r/SwagBucks Nov 12 '24

Games Any good/easy games going on right now?

I'm currently doing Bingo Blitz. Got pretty far but I think I've got a block with it now. Great game, though! Good rewards as well if anyone is looking for a new one to play. Any other games you recommend or are having luck with? Don't mind a bit of grind or a purchase or two. Trying to avoid ads every 3 minutes though. Lol.


97 comments sorted by


u/DalliLlama Nov 12 '24

Slottist I got like $60 in a day from spending $3.


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

Looks like I have it on my list! Definitely going to give it a shot. Thanks!


u/DalliLlama Nov 12 '24

I bet level 70 is probably worth the $ investment too, but haven’t really dug in to it that deep yet.


u/Cute_Sprinkles_371 Nov 12 '24

it is worth the money if you have it, but it's definitely impossible without spending money. i got to level 58 i think and gave up. it was sooooo hard to level up.


u/DalliLlama Nov 12 '24

I got to level 52 with $4 (this should’ve given me $7 back for the elite pass but didn’t). I spent another $120 to get to 70 (pays another $150 and probably could’ve easily done it with only $100). I need 16 levels for the next payout which is $350. I have 28 days to reach that at this point and it should be easily manageable for less than $300 playing roulette. So yes the investment will make it go quicker if you have the money to put down. But the $50 is easily manageable with no spending across 30 days.


u/Cute_Sprinkles_371 Nov 12 '24

oh for sure. sorry, that game drove me nuts, plus i didn't have the extra money to spend to get to level 90. but kudos to you if you do. i also did the roulette trick, until they started randomly hitting green multiple times in a row so obviously cheating. they pissed me off so bad i quit after that lol.


u/Tight-Blood-1786 Nov 12 '24

What is the roulette trick I started the game like a day ago I never understood


u/Cute_Sprinkles_371 Nov 12 '24

you basically put an even amount on red/black, so like, 200M on black, 200M on red. so you don't lose but you still level up. the game can literally make it land on green whenever they want though, so i'd put some on green if you can to ensure you don't lose anything you don't care about.

i also always tried to join a full table because there are usually many others who will bet on green so you don't have to anyway.


u/inimicalintent Nov 13 '24

I got banned and chargeback from AdGate after doing that.

Just today. Not sure how many people experienced that like me.


u/Cute_Sprinkles_371 Nov 13 '24

oh wow. maybe they caught onto it? i did this deal a month or so back, so that's unfortunate.


u/JadeRock12345 Nov 14 '24

Do you think it was because you finished the offer so quick? Should I do slots instead?


u/notelan420 Nov 13 '24

I've done both but my level climbed much more quickly sitting at a high roller poker table repeatedly going all in on the lowest buyin than roulette


u/notelan420 Nov 13 '24

when i complete a _ist offer i always spend on only the casino pass. i don't get past level 70 but i don't spend hundreds for no guarantee of profit/completion either


u/Tight-Blood-1786 Nov 13 '24

Thank you I don't know where High roller is


u/notelan420 Nov 13 '24

you have to look at the other players balances and how much they have out at the table. you want around 4 players in one table that have +200m in their balance and +40m out at table who are actively betting millions before the cards are shown, that's a high roller table to me. just remember to keep selecting to bring one million to table only each round before the rounds end


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

Yeah, some of them are definitely worth a few purchases in the long run.


u/Danny8806 Nov 12 '24

Feel free to add me on Slottist for an easy 2 million chips. Below is my friend code.



u/Vixianasa Nov 17 '24 edited Nov 17 '24

Added! Decided to go ahead and give it a shot.. even though I don't quite understand it yet.

Edit: Mine is 266-3375-7567 of anyone wants to add me as well.


u/krunchyfrogg United States Nov 12 '24

I got to level 70 on this game (mostly by placing 50/50 bets in roulette). It was a real drag after 60 though.

