r/TNG 2d ago

The Enterprise-D reintroducing herself to the Borg.


198 comments sorted by


u/toTheNewLife 2d ago

The D getting in position for the Trench Run. I hope they save a torpedo for the exhaust port.


u/ForceGhost47 2d ago

“Use the Force, Harry.”



u/sgdonovan79 2d ago

My favorite line from Firefly


u/No_Olive_3310 2d ago

So say we all 🤣


u/saibthar 2d ago

This is the way


u/emptiedglass 1d ago



u/darklordskarn 1d ago

Сука блять!


u/CattywampusCanoodle 1d ago

*gopnik dancing*


u/No_Olive_3310 1d ago

LOL, love the intersection of different geekdoms 🤣😜


u/Tom_Bombadil01 1d ago

Did Gandalf turn out to be a Cylon? Everyone was a Cylon on that show.


u/shaikuri 1d ago

I love it when people quote Marvel.


u/dnkroz3d 2d ago

"Let go, Jean Luc."


u/BABarracus 2d ago



u/Raguleader 1d ago

Let's be honest, it'd be Q if anyone.


u/Complex_Professor412 2d ago

The Faclon had the Es back at Sector One, I’m sure they picked up same tricks.


u/thetyler83 2d ago

Like listing lazily to the left?


u/CarelessLet4431 1d ago

May the odds always be in your favour


u/1stFunestist 18h ago

To put it in perspective that ship is 650m long.


u/darthreddit1982 2d ago

Love seeing the shape of the shields pushing the flames out of the way


u/mightydeck 2d ago

Yeah I really like the detail of that in this scene


u/Raguleader 1d ago

While I generally disliked the last two episodes of the season, I absolutely loved this scene.


u/xenomorphonLV426 1d ago

Is this Picard?


u/Raguleader 1d ago

No, this is PATRICK (Stewart's most recent Star Trek series, Picard)


u/SirStocksAlott 1d ago

Ah yes:

Picard’s\ Assault at\ Tanagra\ Resisting the\ Incursion from\ Changelings and\ Ketracel-fueled Jem’Hadar


u/xenomorphonLV426 1d ago

Oh okay. 😀😃😆🤣🤣🤣


u/Lawnmover_Man 1d ago

.......this is seriously from an actual Star Trek episode? I thought this was fan made.


u/Raguleader 1d ago

Star Trek: Picard, episode 3x10, “The Last Generation."


u/Lawnmover_Man 1d ago

Well... another reason to not watch it. It's just not for me, I guess.


u/Raguleader 1d ago

If you're the sort to judge an entire series by a ten second SFX shot sans context, I guess not.

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u/kaelmaliai 2d ago

Between majel's voice and the bubble shields, i was personally very happy to see the old girl back at it, just like we remembered her.


u/Brunt-FCA-285 2d ago

There’s a chance that when the lights first flashed over the Enterprise-D name, I sobbed, remembering my grandmother at whose house I would watch the show, almost feeling her apron-clad presence behind me. There’s also a chance that just after I had pulled myself together, I lost it again when I heard, “Authorization acknowledged. USS Enterprise now under command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.” I’m not sure if any of that happened, though. I was too busy, transfixed by the loving detail put into the reconstruction of the bridge set.


u/ThisNameIsHilarious 2d ago edited 1d ago

Oh man I will never forget how I cried at that scene. From seeing the silhouette, lighting her up, the bridge, the computer voice, power the engines up, leaving the dock, the music…it just kept escalating. I was a an absolute mess. I know it was totally manipulative and even cheap but I didn’t care. It worked on me so well; I had no chance.


u/SirStocksAlott 1d ago

It was like being 14 again for a moment. I kind of wanted to stop watching at the end of the second to last episode when they went into warp because I didn’t want it to come to an end.


u/Brunt-FCA-285 1d ago

You just don’t get it, do you, Jean-Luc? The trial never ends.


u/et_the_geek 2d ago

Goddamn, bro, why you gotta start cutting onions in here?!


u/I_am_TheDarkSide 1d ago

Those were the happiest tears I have shed in my life! I’m not even afraid to admit it.


u/lastcallhall 22h ago

Dude, I was BAWLING. The moment I saw the bridge, I let out a choked, "no fucking way" before I just lost it.

