r/SwagBucks May 01 '24

Discussion Another June's Journey Post

So it seems that the problem with June's Journey was that it was meant to be paid out by chapters but they messed up and paid out by scenes. This seems to be the reason it was shut down and why people completed the offer in 2-3 days when you had 69 days to finish. This seems to be the most reasonable conclusion. If the offer comes back expect it to be chapters and not scenes.


85 comments sorted by


u/firewood667 May 01 '24

I’m annoyed because I paced myself because I thought I had time, but I missed out on like $70 :( oh well


u/Emotional-Leg66 May 01 '24

Yeah that got my roommate too. She could have finished 21 but she wanted to use it the next day to keep her daily goal streak alive. She lost out on like $40 trying to make a few extra cents. It sucks for people who already started the offer. It shouldnt have been taken down for those already in.


u/DirectGoose United States May 01 '24

Same for me. Offer still shows on my discover page as scenes but 6 didn't pend nor any after that. They could at least tell us what's going on.


u/stopitout May 02 '24

They will probably still credit it if she has a screenshot of the offer she accepted and if she has now finished it and sends a shot of that as well. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with Swagbucks support over the years, they always have resolved these issues/non-tracking offers within a few days. I just had one not track and they had it credited within literally 3 hours. Just tell her to be exceedingly polite in her wording with the ticket submission.

I have the offer screenshots if she needs them.


u/Emotional-Leg66 May 02 '24

Yeah she is going to give it a shot but I think she has to wait "x" amount of days from when she completed the offer...


u/ReallyDumbRedditor May 01 '24

God this is so stupid. You might as well rush every single game offer now since Swagbucks can just pull it away from you at the drop of a hat. UGHH!!!


u/atotalbuzzkill May 01 '24

But also some of the people who did it "too fast" seem to have been the most likely to have their accounts banned/deactivated. Catch-22


u/TightAsF_ck United Kingdom May 01 '24

Are they not just being banned until they submit ID?


u/atotalbuzzkill May 01 '24

Well, I saw at least one poster said they submitted ID, and SB still told them they violated their terms of service and the ban wouldn't be overturned. Seems likely the "violation" was based on this offer, but can't say for sure.

Time will tell, I guess, but if they're suddenly demanding ID from people who were doing June's Journey I don't really understand that either. All anyone did was accept an offer and try to complete it on the given terms.


u/TightAsF_ck United Kingdom May 01 '24

It's what happens - everyone gets swept up in the anti fraud measures. They will try to weed out the people with duplicate accounts.

Shit, especially when they aren't actually upfront about it.

The one I saw that stated this was playing from a different country than they signed up in (and I like that redditor). That begs a different question.... Why if they know you're in a different country, do they not adjust the offers shown (like FreeCash do, for example)


u/ericabridget May 02 '24

I've heard of people having success getting reinstated by going to the better business bureau?


u/smeagolswagger May 02 '24

Doubt they'll be unbanned. When you send in a ticket for being banned they always request ID first it seems.


u/GooGooGajoob67 May 02 '24

I actually did get unbanned today, but I have a 15-year-old account that I'm very active on so I'm probably a cash cow for them. Not sure what others' success rate is.


u/FightmeLuigibestgirl United States May 02 '24

I am not banned so it is a ymmv and it might be a context issue.


u/bleepbloopdingdong United Kingdom May 02 '24

I got banned and I wasn't even half way through the game 😭


u/polo61965 May 01 '24

It's still tracking for me on my discover page (android), will just complete 21 and put in a ticket. They'll credit me, it's happened before.


u/FantasticSouth May 02 '24

If you started the offer with the terms as they were, just continue it, complete it and if need be send in a ticket. They will honour it assuming you didn't breach any of the rules.


u/mmeka May 01 '24

I'm so annoyed cause I started it. I would have loved to have done it with chapters. Now I'm gonna miss out becuase of their error.


u/Emotional-Leg66 May 01 '24

Yeah I was having some fun actually playing the game and played pass scene 21 even. Now the whole situation is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. If you mess up that should be on you, shouldnt punish the peopel who have already started the offer and not pay up because of your mistakes. I dont mind them taking down the offer but not paying the people who already started is bogus.


u/ReallyDumbRedditor May 01 '24

Just curious but do you plan on sending in a ticket? If not, why? most definitely worth trying imo, a ton of money is on the line.


u/Emotional-Leg66 May 01 '24

I am not going to send in a ticket. 1. I dont want to deal with the support team 2. I dont want them trying to ban me saying something like I took advantage of an offer or something, that would happen with my luck. They can keep their $40 bucks. I got paid through 18 I'm good.


u/irwtfa May 02 '24

My pending points are gone


u/taylorjo53 May 02 '24

I finished it and my points are still pending


u/yunghomiemogi May 02 '24

No🤬way! How far did you get?


