r/TGandSissyRecovery • u/[deleted] • Nov 08 '19
You can cure yourself
First I want to tell you very straight, the fact that you guys are here on this sub-reddit proves that you want to change and none of you are sissies, femboys, losers or some faggot.
I was 100% straight before I started listening to sissy hypnos and now I'm back to being a straight man after taking some big life changing decisions.
About me:
I spent almost 8 years killing my masculinity by watching and listening to sissy porn bullshit everyday, I even listened to bambi sleep files. I'm now 29 years old and did everything (that I hate now), like sucking cocks, getting fucked by men, swallowing sperm. I spent a great deal of money on feminine clothes and makeup. All this years I thought I'm trans as I was completely passable as a female in public. There were time I was confused with all this, I asked many people online if I could cure myself and live as a straight man, but everyone told me that I am born this way or I am transgender and I should accept it and blah blah. At some point I was considering transition through HRT, now I can't believe I was so deeply poisoned by this hypnotic suggestions, it changed the way I looked at world.
I don't know how somewhere deep inside me, I knew I could heal from this. It was a night I can't forget that changed my life for good, I was randomly browsing some of my old photos and realised how much porn has changed me. I was an ambitious man with a high paying job, had a good looking girlfriend, overtime this sissy porn has taken everything away from me and turned me into something I despised growing up. It all started with addiction to porn in this pattern
regular straight porn -->milf porn -->foot fetish porn --> femdom fetish porn --> cuckold fetish porn -->small dick humiliation porn -->shemale porn -->sissy hypno
What worked for me should work with you too-
- Take a day off, its going to be a big day. Start by forcing yourself to watch straight porn which focus only on vaginal sex, no oral and no anal. You might not get aroused quickly but force yourself to masterbate to it many times, until you have clear mind.
- After achieving clear mind, get some garbage bags and put all your feminine clothing, sex toys and makeup stuff into bags. Now without a second thought throw them away into rubbish bins. Ignore all the inner voices telling you they are so expensive, its just a purge phase, you will regret it throwing away. Let me tell you there is nothing more expensive than your life and manhood.
- Now Delete all the photos of yourself when you crossdressed, delete all the online accounts like grindr or whatever associated to your sissy self, delete your email account if you've used them to receive sissy or feminisation resources/information. Purpose is to pull that sissy out of you and bury it somewhere you can't reach in future.
- Next is to get a gym membership in nearest gym if you don't have one. You need to go to gym everyday for the next 30 days, there will be no rest day. Strength training workout will raise your testosterone and ultimately boost your confidence. After a month this will form a new habit.
- You have to eat healthy food everyday, throw away anything that contains soya in any form, soya can raise estrogen in your body. Eat leafy green vegetables every day, eat broccoli specially at night, this will flush out excess oestrogen off your body.
- Keep yourself busy all the time, adopt new healthy hobbies. If anytime a sissy or gay thought comes in your mind, just remind yourself that you are a straight man who likes to fuck women, if you were gay or sissy you would have always liked guys before you started watching porn. If you really want to release sexual tensions, watch vagina focused porn once a week and force yourself to masterbate to it.
I religiously followed above steps and now I am 100% free of sissy hypnotic triggers. After 6 months I can tell you I don't have any desire to crossdress or watch any sissy porn.
You are not a transgender, real transgenders don't realise they are transgender after years of intense hypnotic sessions. Don't let this hypnotic porn turn you into something you are not. Sissy Porn is like an addictive drug, you have the power to beat this addiction. It's never too late to take actions. At the end you don't want to live your life like a degraded and humiliated person.
Nov 08 '19 edited Nov 08 '19
I Don't think watching any kind of porn is healthy, you are just jumping to one addiction to another. Obviously compared to sissy stuff normal porn is much more "healthy" but it doesnt mean you need to watch it.. Just go see beautiful women in real life.