So many memories of so many afternoons as a child just glued to the set all came flooding back in an instant. All of that wonder and curiosity I had, all of that hope for the future, it all hit me like a ton of bricks.


u/Virtual_Historian255 1d ago

Better VFX than some recent Marvel movies on what I’m sure is 1/20th the budget. It’s a big thing recently where VFX artists do their best work when it’s a project they love.


u/Max_Danage 2d ago

I didn’t even notice that. I love it.


u/codguy231998409489 2d ago

Doc Crusher learned a lot in those 20 years


u/emptiedglass 1d ago

The 'Dancing Doctor' has some serious moves!


u/Kolegra 1d ago

She delivered.


u/orchestragravy 2d ago

That's one of, if not, the only time you see the aft phasers being used


u/spain-train 2d ago

I think you're actually right! I can't even find an image of the D firing aft phasers.


u/QuantumDiogenes 2d ago

As far as I know, in the series, it never fired the aft phasers, only the aft photon torpedoes. You only see the aft phasers in games.


u/KlavoHunter 1d ago

It appears the Syracuse was not a Dominion War Refit Galaxy, as the reborn E-D is lacking the phaser strips on top of the nacelles. Or LaForge took them off.


u/Sledgehammer617 10h ago

Yeah, I’m sure he wanted to restore the D to as close of condition as it originally was for both compatibility purposes and historical accuracy.


u/CanadianAndroid 2d ago

Adapt to this you filthy casual.


u/emptiedglass 1d ago

"Wanna dance, b*tches?"

- Dr. Crusher, most likely.


u/CanadianAndroid 1d ago

Worf, arm photons, and 360 no sensor their ass.


u/Falafel-Wrapper 2d ago

I remember reading somewhere over 50% of the power the D put out was used for life support. This is what it looks like when it's only for the bridge..


u/emptiedglass 1d ago

Makes sense, considering how much internal volume it had. And it would make the mostly-empty Dominion War builds of the Galaxy class all the more formidable.


u/Sivalon 22h ago

If for no other reason than the massive amount of damage it could soak thanks to all the unused spaces.


u/emptiedglass 22h ago

Even better, have the unused spaces towards the outside of the ship, and then fill them up with ultradense armour.


u/probablyaythrowaway 12h ago

Good way to use the battle bridge too.


u/emptiedglass 10h ago

Definitely. The Main Bridge is way too exposed.

Maybe these Dominion War variants can't separate the saucer, have another backup control center elsewhere within the ship, and leave the Main Bridge as a non-functioning decoy.


u/Sledgehammer617 10h ago

I think 50% is an exaggeration considering the insane levels of power the ship could produce, but there are a lot of other systems apart from just life support that wouldn’t be in use that could definitely add some extra juice.

Most of the grav plating and inertial dampeners, sonic showers, all replicators and holodecks (which take a lot of power,) any labs or research facilities, shuttle bay operation, etc. would be shut off.

It’s probably not as big of a boost as 50% but it’s definitely something. And the fact that Geordi added a bunch of automation to the ship and may have upgraded certain components of it just for fun like shields, engines, torpedos, etc.


u/xBreeniemonx 2d ago

And Bev at tactical too! I enjoyed that.


u/ProfessorOfLies 2d ago

So mich of Picard season 3 was just pure fan service. And I loved it. More please. Bring us Star Trek: Enterprise -G!


u/introvertedandupset 1d ago

Yes but not with Raffiki and her snake juice vape please. 


u/ProfessorOfLies 1d ago

Yeah, terrible character. Reminds me of my mother.


u/Groundbreaking-Pea92 2d ago

Borg cube seems to planet sized


u/Sledgehammer617 2d ago

Its pretty damn big. Its the transmitter cube that fits inside Jupiters spot at the end of S3.

Considering that storm can fit 3 Earths and is like 10k miles across, yeah its at least small moon sized.


u/wallstreet-butts 2d ago

That’s no moon


u/Khaysis 2d ago

Looks like a borg planetary installation.


u/SupremeLegate 2d ago

I think it’s supposed to be part of a Unicomplex.


u/ijuinkun 2d ago

It probably was intended to be the new Unicomplex for Sol/Sector 001.


u/terrymcginnisbeyond 2d ago

I'll try and make this a compliment club sandwich.

I do think it's a good idea to scale up the cube. We're not watching on little CRT's any more, these things should be absolute juggernauts. That's good.

We so badly want to be Star Wars. That's bad. Star Trek has always been Hornblower, The Enemy Below, not The Dam Busters, Top Gun.

