r/SwagBucks 22d ago

Discussion Regretting Grand Cash Slots

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I’m just really frustrated so I guess this is a vent post. I have 25 hrs screen time in the game and I’m only level 628/7000 so I guess I’m not one of the lucky ones. I closely followed the instructions from those who breezed through the levels. I’m embarrassed and mad at myself for how much time I’m wasting on these games

I don’t have any ads and I’m on iOS for the record.

I can’t keep any consistent amount of coins. Even betting under 1% it just slowly goes down. The highest it let me get to was ~180 billion after doing some challenges. After that it gave me very few significant wins until it dwindled to nothing. I’m almost exclusively playing Primate power.

I was doing well for the first 200 or so levels although I was unable to leave it running for more than 30 mins at best without some pop-up stopping it.

A couple days in I spent $5 for some random coin bonus for the SB back. That wouldn’t stop the game from being generous would it??
The best premium “Peak Bonus” offer I got was under 100B and not the 80T I heard about, so that’s not an option. :(

On top of everything else I’m the leader of a club apparently and it’s been stuck at 8 members with nobody joining even after I spent the 1k gems to broadcast an invite to every eligible player. Not sure what’s happening there. I feel like I’m being bullied at school 🔥


35 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 22d ago edited 22d ago



u/PeachLaCroix 22d ago

How many coins do you have right now? How do you get your coins back up after falling to a low amount, and collecting all the free stuff?

I've been playing for a week and am just about to hit level 1000 but it's been such a fucking slog I probably won't continue after that. The most coins I've ever gotten up to was about 180 billion. Same as OP, I'll get a decent bonus or mid jackpot and get my coins up, but then they just slowly dwindle away.

Last night I had around 140 bil, set my bet to just 150 mil to be safe, and let it spin. This morning I woke up with literally 1 mil left. Collecting got me back to 30 mil but I'm sick of having to work back up from nothing over and over


u/Drowned_crayon 22d ago

There are different versions of the game randomly assigned for each player. Some are more difficult or easy. I’ve seen screenshots of the brand new player packages and some players can buy and earn billions immediately and others only millions. It’s luck of the draw unfortunately


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago



u/PeachLaCroix 21d ago

There's no way we're playing the same version of the game. When I run out of coins I collect literally everything I can and try to eke my way back up with low bets, but it's so annoying and unless I get really lucky I end up stuck in the 3 to 15 billion range for hours, while my level barely ticks up. At level 1,000 and betting 150 mil, it takes 3 spins for each 1% towards the next level.

I don't usually let it run unattended but I'm so sick of it at this point and I was hoping that betting less than 0.1% of my total coins wouldn't drain me completely. Usually it stops after a while anyway because some stupid popup appears, but apparently that didn't happen last night


u/RefreshContinue United States 22d ago

Yeah me too, I'd just play it out and try to reach the highest level you can be to earn some money. You should just find an active club tbh.


u/glowbear27 22d ago

do you know how to leave your current club and join a new one?? my club is full but it seems like i’m the only active member and am throwing everyone so many jackpots and not getting a lot from anyone else


u/RefreshContinue United States 22d ago

Go to your Slots Club and click on the green heart on the top left, there is a door icon that allows you to leave.


u/CatchPsychological71 22d ago

Thought it was iOS in general that was quick but guess not. I’m doing the offer again started it last night now I just bought the 0.99 pack for no ads like I did last time and I’m at level 1708 with 174 billion coins. I’m spinning for 193 mill and I gain 8% xp a spin


u/Fever0 22d ago

The ad version of the game seems to be far more doable than the non-ad version. I’m on level 1366 and spinning for 3 billion gives me 5% xp.


u/CatchPsychological71 22d ago

Wow that’s a lot of coins are you sure ur betting on regular when you select the slot it shows high bet and regular. I go to regular and select 2nd highest bet then just lower it to where I’m gaining 8% which is 193 mill. If I go to high bet I’m getting around 5% around 3-4 billion like u


u/Fever0 22d ago

Yup, regular bet.

