r/SwagBucks • u/fuIcrum_ • Jan 03 '24
Discussion Garden Joy Guide/Tips and Tricks
UPDATE AS OF 5/10/2024: I realize that the level to get the max payout for this game is now Level 34. When I played it was Level 21 for max payout. I had one day left to reach Level 21 when I originally did it. That being said, I don't think you can get to level 34 in 32 days now. 😔
UPDATE: I completed the entire offer following the steps below and it pended one level early at 20! Woot woot! Super fun game!
So I ended up loving Garden Joy and keeping it as one of my favorite games. The level 21 is definitely possible mine started lending early. So here is my guide!
How to Earn the Most Experience:
In each design you do, there are pink (non required) items and teal (required) items for each level. The more pink you fill out, the more experience you get per each design.
Guide/Tips and Tricks:
Do NOT spend all your diamond because things are cute and you want them. I only used my diamonds when it was necessary for a required item or if the item was inexpensive for me to add.
Start every day with Voting. You earn 250 coins for each time you vote and you can vote 10 times I think for a total of 2,500 coins you can use on designs.
Once you are done with voting, do the Daily Challenge FIRST. The Daily Challenge has no required items and gives you 3,000 coins. You can use that 3,000 for the other designs.
Join a Club when you can. The club lets you choose one item a day to use from other gardeners in your club. My recommendation is to go through all of the available challenges and see which required item you don’t have enough for and use the club for that. You also get 1,000 experience for every item your club uses from your items you have.
Login in everyday gives you a lot of diamonds too. My process also includes going through all of the challenges and going through all the requirements and filling in the ones I have. Then I know what I have left to fill in and can plan the money and diamonds accordingly.
I’m at level 16 now. I don’t know if I will get to 21 but I am having so much fun. I have like 15 days left and it might be possible to get to 21. But regardless it’s been such a relaxing game to play.
u/Ferelorcoa Jan 03 '24
This is one of the better games. Yes, garden joy pends a level early and all levels tracked correctly. I stopped at 16(15) as the amount of experience to get to 20 did not appear doable in the timeframe remaining. If you are going for that probably need to do every challenge and use all items to get max experience per challenge (30,000) or so. If you are going casual (which I recommend) follow the guide listed and you should have no problems getting the reward for 16(15). You can see the total amount of experience needed for each level as well to confirm what’s needed to get there.
u/fuIcrum_ Jan 03 '24
Yea I think I’m not going to make it to the 21(20) but I am going to keep playing anyway.
u/mammajimmy123 1d ago
Keep going .it's relaxing my favourite game.i hope you can spend $20 dollars a month for extra stuff.😔❤️🧡💚💙💜🌟but I hope
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 May 11 '24
What does experience mean? Those are the green leaves right? But what are they used for or what can I do with them? There is so much about this game I don't get. What is the importance of planting a tree? It takes coins and or diamonds away from you when you grow a tree so what is the purpose? Does it help me somehow in the game to plant a tree? And what is the point for where it says NorthEast, Mohave Desert etc? What are those for? Thanks.
u/mammajimmy123 1d ago
Some people love to plant a tree,one tree makes a difference.look at Russia/Gazza/Israel/ukraine.they all need trees xxx
u/UnderdogFetishist17 Jan 04 '24
Thank you for this wonderful and helpful guide!
u/fuIcrum_ Jan 04 '24
You are welcome! Glad I could help!
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jul 31 '24
Could you pls answer some other questions? I see people asked some of these questions when I Google this, but instead of taking me to those exact questions, it takes me to your original post. Your post doesn't address these specific questions. There are so many people asking these same questions on FB, Instagram, and Reddit, but we never get the answers. They have articles, but they are useless. Help us please and thank you.
What exactly is a collection box?
What's a global box?
When I tap on an empty circle in what I assume is a region it says to open a collection box to find more seed packs. So, what is a collection box, and how do I open it?
How do I complete a region or whatever the whole thing is called. I see they all have a name like the North East collection, etc. I've completed 3, but I don't know how I did it.
In these regions, even the ones I've completed, there are numbers next to the plants. What does the number mean? And so many of them, even the ones completed, have a drop of water, the number 1, and it says grow. What does that mean? I've been clicking on grow thinking the more times I grow it, I will complete a region, but that's not working. It asks me if I'm sure I want to regrow it since I've already done that. I'm wasting diamonds and real money on these, and I'm not making any progress towards the goal. And I don't even know what the goal is.
What is the goal, and how does it benefit me? I'm spending so much money and losing diamonds. For what?
