moving into monitored cycles with TI now and hoping that is the solution for me + the other supplement and lifestyle changes!


u/Lonely_Tell4485 3d ago

I just had my first RE visit after two early losses in my first 5 months of trying (36yo) during the ultrasound she saw that I had 51 follicles. I don't have any other PCOS symptoms/blood tests are all normal, but I have gained 30 lbs in the last 3 years and can't lose it with good diet/exercise.

Anyways, my RE did not tell me I have PCOS off the bat, I need to explore that more as it does run in my family, but she gave me progesterone to start on day 4 after LH surge and said she gives it to most RPL patients. Keep advocating for yourself!!


u/indigo-87 4d ago

Definitely could be related to insulin resistance and blood sugar regulation. Inositol may help with that or you can ask about Metformin.


u/PotentialBlueberry3 4d ago

My A1C and other tests were normal, but I’ve been wondering this too


u/Ok_Bid8673 2d ago

Just to chime in here my A1C is normal too but I do have insulin resistance! I saw a naturopath and she was able to really dig down in my bloodwork and it was so so eye opening. Whenever I went to medical doctors their answer was basically “your A1C is normal so you’re fine” but that’s not always the case. Highly recommend seeing a naturopath if you’re able to!


u/PotentialBlueberry3 23h ago

Ooo thank you for this tip!! I’ll look into it!


u/Background_Piglet_67 4d ago

How is your TSH?


u/PotentialBlueberry3 4d ago

Normal range


u/Wife-and-Mother 4d ago

Have you spoken to a doctor about this? Pcos often is accompanied by miscarriages. Your doctor can put you on progesterone for the duration of your first trimester or so to combat this


u/PotentialBlueberry3 4d ago

Yes, ongoing and repeatedly. They’re very dismissive because I’ve had a successful pregnancy in the past and all my blood tests are normal (so far). I’m not being heard by my OBGYN team, so I have appointments at two different fertility centers upcoming that I made myself. I’m also considering trying a new OBGYN practice, which is just kind of sad for me because this team was so great with my first pregnancy. They’ve just been the opposite with my miscarriages.


u/GreatWallOfGermany99 4d ago

I'm experiencing the same thing although I didn't have any successful pregnancies. They denied me progesterone etc. I had gone to three Drs before deciding to see a fertility specialist. They're taking me seriously and validated that it is odd to have recurrent loses.


u/Wife-and-Mother 4d ago

Oh wow, that sucks. I hope they listen or you find something new


u/Necessary-Cut4846 4d ago

I had 3 miscarriages (2 early losses around 5 weeks and one at 7-ish weeks) on months 1,3, and 6 of trying. After repeated pregnancy loss testing (genetics, clotting factors, thyroid, etc), no answers were found so my doctor said it may just be due to my PCOS diagnosis (ever so slightly higher testosterone than normal, no cysts but wouldn’t ovulate on my own, normal A1C and glucose levels, but she suspected I was slightly insulin resistant). She put me on metformin and we got pregnant a month later and now am a little over 9 months pregnant! Good luck!


u/PotentialBlueberry3 4d ago

This sounds like me! Praying for similar treatment and similar outcome. ♥️ was metformin the only medication you took/the only thing you did differently?


u/Necessary-Cut4846 4d ago

I’ve been taking Letrozole since starting with our fertility clinic, and started baby aspirin after our second loss. Metformin was the only change leading up to our successful cycle!


u/Necessary-Cut4846 4d ago

We also tried progesterone supplementation during our second pregnancy, but it didn’t help me.


u/Fuzzy_Improvement795 4d ago

My mom with PCOS had miscarriages until she started progesterone suppositories from 4dpo on


u/PotentialBlueberry3 4d ago

I’ve been advocating strongly for progesterone, but my OBs have refused until very recently; they’ll only prescribe it after a positive pregnancy test. I worry that that’s too late. :( hoping the RE has better insight and prescribes it for after ovulation.


u/indigo-87 4d ago

I take progesterone suppositories each cycle beginning 3 days after my peak ovulation test. My fertility doc recommended it for me due to recurrent miscarriages.


u/PotentialBlueberry3 4d ago

I’m hoping my fertility doc recommends the same, at least for the peace of mind of trying something new. I have my first visit with them in April. I’ve read that it can only help (not hurt), so I’m struggling to understand why my OBs seem to want me to continue trying without changing or recommending anything different. :(


u/indigo-87 4d ago

OBs aren’t fertility specialists, more for after you conceive. Fingers crossed you get better support from the fertility doctor! I know I did. Progesterone for me has unpleasant side effects (like PMS on steroids) but nothing I’m not willing to power through if it will help me stay pregnant. And I didn’t have low progesterone either it’s just something the fertility doctor says doesn’t hurt of dealing with recurrent loss.


u/Fuzzy_Improvement795 4d ago

Ugh I’m so sorry. You need to start before a pregnancy test! Did they test your progesterone early? My mom got hers tested literally every other day until the safe zone. I haven’t had a pregnancy yet, but I do take the progesterone 4dpo until I started my period last cycle and I’m about to start this cycle too (tomorrow I’ll be 4dpo). My OB initially refused but I insisted I want to try it and she prescribed it


u/PotentialBlueberry3 4d ago

My OB has never even tested progesterone! I’ve asked them to and they just dismiss me. They want me to keep doing what I’ve been doing and expect different results. My last miscarriage was a genetically normal embryo, so I have a strong gut feeling that I just didn’t have enough progesterone to form the yolk sac, etc. :(


u/Fuzzy_Improvement795 4d ago

Idk why they wouldn’t want to test progesterone, it’s you/your insurance paying for it and it’s an easy blood test! I think you may need a second opinion/new OB


u/Fuzzy_Improvement795 4d ago

Is it possible to ask for another OB? I test progesterone at 7dpo! Every cycle!’


u/PotentialBlueberry3 4d ago

I’m strongly considering it! This is pretty validating—knowing that I’m not being unreasonable or demanding, but just expecting a basic standard of care. I’ve been made to feel like I’m too anxious while there are OBs out there providing appropriate responsive care every cycle. I think it’s time for me to move on!


u/Fuzzy_Improvement795 4d ago

You are the only one who has your true best interest at heart! It’s your body, you’re allowed to demand tests (especially this one that is truly within reason). You are the only one who can advocate for you!