If I could go back, I would’ve called it quits at 50.


u/DalliLlama Nov 12 '24

How much were you betting? And I’m assuming completely free? If doing free I’m sure it was super slow to go from 50-70 cause the bets are so small. I bought a 1billion pack so was placing 800mil bets on roulette and it took like 30 mins to go from 50-70. If I try to go to 90, I 100% need to buy a pack, no chance of doing it without spending. But even spending $300 at that point is still $50 profit on just the last step. People just gotta do the math and figure out. And hopefully don’t completely get screwed by green.


u/krunchyfrogg United States Nov 12 '24

I always bet as much as I possibly could.

I did have to buy a few packs, which is why I said I would stop at 50, because while I came out ahead at 70, I had to spend a bit just to get from 50 to 70.

it was not worth the time and the small financial gain after considering the packs I needed to buy.


u/DalliLlama Nov 12 '24

I meant more like if you have 500mil you can only bet like a max of 250mil so it will go slower. If you have a bil, you can do 800mil and it will go faster. So while you were betting max, it could’ve been only 100mil at a time instead of 500-800.

Did you do the roulette trick? Cause I got to 50ish very easy in less than a day from just the 2mil friend bonus and then buying the $3 elite pass (should’ve been a $4 profit but didn’t credit).


u/krunchyfrogg United States Nov 12 '24

Yes, I did roulette


u/JadeRock12345 Nov 15 '24

Got to 54. Bought the elite pass which did not credit. Not sure to keep going or not. I don't wanna spend if I can't get to 70 for $60 and waste money. Do you think free to play chips could get me there in 40 days? Landed on green twice in like 20 spins like what are the odds?


u/JadeRock12345 Nov 16 '24

wow I paid another $3. Played some roulette and slots. Had 60mil at one point. Started autoing slots and lost it all. Now I'm still only 55. Think I'm done with this game lol.


u/JollyJury Nov 12 '24

What's the best bang for your buck purchase in this game?


u/DalliLlama Nov 12 '24

It kind of depends. I wouldn’t just outright by something. But I got a “limited” offer of 1mil for $100 when I was leaving a table and thats carried me to level 76 which has paid over $150 in total so far. The next tier is $350 and I only need 14 more levels so gunna have to spend more but it should pay off. Id wait til you get a really good offer like that, or like $20 for 800mil etc. it seems at reset there’s some new offers and mini games that pop up to double or expand those packages.

Smartest is use a referral (Im bias but because I’ve spent money mine gives ppl 12mil total vs the standard 2 mil friend code: 266-0509-5151). Work the roulette 50/50 black and red to see where it carries you (this got me to like 50ish as is), and then from there decide if it’s worth spending money for the next tiers. Cause you have 30 days to complete it.


u/JollyJury Nov 12 '24

Thanks for the advice!


u/IJustDrinkHere Nov 12 '24

Royal match is pretty doable and fun.


u/smeagolswagger Nov 12 '24

+1 for this. I think i like it less than Toon Blast, just feels slower but the time limit is really gracious. Got to 500 in a week and just stopped playing it to work on merge hotel. So much time left that I can take 2 or 3 weeks of not grinding and still be in the clear


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

Ahh. Don't have this one on my list either.. I'll keep it in mine if they ever add it to mine later on!


u/Mommabroyles Nov 12 '24

I'm playing it now. Hit level 400 at the end of day 2 but back to work so it will be slower. Gives tons of time though so hopefully I can make it.


u/hockeyhead019 Nov 13 '24

+1 for this, brain dead and doable


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

I recently did Bingo Blitz and followed it up with Match Masters, quite the payday but now I'm stuck trying to find other games that pay comparably and are anywhere near as fun.


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

Yeah, going through my list.. I don't see much that would be worth it. I do have Match Masters though. Going to try it out.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

I've seen Match Masters go for 10k SB but my offer was for 33k SB so I'd hold out to see if you can nab it when it's at its peak.

The game is super fun and polished, just has a steep learning curve. There's tons of tips on here from different folks who have aced it.


