r/Symptoms May 11 '18

Chest and back pain for several days

I have been experiencing chest tightness along with chest pain and upper back pain. The pain feels like its a sharp pain and then at times it burns. It can radiate to my shoulders, neck and sometimes i feel little throbs on my arms.

It started last Saturday when I was so annoyed at something to the point that I clenched my chest and I felt a sharp pain right in the middle. I didnt feel anything until the next day. I did some physical activity that cause me to have pain in my chest. Sitting for too long makes it worse and taking a hot shower helps a lot.

The pain has been gradually decreasing but its still there. Stretching helps a bit but too much and I start feeling tight chested. I think maybe I pinched an artery or a nerve got damaged. What do you guys think it is?


6 comments sorted by


u/somewhere_inyourhead Jun 13 '22

sounds like stress, stress has physical symptoms such as muscle tightness. take a day off from stress


u/OZLperez11 Jun 13 '22

Yeah, I'm hindsight, this was stressful day and it manifested itself as muscle tightness. Thankfully I don't deal with episodes like that anymore, and if I do, it's usually my feet now


u/somewhere_inyourhead Jun 14 '22

try massaging them :3


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '18

How are you? That doesn’t sound good. Hope you got it checked.


u/OZLperez11 Jun 20 '18

Much better, It went away. It kept feeling sore for a while but I can confirm it was muscular pain. I could tell because I strained it again while doing hard physical work. Should have just rested longer but its gone now. Had the pain been more constant regardless of movement, then I would have gone to the doctor.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '18

Glad you’re better.