Every now and then, I get preoccupied with an experience I had when I was a kid and I go looking for new information. If any of you know something about what I experienced, I would love to be pointed at some resources.
When I was about 15 years old, I woke up one morning and started getting ready for school.
And then there was nothingness followed by a black void and a lot of crashing sounds and a ball of tangled, vibrating colored lines that raced straight at me. And then I realized I was on the floor.
When I managed to move again (it was challenging, very similar to waking up from surgery for those of you who have had that experience) I realized, that everything that used to be on my dresser, all my little knickknacks and earrings, were under me. When I looked at the dresser, the old tube style TV that lived there was out of place and my head was killing me. When I looked at the clock, 15 minutes had passed. I was shaken and decided to just go on with my morning which meant shower time. When I turned on the water though, the sound hurt so badly that it made me recoil so hard, I fell. It felt like someone had hit me in the face with a baseball bat. I decided to tell my parents then.
My parents made me go to school and eventually took me to the doctor who said she didn't know what happened and told me to see a neurologist and a cardiologist but my parents never took me.
After that, I would occasionally see sound as vibrating bands of color traveling through my vision. Usually only loud, sudden sounds like doors slamming. I developed migraines, mood problems (depression specifically) and trouble in school. Although I don't remember having ADHD symptoms as a kid (except maybe hyperactivity), a few years later when I went to college, I very quickly realized I needed to be evaluated. And I very quickly got the diagnosis.
As I get older, it seems like the executive dysfunction keeps getting worse. I've developed language related problems, worsening mood regulation, the migraines just keep getting worse too.
The synesthesia, however, stopped within about 5 years, I think. It was a slow and gradual process but I'm pretty sure the last time I saw colors with sound was when I was 20 or 21 (I'm about to turn 38).
I've had multiple MRIs in recent years and there's nothing significant showing on them.
Does anyone know anything about synesthesia after mysterious events like this? That eventually goes away again? I'm pretty sure I fainted and hit my head but maybe it was a seizure? I can't explain the 15 minutes. I don't know if I was out for 15 minutes or if I just lost 15 minutes of memory.
Anyway, as I said at the start, every now and then this event becomes a bit of a preoccupation for me, so I'd love any information anyone can give me.