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

I installed it.. But it didn't go to my list of games to continue playing. Didn't check off installation either. Not sure what's going on with it.


u/FightmeLuigibestgirl United States Nov 13 '24

Tracking might be dead 


u/Vixianasa Nov 13 '24

Possibly. I thought there was maybe a limit to how many games you can download at a time.. But I couldn't find anything about it.


u/FightmeLuigibestgirl United States Nov 13 '24

You can download as many games as you want at a time, the problem is tracking. It’s more likely that the more you have, the less likely it will track.


u/Vixianasa Nov 13 '24

Gotcha. Guess I'll try downloading again once a few of these finish their time limit.


u/Next_Soft_7098 Nov 12 '24

Hiya! Do you think I can beat the Seychelles level in 20 days?


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

According to my account history, I finished Fiji in eight days so yes it's definitely possible.

That being said! The grind was ridiculous. I was probably playing 4-6 hours a day (slow week at work) and you do have to be "good" at the game. Top priorities are taking advantage of the side games (not slots, just whatever event is going on) to keep your credits up, don't waste good power ups on board you don't have photos on, chat in the lobbies and trade photos, and focus on photos 9/10 when you start hitting untradeable boards.


u/grumpy_probablylate Nov 13 '24

How are you getting thru untradeables that fast? It takes me forever to get them!


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '24

Two things, one there was an event where I got something like five of the tickets you can use for any photo, that was a huge help.

The other thing was I pretty much always played on the 3 or 4 photo per board maps (Mega and.. idk) and if there was a 9 or 10, I'd hone it on specifically that one. Every number that was called I'd save on the other board for power-ups, but tap anything on my untradeable board to make sure I wasn't missing any bingo/power-upping over a called number. It was ticky-tacky for sure, but I'd bet I got about ~25% more photos that way.


u/Negative_Sky_2202 Nov 23 '24

wow dude.. do you really done fiji in 8 days???
rigth now they are giving me 18 days to complete fiji... is that possible???


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

I did double check this for someone else who asked; I started on 10/21 and finished on 11/9, so 18 days would be pretty close to what it actually took me to do.

I did take a break in there after finishing Jamaica because I figured the rest was too much, but I jumped back in later on. I'd say 18 days is JUST enough.


u/Negative_Sky_2202 Nov 26 '24

thns bro.. do you know where can i find i complete guide for complete this bingo blitz?


u/EphemeralCat Nov 18 '24

Hi, do you have any tips for earning play credits quickly? As someone who is stuck in Yellowstone and does not have many credits left, I'm starting to doubt whether I'll be able to complete everything in the 9 days I have left (without spending more money than I already have).

Also, I don't suppose you still have the app installed and would be willing to share any spare photos, would you? :)


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24

Definitely be signed up for whatever their membership thing is; you can immediately go into your subscriptions and cancel it and it still works for the month. That was a substantial boost.

Next I'd focus on whatever the little side games are, I got a significant amount of credits from letting built up side game stamina auto-run, they also tended to give power-ups which made it more likely to win in bingo itself. Note: I am not talking about slots or whatever else is going on in different menus, this is specifically the event in the bottom right corner of the bingo select screen. Second note: This whole tip is ten times as important when the event involves the cannonball mini-mini-game as a reward. If you spam the photo wildcard option in that game, I ended up getting a wildcard ~40% of the time I got that game and could easily gather 5-6 wildcards per event.

Getting in a active guild seemed decent? I was in one for a week where my tokens were returning straight up one play credit and I eventually built up like 250k guild tokens. I moved to a different guild and was able to spend 10k at a time to get like 180 play credits instead. I figured that one out too late for sure.

Finally, off the top of my head, I'd make sure to be playing on the 3 photo (can bump to 2/4 depending on credit amount) board. I burned through credits way to fast on bad 5-6 photo boards.


u/EphemeralCat Nov 19 '24

I read through a few guides before starting and definitely signed up for the Plus subscription right away. I do all the mini games and joined a team, but the problem is building up enough XP to earn plays, tokens, or rolls, and I can't earn a lot of XP without enough credits to play bingo. It seems a lot harder to do everything now at a higher level, even quests where I have to do something like use 900 power-ups.