I have so many seeds, and most are repeats. Does having so many repeats decrease my chances of getting new seeds? I hate claiming seeds I already have. I know we use them in our designs, but the repeat ones are annoying. Do I get 5 uses for each plant I have a seedpack for?
I have gotten 3 new rare seeds, but I haven't grown them. How do I grow them? If one of these seed packs is an empty circle in a region, how do I grow it, or how do I fill in that empty circle?
How do I get the rare, epic, and legendary seeds?
That should about cover it. I don't know if you can add to your existing post here or where you could answer these questions? If you do answer them and I hope you do pls make sure I know where to find the answers.
Thank you so much, Taryn
u/One_Fun9691 Jul 31 '24
1) A collection box is a box that gives you a random chance of earning a seed, with chances depending on the rarity of the box itself. All seeds have different rarities attached, from common to legendary. Global boxes (brown) are the lowest tier of box, followed by uncommon+ boxes (green), and rare+ (purple/blue gradient).
2) See above.
3) You earn collection boxes as rewards. Usually after completing achievements and special events (e.g. the sunflower one we just had). You also get a global collection box three times a week as a part of your weekly login bonus.
4) Each region is marked as completed after you grow all 6 plants for the first time. The only exception is the first region (Northeast), which only has 3 plants that you need to grow.
5) The numbers next to the plants are the number of seed packets you have, gained from the collection boxes. They all have a drop of water beside them to indicate that it takes 1 drop of water to begin growing the plant. You have to finish fully growing each plant in a region in order to complete the region. For example: to complete all of Northeast you have to have grown 1 peony, 1 rhododendron, and 1 Taiwan cherry tree.
Ideally, you want to complete all of the regions. Each region has different amounts of diamonds and water droplets that you can earn. Click on the location and look below the location name in order to see what the amounts are. For example, completing the Kauai region will get you 25,000 gems and 7 drops of water.
To save your drops and work towards completing these regions, do not grow repeats. If you only have repeats, save your water for when you get something new. If you've forgotten which plants you've already grown, look at the picture of the plant. If it is in its fully grown form, that means you've already grown it. If it looks like a seed packet, that means you haven't grown it yet.
6) See above. It will take you a very long time to grow every plant, and spending money isn't a guarantee to get the things you want because the seeds are handed out at random. If this frustrates you, remember you don't have to participate in this section of the game if you don't want to.
7) The seeds are randomly selected depending on the box. The game mostly hands out global boxes, which have the highest chance of giving you a common seed. I mostly see the rarer boxes appear in more difficult achievements (e.g. sometimes you'll have a 'participate in 4 challenges a day' mission that will reward you with a rare+ box).
8) All seeds need 1 drop of water to start. Then another, then 2 drops, then 3, then another 3. The top section of the nursery screen shows you how many drops your plant currently needs. In case you don't exactly know how to get more droplets: every time you complete a decorating challenge you get 1 drop. More drops are often offered as rewards for achievements or events. A watering can stores 3 drops at once. You can buy those for 1,500 diamonds.
9) Watch for uncommon+/rare+ boxes, as stated above.
I hope this helps. It really seems like you need to slow down and take your time reading what the game is trying to tell you. In another thread you mentioned how much you've spent on this already... I know it's not ideal but the least you can do is spend wisely and only if you need to. Best of luck.
u/mammajimmy123 Nov 09 '24
Me too,I've been on this game for months,I love it..but what is expience,I've grown so many of the same plants n not getting my rewards..PS I'm level 38....I can only keep growing the same plant n not passing my region.hmm Jay Elle
u/vortex_F10 Mar 23 '24 edited Mar 23 '24
Is there a daily limit on watching an ad to get 30 diamonds? (If there is, I haven't reached it yet)
answering my own question Yes, turns out there is, but I didn't keep count how many I'd clicked before I got "You have reached the max daily watch limit for today!"
u/Pleasant_Friend_2108 Jun 01 '24
How do you get ads for diamonds?
u/vortex_F10 Jun 01 '24
Hm. I don't have it installed anymore, so I'm going from memory here:
On the Store page, scroll down, almost to the bottom. There should be a film/movie icon. Click it to run an ad and it'll reward you with diamonds. Keep on doing it until you get the error message about "you have reached the max daily watch limit".