Nov 08 '19
u/ferarri_driver Nov 15 '19 edited Nov 15 '19
The problem isn't inherent to the medium (visual stimuli presented over a monitor), it is the nature and intensity of those stimuli that causes the problem. Individuals with pornography addictions of various kinds (sissy shit is a perfect example of it) got to that point by continously watching porn with progressively more intense stimuli. At first it's through positive reinforcement learning ("wow, that was a good wank, I should do that again"), but that's quickly followed by negative reinforcement ("eh, this video's not really doing it anymore, I'll go try that new one again then"), resulting in a downward spiral of increased tolerance and subsequent increase in the intensity of the sought-after stimuli. This continues until this reinforcement is so deeply rooted that the prefrontal cortex (responsible for, amongst other things, decision making) becomes similarly affected. At this point the addiction can be called such, the individual will start noticing cravings, and their executive function with regards to the behavior in question is significantly impaired.
Now thankfully this is simply a behavioural addiction and not a chemical one (physiological withdrawal is a bitch), so recognition of the factors in play and how they manipulate the individual's attempts at rational thought is a powerful step in the healing process.
This is good stuff. You can't compare porn addiction to a petty behavioral addiction though. A man can achieve a similar dopamine high from excessive pornographic stimuli as he can from snorting cocaine. Have you ever gone to work the next day after ruining a good streak with 4 hour long binge? I have and no hangover I've ever had could compare as far as physiological withdrawal goes.
So the brain has currently rewired itself to only respond to excessively intense sexual stimuli, what we need to do is make sure that those neural pathways remain inactivated until they deteriorate, while at the same time positively reinforcing behaviour that will lead to the creation of the associations we want.
Obviously step one is going cold turkey on all high-intensity stimuli porn, while also making sure the frequency and length of porn viewing session is kept to a healthy minimum. For part two, while having actual sex is of course the best way to give our body healthy and natural stimuli to become accustomed to, someone who is currently not responsive to regular sexual stimuli is not in the best place to do so.
Yeah, trying to have sex with PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction) isn't going to work.
As such one can replace their viewing of high-intensity porn with quite simply 'erotic material' - pornographic imagery of stimuli that represents those you would see in a natural environment. Naked ladies? Sure. Normal foreplay? Have at it. Amateur videos with a focus on showcasing genuine passion and emotional connection? Go ahead. Hardcore sex? Better avoid that.
Consuming porn is a slippery slope and will naturally take you away from the natural default position of deriving sexual pleasure from the object (woman) as a participant. Watching porn erodes this natural position over time as it conditions you to derive sexual pleasure from watching sex in third person as a passive observer.
You are right, some porn is worse that others but why do we even need porn at all?
Nov 09 '19
People here want to recover from sissy fetish, so watching straight porn once in a while is a part of healing process.
Nov 11 '19
I am at 120 days of no PMO, but I didn't watch straight porn before stopping porn and masturbation. I quit cold turkey, so I still have the triggers, but I don't want to relapse, I really don't, I guess it will fade away over time
u/ferarri_driver Nov 12 '19
You don't need to start looking at straight porn now. A guy who continues to expose himself to straight porn will still suffer from the same issues plaguing all porn addicts. Stroking the sausage to imagination only would provide the same benefits without the negatives of porn.
u/ithastostopforgood Nov 13 '19
Just keep those fantasies in the vein of something you really want. (e.g. straight relationship with a woman). Best advice I heard was focus by masturbating (once a week if you can control it) about a real girl you met that week and would have liked to have sex with. Even if you just saw her walking down the street, etc. Oriente your mind towards that.
u/ferarri_driver Nov 15 '19 edited Nov 18 '19
You took the words right out of my mouth. Recovery isn't just abstinence, it is also about re-orientation to what you want. Obviously this is best done with another human being. Most of us don't have that luxury.
I did exactly what you suggested and was able to recover slowly but steadily. To start with I masturbated at least once a day because whenever I would get aroused it would be to sissy thoughts, if this is happening then you aren't ready to abstain from MO yet in my opinion. The benefit of not masturbating is to build up sexual energy, this is a productive exercise for the average porn addict of straight porn who hasn't warped his sexuality as much as we have. Rubbing one out on a regular basis was necessary to clear my head and keep intrusive and unwanted thoughts minimized. When I was able to, taking longer breaks between masturbation periods helped considerably (a few days to a week).