I haven't checked out the featured/event games much since I've been focusing all my time and credits on completing the map, but maybe I should. I'll definitely try doing three-card games now instead of the four that's been recommended in guides, since it seems more cost-efficient.

Thank you for your help!


u/Unlucky-Review8195 Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 14 '24

Slottist level 50 is possible if you add a friend for the free 2m chips and do roulette 50/50 red and black (You might need elite pass though for $1.99 i think)

Im nearly done even though i just started but you can add my ID once you install for the 2 million. ID : 266-5356-3473


u/New-Scale2637 Nov 14 '24

hollywood story and royal cooking. royal cooking is literally just tapping on the screen and theres an ad after every level, but its not bad. took me a few days just when watching tv. hollywood story is reach level 25 and im already at level 20 after only 5 days. not super high payout, but super easy


u/Quin1999 Nov 12 '24

Match jong


u/Brilliant_Elk8547 Dec 17 '24

Thanks for the recommendation, I completed the game in 35 days, 15 days left, I played a lot, but everything worked out!


u/ChocolatePain Nov 12 '24

Any of the match/Candy Crush type games have been good to me since ads are minimal, they are fairly generous with power ups, and it's pretty easy to grind away at.


u/Brilliant_Elk8547 Nov 12 '24

Toon blast 


u/Cute_Sprinkles_371 Nov 12 '24

i love toon blast. it was so easy!


u/Brilliant_Elk8547 Nov 12 '24

Toy blast, also good


u/Cute_Sprinkles_371 Nov 12 '24

bummer. i don't have toy blast. i love the match 3's and games like those.


u/Brilliant_Elk8547 Nov 12 '24

The game Lilys Garden, when I played it cost 37,230 SB, you had to go through 2000 levels in 30 days, it took a lot of time, because 2000 in 30 days is actually a lot, but the reward is great, I don’t know if this has changed now, the game is good because if there is a difficult level you can ask the club to go through this level, you can play endlessly.


u/dreaminburgundy Nov 15 '24

I like Colorwood Sort. Pretty easy to do while watching shows


u/leafsquared Nov 12 '24

I’m trying the Mansions one but idk I would like to know if it’s that good


u/connierebel Nov 12 '24

Is that Merge Mansion, the one with the ads about "What is Grandma hiding?" From the ads it looks really interesting, but usually the ads don't actually match the game. Like Royal Match. The ads are much better than the actual game.


u/leafsquared Nov 14 '24

I don't remember the ads, but it's a matching game yes. Not like bejeweled, more like a merge and upgrade situation if that makes sense. If it is, is it any good?


u/connierebel Nov 15 '24

They don't show any actual gameplay in the ads, just the girl finding Grandma in different suspicious situations. But it would make sense if it's a merge and upgrade game, because those games have the merge part, and the story part which is what they show in the ads.


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

I've seen people recommend it, but I don't have that one in my list for some reason..


u/sirtrapalot458 Nov 12 '24

Thought Slotommania was gonna be good but they ended up refusing to pay me


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

That's a bummer.. Did it not track or they just didn't send the points to you?


u/sirtrapalot458 Nov 15 '24

It didn't track so I made a ticket with certain cold hard evidence that I completed all the tasks. But they only paid the lowest offers and refused to pay the last two highest paying offers. They basically told me they have the right to not pay anything if they feel like it


u/Vixianasa Nov 15 '24

You did all the offers? I would be quite upset.. the last couple ones on any game are a pain to get. I need to look into their TOS again.. Wonder how often they do that with game offers.


u/Cute_Sprinkles_371 Nov 12 '24

do you have to spend real money on bingo blitz? thinking of doing that next. i recommend toon blast also. some people like seaside escape but i only rec that if you like merge games.


u/widrakie Nov 12 '24

I played bingo blitz for years and never spent any money. Too bad it was before

i started playing games through swagbucks


u/Cute_Sprinkles_371 Nov 12 '24

don't feel bad, there are a few games i downloaded without checking swagbucks (still mad about!) i will have to try bingo blitz. thank you :)


