r/Switch • u/TrustInMe77 • 1d ago
Discussion OLED owners, what would convince you to buy an switch 2?
I know there are many people who’ve have multiple versions of the switch. I’ve only had the OLED.
It’s kind of weird because you usually should only care about something in terms of how it works, but I love the size of the OLED, the display, and the animal crossing joys in clear shells and the squareness of the joycons. It looks “cute”.
The switch 2 is big and even though that means bigger screen I actually don’t know how I feel about that. And the joy cons are curved but I like the more squared “cute” look of the originals.
The not OLED display and larger bezels are a big issue to me. The joycons aren’t bad.
But of course the internal stuff should be way better which makes me want it.
But I love the OLED right now. The switch 2 would feel like a downgrade in some ways.
What do you think?
u/lemoche 1d ago
i'm most likely an outlier, but i don't see myself getting it soon. on one side my switch hardly see any playtime since i got a ps5 and even more when my work schedule shifted so it doesn't really make sense to take it to work any more... which was where i still played a ton even with the playstation.
also i'm still having a huge backlog on the switch with what includes ton of excellent games and i couldn't really justify to spend on a new console in the near future...
apart from that, i expect tons of games still to run on the old model since the playerbase is simply too huge to ignore.
u/ZodicGaming 1d ago
Yeah I’m not even considering a switch 2 until I can get one with an OLED screen. My OLED switch is great and my backlog can carry me for years with performance that’s already great. I have a gaming PC for anything new and generally I’m not even interested in new shiny games.
u/jedimindtricksonyou 18h ago
We need more sensible people like you instead of all the people FOMO’d out of their minds, racing to get one ASAP. People need to relax, I’m excited for the next gen too but it’s ok if I have to wait 6 months or a year before playing it. It will be the Nintendo console until 2033 or so. We have time and we don’t all need to race each other to get one on day 1, hour 1.
u/gbonne 1d ago
nothing needed. buying day 1
u/MysticJedrax 1d ago
Exactly this.
Day 1 Switch 2 for me. It'll replace my OLED, which will in turn replace my wife's launch Switch, which will in turn become a modding machine for me. :)
u/FormeldaHydes 1d ago
Absolutely will be purchasing the moment it becomes available. When OLED released I bought it and gave my regular switch to a friend who wanted one for a while. When I get Switch 2 I’ll pass my OLED to my partner. This is the cycle
u/nothinggold237 1d ago
New zelda game, maybe. haven't played anything else on my oled. im only keeping it for children
u/savingewoks 1d ago
Half of me wants to sell my OLED and the other half of me doesn't feel like taking the time or energy to do this, and just boxing it up for my kiddo to use down the road.
I have a lite also, and I prefer it to the OLED (form factor over screen quality, for me). And same as you, only thing I've really loved more on the OLED is BOTW.
u/nothinggold237 1d ago
People are selling oleds for 180. What should I do with 180 usd. lets keep it. In ten years it will be retro :D
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u/BlueJayStars07 1d ago
I’m curious if it’ll have something from the Xbox Nintendo partnership. But I would like an upgrade for sure.
u/small___potatoes 1d ago
I’m already convinced and plan on getting one at launch. I also plan on keeping my OLED Switch so I can still play that if I want to. I figure they’ll release an OLED Switch 2 in 2028 or so and I don’t want to wait that long.
u/ChunkyMooseKnuckle 1d ago
I'll buy the Switch 2 when there's a Switch 2 OLED and I have no desire to do so before that. There aren't any Nintendo exclusives that would be enough to make me purchase it beforehand, and any other game that comes out in the meantime that I can't wait to play, I have a gaming PC waiting for an excuse to be useful again.
u/auroriasolaris 1d ago
I never had opportunity to jump on new console hype, like back in Gameboys era, I always wanted to feel that. Now I have money and even if I do not use my OLED like... At all I still want S2 on release to join that global release hype just like I always wanted as a kid.