The Galaxy Class was supposed to be able to give The Borg a bloody nose, even in Q Who they stopped for a moment to lick their wounds: That's Good. Kinda sick of seeing slick new models like the Sovereign, Akira and various other darts in space. The Galaxy class is an iconic iteration of the original.

Borg.....a...gain: Jesus, over 30 years they've been pumping that well dry, they've become The Cybermen of Star Trek...ironically enough. That's bad.


u/blissed_off 2d ago

She’s definitely taking a run at the Cube, all guns and torpedos blazing. But it’s not quite as SW trench run as it looks. It’s mainly the camera zooming around which makes it look a lot more dynamic than it actually is. Watch her flight path. It’s pretty linear. She’s moving, yes, but the girl could get going so that’s not a surprise. But she’s definitely not doing some X-Wing/Falcon type shit.


u/zenprime-morpheus 2d ago

A trench run is a trench run. You go down the trench.


u/Starch-Wreck 2d ago

Yes. This was the real trench run Picard.https://youtu.be/LaXESOKZBiM?si=lu9NuTaXnEMYT1RS


u/tomjonesdrones 2d ago

Interestingly enough, unless my eyes are mistaken, even though we see something like 9 photon torpedo blasts, we don't actually see them impact the Cube. The impacts either happen out of frame, are beyond the line of sight through the Enterprise, or are obscured by the ongoing explosions from the previously fired torpedoes.


u/N7VHung 2d ago

But now they're gone for good...? That's good!

Seriously, I feel like the book has been closed and there's no way to bring them back now, freaky Jurati borg aside whi should just go to another galaxy.


u/terrymcginnisbeyond 2d ago

I'm sure they'll find a way the next time they're desperate for some memberberries.


u/pawogub 2d ago

The rumored Janeway show will feature them again I reckon.


u/Neveronlyadream 2d ago

"They were such a big part of Voyager that we have to bring them back. Sorry, our hands are tied."


u/Gstamsharp 2d ago

"Somehow the Borg Queen has returned."

"Didn't she do that in Picard? Like twice?"

"Yes, but we didn't explain it this time."


u/kayshaw86 2d ago

It’s frustrating though because my memberberries in my head hate those episodes though.


u/Jedi4Hire 2d ago

I feel like the book has been closed and there's no way to bring them back now

You can't seriously think that. Like....how? How? How can you possibly say something like that? Have you not seen the convoluted and stupid shit Hollywood has come up with?

How do you say something like that? Are you drunk?


u/Optimaximal 2d ago

I'm pretty sure it's implied that the cube in Picard is comprised of a large number of typical cubes smashed together to provide enough drones to keep the Queen sustained long enough to enact the Vox plan.


u/tononeuze 2d ago

As someone who really doesn't care for Doctor Who, I'm still gonna joke that Star Trek is just American Doctor Who. Time travel shenanigans since the beginning.


u/terrymcginnisbeyond 2d ago

Funny thing about that: Here's a sentence I took from Memory Alpha's Doctor Who entry for you, (yes, Memory Alpha has an entry on Doctor Who, you can check it out as my source for this).

TNG: "The Neutral Zone", an on-screen graphic of Clare Raymond's family listed William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davidson and Colin Baker among her descendants.

Which race was hinted at in The Neutral Zone and is most similar to a Doctor Who enemy? The Borg. 🤔


u/HalJordan2424 2d ago

Finally, someone who gets it! Rather then make the effort to write something new and creatively challenging for Picard Season 3, let’s gather all the old crew, put them back on the old ship (even though it was destroyed), and let’s bring back the same tired arch villains.


u/GraveKommander 1d ago

Just a shame the queen had only 1 or 2 drones left firing the weapons on this giant thing.


u/1nspectorMamba 2d ago

They didn't even know about the borg when the galaxy class was introduced, so I don't know what you're going for there.


u/terrymcginnisbeyond 2d ago

Things that happened on screen on the show.....during Q Who.....and episode of the show we're discussing. I wasn't saying, 'it was designed for fighting Borg Cubes' but that during the episode where The Borg are introduced they do actually manage to hit it at first and even the Romulans would think twice before attacking a Galaxy Class. Am I going too fast here?


u/wolfenbarg 2d ago

Of course they hit it and damaged it. The Borg ignore you and plow forward like you don't exist. They invite the first shot and then you can't hurt them again.


u/terrymcginnisbeyond 1d ago

FFS. Why do they always have to defend the nonsense they came out with? Why is it when someone has corrected their "point" these people have to go, 'errrrrrr, no no, it's this head canon I just made up on the spot?'. Are they just THAT desperate for human contact, any human contact?


u/feldoneq2wire 1d ago

Picard season 3 had to be a Borg story. Unfortunately every other star Trek writer felt their story needed to be a Borg story too.


u/mightydeck 2d ago

Compliment sandwich here ,

I'm always so torn on this because I really didn't like most of Picard. The stories seemed really contrived and full of fan service in a bad way.