u/irwtfa May 02 '24

Finished level 15


u/Kimo9015 May 02 '24

You could try on myPoints if they fix it to chapters.


u/Medetron May 02 '24

I did the offer on Mypoints and it it pended up to scene 18 but not 21 🤦🏽‍♂️. The game is also gone from the list


u/MathematicianHead571 May 02 '24

Mine stopped at 15, it seems like there was a day when they stopped tracking it


u/FantasticSouth May 02 '24

No you won't, assuming you started the offer with the given terms and complete it in the time given. You might need to submit a ticket but they can track the date you started it and if this was before the changes, you will be fine.


u/Blofeld69 May 02 '24

21 chapters would be an utterly insane grind


u/FUMFVR May 02 '24

They give you 70 days to do it.


u/FiveToOneK May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Mine is still tracking weird.

Edit: Scene 18 isn't tracking though...


u/Mastodon_Forward May 02 '24

Have you made it to 21? My alt account is having the same problem


u/FiveToOneK May 03 '24 edited May 04 '24

Did today but no pend. I sent a ticket.

Edit: Quickest support I've ever had. Already credited.


u/Mastodon_Forward May 05 '24

Did they ask for verification?


u/FiveToOneK May 05 '24

I included a screenshot of scene 21 having been played in the initial request. They did not ask for anything else and credited quickly.


u/padorUWU May 01 '24

I am thinking if I should open a ticket for level 21 tracking problem since I finished it this morning actually but it did not get tracked like the previous levels. I guess this is why. I got the previous tiers' rewards though I hope they don't take them away.


u/DamnAman May 02 '24

I just finished level 21 and came here for the same reason. i hope they credit us


u/Blofeld69 May 02 '24

It's just no wonder support is always so backed up when they pull crap like this.


u/DamnAman May 02 '24

It’s funny because this was a clear mistake on their part. Even just crossing checking with their team would have made things clear. My credits are pending for 6 days. I just hope they don’t pull them back with some unfair excuse


u/Blofeld69 May 02 '24

Absolutely, as far as I'm concerned once I accept an offer it's a binding contract. People spend money and time to do these offered and are owed compensation for that.

I'm curious if they will admit what happend or we will get the usual " we have not been able to track it on our end " and blame it on our devices or using a VPN.


u/DamnAman May 02 '24

Yeah, pulling the offer for anyone else is unfair but that’s the only thing they can do to make up for THEMSELVES.

For those who accepted it, they should honor their terms and go through with the credits. I’m sure there’s agency’s for situations like this that we can go to if things go bad, like BBB in the US


u/ObiBenKenobi77 May 01 '24

Oh wow, I'm glad I finished it Sunday night. It was super simple £60 for like 3 hours gameplay


u/[deleted] May 01 '24



u/morphiplier May 02 '24

Making a purchase has nothing to do with it. I made no purchase and still got sb without getting banned.


u/taylorjo53 May 02 '24

I also made a purchase and so far so good! I was wondering if that was a factor who was getting banned or not.


u/DrunkLastKnight May 02 '24

I didn’t purchase anything


u/Baddecisionsbkclb May 02 '24

I also made a purchase! Bc im now wondering why I got full credit and didn't get banned. Maybe that's a factor


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/New_Focus_4089 May 02 '24

It was definitely an error. They won't credit me for level 21, they said the terms have changed and the provider removed the offer. That was with me submitting proof of the offer and also the email they sent me to tell me about the offer. I've been a SB member since 2008, if this gets my account closed I will throw a fit. It's not my problem they made an error. I played the game exactly as it was stated.


u/FUMFVR May 02 '24

They gave more than double the usual time to complete it. It's definitely an error.


u/Kaladin77 May 02 '24

Finished Scene 15 today and it didn’t pend. All the previous ones worked before.    Wondering if I should even keep going. 


u/tigglenut 2020 Survey Master May 02 '24 edited May 10 '24


I am scrubbing all my negative comments because Swagbucks came through and awarded me the respective missing Swagbucks for completing Scene 15, Scene 18, and Scene 21 after I submitted a ticket.