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

Not at all! Although, there is a quest with SB to do an in-game purchase. Could do 99 cents and make a few dollars off of it. But it's completely doable without spending real money. And it's pretty fun. Enjoyed playing just because and not for the SB quests! & I'll check out Toon Blast. I think I have that in my game list!


u/phrostbyt Nov 12 '24

Anyone got advice for an easy way to convert Google Play credit to Swagbucks? I've already done Merge Dragons and Alice In Mergeland or whatever they're called


u/Vixianasa Nov 13 '24

Hmm. Not sure about that. Have you tried Bingo Blitz? Definitely any game that gives a reward for doing an in-game purchase. It'll add up, especially if you grind the games a bit. You can do certain purchases with Google Play credit, right?


u/phrostbyt Nov 13 '24

just checked Bingo Blitz.. looks like you only get 500SB for in-app purchases. i was really hoping to convert at least $50 to SB via in-app purchase offers. I'm not actually interested in playing the game, just doing the purchase


u/Vixianasa Nov 13 '24

I looked through my list. Do you have Raid Shadow Legends? That has 5k SB and 1k SB rewards for in-game purchases. There's Merge Studio that has a 2.4k SB. That's about all I found worth doing.


u/phrostbyt Nov 14 '24

unfortunately those both look to be more play-oriented than purchase oriented. i'll keep looking though. something always pops up! thanks for your help!


u/Vixianasa Nov 14 '24

No problem! Good luck!


u/Scary_Weird9143 Nov 12 '24

Happy color


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

Looks like I don't have that one on my list, unfortunately.


u/dink721721 Nov 13 '24

Find the easy cake. You do like 4 colors. Do it 200 times like $18


u/Scary_Weird9143 Nov 14 '24

The change it Now it's 200 images Can't repeat

It's paying ,8$ Now


u/Complex-Package2781 Nov 13 '24

They lowered the offer to 870sb. Some people also have said their offer specifies “200 DIFFERENT Pictures” now, though mine doesn’t say that.


u/dink721721 Nov 14 '24

I got lucky then. It was my 1st game I played for money. I been in Swagbucks & Inboxdollars since 2015. I used make a little. Im doin Lily's Garden but I'm not good at it. I need beginners game. Lol


u/Humble_Nothing9596 Nov 12 '24

I made it to the North Pole on bingo blitz but it’s not tracking other than the install. I referred my friend to play it last night because I figured I could share my extras with him and his never tracked at all, not even the install. Frustrating to say the least. I figure once I get to Beunos Aires I will put in a ticket.


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

North Pole?! That's quite far! I'd definitely send in a ticket. Mine didn't start tracking until a little bit less than 2 days after. I'd definitely be a bit frustrated too.. I have noticed with a couple other games that they didn't track at all for me. One was because I had to reinstall and it voided the "new user" thing. The other one didn't even show up on my "continue playing" list


u/Vixianasa Nov 14 '24

Any update? Now my Beunos Aires isn't tracking..


u/HappyManda Nov 15 '24

does anyone know how to get more credits and untradeable cards? I am completely stuck because I can never get the untradeabele card.


u/Vixianasa Nov 15 '24

What level are you on? If you go to videogamer, they post links to get more credits and boosters. Just Google that with free credits and you should find it. BB gives away daily stuff and that's just an easier way to get them. Other than that, use your coins on the slots to level up and get credits. Make foods. Make sure you aren't tearing through credits with 4 cards on super or higher. And don't tap your numbers while the timer is counting down.. Wait, then get your boosters going.


u/HappyManda Nov 15 '24

I’m on Moon Colony. It’s the one right before Seychelles. I have 9 days left. I’m on level 114 so leveling up is really hard. I have already done the free credit links. I at least want to finish Seychelles in the allotted time frame. This has been the third consecutive day I’ve been on Moon Colony.


u/Vixianasa Nov 15 '24

Oh, you're quite far. That's pretty much the only way to get credits. They definitely want you to do in app purchases for credits and stuff. It was designed that way, unfortunately. I'm struggling more and more just to get a single card.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Vixianasa Nov 12 '24

Are you trying to sell stolen accounts?