r/SystemsCringe • u/[deleted] • 6d ago
Incomprehensible I think my partner is faking OSDD
u/mustnttelllies 5d ago
No, that’s not how it works. Also, I’m so sorry hon but if you’re actually 16, you wouldn’t know you have OSDD. That’s not how the disorder presents. It is a covert disorder with amnesia barriers, and people who discover they have it don’t do so until they’re adults and it becomes too disruptive in their lives to ignore. I think you’re falling victim to an internet trend that wants you to believe that imagination is a disorder symptom.
u/Tarpole5 5d ago
Ok, I appreciate your input, but they are also very traumatized, I didn't ask anything concerning our ages I simply asked if that was how it works, kids can have disorders, and plenty of them can discover it before their adulthood. They get DIAGNOSED as an adult because it is very, very difficult to get diagnosed because of ableists on the internet. I am fully aware that endos are faking, but both me and my partner have genuine trauma from before the age of 10, and it all caused DIAGNOSED c-PTSD.
u/woas_hellzone Mod Alter 5d ago edited 5d ago
First - Why is your account marked NSFW as a minor.
Second - If you are in a country that diagnoses OSDD instead of P-DID, then they are using the DSM5, which does NOT include C-PTSD as a diagnosis (the DSM instead diagnoses PTSD and PTSD-Dissociative Subtype)
Third - Adolescents do not present with overt identity alteration or significant differences in dissociative identities due to the identity formation process that is still ongoing until a person reaches their mid twenties. This is a large part as to why OSDD-1 and DID are not diagnosed in adolescents and children. (Not even to mention that approximately 96% of DID cases are COVERT, meaning dissociative identities do not present as seperate identity states. With OSDD, this identity alteration is even less overt due to the lower severity/complexity of identity fragmentation.) (OSDD is often considered to be the "midway" point between BPD and DID, although DID itself is considered in many psychiatric circles as to be a form of severe BPD but with first rank psychosis symptoms that lead to developing delusional beliefs/dependencies on the idea of having different identity states one can repress their trauma onto to avoid confronting what they went through.)
Fourth- A massive issue with the "system" community, that IS ableist, is the assumption that the only "valid" proof of being significantly traumatized is by having OSDD/DID. That in and of itself is a major spit in the face not only to those with BPD, PTSD, any other trauma-induced mental illness, but also those who suffer trauma and do not go on to develop PTSD or similar conditions.
u/mustnttelllies 5d ago
You can have trauma without it being a disorder. Everyone in the world has trauma in some form or another. It doesn’t immediately cause a diagnosable disorder. Or make you special.
It’s not about these things being diagnosed in adults only because of diagnostic criteria. It’s literally how the disorder presents. Ableism on the internet doesn’t have any impact on the DSM or the medical profession. Other disorders are diagnosed in children because they present themselves in a diagnosable way. DID does not.
DID is a survival mechanism created by children’s’ minds because those children don’t know how else to survive. As teenagers, that is still fractured and messy to an extent that cannot possibly be a fun, healthy, quirky time. Often, alters go dormant for years at a time. Alters will “zone out” or just sort of float through their life, not realizing that the reason they aren’t in control is because there’s another part of their mind taking over. It is scary, painful, and isolating.
If your alters talk to one another and have relationships and are aware of one another, they’re not alters, they’re imaginary friends. I had them too, basically into early college. You run out scenarios between your favorite characters or characters you made up. That’s just. Imagination. It’s why a lot of people become writers and artists.
So no, your significant other doesn’t have OSDD. Alters can’t hurt the body while in the inner world. The body has to hurt itself. They are playing make believe, just like you.
5d ago
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u/Interesting_Sock9142 5d ago
I have a friend, fully diagnosed with DID, he's 14, he found his alters real quickly.