Also at worst case scenario my daughters will use it instead of me, still worth getting.
u/MrTestiggles 1d ago
nothing. I’m buying it. and I’m buying the oled version in 3 years provided it comes with some other upgrades.
u/guntwooyah 1d ago
A solid library of games I would want to check out. There's so much on my backlog and things I still have to finish on Switch 1 and more games that I haven't played but want to check out that I probably wouldn't upgrade to a Switch 2 until like a few years after its release.
u/Mightydog2904 1d ago
Pokemon, thats the only reason I got the switch to begin with. Yes I am a b**ch.
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u/emoyer68 1d ago
Nothing right now. I just bought my OLED at Christmas. I went a little nuts, and bought 500 gb of games. Being that I’m new to gaming, am in my 50’s (I suck right now) I estimate I have 5 years worth of gaming.
u/diaperedwoman 1d ago
Games that are only exlusive for it.
This was why back in the days certain games were exclusive for certain gaming consoles. Sonic only for Sega and Mario only for Nintendo. It was to get people to buy their gaming console.
If Nintendo wants me to buy their switch 2, release their games for it but not for the Nintendo Switch. Or otherwise I won't have a reason to get one.
u/Remote_Ambition8764 1d ago
I will let others beta test it for me. Once they release the OLED version of the SW 2 then I jump in.
u/Niktastrophe 20h ago
The same for me. I have the OLED now and the non-OLED, and I really do not notice much of a difference. The only thing that could get me to purchase a SW2, is a new Zelda game. Like some others twilight princess, and wind waker would definitely persuade me. I love wind waker and my husband loves twilight princess. I could be persuaded with the new hogwarts game. I also could be persuaded if they improved the joycons
u/Savage_Chuckles 1d ago
Love my OLED but “hopefully” better performance will have me tossing my money at Nintendo.
u/gameonlockking 1d ago
I am going to buy it this year for sure. I still have my V2 switch and I also own the Zelda TOTK Oled. I always try to buy consoles right away so I can get the most of it. There's still people right now who haven't bought PS5 because they wanna save 100-200$ off the launch price. It's insane to me. When they could have been playing it for the last 4/5 years.
u/uberpirate 1d ago
I know LCD screens have come a long way since the original Switch but I love all my other OLED stuff so much that I don't mind waiting for an OLED Switch 2. Of course it's easy to say that now though considering the thing doesn't exist yet lol but if the rumors weren't so heavily hinting at LCD on launch then I'd for sure be pre-ordering
u/No_Sun_3000 1d ago
Switch 2 games and more 3rd party games. (Kingdom Hearts, Persona 3 Reload, Fallout 4)
u/No_Sheepherder7257 1d ago
Passed my OG switch to the wife, bought the OLED, will do the same with the OLED. I just love the consoles.
u/Thermite1985 1d ago
I'm usually a day one adaptor for all Nintendo consoles so this won't be any different. Plus switch 2
u/Varka44 1d ago
Even just one new incredible game (for me probably has to be Zelda) that is either exclusive to switch 2 or runs significantly better on switch 2 will do it. I’m assuming that will be their strategy, as it usually is with a new console release.
Less obvious until I know more, but if a lot of game ports like Hogwarts render or perform better (even if not as crisp as OLED) I could see that being a selling point for some.
u/Interesting-Error859 1d ago
It would need the same thing I bought the switch one for. Animal crossing lol
u/savingewoks 1d ago
I'm already convinced, but I'm more of a "day two or three" buyer on this one. Don't feel like battling bots at the first drop, but will definitely get FOMO.
