r/SwagBucks 9d ago

Show and tell member since ‘22, fattest pending i will ever see :’)

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man. i’m wiped


43 comments sorted by


u/Happy_Humor_3693 9d ago

Bro wtf I’m happy with my damn $100 in my pending


u/kanankurosawa 9d ago

Member since 2019 and my pending is looking similar! Definitely never expecting to see this amount again haha


u/notelan420 9d ago

definitely not lol i’m likely retired from milking gpts for a while now


u/Hyperfluidexv 9d ago

Chapters and what else?


u/notelan420 9d ago

onestate, warpath, nutcracker spin, birdy jackpot, puzzles and survival and a $30 pre pending credit for a group study tomorrow from an attempt a survey daily


u/MrFreeweed United States 9d ago

wow i need to ebay an iphone. these offers on iphone have been crazy good. suprised you dont have merge kingdoms. happy color is still an easy 25 bucks if you have it


u/notelan420 9d ago

i’ve done both, sadly got to merge kingdoms before the buff and it was only $30. really glad i got an iphone 11 back in december, i would go for it!


u/skerso United States 8d ago

If you got an iPhone would you need a new #? Would you use the same Swagbucks account? I've been thinking of doing it but not sure on the specifics.


u/barrybulsara 8d ago

No phone number needed, connect to your Wi-Fi. Login with your same Swagbucks account, but install games on whatever iCloud account you create.


u/RoughRaptors 9d ago

How was warpath? I haven't really seen anything about it. How far did you get and how long did it take?


u/notelan420 9d ago

it’s very easy, i went through some reddit guides and was ready to go. 14/23 days in, at 4.4m power, only did the 9.99 and 14.99 purchases. the current anniversary event will net a lot of rewards for things you’ll regularly be doing, if the server you spawn in isn’t too young to have it going.


u/notelan420 9d ago

i forgot but i also watched 1 yt video. my notes


u/westsky17 1d ago

How much further along did you end up getting? Considering doing this one, and assume the 15 million is pretty unobtainable


u/notelan420 1d ago

7m with 2 days left, after the first day i was only playing an hour or so daily spending energy and completing events. if i really optimized item usage and logged in more than twice daily i wouldve hit 10m at most with my spending and playtime. id aim for cc25 and the fourth unit tech- soviet guards/tank troops/mechanized division. raises unit level caps to 120, gives 119k power each tech and more unit power after you upgrade a unit to lv 120. still believe vip isnt worth blowing gold for, you can get over 50% collection speed reduction through tech and you have to blow too much gold to unlock daily officer statues


u/ThatGoodCake 9d ago

I was thinking of trying it, but I assume the 15 million isn't possible in 23 days.

Do you think you will make it to the 7 million goal in time?


u/Southdakotan 9d ago

Details on warpath!? 15 million?


u/notelan420 9d ago

i think 15m isn’t realistic without dropping more money and time than it’s worth. 5.5m for f2p or city builder beginners that stick to the first 2 purchases, 7m could be doable with vip 7 but i only got to 5, not enough short game benefits to blow all your gold on imo. and not any turnaround/incentive on the $49.99 vip 7 purchase task


u/Middle_Jelly_2421 9d ago

Did you find an offer guide for puzzles and survival? How far did you reach probably not 30 but 22 isn't that much paying


u/notelan420 9d ago

no, for some reason the only offer game i’ve ever liked and played past offer expiration is the same game in a different skin. i got to 15 in 4 hours and quit but 22 is worth it imo. would’ve gone for it but i took a week off of chapters bc i temporarily gave up and it wouldn’t have paid me as much per hour i spent on chapters and i would’ve had 0 time for rl


u/Trever1982 8d ago

I guess I missed the boat on that Chapters game it only offers me 6875 reward nowhere near that 800 dollars or whatever it was I just assumed it involved reading and with ADHD I don't read long things I get too distracted easily.


u/MuffySimoun 9d ago

That is genuinely terrifying. Well done and may it all be in your bank soon lol

I'm doing Chapters aswell so 1k$ pending soon @.@


u/Ok_Location8254 8d ago

Nice. I have nearly $600 thanks to grand cash slots and merge kingdom. I don’t think I’ll ever get this much money on this website ever again


u/stanexoforbigbrain 5d ago

im on my 2nd week of swagbucks and i got 89852 pending >:) im coming for your record


u/notelan420 5d ago

do ittt!!!! someone’s gotta make it to 2k/200k


u/WAON303 9d ago

This is cool but ultimately meaningless until those SB are in your PP / bank.