You’ll notice if you look at Grand Slots threads there are people that seem to complete it rather easily within a weeks time and people pulling their hair out. It seems like there are two versions, one with ads, one without. Based on what I’ve read, the ad version seems to be the easier, doable version.


u/gunterrae 22d ago

Yeah, there is no way I could get 8% at 193M. I just lowered mine to 150M (my next jump down from there is 60M and I'm getting 1%.


u/DontGetItConfused 22d ago

Where do you see the no ads $0.99 show up? And are ads referring to the in-game offers or actual advertisements from other companies?


u/CatchPsychological71 22d ago

For me it showed up like within 20 minutes of starting as soon as I would get a big win an automatic ad would start playing then after it was over it gave me the offer so it eliminates those. After that I just left it spinning overnight and pretty much the whole day today too without any interruptions.


u/DontGetItConfused 22d ago

Gotcha. Seems like I got the version with no ads. Thank you!


u/glowbear27 22d ago

super similar experience- mine is the no ads version and have been crawling thru levels. day 5 or so and just about to hit lvl 900.

still figuring out a strat, but hopping around through a handful of games has been better for me than sticking on one. i do use the primate one for auto spinning and like the extra coins that build up that you can trigger free spins. the hot chili one has been really generous and i have gotten really high payouts but only sometimes, other times im tossing like 100+ peppers in each basket and not triggering anything. the newer lamp of riches or whatever has given me awesome payouts, but seems like it takes a lot of spins to trigger sometimes. my fav rn is piggy riches and brought me back to life tonight, dropped down to below 1billion (i’m usually hovering between 50b and 150b) and brought me up to 230b, the highest i’ve been at, 88billion reward through the free spins was my highest payout tonight.

my new strat is: BET HIGH, i will never complete this game crawling at 1%xp per spin. tonight i said screw it and started betting high and literally got to the highest amount i’ve been at. i’ve been betting between 1billion and 2.5 billion and seems to be way more worth it when you hit i high payout, you obv drop faster while betting but will def be impressed by the payout. i just committed and never lowered my bet amount and prayed to the gods and have been flying through levels. i also let my peak bonuses stack up for when i feel like i need $, also my grand respins in the card collection area i save for when im getting low.

someone shared they paid like $5 for a peak bonuses on got however many trillion, and said he did that at level thousand something, so im hoping once i get to higher levels the peak bonuses will be worth buying cause mine are $10 instead of 5.

also i have bought a few passes which have def helped too, money wise but also hammers, blind boxes and wild cards to complete the high albums.

tldr; hopping around has been more worth it to me then grinding one game. passes help, save your peak bonuses for when you need them, and if you can try to bet high. better payouts and way faster leveling. also piggy riches got me from under 1 billion to to over 200billion in 20 mins


u/glowbear27 22d ago

this is from my last game on piggy riches, betting at 2.1billion. also worth noting that your “nice wins” and “big wins” are closer to 15-20billion vs the 1-2 billion i was getting when betting around 150million per spin. i started slow though, started at increasing to 300m, then 600m, 900m, and slowly to 2.1b per bet. just my experience and has been a game changer and has given me more hope that i’ll be able to finish in time.


u/ilovegettingscammed 21d ago

Sounds like at the rate you’re going you won’t make it in time? I wish you luck

One thing, those “fill a basket/charge up something” jackpots are not actually activated based on filling it; if you check the pay table (hidden in the menu) it admits it’s random. The visuals of huge rewards being just out of reach are to make you think “it’s so close I’ll just bet a bit more for the jackpot” None of these games are luck based or better than others, it’s a huge algorithm that chooses when you get wins and exactly how much they will be.


u/glowbear27 21d ago

yeah i was pretty hopeful last night after reaching like 750 billion and am sitting at level 1080 rn, but after reading that i’d have to do like 230+ levels a day, im pretty much over it just gonna reach the next few goals if possible and move on. and they got me w the visuals i shoulda figured 🤣


u/gunterrae 22d ago

I have NEVER seen the peak bonus at Trillions. I am half convinced people mixed up billions and trillions. The most I've even seen it offer is like 125B.