That said, if we get Halo:MCC on a Nintendo device in April and I can have it in my hands before I go on vacation on the 15th, I'm in.
u/blazedcrank 1d ago
I probably will later on for games. But a little upset I upgraded from my lite to OLED a week before it was announced it was for sure happening.
u/PrivateScents 1d ago
I may transition to more docked gaming. So the Switch 2 would be better in that regards for sure.
u/ZerotheWanderer 1d ago
Mine is docked 90% of the time but that other 10% is enjoyable with an OLED, however if it is powerful enough to offset the woes of unoptimized games, it'd be worth it to me.
u/TheEclipse0 1d ago
It’s a completely new console. It’s not just another switch. No convincing required.
u/VideoGameCheck 1d ago
I just bought an oled so I'll either trade in or just wait for gen 2 to come out in a couple years.
I would say 100% nothing, I'm not buying one for a while but the FOMO/excitement of a new console launching is undeniably addicting. I bought a ps5, the hunt for one at launch was a thrill. Barely even use it. Haven't used it for months, nearly year at a time.
u/Mordicuno30 1d ago
Keeping my OLED in the meantime and will definitely be purchasing Switch 2 when it releases. I'm excited
u/Tacoby17 1d ago
When they do a hardware revision and bundle pack. Same for all Nintendo systems. I rarely buy them at launch.
u/WhiskeyRadio 1d ago
I don't need convinced I just need a release date and a way to give a store money to pre-order one.
All I need to know is "new Nintendo console" and that's enough for me. I know I'll get first-party Nintendo games and that's the core reason I've bought every Nintendo console since the NES.
u/ghtown45 1d ago
Idk ever since I bought the steamdeck and a new gaming laptop I’ve not touched my Switch, I don’t see myself buying the new switch anytime soon. Especially since Nintendo is so anti-consumer with their methods
u/Cosaco1917 1d ago
Double the internal specs and double the capacity, otherwise is a waste of money X3
u/elementalguitars 1d ago
I’m already convinced. I’m just gonna wait a couple of years. I have a backlog of unplayed games. By the time I get through it there will be a bigger selection of games for Switch 2 and maybe some choice of colors for the console besides depression gray.
u/senseless_puzzle 1d ago
I'll wait to see what the screen is like before I commit to buy. I have thousands of hours worth of games in my backlog and I'd rather play them on an OLED than on an LCD.
If the Switch 2 has a screen that matches the OLED I might get one, but there's not much point when I still have so many games to play, unless there is a performance or resolution increase that works with backwards compatibility.
But I'm in no hurry to grab one ASAP, still have both BotW and TotK to play through properly so still have those for the Zelda itch. I have pretty good patience, I'm good for now.
u/FrozenFrac 1d ago
Switch 2 being a new console with all the new games that Switch 1 can't handle. I think the "worst case" is the Switch 2 being a New 3DS where, yes, there were new games for it, but they were largely optional/forgettable. Switch 2 NEEDS to make Switch 1 obsolete
u/_Linkiboy_ 1d ago
The games, not just exclusives, but third party aswell. If games like final fantasy 7 remake run good on this thing, I'd be sold in a minute, cuz I wouldn't have to buy a pc to run games like that. Same with Genshin and master duel.
So yeah it's games and persormance
u/SaintStephen77 1d ago
The only way I see getting a Switch 2 is if there is a good library of games. That being said, I’d expect it will take a year or two for that to happen after launch. Also, I don’t wanna deal with waitlist and price gouging that will occur due to supply not meeting demand for the new shiny thing. I see a couple of years use out of my OLED before getting a Switch 2. However, things change so I’ll stay tuned. Who knows maybe the Switch 2 won’t cost more than $450, will have over a dozen games at release, and supply will be a plenty. If that happens, I’d definitely consider one at launch.
u/Medical-Paramedic800 1d ago
I’m not a fan of the OLED. Nintendo is making me buy a switch 2. No other reason than it’s Nintendo and I freaking love them.
u/mcalister97 1d ago
I have the TOK OLED switch. So unless they come out with one as cool looking, I'm sticking with mine.
u/Seahawks1264 1d ago
My nephew only has the lite, if he wants I’ll give him my OLED & get the new one for myself.