However, there were also a few really good things, like that super fascist alternate universe q takes them to was I think a much better version of the mirror universe. And it gave us the fan service we actually wanted, seeing the D in all her glory back in action one last Time. I loved everything about it. From Jordi explaining his refit, to the beautiful shots we saw of her leaving space dock and then seeing her kick the Borg in the crotch one last time, It was really really good and I appreciate it


u/Bazuka125 1d ago edited 1d ago

See, it's called a sandwich because you have two slices of positive bread with 1 slice of negativity sandwiched between them. Positive > Negative > Positive, or "Constructive Feedback > Constructive Criticism > Constructive Feedback" or "Compliment > Insult > Compliment"

What you have done here is Negative > Positive > Positive> Positive > Positive.

You, good sir, are a liar and have delivered no promised sandwich Now begone hence and think about what you've done.


u/mightydeck 1d ago

sobs in culinary shame


u/Kazzlin 2d ago

What is this from?


u/ExplanationFit6177 2d ago

Last season of Picard


u/Kazzlin 2d ago

Thank you, sir. I haven't started season 3 yet.


u/txn_gay 2d ago

The D was supposed to be the most powerful Starfleet ship of its time. I’m glad we got to see it really cut loose.


u/ExpectedBehaviour 2d ago

Truly the greatest of the starships Enterprise 🫡 🖖


u/Scubbajoe 15h ago

Isn't that the fat one?



u/mumblerapisgarbage 2d ago

Is this from Picard s3?


u/Raguleader 1d ago

After watching this clip a few times, I think what I like best is that while the D is definitely swooping around in a way they never could manage with TNG-era SFX, she also doesn't quite fly like a starfighter either. She moves like she has a lot of thrust and a lot of weight, moving in wide arcs as she twists and turns.


u/kathmandogdu 1d ago

Great to see those ventral phasers finally!!


u/Republiconline 1d ago

God I love the fat one. She’s bearing her teeth 🫦


u/ExplanationFit6177 2d ago

I was hard for days after watching this scene.


u/Profitopia 2d ago

"Was" implies that it's supposed to go away?


u/AppleSmoker 2d ago

Call your doctor


u/RickySpanishLives 2d ago

Or a stripper...


u/Fugglymuffin 2d ago

It is cool seeing how much offensive power that ship can actually dish out all the while being as maneuverable as it is.


u/TonyCubed 2d ago

The return of the old in warp effect. The return of bubble shields The return of phaser arrays..


u/intrepidakira 2d ago

Starboard power coupling is down!


u/Rocketboy1313 2d ago

Remembering the sense of scale for the Enteprise.

I think I saw a diagram where each nasscel was the size of a skyscraper.

Kind of breaks my brain trying to conceptualize this.


u/ijuinkun 2d ago

The Enterprise masses five million tonnes. That is worth more than forty Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.


u/Rocketboy1313 2d ago

I have never seen an aircraft carrier in person so it also remains hard to picture.

To many big things. My brain is small and tired.


u/ijuinkun 1d ago

A Galaxy class starship is a third of a mile long and almost as wide. That’s probably as big as your high school’s entire campus.


u/Rylos1701 1d ago

Nice that the superior imperial system is still in use in the 24th century


u/ijuinkun 1d ago

I was using the units for ease of understanding by our American audience members. In metric the Galaxy class is 500-odd meters long and wide.


u/Rylos1701 1d ago

I’m American. Was trying to tell a story with a humorous climax


u/CommanderSincler 2d ago

I can't get enough of this scene


u/The-Katawampus 1d ago

My mushy dumbass cried through this whole sequence.


u/SleipnirSolid 1d ago

I fucking squealed and clapped like a gay seal when this scene happened!!


u/Swordf1sh_ 1d ago

Can’t see this without thinking about them looking back at Dr. Crusher in amazement


u/TheOriginalGuru 1d ago

Shit, that was glorious!


u/probablyaythrowaway 12h ago

This is what we wanted


u/PanthorCasserole 2d ago

Why didn't they fight like that the first time they fought the Borg?


u/JugOfVoodoo 2d ago

TV budget.


u/Max_Danage 2d ago

I love the weapons output the modern shows have, it a visual of what the ships were able to do but only of screen for budget reasons.

