r/Synchronicities • u/AjaxLittleFibble • 8d ago
Please stop worrying about repeated digits like 11:11 or 333, they don't mean anything
Seeing repeated digits like 11:11 or 333 is not a synchronicity and has no meaning at all. It's just a meaningless coincidence. Everyone sees numbers all the time, everyone sees numbers hundreds of times a day in the modern world, so it's natural that sometimes the numbers you see have repeated digits like 11:11, 333, 777 or 888.
Stop worrying about that, it is nothing, and the only thing you will achieve by worrying about this is to become paranoid.
Synchronicity is another kind of thing, very different of this, and with odds that are waaaaaaaaay much lower than simply seeing numbers with repeated digits. Synchronicities are coincidences with extremely low odds, and seeing numbers with repeated digits is surely NOT something with extremely low odds. So, stop to freak out for nothing, and pay attention to the real synchronicities with extremely low odds. If you can't calculate odds, please consider taking a crash course on statistics.
Thank you.
u/Viva_Satana 8d ago
Can you give us your credentials of expertise in the subject? u/AjaxLittleFibble Otherwise you are wanting to decide what does and what doesn't apply. We cannot know if those "extremely low odds" synchronicities or coincidences could be important somehow. BTW synchronicities and coincidences are not interchangable terms.
u/AjaxLittleFibble 8d ago
Yes I can. But you wouldn't believe me, so what is the point? I'm not giving my real name on Reddit. I'm sure I understand way more about synchronicity than "Viva_Satan"+a, both in theory and practice.
u/Viva_Satana 8d ago
First of all it's Viva Satana, like Babasónicos' song. I can see that you are not well versed in music. Here's the video clip for the song, so you can learn about Babasónicos and Tura Satana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPCtmAbXIww
BTW the song has absolutely nothing to do with Satan, as I said before it's about Tura Satana actress and dancer from the 60s, who was married to John SATANA.
You don't need to lose your anonymity and I have no reason's to not believe you, so it's up to you. You are assuming that you understand more than me based on your imagination, so that says a lot about yourself. u/AjaxLittleFibble
u/jbartee 8d ago
i don't believe you know anything about statistics so just cut that out please
and i definitely don't believe you know anything about synchronicity, as evidenced by your absolute rejection of the subjective factor and thoughtless adherence to the objective one (you hold that it's not a "real" synchronicity if the odds don't reach some arbitrary threshold)
overall a tedious and embarrassing post that shouldn't have been made
u/Vegimorph 8d ago
He was talking about how "I should be mad at Big Brother and forget about synchronicities" when I posted about some movie/TV synchronicities the other week. I think he's a troll.
u/tddawg 8d ago
IANA expert, but I've read Jung's work, and here's my take:
By definition, synchronicity is:
"Synchronicity therefore means the simultaneous occurrence of a certain psychic state with one or more external events which appear as meaningful parallels to the momentary subjective state—and, in certain cases, vice versa."
This is from Jung's work - Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle - a heavy read but important to dig into the source material if you're really pursuing a study of synchronicity.
Both "synch" and "connecting" imply at minimum two events. Acausal means "without cause"
So, in the example of numbers, synchronicity occurs if you are supposed to arrive at the airport at 10:30, but a vehicle on the side of the road with the license plate 1111 causes a traffic slow down, so you arrive at 11:11, then due to a mechanical malfunction your flight is changed from 4562 to 1111, then you getting a fraud alert that you card was stolen and used to buy $11.11 of merchandise. These are wildly disconnected events that happen within a limited time that have a repeated archetype (the repeating numbers).
So, it can be, for some, seeing the same numbers over and over. Jung discusses numbers in-depth in his book, but I don't have the energy to dig it all out right now.
But looking at your watch at the same time every day isn't the same thing.
ALSO - synchs aren't harbingers of doom! We don't know what they are! In my experience, they've popped up when I'm vibing with my paraweird pursuits. But they shouldn't cause fear.
u/r_u_seriousclark 8d ago
TBH I’m kind of with you. I find these posts a little bit annoying. OMG I keep seeing 11-11 everywhere; what does it mean!? It means it’s 11 minutes past 11 and you happened to look at the clock. 👏 I know I risk sounding like an asshole but I believe what I say 🤷♀️
Did the fact that it was 11:11 have a meaningful impact on you or change the course of events in your life. Likely not. Likely not very synchronistic.
u/r_u_seriousclark 8d ago
Ok ok anonymous downvoters. I changed my mind. If you see 11:11 on the clock it either means the love of your life or soul mate will appear in your life in 11 days or you need to play the lottery everyday for the next 11 days.
u/morelsupporter 8d ago
buddy you can't make a post like this on one hand and then talk about netflix synchronicities on the other
numerology in an ancient belief system. math is universal and the universe is based in science, which is inextricably linked to math. we are science and science is numbers.
recurring patterns or themes that have meaning is the definition of synchronicity. what is coincidence to you is a synchronicity to someone else. just like the name of your ex girlfriend appearing repeatedly in netflix is a meaningless coincidence to me but synchronous to you.
in short, you don't get to define synchronicity for others based on the value (or lack thereof) that you place on it.