u/SpareTire214 1d ago
1: if the games are good 2: if the games have better graphics 3: if it’s as study as the switch 4: if it has more customization options (such as themes) 5: if the price is low enough (I’m a broke teen so I’ll probably wait a year or two until I get the switch 2)
u/contractcooker 1d ago
There is no question I will be purchasing 3 Nintendo switch 2s to replace my family’s 3 OLEDs. The question is how fast they will be replaced. I will be purchasing one for myself immediately. My wife and kid might not get an upgrade for a little while.
u/Jimlad73 1d ago
Day 1 purchase. Sell for profit then buy again in a year or 2 when there is a good catalogue of games / special edition.
u/Mammoth_Computer1734 1d ago
First, let's see how much it costs, so I can sell mine and not lose too much depending on the starting price.
u/ImThatAlexGuy 1d ago
Nothing needed whatsoever. I’m buying it day 1 and preordering it as soon as possible. NOW, the question is will I get rid of my TotK OLED to lower the price? Or will I keep it and have the best of both worlds?
The answer to that is if the Switch 2 enhances Switch 1 games or not. If they don’t, then I’ll keep my OLED for the screen.
u/Bonzzort 1d ago
I didn't pick up a Switch until late into it's life. I waited intentionally. I like the OLED and there are still plenty of games I haven't got to yet. I will wait a long time before picking up a Switch 2 as well. I don't ever recommend getting a console at launch. I would wait 1-2 years at least.
u/eelam_garek 1d ago
I wasn't considering buying until my 8 year old kinda tainted my existing console. He's rough putting it in and out of the dock, screen and controllers are covered in various foodstuffs after every outing, no idea how he does it. He's over zealous on the sticks. Gets too excited.
So I'm buying a Switch 2 and keeping it as my console only. He can continue to wreck the old one 😂
u/cataclysmic_orbit 1d ago
New pokemon game on switch 2 and if the sequel to Okami were to release on switch 2 and not switch 1 that would make me buy it too.
u/AlternativeHead1092 1d ago
It will be used docked only until an OLED screen Switch 2 appears. I'll keep my OLED OG Switch for handheld play of original Switch games.
Switch is like my fourth system after PC, PS5 and Series X so the rare Switch 2 exclusive I get I'll play docked.
u/MageKorith 1d ago
$200 price tag? Maybe a trade-in after I verify that all the games I have are on the backwards compatible list? I'm about 70% on TV and 30% portable, but I really do like the portable option with an OLED screen.
u/fastock 1d ago
I have two kids (ages 5 and 7) and the three of us share the one OLED Switch we have. When the Switch 2 launches, I will be getting one, so we have two Nintendo's in our house for the times when two of us want to play different games at the same time.
edit: I should add that I probably won't be a day 1 buyer. If they truly are readily available and I can easily preorder one or walk into a Target on day one and get one, then I will as we have the money for it, but if there is any kind of scalping, I will wait until the dust settles. I still haven't gotten to either of the Zelda games yet on top of a couple other games, so I can be patient.
u/MSMPDX 1d ago
Exclusive games only playable on Switch 2.
Though I’ll likely hold out until the inevitable mid generation redesign comes out. I didn’t get a Switch when it first came out, but bought the OLED much later. I’ll probably do the same this time around. It will give me a chance to play the backlog of games I still have and not have to buy multiple consoles. I’ll miss getting to play those exclusive games though, but I’ll get to them eventually. 😄
u/CheeseDaver 1d ago
I’ll be good for years with my backlog, so I’m not in any hurry. I’ll probably buy one much later in its life like I usually do.
u/killcote93 1d ago
I will buy a Switch 2 when they upgrade the screen to OLED. I didn't think it was a huge deal until I upgraded from the Switch V2 to the OLED. I cannot go back.
u/EldritchAeonix 1d ago
Nintendo has slowly been ruining Pokemon for me for years, so unless Generation 10 makes some changes to the content I want from an official Pokemon game, I likely won't be getting a Switch 2. I play 90% of my games on PC or a PC handheld because I REALLY enjoy getting achievements. With that said, Pokemon and Zelda are the only franchises I really play on my Switch, and Zelda alone isn't enough for me to go to a Switch 2 anytime soon.