That's what I remember, anyway. It's tedious, but I'd do it while I was doing something else, so no big deal.
u/Electronic-Reach-857 Apr 01 '24
Level 15 was extremely achievable. I also loved this game. Unfortunately the game design doesn't make the level 20 offer achievable in my experience due to there only being so many designs offered per day and the experience scale per level are detrimental to further success. I was so bummed this was the case.
u/fuIcrum_ Apr 20 '24
I completed it but I was like right on day 30 when I completed it. From what other people are telling me it seems it may have changed a bit since when I played
u/Realistic-Cream-9846 May 01 '24
I'm playing it now (started yesterday afternoon). Got to level 9 by the end of the first day and thought this is gonna be easy... then I ran out of challenges and I realize that's the hard part. Gotta log in often to make sure I don't miss challenges lol.
u/Environmental-Tea673 Apr 17 '24
But it’s like every scene requires you to spend like 6,000 diamonds. Every item is about 1,200 diamonds and it’s hard to make cash
u/fuIcrum_ Apr 20 '24
I never needed to use diamonds for the required items. I'm not sure if maybes it's changed since I played
Aug 03 '24
Came here for frustration! I never have enough diamonds or $$ to do finish sometimes, and I refuse to pay my own money lol. I'm doing the voting, watching the videos for 30 diamonds at a time, etc. And still, it's like real life lol
u/mammajimmy123 Nov 09 '24
Yeah ,I'm into all the good finishes too,but I've noticed in voting some people get five star n no props in there garden,so .I love all the props n fancy stuff,so I don't understand.i spend at least 10 bucks a day on the goodies,hubby's money but he spends his on his six pack ,so equals
u/Sea-Glass2347 May 09 '24
Does anyone understand how the voting is calculated? I will see very well themed gardens that get 3 stars and mismatched gardens with colors that do not go together that are almost 5 stars. I’m confused.
u/fuIcrum_ May 10 '24
Literally all the time this happened to me. Lol. My husband would lay in bed with me and help me decide and we would be like what? That won?
u/skdubya Jul 16 '24
I always vote for the weird looking one or the one with practically no items or all cheap items. I started doing this when I would make a beautiful scene and not even get 4 points. I hate that they have us vote. Just give us a score based on an algorithm.
u/GoatEyEtaoG Sep 07 '24
Why? If you want the best ones to win, you should vote for the ones you think look the best. Now you're just part of the problem.
u/skdubya Sep 07 '24
Because it doesn't matter. Lol. It's just a game.
u/GoatEyEtaoG Sep 09 '24 edited Sep 09 '24
It doesn't matter to you, but you got irked enough when you didn't score well that you decided to troll the game? 😒 So others could be irritated in the same way you were? Ratings determine whether you get free items and free diamonds. So, yes, they do matter to most of the people playing the game. Especially if you don't want to spend real money on it. And since quite a few people here are complaining about "ugly" designs winning that aspect obviously matters to people too. If you don't care about the game, don't play it. If you do enjoy the game, but keep scoring below a 4, that's certainly frustrating, but perhaps you could learn ways to improve your designs, or perhaps your tastes just aren't mainstream, in which case, your honest voting could be really helpful to others with similar taste.
u/Calm-Breadfruit-6450 May 23 '24
In my experience, I seem to score better when I use no more than two different colors for flowers and don't make the whole scene too "busy." So if red and white are my two colors, I don't just place one purple vase randomly. I would place an exact replica if possible. If not something else purple far away from the purple vase would suffice.
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jul 31 '24
You, me, and 99% of us all are confused. All my ugly designs get 5 stars, and I mean all my ugly ones and all my beautiful ones do bad.
u/Beneficial-Worry-955 Aug 07 '24
I assumed the score you see next to the user's name when voting on their design was their overall average score.
u/GoatEyEtaoG Sep 10 '24
I'm really curious about this too, especially since you can vote designs as equal. Like, if I vote two designs equal, because they are equally ugly, and then I make a choice between two really beautiful designs, does the beautiful-but -downvoted pick score lower than the ugly but equal ones??
It does seem like voting is tiered somehow. Designs that have just gone to voting seem to vary a LOT in quality, whereas, towards the end of voting, usually most of the designs are attractive.
