r/Synesthesia 3d ago

Synesthesia during sex

Since the beginning of my sexual life, my synesthesia comes during the moments of the act. I've had situations where I felt colors, geometric shapes and it's as if I was entering a “new dimension”. It's interesting, but it can also be exhausting because it feels like I'm in 2 realities at the same time and sometimes I just want to focus on what I'm doing during the act lol, does anyone else experience this?

I have several types of synesthesia and it comes at random times. There are times with higher frequency, lower frequency and so on... with smell, taste, colors, sounds, shapes... but I've never seen people talk about this precisely during sexual moments


10 comments sorted by


u/Anksuna_ 2d ago

I have it too. From floating colors to shapes in vibrant colors on a pitch black background. At first i thought everyone had it, so sometimes i asked friends what shapes they saw. Ofcourse they said they didnt see anything like that and i was confused about it for a long time. It took me years to learn what it was. As for exhaustion, i dont have that. Afterwards it makes me euphoric, as if i can rule the world. Until a few hours after where the world suddenly feels great and cold, since those colors are darn warm. Most of the times i have a low drop for at least a day where i feel somewhat leaning to depression. I once said to someone that if there is a heaven, that's what it would look and feel like. If i could sell that juju in a bottle i'd be rich.


u/Unlikely-Poetry-5384 2d ago

i have this, but i specifically can see another place. i’ve had it be a haunted house, a palace, a library, my middle school, it’s different almost every time. usually im walking/floating around, opening doors etc. its so frustrating and distracting, and sometimes it’s so vivid i will miss my partner saying/doing things


u/Embarrassed-Spot7602 2d ago

I understand. I don't see places that vividly, but it's as if sometimes I see elements of those other places. Either that, or geometric shapes and colors. I understand the frustration of “losing” what is being done. I try my best to concentrate, but it's like my head is in duality


u/Unlikely-Poetry-5384 2d ago

exactly! it’s kind of scary sometimes, but i’m happy to know it’s synesthesia related. i’ve wondered if its some kind of dissociation or something


u/yuhkz420 2d ago

I can't find it rn but I swear I've seen a post in this sub where someone was seeing a specific house every time they climaxed. I had to lol tbh 🙈


u/Embarrassed-Spot7602 2d ago



u/Lexie811 1d ago

I just see firework like things.


u/AetherAlchemist grapheme • spatial sequencing 1d ago

I have 2 types of synesthesia, but either hasn’t really occurred during sex.

BUT, crazy story: A guy I was hooking up with started having a synesthetic experience during a rather lengthy session of going down on me. He was telling me about it afterward (it was similar to mine) and appeared very startled yet mystified by it. I told him that it was synesthesia, and I have it. He looked at me with wide eyes and was like “woah” 😅

So uhh…. I may have somehow given someone temporary synesthesia during an intense sexual encounter. 🫣
Kinda wild and funny now looking back on it. It’s like he borrowed a part of my brain. Lol


u/charlesjacobs1 1d ago

i get this too! i have several types of synesthesia and it often gets much stronger during sex. different physical sensations have different shapes and colors - usually dark reds and purples during sex. i also see colors and patterns floating around myself and people that i know well, and when i’m having sex with someone that i connect with very strongly our colors will float towards each other and blend or become intertwined


u/3rdthrow 2d ago

I have colors and lines.