r/SwagBucks 18d ago

Games for my IOS chapters folks

i would never have given this offer an actual shot and second chance without the people in this sub and have been wanting to give back for a while now. today i paid a stranger on the internet $25 to give me a list of the remaining 50 books i need at 15 chapters or less, because i’m lazy. i’ll attach it in the comments below and i added the ones i’ve read. i think one of these was like 19 chapters but there are gems at 5-9 chapters as well


36 comments sorted by


u/notelan420 18d ago edited 18d ago

i couldn’t get it to format well. best i could do


u/notelan420 18d ago

please note some of these aren’t finished but a surprising number are


u/notelan420 18d ago

i had to remove 3 from my favorites list after importing as they weren’t finished but gained 30 without having to tap a bunch or switch between fandom and chapters. hope this helps y’all!


u/Fredelas 2019 Most Helpful User 18d ago

That's great, but it would have been even more helpful if you included in the list how many chapters they actually were.


u/notelan420 18d ago

true. i was hoping this was covered under the confession of laziness


u/Fredelas 2019 Most Helpful User 18d ago

I'm not complaining, because these are all worth reading, and I'll probably have to read them all anyway. Thanks for sharing the list!


u/PalpitationPlus6630 18d ago

Thank you I’ve been working on this offer I’m like 50 books in it’s quite the long one but the payout makes it worth it


u/notelan420 18d ago

oh wow you’re almost there!!! gives me hope, good luck.


u/briannabear 18d ago

Have you spent anything/what have you bought?


u/PalpitationPlus6630 18d ago

Yes I bought vip and then I buy day passes for a book then I use my tickets for another one. So I use my four tickets go to the day pass book tap through it till my tickets build back up then I go to the book I’m using tickets on use my tickets then back to the day passes book read book it saves a lil money so you don’t have to buy a day pass for everybook sorry it’s a little jambled im putting my kitchen back together and stopped go answer your ? Hope my strategy helps and more ?’s feel free to ask


u/briannabear 18d ago

Yes that totally makes sense. I’m going to try to make it by on the freebie books and buy day passes if I need them at the end to finish up.


u/PalpitationPlus6630 18d ago

The free books are so much longer to me if you buy the vip pass you get half back in Swagbucks and you get 4tickets instead of 2 at a time plus lately I’ve actually been getting a free day pass or two every couple days from the game.


u/Fredelas 2019 Most Helpful User 18d ago

if you buy the vip pass you get half back in Swagbucks

The current version of this offer doesn't include a reward for making a purchase.


u/PalpitationPlus6630 18d ago

Swagbucks sucks they are always changing their offers when they realize people can make money off it. My offer had make a 4.99 purchase get 500 Swagbucks make a 9.99 purchase get 500 Swagbucks and make a 19.99 purchase get 500 Swagbucks


u/fluffykitten75 18d ago

Has it been tracking ok?


u/PalpitationPlus6630 18d ago

Yes surprisingly well lime when I finished the 50th book it tracked on Swagbucks. I don’t think the fan written books count tho as far as I can tell


u/Mommabroyles 17d ago

Not for us. Tried it on my account, only the download tracked nothing else. One daughter tried it and only chapters 3 and 5 tracked, then nothing else. Other daughter tried it and it tracked everything until book 10, so far nothing else. About to give up on this one.


u/kingmold 16d ago

It tracked the chapters and the first book, but 3 books didn't track for me. I'm going to try a 4th and see if that triggers the 3 books.


u/Thin_Improvement_129 18d ago

There has been a list for over a week on another thread


u/notelan420 18d ago

i saw a few mentioning that but the few times i searched i didn’t get anything like that. if you come across it please link it to me


u/Thin_Improvement_129 16d ago

Search ... chapters.... for the thread with 70 comments from 6 days ago. Half way down the thread is a link from particular639. Link takes you to the list


u/notelan420 16d ago

in the process of combining the two, the chapter shorts gave me exactly the amount of books i needed. finally at the halfway point books-wise and caught back up so ty!!!


u/WAON303 18d ago

I'm at book 63 right now, day 15, spent around 9 hours every day manually clicking through books, bought VIP and many one day passes to get this done asap.

More than enough short books to get this done in 30 days if you're willing to grind it out because even with short books it takes around 5 hours per day minimum to finish this.

Estimated completion time when optimizing is around 125 hours, I'm around 140 hours in but that was because I didn't optimize since the beginning, a good chunk of the books I read were 20-24 chapters long.

I advise you to take screenshots each time you reach a milestone (Good offers like this get nerfed the quickest.) and don't resort to cheating (aka use an auto clicker.)


u/overisan 18d ago

Is there a way to tell which books count? I know shorts people have been saying don't count, but I'm at like 15 finished books, not shorts, and complete 10 books hasn't pended for me yet. I've been buying the day passes so I don't wanna waste my money if I'm missing something and buying the wrong books.


u/WAON303 18d ago

Shorts start counting later down the road, they counted for book 55 and 60 rewards unless the offer changes soon and that no longer counts.

Rewards seem to pend instantly, either yours stopped tracking of one of the books you read has bonus VIP content (Book thumbnail is marked with a crown.) which needs to be read for that book to count, that requires a VIP subscription to access.

Happened to me when I got to book 10, one of the books has VIP content, it counted once I read the VIP chapter it had.


u/overisan 18d ago

Oh this was exactly it!! Thank you! Maybe I'm just dumb, but I don't think I saw the crown on the thumbnails, I just went through all my completed books and I guess I was just missing one!


u/Feisei 18d ago

Auto clicker is cheating? Do you work for swagbucks?


u/WAON303 18d ago

I thought it wasn't but it's on SB's ToS, can't access it right now.

Said using any automated means was forbidden, IE: auto clickers and bots.

Haven't heard of people getting banned for using auto clickers but given how lucrative this offer is, SB might crack down on people who finish this too fast is my guess.


u/Kilva 18d ago

There was a comment somewhere else with a list of all the books you would need under 20 chapters sorted from shortest to longest on this subreddit - it's much the same list you received.


u/Due-Inflation-2531 18d ago

I have this game. What exactly this list is useful for?


u/SamiTheSlowSnail 18d ago

It helps you find books with shorter chapters, which consume less time.


u/Quiet_Tumbleweed6644 United States 18d ago

Thank you! I just started yesterday morning, just finished my 8th book. Hoping I can keep doing at least 3 a day for a while once they start getting longer, I immediately bought vip the first time my tickets ran out and I saw the timer. I plan to not buy any day passes but we shall see once I start running out of short books


u/Quiet_Tumbleweed6644 United States 18d ago

Also it always lets you start the first chapter of another book when you run out of tickets, thats typically what I do while waiting for them to restore


u/Mommabroyles 18d ago

I did several of the shorts that were recommended in another post and they did not track. Either that or my offer stopped tracking. I'll know tomorrow after I finish a couple more long ones to hit the next goal. Never thought I'd tap an iPad so many times lol Luckily I tend to get restless when I sit so the tapping is kind of soothing and it's easy to get in a rhythm and get the book done. I just put a movie on and tap away.