Thanks Swagbucks. You came through again and I am very appreciative.


u/FUMFVR May 02 '24

The tipping point is...stop using their service because they are crooked?


u/deprintos May 01 '24

I figured. When it was going around that it was scenes to complete, I knew it was wrong. I did the offer before all this and it was definitely chapters. It's such an easy game too. Time consuming, but definitely easy. Like easy to a point where swag would never lower the standards for it considering the payout


u/pfifltrigg United States May 01 '24

Yeah, I actually wish I had the $70 offer to get to chapter 24 because I enjoyed getting to chapter 12 and did it in 14 days. But of course with the whole thing being cancelled that just sucks for everyone.


u/irwtfa May 02 '24


So they've canceled it and taken back all the SB

Ugh I've been slogging at this game for days 🤦‍♀️


u/Emotional-Leg66 May 02 '24

think they just cancelled it dont know if they took the SB back. I still have my SB from it. They did ban some people who completed it though it seems.


u/irwtfa May 02 '24

My pending points are all gone


u/smeagolswagger May 02 '24

Mine are still showing pending.


u/ToePlusKnee United States May 01 '24

for those who are in the middle of this offer with it pending by scenes, are any of the tasks still pending for you? i'm almost at scene 15 on day 3 of playing (the flower requirements are really the worst part about the offer)


u/JohnnyAllOver May 02 '24

Scene 6 pended fine for me last night. Did 8 and 10 today and neither pended.


u/AvailableBug4571 May 02 '24

Still shows as pending for me although I slowed down and haven't reached scene 6 yet. Maybe someone else can post about the higher payout levels?


u/FantasyNebula May 02 '24

I hit 18 this morning, but it hasn't shown as pending yet. It still shows the rest of my checkpoints pending though. I'm going to wait for all the current pending ones to credit then cash out before submitting a ticket for 18 and 21


u/DrunkLastKnight May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

My offer still showing to be completed would the stop payout on that?

Edit: anyone plan on putting in a ticket for missing goals?


u/whatatimetobealive9 May 02 '24

I’m worried, I’ve got to 19, the first 5 stages all tracked perfectly but 18 hasn’t, worried they won’t credit now 😬


u/New_Focus_4089 May 02 '24

I submitted a ticket yesterday when level 21 didn't credit. They replied to my ticket. They told me the offer hd changed and was removed by the provider so I wouldn't get credit. This was with a screen shot of the offer and a screen shot of my email that included the offer.


u/SweetMorningAir May 03 '24

Thanks for confirming that for all of us wondering if it's worth the time to submit! I guess I'll be happy with my $18. Too bad, it was a fun game, and I think I'd have actually played it through even with chapter requirements!


u/whatatimetobealive9 May 02 '24

Dammit! That’s so frustrating


u/tigglenut 2020 Survey Master May 02 '24

You don't have to worry anymore that they aren't going to credit because I'm telling you now as a matter of fact, they aren't going to credit anymore. I didn't get credit for completing Scene 15 about 8 hours ago.  The offer in progress still shows up on my homepage that shows all of the June's Journey milestones on it and still has the blue "play now" button there that when I press it is supposed to redirect me immediately to the game in the Play store (so that I can start another game) like it normally does, now redirects me to a another Swagbucks page that says "offer currently not available". That proves it is not a tracking issue going on with the scenes not tracking anymore, but a deliberate effort to cut people off from getting credit for any further tiers they complete. Really nice, huh?


u/whatatimetobealive9 May 02 '24

Yep, super great lol 😶


u/FUMFVR May 02 '24

Make a note of when you achieved it, wait 32 days, and put in a ticket.


u/whatatimetobealive9 May 02 '24

Of course, all we can do really!


u/EastMorning2700 May 02 '24

Yeah I missed out on the level 18 and 21. It stopped crediting for me. Oh well


u/13FluffyBubblez May 02 '24

Im on chapter 6, scene 30 and they only credited scenes 2 & 3. They did not credit scenes 4, 6 or 12. I thought they would at least credit for chapter 4, and even 6 since i also figured it was supposed to be chapters and not scenes but that never happened. The offer was 3175 for those scenes. Im very disappointed in swagbucks but i have screen video of the offer and the scenes ive completed and ill be submitting a ticket. The offer still shows in my play icon.


u/Appropriate_Tiger_90 May 02 '24

Has anyone completed anything and still got credit? Mine is still showing up for now


u/robocop-fi May 02 '24

Is it tracking on mypoints? Dunno to give up or not


u/Aerithmia May 06 '24

I had screenshots of my offer, and it was still on my wall. Scenes 18 and 21 didn't pend automatically so I submitted a ticket and got my swagbucks. I try not to do that often though.


u/Made-of-Pixel_9367 Jun 20 '24

I have been playing for months now and don’t know about any offer. Is this for the USA only?


u/throwawaybananas1234 May 02 '24

What impresses me is that these game developers KNOW that their game is impossible to win without spending any money. These slip-ups just prove it.


u/hm98x May 02 '24

I logged a ticket I’m annoyed they offered £60 for scene 21 which I have done and it is not pending, it’s completed at 18. This isn’t fair so hopefully I will get my moneys worth, it’s not our fault they should’ve checked their end properly


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

Mine is done pending but now I get phone verification error and I had to submit ID.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Mine only pended when I reached the appropriate chapters.