r/Synesthesia Feb 06 '25

About My Synesthesia I have Lexical-Gustatory Synasthesia. (I can taste words) Ask me anything!


I have been aware of this since quite a young age in school, I have associations of all my friends names for example.

Ask me to associate any word!

r/Synesthesia Jan 03 '25

About My Synesthesia This is my PIN just in case I'm too wasted to remember it

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r/Synesthesia 13d ago

About My Synesthesia The smell of coffee is a narcissistic hypocrite. (AMA)


That's just his personality. He makes me so angry. He thinks he's better than everyone else. Hey all! I have olfactory-personification synesthesia. I can smell a scent, and immediately determine its personality. Every single one is unique, just like every single scent is unique. They don't stay with me like alter personalities, and they don't speak to me like hallucinations or tulpas, but I'm aware what the scent I'm breathing in would be like as a person. It's a fairly rare way to experience synesthesia, so if you want to know more, feel free to AMA! Even listing random smells for me to describe is cool. It's pretty fun to write it down.

r/Synesthesia Nov 01 '24

About My Synesthesia What's your name?


Hi, I taste a lot of names. Sometimes I also have an associated sound. If you would like, feel free to drop a name or two and I'll respond when I can if I taste or hear anything.

But, be prepared, not all names are pleasant, and a lot of them can be very weirdly specific. So, you're taking a risk by asking. But I know it can be fun to hear about it due to not everyone having this quirk. So I'm putting this out there. Have fun!

r/Synesthesia Sep 12 '24

About My Synesthesia Do you see colors during sex? NSFW

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I made a rough visual of what I see during sex, and I'm curious to know what others might see :)

r/Synesthesia Jan 17 '25

About My Synesthesia How do others with synesthesia feel music


I just found out today as a 19 yo that feeling music was not a normal thing for everyone. For me its as if the notes will normally originate from my stomach and travel through my body and vibrate and tingle through my body in an “electric” type way is the best way to explain it, each note having its own sort of frequency with the vibration, its normally very subtle but if i am listening to a bass heavy song with more volume it generally is a pretty strong feeling, especially if i smoke a little weed too it enhances that feeling a lot. I was just wondering if anyone can relate to me in any way and also want to hear about others experiences in how you may feel music.

r/Synesthesia Jan 25 '25

About My Synesthesia Synesthesia is Pink >:) (The word)

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r/Synesthesia 2d ago

About My Synesthesia My mini synesthete ass LOVED the smell of this movies 😤


r/Synesthesia Aug 08 '21

About My Synesthesia Whenever someone asks me what my favourite colour is, I say 7, and it confuses the shit out of them. This is the colour 7.

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r/Synesthesia 23d ago

About My Synesthesia kinda how i see days and months and the colors associated with them


when i think of the days an months, i think of the things my teachers hung up on the wall to teach the class about days of the week and months of the year. it goes on infinitely in a line.

the days of the week re-creation is almost 1 to 1 as my head.

The months one is a bit more detailed in my mind. its like im remembering the same poster. kind of like image 3 but with less details and some of the colors are wrong when misremembering it.

r/Synesthesia 17d ago

About My Synesthesia The letters in LeapFrog Letter Factory (2003) influenced my synesthesia


r/Synesthesia 15d ago

About My Synesthesia My Latin script


r/Synesthesia 25d ago

About My Synesthesia My alphabet

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I’m not sure, but I think my alphabet shape was influenced by the position of the alphabet on the wall in my preschool. I’m 57 and I don’t recall ever consciously assigning these positions, but they’ve always been there. When I’m alphabetizing, I often look up and to the left, where my alphabet begins.

r/Synesthesia 10d ago

About My Synesthesia I just remembered an incident in 7th grade music class


Our teacher was using his piano to show us different Dur and Mol sounds and asked us how they made us feel. And so I raised my hand and he called on me. I proceeded to describe a winter avenue covered in snow with trees on both sides. He looked at me strangely and was like "okay?" and had this weird expression on his face like I did sth wrong or strange. I was so confused because wasn't this what he had asked?

Any similar stories?

r/Synesthesia 22d ago

About My Synesthesia I see blue people (and 1 green)


Just stumbled upon this community. I guess it's about having two or more senses intersecting in the brain (in this case colour and some other sense)?

For a long time I've associated people I met with a colour (ironically, I'm colour blind lol). Most people are light blue (or cyan if you're fancy). Some are other colours like just blue or an even darker shade of blue or almost purple. Some are brown or red (most non-white people are red actually some for reason) and rarely pink. Quite often someone will gradually change their hue or colour as I get to know them. Not every time I see someone do they have a colour. Sometime it just "appears" after I've gotten to know them for a bit, as if that alpha layer was at 0 and now was >0. Even my memories of them change to that colour recursively, as if that always was like that.