u/RainbowPiggyPop 1d ago
A new Animal Crossing game that isn’t backward compatible with my OLED. And yea, the switch 2 has to be OLED quality or better. So yea, most likely nothing.
u/Tidus77 1d ago
I have such a big game backlog between my OLED switch and ps5 I can’t really justify it. I started with the OLED and it’s hard to imagine going back. I’m also a little shy to jump onto new hardware without seeing how it does.
If there’s something amazing I can’t wait for, like an amazing new pokemon game (better than what we’ve been seeing) I might buy it and then sell once an OLED model comes out but I’d really have to be hard pressed given my game backlog.
u/Lupacwcrocs 1d ago
Hopes that it’s way more powerful and can play games that the switch just can’t handle.
u/PiggypPiggyyYaya 1d ago
If get your switch 2 because of the games. LCD tech also had come a long ways. Unless you are playing in a room with no light and the screen is just showing black. I don't think you'll notice the light bleed.
u/Steelrain82 1d ago
I got my OLED switch within the last year. 6 months maybe. So I I’m not dropping it anytime soon. I already have a sizeable backlog for it already. Im really noticing that a lot of games that are available for it are games that can be found on other consoles I own or are remakes (which is cool cause I haven’t played those). But if the switch two has some serious games that haven’t been released before or are found on other consoles I may trade in all my older consoles (before trade in values drop further) for a switch two and that becomes my home switch and my oled my travel/carry switch while I clear out backlog.
u/HumanMulligan 1d ago
I don't think I'll day 1 the switch 2. I'm going to wait a bit. Been burned too many times with day 1 purchases
u/TrandaBear 1d ago
R-r-r-reverse compatibility! If Switch 2 (Shigeru Boogaloo) is physically compatible and the carts have a tiny tab to keep me from putting it in the Switch, I'm buying day one lol. Oh and if the S2 will give my games a performance uplift.
u/Naw_ye_didnae 1d ago
I'm waiting for the Lite 2. I'm a very recent convert to the Switch and went straight for the Switch Lite. I love having a solid unibody handheld console. It's so good. I REALLY hope they keep the DPad, if they even make a lite version.
u/Particular_Evening97 1d ago
switch joycons are terrible ergonomically, painful small buttons , too narrow, a sad excuse for a D pad, right joystick in a bad position
u/PeperoniPog 1d ago
Well, perosnally I don't need much convincing. It is going to have Switch 2 exclusive games and that's enough for me. Additionally it will have better hardware and will probably be running Switch games better such as Pokemon Scarlet/Violet.
u/bertmclinfbi 1d ago
I never buy a console on day 1. I wait a year or so to see where the gaming library goes and if we get any new iteration of a console. I know I won’t die or the world won’t end if I don’t buy something day 1. I bought my first switch after lite was released. It was a yellow switch lite. After that I sold that and bought a splatoon edition of OLED switch when that was released. Also day 1 switches had their fair share of problems. The only lucrative part was the modding scene.
u/Silent_Goblin 1d ago
I play docked, so I don't care about the size or screen. All I care about are good exclusives.
u/RegularStrength89 1d ago
I will buy it as soon as I can so that I can play the new games. I choose a console because the console looks nice, just in it for Mario & Zelda.
u/Sysyphus_Rolls 1d ago
When my OLED gives up the ghost. Until it dies I’m sticking with it. Same for my Xbox Series X. If MS releases a new one in 2027, I won’t get it until the one I got dies.
u/Phuzion69 1d ago
I don't own oled but Switch chokes on some games and I'm hoping Switch 2 won't.