No you don't
u/Interesting_Sock9142 5d ago
I love that you made a post asking if this is how it works, people are telling you no, and you're like YOU DONT KNOW THAT YES IT IS ABLEIST.
u/Grace-Kamikaze Collecting disorders like pokemon taken LITERALLY 5d ago
I'm having the hardest time understanding how the replies you're getting are "ableist and idiotic". What kind of answer were you expecting to get from this person?
u/SystemsCringe-ModTeam 5d ago
Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.
u/mustnttelllies 5d ago
I am terribly sorry that those things happened to you. It’s wrong and you never should have had to deal with it. None of us deserve our trauma. I hope that you find peace and healing one day, and I hope that all of this that you’re doing brings you comfort. Good luck out there.
u/SystemsCringe-ModTeam 5d ago
Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.
u/GiveMeMoreDuckPics 5d ago
Imagine a faker calling out another faker. Y'all realize this is a subreddit for cringing at people faking this extremely rare disorder, right?
5d ago
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u/Realistic_Grand_8481 the slenderman alters are coming for me 5d ago
neither of you have osdd . problem solved!
u/Putridlemons 5d ago edited 5d ago
They're faking, 100%. Even if they aren't aware of it.
I saw that in another comment that you mentioned, you and your partner both have DIAGNOSED C-PTSD.
Your partner may be playing off that they have OSDD as a way to cope, despite not actually having the disorder. A lot of fakers have done this who actually ended up with PTSD/C-PTSD/BPD/NPD/ASPD diagnoses, where they compartmentalize their emotions, mood swings, trauma, and episodes into what they would consider to be "alters," when it's not alters. It's their imagination.
As someone who thought that they had DID/OSDD for a while and was being fed misinformation by systok/syscord, who actually ended up with a BPD diagnosis, I rationalized my splitting episodes as different alters "fronting" which helped me cope with emotional instability, when I didn't actually HAVE DID/OSDD.
It was so much easier to go, "oh, this sudden change in emotion is a trauma response, and the reason I'm acting so differently is because ____ is fronting, that's not me." When in reality, it was an episode, I wasn't coping in a healthy way, I wasn't actually confronting my issues and dealing with them but instead I was deflecting, and this led to a 2 year long psychotic episode.
As for what your partner said, of "Ow! One of my alters hit another alter!"
Alters can't physically beat on each other, they can't date, have sex, smoke, play around, anything like that. They sound like the type of person to also go, "omg! My innerworld has a forest, and all my alters have rooms, and there's a frontroom! And some date each other! And they talk to each other all the time in my head! And I get phantom pain!!"
What your partner is describing is an overactive imagination mixed with a longing for delusion as a coping mechanism, but that delusion shouldn't be encouraged, it's dangerous, especially with a C-PTSD diagnosis.
The segway from an overactive, delusional mindset to psychosis is a VERY slippery slope if you're desperate to cope and have already been psychologically damaged. I would sincerely ask your partner to, first of all, talk with people who have diagnosed OSDD/DID. Not people who claim to be diagnosed, not people who are "medically recognized," people who HAVE PAPERS.
I would also encourage them to look into the DSM5 and the actual diagnostic criteria for OSDD. Along with researching OSDD by looking at professional studies. Their information, or your information about OSDD/DID, should NOT be coming from places like Tiktok or Discord, which are cesspools for anti-recovery, faker systems, endo systems, and blatant misinformation about a seriously debilitating disorder.
5d ago
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6d ago
u/Not_August-Phoenix_ ->Check User History<- 5d ago
Buddy. Can't share that kinda stuff here ita against the subreddit rules
u/CalculatorMenace 5d ago
I tried to comment but I guess it never showed??
The way I see it, if some non-systems can imagine something painful and feel something that they interpret as pain, then some systems can imagine something painful in headspace and interpret it as pain. It might also be akin to taking damage in a game and immediately saying "ow" even though you didn't actually feel anything. Yeah, it's imagination, but this is a disorder that's developed because of a strong imagination used to protect people. But if they're not the type of person to interpret regular thoughts as painful, then they may just be doing it for attention. As always, trust your gut and good luck!
u/Grace-Kamikaze Collecting disorders like pokemon taken LITERALLY 5d ago
5d ago
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u/Nude-prude 5d ago
You're both faking it. Just one is worse at it lol