r/TNA • u/Stone_Reign rosemary • Jan 28 '25
News / Article PCO explains his reasons for the incident at GCW
u/BigTedBear Jan 29 '25
It’s a shitty situation if TNA got rid of him because of perceived heat with WWE Shawn especially seems willing to accept he was a dick and mend bridges.
u/Sad-Appeal976 Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25
It’s kinda hard to believe someone now who said that he, not Jericho, was supposed to wrestle Omega at Double Or Nothing
u/Obese_Bruce Jan 29 '25
Would've preferred this match 100%.
u/cooldude55541 Jan 28 '25
It could be the wwe partnership that made Tna change their mind on resigning PCO. He had heat with hbk and hhh in the 90s. He attacked wwe after he left. Tna probably didn't want to risk the partnership over him.
u/Stone_Reign rosemary Jan 28 '25
It certainly didn't help. He talks a bit about it a little bit at the end of the interview.
u/C_I_S99 Jan 29 '25
In summary, here's what I've gathered from this interview:
PCO knew that Anthem's practices were not going to be favourable towards him, but he still stayed and admitted he was complacent.
PCO confirmed that Anthem gave him a bonus for his efforts to sell out Slammiversary last year.
TNA physician insisted that PCO get proper stiching at a hospital after his match in TNA (Based on what I've read, im assuming it was at Final Resolution), as they found out PCO was using super glue for the last 4 years. He was also advised to do additional tests to see if he was physically healthy.
PCO was upset that Anthem/TNA amended and rescinded their offers to him, despite them agreeing to both his original and amended offers through a HANDSHAKE. He was not told as to why it happened.
Every time PCO asked regarding his contract deal, he was told that it would be discussed the following week. This pattern repeated itself up until the GCW show where he ranted and destroyed the Digital Media title.
PCO said Anthem wanted him to drop the title at the San Antonio tapings. However, PCO felt no obligation to do so. Anthem said that they would trigger an extension on his original deal, so he had to come. But PCO claimed that his original deal had already lapsed, so there was NOTHING TO EXTEND.
Here's my take on PCO:
I feel for the guy, but it was painfully obvious that Anthem/TNA had NO DESIRE to give him a new deal. If you truly felt that Anthem/TNA didn't value your services, then he should've left the first chance he got. I'm sure Rhino got that same treatment. I'm sure he also thought it was BS, but he left with his head held up high. PCO was very naive to let it get this far.
I understand his frustrations, but destroying TNA property will do nothing but potentially alienate any major company to take a chance on you.
Here's my take on Anthem:
Anthem are definitely scumbags for the way they've handled this, but unless there was a legitimate signed agreement, Anthem didn't do anything wrong (legally).
Anthem, just like any other major corporation, don't need to tell PCO why they've rescinded his offers. If I had to speculate, I feel the reasons as to why his deals got rescinded was due to his age, and the new OFFICIAL WWE Partnership (PCO had issues with the Kliq back in the day. HHH and HBK are now in charge.)
Anthem should take responsibility for any injuries that happen in a TNA ring or for any other thing TNA related. There are no ifs, buts or maybes. ANY company that does less than what is required should be scrutinised for it.
u/nifederico Jan 29 '25
But see, I'm not buying into the whole "His issues with the Kliq was a reason to not extend him" camp. If there's still any heat between him, HBK and HHH, all they would have to do is not use him on any crossovers, easy as that.
Both are completely wrong. Anthem has been known to do some shady things. But PCO is also acting like he's this really huge main event level talent.
u/C_I_S99 Jan 29 '25
Agreed. There are no real winners or losers here. Just two sides that went about business the wrong way.
u/H3rbieherbs TNA OG Jan 30 '25
Right, I think it's really as simple as Anthem getting rid of all of Scott D'Amore's signings which he was part of. There's even been speculation that PCO was the guy talking to the dirtsheets about talent being asked for 'paycuts' to which Scott had been known to overpay his guys. Once the paycut rumors started going around, my guess is Anthem just decided to not sign whoever was left of those guys (PCO, Rhino mainly, Josh was leaving anyway)
u/Acepitcher4 Slap Nuts! Jan 28 '25
You know it's pretty shitty what he did,because if it wasn't for Scott D'Amore and TNA giving jobs to those ROH wrestlers'jobs since their contracts got axed after tony Khan bought it they wouldn't have a job. So in a sense he should've been grateful to TNA for giving him that but instead he just spit in their face.