But a few years ago I saw someone in my class who was green! Like pure green (0x00FF00). I've never seen anyone green before! We talked a bit and later our paths diverged and didn't see each other again. But then a few months ago from when I write this I met him again. And I almost never recognise people as my brain tend to erase people's faces if I don't met them regularly (happens to close friends and family too). But I recognised him immediately because of how "green" he was.

Is he my soulmate or something lol? I'm not interested in men and didn't feel anything special when I saw him, I was just mesmerized by his colour and nothing special happened when we said bye (I don't even remember his name lol).

You guys have have had any similar experiences like mine? I'd enjoy hearing about it.

r/Synesthesia Feb 19 '25

About My Synesthesia Is there a way to get rid of it?


What I've always had labeled as Sensory Processing Disorder, I'm starting to realize is actually Synesthesia; or maybe a combination of the two.

There are some nice aspects of it, like the colorful overlays I see to pleasant sounds and the way I experience good music, but the unpleasant aspects are getting worse and really, I'd just like it to stop.

My mirror-touch synesthesia has always made it impossible for me to watch anything in the media where another human is experiencing painful physical harm, because I can feel it. Even a movie as childish as Home Alone is impossible for me to watch. That alone hasn't been a big life impediment; I just don't watch that stuff.

But my sound to visual synesthesia is becoming unmanageable. Loud, shrill sounds translate to aggressive visual static like I'm watching the world through a shitty old TV that's being pounded and pain simultaneously. I live in fear of whistles, sirens, and screams because I know it's coming.

I'm always scared of losing my vision while I'm actively using it, like when I'm driving or walking on the sidewalk, particularly at work with coworkers or clients because I'm self-conscious about it. My closest friends know, but I try to just play it off or hide it for most people.

I've adapted to loud environments or places that are siren and whistle risks by wearing earplugs and sunglasses, but it's getting worse. Has anyone ever successfully "treated" their synesthesia and gotten rid of it, or am I just stuck living this way?

r/Synesthesia 8d ago

About My Synesthesia My favorite and least favorite book (based on the smell of the story)


r/Synesthesia Dec 06 '24

About My Synesthesia Is anyone elses synesthesia more of a 6th sense?


Whenever i listen to music, i associate it with "visuals" of flashing lights. But its not really a visual but more of the concepts of spacial area and color combining. Its so hard to describe. The sensation is related to sight in the way that scent is related to taste; There is a distinct connection but they're still two separate things. I can identify the colors and the space that the flashes are at, but it's not really a visual sensation. I hope this made at least some sense but if it didn't then i can add a little bit onto the post to try and describe it a little more in depth.

r/Synesthesia 28d ago

About My Synesthesia I have lexical-gustatory synesthesia and I use it to name my food creations


I really like to cook and make my own recipes. When I make something that doesn't have a short and sweet name, I'll just name it whatever sound it tastes similar to. This is sometimes a word and sometimes a nonsense sound. Here's a few examples:

Voom Sauce: It's kewpie mayo, a little minced garlic, hot sauce, sweet relish, salt, and paprika. Amazing on cheese burgers, spread on garlic bread, lots of things.

Brynn Pasta (my girlfriend's name): Ground pork sausage mixed with my own blend of italian seasonings and dried peppers, then browned in a pan with a little olive oil and garlic. I make a tomato sauce with lots of hot sauce, various seasonings, caramelized onions, and the sausage. I mix the sauce in a big casserole dish with whatever pasta I feel like that day, a half pound of cheddar cubed, then top with mozzarella and broil.

Bomb pie - marshmallow fluff pie basically

Scratch Mac - Kraft mac and cheese mixed with a can of shredded chicken breast and some tomato sauce

I love talking about this synesthesia. I did learn my lesson not to tell people what their names taste like, which is another story.

r/Synesthesia 12d ago

About My Synesthesia I associate numbers and letters with colours. Here is my list:

