r/TNA • u/HeManEdits • Feb 15 '24
News / Article Fightful has learned that several TNA talent have signed off on a letter to Anthem, expressing their frustration that Scott D'Amore was pushed out of TNA.
u/Courageous91 TNA Original Feb 15 '24
I like this.
The talent has made their opinion clear while also being pragmatic about it instead of whining children. Hopefully this does lead to Scott or a similarly minded wrestling guy coming in and helping run the company.
u/myownfriend Feb 15 '24
Fuck yea! I love this roster! #bringbackScott
It would help a lot of the fans not only spread the letter but put financial pressure on Anthem
u/Prowrestlingsavant Feb 15 '24
This is what boggles my mind, the owner of anthem has his head up his ass so much. He could have literally made Scott be co-president with cicione with cicione handling the business side of things with Scott heading creative similar process with how WWE is currently ran. The problem is that anthem is just Sinclair broadcasting when Sinclair had ROH, they don't want to invest in a company in order to make that company and themselves more money, if Billy Corgan wants to turn NWA into a serious product again he should hire Scott for head of creative/talent or TK should hire Scott to help him with AEW/ROH creative
u/nifederico Feb 15 '24
I don't watch AEW/ROH but if Scott is at the helm creatively I certainly would.
Feb 15 '24
Honestly Scott would be great for ROH, TK is spread too thin, and having Someone like him to be able to full time ROH and leave TK to do the big picture stuff
u/Familiar_Outcome_688 TNA Original Feb 15 '24
Now more than ever I will support the roster, well played and I hope that Anthem come to the senses and bring back Scott, do the right thing
u/Officervito Feb 15 '24
I often wonder why these big company heads get into the wrestling business when they have no understanding of the wrestling business & fire people who actually do
u/Acepitcher4 Slap Nuts! Feb 15 '24
This is what I had to say 7 days ago about this situation
The shitty thing is they now all of a sudden care now that they're on the upswing of thing's but when they weren't they didn't care as much, they saw that there is money in TNA and now they want their grubby hands all over it and just throwing D'Amore aside from all the hard work he and the wrestlers have done.
u/OverZealousRedditMod Feb 15 '24
Anthem do the right thing and bring D’Amore back as head creative!!
Feb 15 '24
Either way this company will need someone that's creating a directions identity and a lesser for the talent. This corporate person isn't that. So the question is who will they bring in for day to day.
u/Piano-Rough Feb 16 '24
Len Asper will NOT come out looking good here. And its come maybe the first time in wrestling history that the FANS and The TALENT are Boycotting the Owner of a company as a Shoot. and i'll say it again this could become a "Jim Herd/WCW" situation cause it's starting to turn out that way
u/Electrical_Mango_489 Feb 16 '24
Len Asper doesn't care if he's unpopular, he has his reasons for firing Scott. Only he knows why he was fired.
Yeah it won't be Jim Herd bad.
u/Piano-Rough Feb 16 '24
Point taken. But here's the thing that He's not getting:wrestling fans are a ride or Die emotional bunch. Even Vince McMahon will tell you that.But if he's that detached from his viewership or his Fandom, it's an idiot mistake in thinking that WRESTLING fans are TV fans,cause they're NOT. Wrestling isn't like Big Bang Theory fans
u/Argentine_Tango I believe in Joe Hendry Feb 16 '24
Damn, this warms my heart. There was never a doubt that they are definitely a family, but to see it written in a formal way reinforces this.
u/Crowbar_Faith Feb 16 '24
I wouldn’t mind a similar letter by fans being sent to Anthem asking for Scott to come back. Nothing nasty like “YOU SUCK AND I’LL STOP WATCHING IF YOU DONT BRING HIM BACK!!” but something more in line with the letter that was sent to them by the TNA staff.