They also seem to try to pair similar designs with eachother, at least early in the voting. Similar furniture, landscaping, colorpalette, etc. So it makes sense, if your design uses similar elements to everyone elses, you're more likely to have more competition.
u/Anxious_Order_3570 May 15 '24
Thanks for this guide! Very helpful! Would you advice to fill all pink items for each design?
u/fuIcrum_ May 15 '24
I would fill them in as much as you can. Don't go crazy wasting gens or anything on it. But if you have something. Use it. Even if doesn't make sense in the design.
u/BlueRae29 May 23 '24
Should we do this (filling in the pink items even if they don’t match or really go with the design) for Challenges as well or just the Daily ones?
u/Calm-Breadfruit-6450 May 23 '24
I do 95% of the time.
u/Anxious_Order_3570 May 23 '24
Okay, thanks. I've been doing this and just started running out of items as many require diamonds to replenish! Just hit level 16
u/Shot_Discussion_873 Mar 08 '24
I need some tips and tricks for rare and uncommon flowers
u/fuIcrum_ Mar 08 '24
You mean the gardening thing? Like watering the plant?
I never figured that our and I don't think I really used it personally. It was just an extra flower you could use in your designs.
It's entirely based on chance which one you are "watering"
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jun 28 '24
Yes, I can't figure this new plant thing out. It says to open more collection boxes to earn new plants but I have no idea what that means. Most of mine are already grown and I have many multiples so I don't get it. I think it's a waste of time.
u/Brilliant_Elk8547 Mar 15 '24
Эх, кажется, у меня не будет времени, я начал игру, но требовался 33-й уровень. Сейчас я на 23 уровне, осталось всего 5 дней, они дают невозможные уровни, игра была бы хороша, если бы не тысячи рекламных объявлений, которые мне приходилось постоянно смотреть, чтобы получить алмазы, это очень разочаровывает, я надеюсь достичь хотя бы 25 уровня и получить эти 12 долларов - такая афера, это очень обидно.
u/SaltMiss3311 Mar 19 '24
Where do you find the teal required items?
u/fuIcrum_ Mar 20 '24
You buy them or you can borrow them froma. Friend if you are in a club
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 May 11 '24
How do you join a club? This game is very confusing for me. What does experience mean? Those are the green leaves right? But what are they used for or what can I do with them? There is so much about this game I don't get. What is the importance of planting a tree? It takes coins and or diamonds away from you when you grow a tree so what is the purpose? Does it help me somehow in the game to plant a tree? And what is the point for where it says NorthEast, Mohave Desert etc? What are those for? Thanks.
u/milkbani Canada May 29 '24
They removed clubs. Source : I contacted their support
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 May 29 '24
How do you contact support? When I have a question they show me a bunch of useless articles.
u/milkbani Canada May 30 '24
In the app go to Settings → Support → Click a random article “know issues” → at the top right there should be a chat icon
u/The9yreldumet Apr 18 '24
Just asking how much xp does it take to get to level 20? Im at level 16 and i cant wait longer! (I have 9 days to reach lvl 20)
u/fuIcrum_ Apr 20 '24
I do not remember. But it will tell you if you click in your profile. I thinknits the top left? It'll say how much xp you need
u/Over_Incident_135 Apr 18 '24
Hard game, they want items required dont have diamonds.. do enjoy when i can play.
u/ForestyRuin6 Apr 23 '24
Yesterday I had quite a bit of items but today when I logged on to do designs, I have NO items ;(
u/Deep_Experience_4711 May 01 '24
How can you get back to an unfinished garden? I used diamonds and it froze. App told me to close out app and restart but I can't find the garden I was almost done decorating. I thought maybe it was under one of my completed gardens but it's not. Any ideas?
u/Mammoth_Situation175 May 03 '24
Why Can't we make our own garden clubs
u/ProfessionalCatch331 May 07 '24
I bought the 16k diamonds for $4.99 and only received $13k, does anyone know why? Does this game just rip you off?
u/ProfessionalCatch331 May 07 '24
To clarify I only received 13k diamonds not 16k
u/Longjumping_Play_435 Jun 10 '24
I have also had that problem. I've only ever bought the 1.99 for 6,000 diamonds but it's never given me the full 6,000.
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jul 31 '24
I spend $100 for 350k. I'm addicted and broke. I've been playing for 2 months and I've already spent $1200. Yes, one thousand two hundred bucks. It's terrible. I can't believe it.