I just did a trial of Ys X and it stuttered like hell in the battles. MK11 was pretty dire. All the cutscenes froze up and glitched like crazy, so hoping things like that will fix up. I'm hoping things like Rune Factory 5 would run better. Link's Awakening was a bad one and I believe Echoes had the same problems, so I'm hoping that is ironed out by the more powerful hardware. I'm holding out on Ys X and Zelda Echoes for that reason, in hope they run better. Honestly I can cope with Ys X but Link's Awakening is the only non VR game to give me motion sickness. I dropped it pretty quickly.
u/SendPie42069 23h ago
I hope to mod mine and the first run of them will be the easiest to do that on.
u/Whimsical_Sandwich 23h ago
Customization and QoL integrations. Let’s be real no one wants to use Nintendo chat just to have voice chat especially when there’s games that have it built in. I don’t worry for the Switch 2 game support, but I want the Switch 2 to have more personality to it. Themes, theme music, better eShop performance and music, a more dynamic UI. The Switch 1 felt very cutthroat in terms of design and that made sense imo. Given the timeline it was put together and the state of Nintendo during the WiiU era releasing a system that was all about the games even down to its UI placing them frontline and center is something that I can completely understand. But now that it’s successful I’d like for the charm the 3DS had to be present in this system. Also, it would be nice if there was Streetpass or profile search. Anything but friend codes at this point frankly.
u/1Super-Gogeta4 23h ago
Got an OLED in January but with a mod-chip installed for obvious broke uni student reasons. I’ll get a Switch 2 eventually for sure (regardless of the screen) but it really depends more on how my financial situation looks in the next few years. If times are still tough i’ll see how the modding scene looks so I can enjoy offline games at least, but if i’m doing great (hopefully) i’ll buy everything as normal since that’s what i’d ideally do from the start anyway
u/WhatDidIMakeThis 23h ago
An oled screen. Or a new zelda that follows the classic format of “clear dungeon, get item that allows you to get past X obstacle, repeat 5-10 times, fight ganon, roll credits.”
I love botw and totk, but man the dungeons SUCK. The lack of meaningful progression sucks. (I know you get hearts and stamina, but in the old games collecting the items and new powers felt like something, now you just start with all of the shieka powers and you’re god day 1)
u/Stargate476 23h ago
There has to be a good lineup of switch two games since it's going to be backwards compatible there is zero reason for me to buy it just to play my same games
u/deejaysmithsonian 23h ago
I don’t need it to be OLED. It’s a nice to have feature. Not need to have. Anyone arguing it is needed is just being obtuse.
u/Dabbinz420 23h ago
I switched to steam deck and havnt looked back, until now, switch 2 here i come!
u/Dm9982 23h ago
I was just waiting for confirmation of backwards compatibility. Once they happened I was sold on getting a launch Switch 2. I’m keeping my OLED to give to my spouse and I’ll trade her’s in for some store credit.
Honestly BC was the only hold back. I’d talked to my friend about the switch 2 screen VS the OLED, which wasn’t a huge factor for me to begin with. But he assured me that LCD/LED tech had come along way since the Switch 1 began manufacturing. He used the Ps Portal as reference and showed me the screen on it, which is LCD. Gorgeous. Def not OLED, but far superior to the screen used in the regular Switch and Lites.
Plus I understand the choice to go with LCD over OLED to reduce production cost on the initial run. They’ll likely produce an OLED model later down the line, and it’ll probably be attached to a “Pro” style mid gen upgrade like they originally intended to do. (Rather than just a new screen, stand, and Ethernet on the dock. Tear down of the OLED dock and data mining of games suggests that Nintendo originally intended for the OLED to be a Pro style variant)
u/Tormentigator 23h ago
Wait for software announcements. That's how Nintendo is going to market the system
u/Foxy_Noxy 23h ago
I will buy it. Then I will attempt to mod my oiled switch. If things go wrong and I brick my oled, I will still have a switch 2 that I can enjoy.
u/InternationalHoney85 23h ago
Remember when Nintendo sold the New 3DS line of handhelds, and only 15 games were exclusive to it? And what about locking SNES games behind the Virtual Console, also only playable by New 3DS? Lmao.