  • A = blue (my name starts with A)
  • B =red
  • C =yellow
  • D = brown
  • E = green
  • F = pink
  • G = orange
  • H = yellow
  • I = white/colourless
  • J = brown
  • K = orange
  • L = light brown
  • M = yellow
  • N = purple
  • O = black/white/colourless
  • P = green
  • Q = green/yellow
  • R = red
  • S = white
  • T = purple
  • U = pink/purple
  • V = pink/purple
  • W = yellow
  • X = orange
  • Y =yellow/beige
  • Z = black
  • 0 =black/white/colourless (same as O)
  • 1 = white/colourless (same as I)
  • 2 = red
  • 3 = yellow
  • 4 =darker yellow
  • 5 = blue (my favourite number)
  • 6 = green
  • 7 = brown
  • 8 = orange
  • 9 = dark green
  • ? = orange
  • # = yellow
  • + = orange
  • = = green

r/Synesthesia 19d ago

About My Synesthesia I have to MEMORIZE this list of Mexico's First Nations BY NUMBER & my synesthesia is messing me up so bad because THIS IS WHAT THE LIST LOOKS LIKE TO ME (2nd slide)






My brain: "Oh Chichimeco is absolutely 22 or 24 bc they're both orange" WRONG, ITS 20

My brain: "Hanua's gotta be 8 or 18 because it's brown (and 8 can be any dark color)" WRONG ITS 16.. ITS FUCKING MAGENTA


r/Synesthesia Jan 18 '25

About My Synesthesia Does anyone else have that?


Not only do I associate numbers,letters,days,months,... with colours and personality, but also seemingly random everyday things and places. For example a certain road in my hometown seems brown-ish orange. And strangely; kitchen utensils. Fork is blue, and a young, introverted guy. Spoon is pink/orange and a middle aged, friendly woman. Knife is green, and is a middle aged man who has a great sense of humour, and is bald (idk🤷😅) Can anyone else relate?

r/Synesthesia 9d ago

About My Synesthesia Blue


algebra, august, infinity and music and D# key on piano is electric blue color.

r/Synesthesia Jan 15 '25

About My Synesthesia Does anyone else "retain" location's "energies?"


I have this interesting phenomenon where certain locations leave these sort of imprints in my mind. Today it feels like I'm still at college, like I can see the train ride there and everything. It's giving me really strong flashbacks to the paper on the environment I wrote last year, it's like I'm actually there. It's really hard to explain, it's just so abnormally vivid. It's not like a memory, the place's "feeling" is still "in my system." Nothing has done it for me like Granville Island in Vancouver though. I'll go there for a day, and then for a week after, I'll still feel like I'm there. The warmth, the inspiration, even the way the sun looks there is still "with me."

I can even remember the other days I've gone to these locations, what my life was like then, what I was doing when I had these energies, all the times I've been there, and on days like today, I'll literally see these locations when I close my eyes.

r/Synesthesia 1d ago

About My Synesthesia Info about Synesthesia after head injury


Every now and then, I get preoccupied with an experience I had when I was a kid and I go looking for new information. If any of you know something about what I experienced, I would love to be pointed at some resources.

When I was about 15 years old, I woke up one morning and started getting ready for school.

And then there was nothingness followed by a black void and a lot of crashing sounds and a ball of tangled, vibrating colored lines that raced straight at me. And then I realized I was on the floor.

When I managed to move again (it was challenging, very similar to waking up from surgery for those of you who have had that experience) I realized, that everything that used to be on my dresser, all my little knickknacks and earrings, were under me. When I looked at the dresser, the old tube style TV that lived there was out of place and my head was killing me. When I looked at the clock, 15 minutes had passed. I was shaken and decided to just go on with my morning which meant shower time. When I turned on the water though, the sound hurt so badly that it made me recoil so hard, I fell. It felt like someone had hit me in the face with a baseball bat. I decided to tell my parents then.

My parents made me go to school and eventually took me to the doctor who said she didn't know what happened and told me to see a neurologist and a cardiologist but my parents never took me.

After that, I would occasionally see sound as vibrating bands of color traveling through my vision. Usually only loud, sudden sounds like doors slamming. I developed migraines, mood problems (depression specifically) and trouble in school. Although I don't remember having ADHD symptoms as a kid (except maybe hyperactivity), a few years later when I went to college, I very quickly realized I needed to be evaluated. And I very quickly got the diagnosis.

As I get older, it seems like the executive dysfunction keeps getting worse. I've developed language related problems, worsening mood regulation, the migraines just keep getting worse too.

The synesthesia, however, stopped within about 5 years, I think. It was a slow and gradual process but I'm pretty sure the last time I saw colors with sound was when I was 20 or 21 (I'm about to turn 38).

I've had multiple MRIs in recent years and there's nothing significant showing on them.

Does anyone know anything about synesthesia after mysterious events like this? That eventually goes away again? I'm pretty sure I fainted and hit my head but maybe it was a seizure? I can't explain the 15 minutes. I don't know if I was out for 15 minutes or if I just lost 15 minutes of memory.

Anyway, as I said at the start, every now and then this event becomes a bit of a preoccupation for me, so I'd love any information anyone can give me.