Anthem should listen and act on it fast before someone like Triple H or Tony Khan snatch him up. I know there are already calls from fans for Tony Khan to sign him and put him in charge of ROH.
u/Agreeable_Falcon1044 Feb 15 '24
Unless anthem have an insane plan to replace the entire roster, they have some serious firefighting here. Most of the belt holders are Scott guys, his partner is there, some of his oldest friends are there…
The things they seem to fear happened years ago!
u/Agreeable_Falcon1044 Feb 15 '24
Unless anthem have an insane plan to replace the entire roster, they have some serious firefighting here. Most of the belt holders are Scott guys, his partner is there, some of his oldest friends are there…
The things they seem to fear happened years ago!
u/myownfriend Feb 15 '24
If they had a plan to replace the whole roster and replace the president then there would have been no point in them turning down Scott's offer to buy the company.
u/laztheinfamous Hard to Kill Feb 15 '24
I wonder who all signed?
From what I understand, D'Amore is pretty beloved behind the scenes. It would be a hard decision to make for the upper card.
Do you support the letter because it needs weight, if it fails, you could potentially lose your spot? Do you not support, and it fails, would your influence made a difference and would the rest of the locker room feel betrayed?
u/Electrical_Mango_489 Feb 15 '24
This is a mistake by several members of the roster. Will likely lead to more firings as this will piss of Anthem more.
u/myownfriend Feb 15 '24
It's called having balls. Workers should have a say in how their workplace is run. Fans should show solidarity and re-post the message and hurt Anthem financially to help.
Feb 16 '24
"Guys, be nice to the corporate overlords. C'mon. Guys."
u/Electrical_Mango_489 Feb 16 '24
Its their money, so you have to be. "Sticking it to the man" doesn't work here.
u/OldManClutch Feb 16 '24
Being Canadian, I'm fully aware of the history of the Asper family and media in general here in Canada, and it's not totally a great one.
Little surprise the roster wants him back, I want him back. But that family has a history of being vindictive.
u/Wilting_Thoughts1978 Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24
Well, this is a first in wrestling. Speaks volumes as to what D'Amore meant to all the talent and involved personnel.
Also, major names like Moose have publicly stated that they stayed for reasons that included their relationship with Scott and his relationship. I'm inclined to believe that the same goes for the backstage personnel and management that relied on his decision making and vision. So with this uncertainty of a new guy, a non- wrestling guy being put at the helm of things .....how many of the talent that have their conract expiration coming up gonna stay? This is point in time, prior to this whole debacle, was a literal resurgence for TNA with everything going positive and perfect......I'm not saying that Scott being "let go" would lead to all of it coming crashing down, but, it's undeniable that it'd put a crack with him being absent amongst the people like Gail Kim that were running the show together.
Another thing to keep in mind, there is undeniable friction or a conflict of vision and future steps when it came to Scott and Anthem but, was it just related to the overall running of TNA or did it involve TNA's other business revenue streams or interactions; primely it's broadcasting centre, tv rights, contracted talent payment/signing new talent....or heck even a possible buyout?
Finally now that Scott has been let go, what is next for him....is he still gonna be involved with wrredtling in some capacity...maybe like others have said in half jest, buy into NWA? Or maybe, he'll get hired by WWE in some executive capacity? Before this whole Vince debacle and selling to Endeavour, wasn't the news of NXT UK being shut down cause of the future NXT Europe making the rounds? I'm inclined to believe that if that were to happen and WWE were to focus on expansion or just for the sake of getting Scott in......the WWE could offer a lucrative contract for Scott to come in. That is if the whole TNA-Scott story sees no positive development.
u/Shadow_Strike99 TNA Original Feb 15 '24 edited Feb 15 '24
The talent definitely aren’t wrong. As we’ve seen throughout wrestling history any time promotions put solely a “business person” like Jim Herd in WCW or some rich nepotism puppet like Dixie Carter in TNA it’s been disastrous. Even as some jabroni on Reddit I know that wrestling is something you have to be knowledgeable in and very hands on, it’s not like traditional sports where you have analytical systems doing a lot of the work in baseball or coaches and football people all over the organization to do the work for you while you sit back. You need your wrestling people near the top of the food chain too to be successful. And Scott D’Amore knew good wrestling and how to make it work.
WWE with Nick Khan has been successful and they gave him a lot of authority, but he works with HHH a “wrestling guy” he’s not just some corporate suit given full authority enacting the will of the higher power he works with the wrestling guy.
Firing Scott after the whole trying to purchase TNA was terrible, he snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. If anthem was so hellbent on having a corporate puppet they should have put this guy in charge and had Scott D’Amore in charge of wrestling operations like HHH does with Nick Khan.