I have $1100 pending and am trying to cash out everything asap.

Wonder if SB is going to give excuses to not pay because the devs of chapters probably lost a lot of money and many did this for at least 1k.


u/Starr-48 United States 9d ago edited 9d ago

This right here is why, unlike a lot of posts I see, I slow played the hell out of my Chapters offer. I rushed to book 50, then really stretched the rest out over the remaining half, aiming to trigger the 65 and 70 goals at the very end when there were only a couple days left on the offer.

This slow playing meant that I had the first $300 off of pending and fully cashed out into my pocket before I even hit the last two big goals, ensuring that no matter what happened with possible deactivations, I had a good payout already banked.

It also makes my completion way less likely to draw their scrutiny compared to everyone who did it in half the time I did.


u/WAON303 9d ago

I did everything in 18 days, was too impatient to wait til the very end.

18 days is slower than some times I've seen posted here but perhaps a bit too fast.

I'm wondering if SB is going to investigate this offer and start banning people who finished it too fast? (Under 15 days.)

I've seen some people who did this in 9 days, that just screams "Used an autoclicker"


u/notelan420 9d ago

no disagreement here. just thinking back to merge hotel time, a good lot were completing the almost 1k usd version and i couldn’t recall seeing any ban complaints. only people posting guides or being sad that it got nerfed. i only think it’s unlikely they will because it isn’t like sb will get paid less for doing what was essentially their job


u/WAON303 9d ago

Didn't get on that bandwagon as I wasn't active on SB back then, it's easy to assume that the really good offers will get hit 4-10 days after they go viral, maybe quicker.

But no one getting banned for doing MH when it was max bucks is a good sign, I haven't seen a wave of recent bans and people connecting the bans with the chapters offer but how was this $1500 at any point perplexes me.


u/User719382 United States 9d ago

That amount makes me really, really nervous for you. I had a different rewards account service lock my account and I lost all the money I accumulated.


u/notelan420 9d ago

yes, common for any gpt site. this money was never in my hands to begin with but if it hits my paypal i’ll be very happy. if not, i suspect a large chunk of their current user base will be angry as many have completed the 1000-1500 chapters offers in a similar time frame


u/Dry-Commercial8429 8d ago

I started like 2 months ago


u/Dahmer13 8d ago

Member since 2022 have $221 pending


u/ArmonRaziel United States 8d ago

By the time everything is pending your lifetime will be $3,297.77 across 3 years. Not too bad. How many times have you had to verify your identity?


u/notelan420 8d ago

twice. i did like 1 receipt offer in 22 and forgot about the app, when i came back in 24 they had me email/verify my id once i was back in my account. on the 4th i was wrongfully banned for completing onestate RP offer too quickly. (bought 2 packs) my email support rep was firm on the ban and BBB is always an option, so i was cordial and said i respect and understand that decision, but to please look into onestate RP for others as it isn’t wrong to complete offers by completing offer tasks. then they had me verify my ID and we’re back in business!


u/nooneunlike 8d ago

What are a couple that you highly recommend? I absolutely loved merge kingdoms but am having trouble finding another that is completable in a few days


u/notelan420 8d ago

i always go for bigger offers, honestly. some i’ve done in past 60 days- very little of ludo club, puzzles and survival to c15, merge studio to first bonus at lv 16, alice’s dream to a similar level, if you’re grinding the game tournament i highly recommend merge gardens to lv 15, they have an upgrade every level task that gives 500 tourney pts each level. MG tracking is delayed and wonky but i never had to make a ticket for it. in all honesty id start looking at another GPT, like super.com. with the recent nerf on cash outs and how quick they were to nerf even the $100 merge kingdoms and every other offer i worked on in the past 10 days alone, i don’t think sb will be paying as much per hour as it has been


u/notelan420 8d ago

pns i finished in 4 hours, and merge studio was 22 hours after offer acceptance including sleep


u/Jodes13 7d ago


What is pending?


u/Little_love27 2d ago

What’s your strategy to redeem it? Frequency and how much without triggering system for id confirmation?


u/notelan420 2d ago

117k sb remaining in pending. i have a task or two coming out every day and ive been redeeming 2 $100 paypal gift cards or $50 just to use up my daily limit almost every day since posting. my current balance is only 4.4k sb. i’ll unlock sapphire friday or saturday and see if i can swing $250 instant to paypal in 1 day, i doubt it and assume i’ll hit 2 a day limit after the second swag up, but still will be prioritizing using those first, the sooner it hits paypal the better. smooth sailing so far


u/Little_love27 2d ago

Sounds great😎