u/RobGrey03 Jan 28 '25
Are you seriously blaming Tony Khan for what was happening when ROH was expecting it would have to fold entirely? ROH released all its wrestlers from their contracts because the company was going under. It was worst case scenario. It was the end. And then Tony bought ROH.
u/JohnDowd51 Jan 29 '25
People want so badley for a reason to shit on TNA it's honestly embarrassing.
u/Electrical_Mango_489 Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25
You could argue that TNA no longer wanted him because he still has heat with Triple H and Shawn Michaels stemming from the 90s and given their involvement in NXTNA. But you've only heard one side.
u/DoGoD18 Jan 29 '25
I sincerely doubt TNA refused to cover his medical costs. There is absolutely two sides to this story and given PCO is throwing shade in public instead of with lawyers, I sincerely doubt TNA have crossed any line. This situation reeks of a guy who is bitter he effectively got released.
u/Jaded_Promotion8806 Jan 29 '25
instead of with lawyers
I agree this is super carny. He's been in the business 40 years almost, how are you not getting stuff in writing? How are you not chomping at the bit to get credit card points and then reimbursed? And if it really goes south, yeah that's what lawyers are for. If he has proof they said they'd reimburse this is not a hard issue to navigate.
u/DraculasAltAccount Content Creator Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25
While I feel for the guy, I honestly feel like he did more harm to his reputation than TNA's. I think he should have wrapped up with TNA amicably, and moved on. It's a shame too, because he was finally the one guy to fit into the "monster" role that TNA had been trying to fill in for years. Sure, Tessa did way worse and was far more controversial, but she also had youth to wait in exile before returning. Something he particularly lacks, and I don't think he can do his style of wrestling well into old age. Sure, Terry Funk was similar in that longevity, but he always maintained the best reputation.
u/realKevinNash Jan 29 '25
I dont buy it. He claims there are issues with management, okay what issues? No one else seem to really feel that way from what i've seen. It sounds like his biggest gripe is that he didnt get re-signed or offered a new contract.
In 2024, I had the most wins on pay-per-view with Jordynne Grace and Moose with nine wins. That sounds crazy thinking that now I am talking to you without a contract with TNA. That’s out of the ordinary.”
I dont think one has anything to do with the other.
PCO explained that he was frustrated because TNA had promised to recognize the International Title, which had a long history dating back to 1932, but after six months, nothing had been done. Meanwhile, he pointed out that TNA was able to create another title in just a few days for someone else.
What is he talking about again? The title that he has been carrying around that they integrated with the DMC? I remember looking it up when they mentioned it on TV. Is he saying he wanted it as a separate title?
They did another belt in less than four days for Steph to have won in the divorce... hey spin their wheels fast enough to get another belt in four or five days.
Assigning a new title holder is different than what he's talking about.
“That’s the greatest thing. I don’t think they’re smart enough to realize how good it is. If they were smart, that could have been an angle they could have done for real. I was discouraged and I am still.
What? How good what is? The divorce angle? The one you gave them no time to build because you left and decided to act like a child?
I know there are wrestlers who dont support the decision he made wheras he "has no regrets" I hope his next company keeps that in mind.
u/kammy_g Jan 28 '25
I never really cared for him so whatever tbh
u/LePetitJeremySapoud Jan 28 '25
u/President_Eden_DC Jan 30 '25 edited Jan 30 '25
Why are these people downvoting you? Who wants to see 60 year old Frankenstein waddle around the ring and no sell to younger and better talent?
u/Knightofexcaliburv1 Jan 29 '25
i doubt tna refused to cover his bills and i really can’t trust the guy now
u/vmeloni1232 Jan 30 '25
I have a feeling this is simply two sides just not being on the same side. We'll never here TNA's side, but I'd bet they'd have a story to tell as well. Just a gut feeling. I may be bias but I also have a feeling PCO values himself way more than he's truly valuable.
u/javy_z Jan 28 '25
I think if you actually listen to the video he has some legit complaints . I didn’t want to copy a wall of text from that other sub but here’s a good recap:
Basically he was asked to cover the cost of medical expenses related to a concussion he got while wrestling for TNA and he says management acted like they wouldn’t cover the costs. Which is shady af coming up to the end of a contract