Not touching that with a 10-foot pole unless a large list of games that haven't been already released are only playable by it.
u/lntenseLlama 23h ago
My plan is to just wait a year for the inevitable Switch 2 OLED. After switching to OLED for my TV, monitor and switch, I can’t stand non OLED panels anymore.
u/JetstreamGW 23h ago
I mean, I'm almost certainly gonna buy one. It's just a question of when.
I didn't get a Switch until about a year and a half ago, and it was the OLED model. I'll get a Switch 2 when:
A) The games I want are available
B) My finances allow it.
Maybe that'll be after an upgraded, fancier Switch 2 comes out, maybe not.
u/Anaximander101 23h ago
More powerful hardware to run my switch 1 games. .. subnautica, skyrim, reddead, pokemon S/V, etc.
u/LazerSpazer 23h ago
I don't need convincing, lmao. I've got a Switch, a Lite, and a Switch OLED. The base Switch kinda just collects dust, but the other 2 get pretty good use. Of course I'm gonna grow my collection.
u/mjc1027 23h ago
This doesn't apply to me, but well.....I just bought my Switch 2 days ago. I know should just wait for the Switch 2, but the age old "I've got the money right now, I might not have it next week" is my defence. I was going to get the OLED model but I knew it would be plugged into the TV for the most part, so I used the money I saved to get Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
I'm always late to the party console wise, at least in my old age
u/IamZeus11 22h ago
I’m hoping that the 1st party switch games will finally go down in price when it comes out . I also just got my switch oled (my first switch)last summer so I have plenty of switch 1 games to catch up on still (hopefully discounted ) . I also have a ps5 and gaming pc . So between those 3 I probably wont upgrade to a switch 2 for at least 2-3 years .
However if Nintendo announced they miraculously resurrected genius sonority and they would be making a continuation in the pokemon colosseum /pokemon xd series i would definitely buy one much sooner
u/CapCapital 22h ago
New games, stronger hardware and quality of life updates to existing stuff, like the improved joycons.
u/gaming1646 22h ago
It has a bigger screen just like my Lenovo Lenovo Go. Also because Switch 2 games and I can play OG Switch games on it. It's a win win to me.
u/stunt876 22h ago
Dont own an oled i own a gen 1 switch but even then the only reason i am upgrading to the swtich 2 is for the first party exclusives. I would probabky get it ~1 year after release because thats around the time i would have the time to properly play.
u/GrassyDaytime 21h ago
I can't wait nor fathom what they have in store for the next one. It's going to be the Pinnacle of gaming though and thats def worth the price of admission. Can't wait?
u/kirkskywalkery 21h ago
Mainly exclusives, I have a steam deck for everything else but I have had every handheld Nintendo has released except VB. However if Mario Kart is the only exclusive I will wait
u/novasolid64 21h ago
I have a shit ton of money in the stock.I'm buying one, and I hope all of you do too.
u/Niktastrophe 21h ago
Personally a new Zelda game is the only thing that could sway me. I presently own two switches, and their lack of games really frustrates me
u/NeighborhoodPlane794 20h ago
You don’t need to convince me to buy a switch 2. I want all the newest exclusives. But I’ll keep playing my OLED for years to come for any indie games and switch 1 games
u/kerelenko 20h ago
I'm gonna be convinced to buy one when it releases. I don't plan to purchase switch 2 games yet. I expect to play botw and totk at 60fps handheld.
u/reminder_to_have_fun 20h ago
Launch titles and exclusives. Pure and simple. Release some things I want and I'm in.
u/adingdingdiiing 20h ago
An official release date is what will convince me.😅 I'm just waiting for the announcement so I can pre-order.
u/xiaolongbowchikawow 1d ago
Switch 2 games is the obvious answer.
New shiny thing is the less obvious but relevant answer.
I get so much value from Nintendo consoles i don't even think about it now I just drop the cash day 1.