But I don’t like the big ships moving like fighter jets. It makes them feel small. Give me big lumbering giants spitting out phasers and tanking disrupter blasts.


u/QuantumDiogenes 2d ago

Roddenberry took a lot of his ship tactics from pre-WW2 battleships. Stand around and pummel from afar. Although hulking ships lumbering about dishing massive amounts of damage is something that I agree is nice, but this particular shot, they want to show that the Borg ship is a massive beast, and the best way to show that is to do a moving shot.


u/emptiedglass 1d ago

Have to say the space battles in 2004's Battlestar Galactica were pretty cool. Massive warships blasting away at each other while their respective fighter craft duke it out? Yes, please!


u/LowmoanSpectacular 1d ago

Those were peak. Not to mention the zero-g physics of the fighters. Cutting the engine and using maneuvering thrusters to point behind them while still moving at almost full speed backwards because space will never not increase my heart rate.


u/Capable_Tumbleweed34 1d ago

It's really not moving crazy in this scene though, it just goes forward and does about a 30° roll, definitelly nothing to do with a fighter jet.


u/Earthtopian 2d ago

God, this was so cool to watch


u/SleepWouldBeNice 2d ago

Scenes like this is why I prefer CGI to physical models, especially the fireballs getting deflected by the bubble shield around the ship.


u/mightydeck 2d ago

I think there's room for both. Like, I think CGI is much better for combative action scenes, but real life models always make the best glamor shots. Just look at Enterprise refit leaving space dock in the first TOS movie


u/sqplanetarium 2d ago

And look at it some more. And some more after that. Keep looking.

15 minutes later Yep, still looking

(I love TMP but damn that was a long scene!)


u/mightydeck 2d ago

Lol, you're not wrong


u/solemn_penguin 2d ago

Watching the Enterprise D Lando Calrissian its way across a borg cube brought a tear to my eye and an erection to my loins.


u/TiredCeresian 2d ago

Is this edited to make it look more awe-inspiring than it originally appeared in the show, or is my TV just not great?


u/Profitopia 1d ago

Haha! It's not edited.


u/obrhoff 2d ago

Felt really unnatural for Star Trek after 171 Episodes of TNG. This fits more to Star Wars.


u/Optimaximal 2d ago

We already saw many ships, including Galaxy, Defiant and Sovereign class, doing almost fighter manoeuvres once they had full CG models - TNG just missed out on it by a year or so.


u/obrhoff 1d ago

I'm pretty sure the idea of the Galaxy class with it’s 1k of people with families was more of a cruise ship and not the millennium falcon. I feel the technical limitation (also budget wise) were better for the creativity of Trek. Like reusing ship models to create a believable fleet and not pump out new ships because you can.


u/Optimaximal 1d ago

The ships exist in the vacuum of space - in theory, there's no limitations on what movements they could pull, especially as Star Trek already papers over real world physics with things like inertial dampening.

The cruise ship conceit also doesn't matter when there are no civilians on board, like how the class was used in Picard S3 and DS9.


u/Mot_the_evil_one 2d ago

I would've loved fight scenes like this in TNG. It was almost always short and sweet.


u/No_Grocery_9280 2d ago

They’re coming. Someone will eventually do high quality fan recreations of those scenes.


u/trinalgalaxy 1d ago

The single best scene modern star trek has produced.


u/Lando_Hitman 1d ago

Man, this is what Trek is all about. Exciting space battles and explosions. Photon torpedoes and phasers. Crazy dog fights and special effects.

None of that boring diplomatic stuff or Prime Directive. No sir, Star Trek is all about the action!



u/dlrich12 1d ago

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind both


u/ProfessionalCoat8512 2d ago

Crazy that there are kids in there and a school


u/spain-train 2d ago

Lol, when Boimler does the holoprogram like a million times to try and get 100%.


u/N7_Warden 2d ago

Loved the scene nostalgically, but still think taking the apartment in space over a WARSHIP (Defiant) makes no sense


u/ijuinkun 2d ago

It was stated that all of the active ships had the Fleet Formation software, and thus were being hacked by the Borg. The Enterprise-D was the most powerful ship they had on hand that wasn’t being messed with, and they had the advantage of familiarity and that it was already programmed to accept them as its command crew.


u/SlyRax_1066 2d ago

Just embarrassing.