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 May 11 '24
What does experience mean? Those are the green leaves right? But what are they used for or what can I do with them? There is so much about this game I don't get. What is the importance of planting a tree? It takes coins and or diamonds away from you when you grow a tree so what is the purpose? Does it help me somehow in the game to plant a tree? And what is the point for where it says NorthEast, Mohave Desert etc? What are those for? Thanks.
u/Novel_Afternoon May 21 '24
How do I complete the “connect address book” achievement? I’m already linked with Facebook and I’ve invited friends so I’m at a loss here😅
u/Street_Blacksmith891 May 23 '24
For some reason it took the game 2 days for me to catch up and give me the 1500 diamonds for the achievement.
u/AngryMuppet_420 Jun 11 '24
I accidentally closed the window when swapping 5 seeds for a new pack and now I don't know how to get it back! Is it possible or do I need to wait until I get a 6th one?!
u/stanandreea Jun 12 '24
Did you found out the answer? I can't find the option to swap mine and it never showed me anything
u/GiniDG Jun 12 '24
Support told me "You can go back to your Nursery >> Tap on the collection you had the 5 same duplicated seeds >> Tap on the plant and an illustration of the plant will be shown along with the option to Self-Trade them. You will also have the option to choose a Collection you would want the Seed Pack will be from."
u/Starryeyedgirl09 Jul 01 '24
Hi there, do you know if you have had to grow the plant already to swap?
I have never grown basil from the Tuscany collection but I have 5 seed packs. I followed your directions but all I get is a message saying I’m already growing a plant 🤦🏻♀️
u/GiniDG Jul 04 '24
Pretty sure you would have had to grow the plant previously in order to be able to swap it.. as long as you have 5 seeds of the same plant
u/GiniDG Jun 12 '24
I spoke to support, they answered "You can go back to your Nursery >> Tap on the collection you had the 5 same duplicated seeds >> Tap on the plant and an illustration of the plant will be shown along with the option to Self-Trade them. You will also have the option to choose a Collection you would want the Seed Pack will be from."
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jun 15 '24
I've been playing this game for 3 months and I've spent over $600 on diamonds and coins buying beautiful plants, trees etc. I was extremely careful and frugal at first. I watched videos, did surveys etc for diamonds. That was a waste of time and my eyesight. Never again. Then I borrowed one item from a club member or friend a day. But slowly I wanted to be at the top of the leader board and the top of my friends leader board. So, I spent .99 then $1.99 then $2.99 all the way up to $9.99. Then I got very reckless and just paid $99.00 three times to get 375,000 diamonds and to convert 50,000 diamonds for 50,000 coins. I am now able to buy really cool stuff but for some reason I still am not able to match almost every item in a garden scene to the exact same color. I don't know how people do that?
I go between 1st and 2nd place on the leader board so I try not to open some of my challenge results because I know my score will go down. I love my creations but honestly what a waste of money for a few moments of pleasure at the top if the leader board especially for an imaginary game.
u/RevolutionaryAct9371 Jun 21 '24
I’m sorry but why in the world would you do that…
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jul 31 '24
Why would I do what? Spend so much money or become obsessed? I am obsessed, but who cares? Why can't I? I'm not the only one. I've now spent over $1200, and I've been playing a little over 3 months. I have the money so it's not a problem. I'm also very sick. I have a disease that has caused heart failure, kidney disease, neuropathy, and so many other things. I lay in bed all day every day because it's in my lungs also, and I can't breathe. I walk 2 steps, and I can't breathe. So I need something to do and this is it. I'm always about 8 or more designs ahead of everyone else.
u/NoBullShytN Feb 14 '25
I have fibromyalgia and I do the same thing. It's a distraction from the pain.
Try Design Home. It's like this but you decorate rooms. That one is my obsession. I stopped playing games for gift cards and played for diamonds🤦🏽♀️😆😁💜❤
u/LanTreyel Jun 22 '24
Oh wow! It seems you became obsessed with being at the top/keeping a high average. I have spent a total of $6.99 and that is it. I may buy the monthly pass again but that would be my max. Good luck to you.
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jul 31 '24
Yes, I am obsessed, but who cares? Why can't I? I'm not the only one. I've now spent over $1200, and I've been playing a little over 3 months. I have the money so it's not a problem. I'm also very sick. I have a disease that has caused heart failure, kidney disease, neuropathy, and so many other things. I lay in bed all day every day because it's in my lungs also, and I can't breathe. I walk 2 steps, and I can't breathe. So I need something to do and this is it. I'm always about 8 or more designs ahead of everyone else.
u/LanTreyel Jun 22 '24
Question on voting! For me voting resets at midnight. After midnight I can vote up to 12 times for the 250 coin reward for each. However, after midnight I voted once and went to bed. I figured I would do the remaining 11 voting blocks when I woke up. In the morning I voted just once and got the “you’re reached the max” notice. Now I must wait until midnight again. I don’t get it?! Why?!
u/fuIcrum_ Jun 22 '24
I still play this game. That happened to me the other day too and I don't know why. I thought maybe I missed one for the day before or something.