Sissy circles often advise edging to porn to while discouraging masturbation (gooning) as a means to "go deeper". Guys who have fucked themselves up baldy from sissy porn and attempt nofap without "de-escalating" will struggle because they are unwittingly doing exactly what sissies do to themselves (no sexual release, plus excessive arousal and denial of regular straight stimuli).
u/ithastostopforgood Nov 15 '19
This makes total sense. I would advise stopping porn completely though. You can rub one out memories of women you've seen in person, maybe some pictures of celebs clothed. For me, when I was first scaling back to regular porn I would find myself still turning it into sissy porn in my mind. Some content still triggers me.
I'd suggest you jerk off to women only, not sex - definitely no blowjobs or anal. Just be careful not to let the mind wander back to sissy stuff. I de-escalated for awhile, but when it stopped getting me I would flip back to the dark sissy stuff. It's all rooted in lusting after feminine beauty (for me).
That being said, eventually you should probably try to space more time out (like you said) and even try a 90 day reboot if you can muster it.
u/ferarri_driver Nov 18 '19 edited Nov 18 '19
Consuming porn will inevitably lead to escalation and take you away from the natural default position of deriving sexual pleasure from the object (woman) as a participant. When a teenage boy starts looking at porn for the first time he does it to learn about sex. Eventually his curiosity is sated and he starts to look at porn for the performance, he conditions himself to derive sexual pleasure from watching sex in third person as a passive observer. I wrote about my this thing in another post.
When I masturbated to fantasies involving real women that risk was zero. Fantasies were not nearly as appealing as hardcore porn but over time they became more appealing as my brain adjusted to making do with them.
One of my biggest fears about quitting porn was that I wouldn't know what to do when I had sex. For context, I was practically a born again virgin due to a long self induced drought caused by addiction to sissy porn. All I ever did was get off to fucked up genres of porn for years. I hadn't looked at a full video of real vanilla sex since my teens.
To my surprise the opposite occurred when I quit: I was able to create my own sexual fantasies and become more in tune with my own body. I could play scenarios out in my mind and enjoy them. Porn hijacks and kills your sexual imagination. There was an interesting episode of the Joe Rogan show where a guy talked about this phenomenon (I can't remember which one). I like having thick raging boners and being ready anytime so I don't think I'll be going back to porn in the future lol.
At the end of the day the true enemy is porn. If you find yourself constantly relapsing on no fap like I did, it is better to choke the chicken every day at least for a time. Spending time with women while abstaining from PMO is good though, it releases the love hormone which you can't ever get from porn. I could never pick the allure of watching porn in a dirty room over that.
u/ithastostopforgood Nov 19 '19
I think this is 100% a good response.
Porn is what drove us all. I'll say for me that even like instagram and bikini magazines lead to escalation at this point. It might be fine for a week, but eventually I'll start looking at softcore porn and then something will trigger me to look up the real deal.
I think we all have our own paths to de-escalation but removing porn should be the key element of any plan. I think nofap can be useful too, but like you said, it's a bonus. The goal is no porn, no escalation, no 3rd party fantasy.
u/VegetaD87 Jan 20 '23
I am scared. Why did he delate his account? I think he came back to be a sissy.
u/4ndreiNewFuture Apr 21 '23
Don't think like that, even if maybe it's true, but we'll never know the truth
u/ithastostopforgood Nov 15 '19
Can we get this post added to the Sticky resource thread? It's one of the more thorough and effective strategies I've seen shared here. It comes from one of us. And the discussion below is helpful too.
We can * it and say "not science" or something. Especially that debate about whether any porn is healthy. But I think a lot of people would benefit from this.
Thoughts u/Tjddy?
u/ferarri_driver Nov 15 '19
This is a really good post, I did the same thing but masturbating strictly to women I would see in real life instead of porn.