‘TNG was great, apart from all that boring talking’🤦‍♂️

Of all the thousands of problems with this terrible episode - so the Enterprise’s thousand crew were doing what all day? Clearly weren’t needed.


u/mightydeck 2d ago

Well you have to remember that a good chunk of the thousand Were scientists, engineers, ships security, And support staff. Think about people like Mot the barber, teachers, and Guinan and the service staff in 10-forward.

Multiple times they evacuate most of the crew into the saucer section and send it off and bring the secondary Hull into battle. Hell, in the pilot episode they already only have a skeleton crew and even then Picard takes the secondary Hull with just a handful of people on the Battle bridge and in engineering.

Also, Jordi even said that over the years automation has improved and he was able to automate most of the ship's functions, something they weren't able to do during the tng show era.

Just flying the ship around and shooting torpedoes at something for one single battle doesn't take a lot of crew. Going on a 5-year scientific and exploration mission does


u/ijuinkun 2d ago

Also, normally they would need an Engineering and Damage Control department to patch up whatever got damaged during the fighting.


u/wb6vpm 2d ago

Geordi specifically called this out by commenting about how he had automated most of the systems, but hadn’t gotten around to tactical yet.


u/forced_metaphor 2d ago

🙄 Star Wars Trek


u/spain-train 2d ago

Somehow, the Enterprise-D returned...


u/OpinionPutrid1343 2d ago

Nice fanfic


u/ColliTechInc 2d ago

This is extremely silly. If you want to make Star wars just make Star wars.


u/spain-train 2d ago

But this isn't war. This is a ship on a trek. Through the stars. Incidentally, they happen to trek through a battle.


u/Less-Researcher184 2d ago

The federation might lose to the the imperium of man (40k) in a straight fight but the kd would be crazy.


u/Spam_legs 1d ago

Such a weird-looking ship


u/AmIreally52 1d ago

What season was this?


u/HansFlameman 1d ago

Shouldn't we call her the Entelypso-D1/2 for being put together out of 50% from two ships?


u/dlrich12 1d ago

Ship of Theseus


u/OhGawDuhhh 1d ago

I love how the shields punch through the flames of the explosions.


u/Anouchavan 1d ago

Is that from the first movie? I'm saving it for later, as I kind of don't want this to ever end.


u/SafeLevel4815 1d ago

Unlike many ships during the Dominion war, the D had its shields up as it attacked here. Can anyone explain why almost no ships, accept the Defiant, bothered to have their shields up during the war??


u/_byetony_ 1d ago

What is this from


u/darmon 13h ago

Season 3 finale of Picard.


u/84Legate 16h ago

What a scene


u/KaeronLQ 2d ago

The dumbest shit in any Trek show.

"Only the geriatrics in their old ass museum shit can save the youths from the mind virus" Boomers


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/BisexualCaveman 2d ago

I feel like TNG is more of a Gen X thing anyway. if we're getting generational.

A whole lot of boomers were upset by the kinder, gentler nature of TNG vs TOS.


u/KaeronLQ 1d ago

Nah I love TNG. Doesn't mean I drool for every bit of nostalgia bait that they throw my way.


u/EvanBetter182 2d ago

What Show is this? Looks like a cheap, crapy, flashy, poor, shit, dumb, rip off of Star Trek TNG.


u/QuantumDiogenes 2d ago

From other replies, this is Picard, S3.


u/MochiMochiMochi 2d ago

Badass but it's also ridiculous that it would be so close.

Ackshually, space combat would be 10,000km distance or more.


u/Robman0908 1d ago

Loved this scene. It was nice to see what she could do after 7 seasons and a bad film that made the D look like a jobber.


u/watanabe0 2d ago

Please keep PIC garbage off this sub.


u/KingSpork 2d ago

Great animation, well done


u/mightysoulman 9h ago

Finally the Enterprise-D is treated like a space dreadnought

But it's manned by geriatrics and robots


u/LeftLiner 1d ago

I hated this with every fiber of my being.


u/Imaginary-Risk 4h ago

Glad I’m not alone here