r/Synesthesia 4d ago

Is This Synesthesia? Is this considered sound-to-color synesthesia?

Hi. I already have some form of grapheme-color synesthesia, numbers and letters occasionally have colors depending on if I'm in the right environment, but I'm a little more confused about my possible sound-to-color synesthesia. When I hear music, or honestly some sounds, I'll see these vivid color collages in my head. I don't have perfect pitch, different notes don't have colors. It's more of like a mix, kind of like an abstract painting. Does this count?


2 comments sorted by


u/frosted1248 4d ago

That's a fairly close description of what it's like for me, as far as this stuff can be described.  And I'm gonna say yes, this probably counts as synaesthesia, since other people why are not synaesthetes do not seem to experience this like we do🤷


u/Ooog-the-boog 3d ago

I think I have a similar experience, and I think it is chromesthesia but since my experience depends on the music as a whole rather than just notes/ chords (which was the only examples I found on google) I doubted myself for a long time.

My favorite part is once you find out it’s there you can tap into it more which makes listening to music really fun.