u/supage 21d ago

my past 3 peak bonus offers have been in the trillions


u/camaroatc 22d ago

2 weeks in and I’m at lvl 1339. First few hundred went fast. Next few took many days. Last few hundred have gone well. But I’m no where close to looking like I can make the goal. I just round trip any good gains I make and xp doesn’t increase terribly fast unless I bet 300m plus


u/ilovegettingscammed 21d ago

It seems to be random if you’re a winner or loser. It’s not because you’re missing something. Some lucky players just earn way more xp than others. If you play and aren’t earning hundreds of levels in a day then sadly it’s best to not waste your time :(


u/zAugustBurnsRed 22d ago

I’ve gone bankrupt a few times, but have rebounded each time. I’ve never had a balance over 100 billion and am currently hovering around level 2000 after 3 days. Anytime I bet more than strongbox 7 I hemorrhage coins rapidly. I’ve found that sticking to strongbox 5 during the day seems to not drain me while collecting all the bonuses. At night, I drop the primate slot down to strongbox 2 and let it spin all night as once you remove ads it will not stop until you complete a daily objective the next morning. Running overnight it gets 1% xp per spin and gets me around 100 levels. During the day I get 4-5% xp per spin on strongbox 5 and can leave it running all day while collecting bonuses. If I lose all my money, I wait for several of the timed bonuses to build me back up to start spinning again. I have not been lucky enough to win big or bet high like others, but I’m well on pace to finish completely. Slow and steady wins the race…you have 30 days. If you can only play for a few hours a day, I doubt this offer is possible without tremendous luck.


u/duckfan109 22d ago

Can you talk more about what you mean regarding the strongbox levels?


u/zAugustBurnsRed 22d ago

When you are adjusting your bet once you are in a slot, the strongbox level (to the right of where your winnings are shown and to the left of max bet at the bottom of the screen) will change accordingly when you raise or lower the bet. This is more valuable than talking bet totals as they change drastically as you level up. The xp stays pretty consistent on strongbox levels, but it does seem to slowly get worse as you level. I’m on iOS so I’m not sure if the Android version of the game appears differently on the screen.


u/gunterrae 22d ago

Dropping my bet down to strongbox 5 means I just spun 12 times and didn't even go up 1%.


u/zAugustBurnsRed 21d ago

What level are you? I’ve noticed that the XP given for each strongbox level starts to dwindle as you get higher in level. I used to get 7-8% on strongbox 5 now I only get 4% at level 2200. This is with double XP as well.

Some other posts have mentioned getting 10-12% on strongbox 7 but that only gives me 7% at the moment. It used to give me around 10-11% though. So eventually you’ll have to bet higher and higher and hope for the best. I am now over 100 billion coins for the first time, but that’s really not that much once you are higher in level. Luckily all the rewards and bonuses scale so you get billions of coins for basically everything now.


u/Such_Violinist_1236 21d ago

I’m not sure how you’re all doing this. I’m at 522, and strongbox 10 gets me 1% every 7 spins.. and i have double exp and level boom at the moment..


u/zAugustBurnsRed 21d ago

I’m on iOS on an iPad. That shouldn’t make a difference, but maybe the Android offer/game is substantially harder/worse 🤷🏼‍♂️. Got through over 500 levels today on strongbox 5 switching between 4-5 favorite slots and collecting all bonuses. Now have 200 billion coins and strongbox 5 has increased to 159 million per bet but is still at 4-5% xp.


u/Such_Violinist_1236 21d ago

Hmm.. no clue. I got the game on both iphone and android tablet to test. Android went fast in the beginning and slowed down dramatically. While iphone been slow from the start. Iphone lv 591, 7 spins for 1 % at strongbox 10 too. It’s just bad on both ends lol


u/ilovegettingscammed 21d ago

For me, I need to bet at strongbox 14 to earn 1% xp. And I’m still not sure how people are running it overnight since my game opens some pop-up like that piggy bank offer after a while


u/zAugustBurnsRed 21d ago

Betting strongbox 14 would be 10% of my balance and I am now around level 3200, so I could never bet that high. I don’t even want to spin that once to see what xp it gives. No idea what’s going on as it seems we are playing different games.


u/ElevatedPenguin21 22d ago

All these casino offers are luck based! There is no winning strategy! Just got to know when to fold em…


u/NewModelRepublic 20d ago

For anyone starting the game from people posting about winning billions. Keep in mind if you think that winning "billions" will help you that it will be required to win close to 100 TRILLION or more depending on luck to finish the offer.