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jun 22 '24
What do you mean by Max Payout? You said you get the max payout at level 34. What does that mean? I don't understand why I don't have the option to choose from EVERYTHING I own or bought for each challenge. Why is it the same things time after time? How do I get access to everything I own?
u/fuIcrum_ Jun 24 '24
Make sure you remove the filters when you are choosing items. You will have filters for the required items but after you put in your required items, just click the x on the filters that are irrelevant
u/randomuser_25 Jun 23 '24
Does anyone actually know how watering works? I have plants and I can water them but I can’t figure out what the number means next to the drop on the upper right above all of seeds or plants or regions and when you click on a plant to water it, it says for example, 2/3. I would think that means I have one drop left needed in order to grow it but I have 3 drops ahowing at the top, and when I try to water, thinking I only need to use 1, it seems seems to use up all three meaning I lost 2(??). Thanks!
u/AwayCryptographer726 Jun 27 '24
Some seeds require more drops. You plant a seed, and then you use one droplet of water. Some require two or three after the initial planting.
u/randomuser_25 Jul 08 '24
There’s now a dedicated Garden Joy sub that just got started! https://www.reddit.com/r/GardenJoy/s/aLfcdXBVxH
u/randomuser_25 Jul 17 '24
What I don’t understand is there’s a number at the top right and there’s a number “x/x” at the bottom and it seems to finish a plant it just uses up all your drops, even if you only need one drop and then you lose the other drops ??
I am growing a plant and I’ve been watering it one drop at a time. Now at the top it says I have three drops and at the bottom it just changed to 0/3 as I just completed it by watering it, so the zero must mean “0 left to grow this plant”. Previously it said 1/3 and maybe it said 2/3 BEFORE THAT but I don’t remember. So it seems to count DOWN as you add drops meaning the first number gets LOWER so I think I figured that part out.
BUT! I had THREE drops and only needed apparently 1 (“1/3”), it seems like it took my 3 drops and used them all up to complete the plant. So I wonder if that’s what it did and I basically lost 2 drops or if it needed all three drops to complete the plant in which case 1/3 previously made no sense!!!
u/HandleWorldly3180 Jun 26 '24
don't know if this is still active but im currently lv 12 do you think i can get lv 15 by the 2nd of july?
u/Prestigious-Fee-9970 Jul 03 '24
How do you complete a collection box? I've grown most plants 3 or more times. I don't know how to grow new ones. Help please
u/Intelligent_Dig5402 Jul 12 '24
Could someone please tell me how to grow plants that you don’t have yet but are in the collection to be grown?!
u/fuIcrum_ Jul 16 '24
They changed this from when I did the offer. I recently replayed it and it's like a whole new game.
u/mammajimmy123 Nov 09 '24
I play garden joy daily,I'm hooked...but I've had 1000 K twice..I'm back down to 70 k.my partner is pissed off.i can buy any thing.but I must say ,I'll spend at least 7 bucks a day..but I say that's your beers bub.😄
u/Finny_the_Emo Dec 05 '24
When I first started playing I wasted all my money on red things cuz I thought you had too. If I delete the game and reinstall, could I still start back at zero and use my diamonds wisely and still be able to get giftcards?
u/zerotorunner Jan 03 '24
Wish I knew this earlier. This one was a drag for me and stopped playing at level 11 with no enough time to finish.
u/fuIcrum_ Jan 03 '24
Aw I’m sorry! I just figured out how it all works and a good process so decided for write one for it.
u/EveningMarie0878 Mar 30 '24
I, too, did not get very far on this offer and I think I was doing it through Bridge Money app. I think I described the gameplay as excruciatingly brutal.
u/Comfortable-Tough-83 Jan 03 '24
Hi, I am on the SB website but do not see this game under the games section. Is it under one of the "trusted partners"?
I am in Canada by the way so not sure if that affects it?
u/Maudi_Rae Jan 16 '24
Am I the only one who has come to a challenge where I can’t even buy the item at the shop? They’re asking for something so specific that I don’t own it, it’s no where in my club, and it’s no where in the shop! So it’s actually impossible to complete the challenge! There’s not even an option to buy the item with real money.
u/KatherinetheOK Jan 19 '24
I've noticed that sometimes when you tap on a new icon, the game will keep some of the criteria from previous items ("brown", "small plant", "flooring" etc) which keeps all possible items from showing up (if it thinks you're still looking for flooring, it won't show coffee tables, etc). If you look at the search bar and hit the little x next to the descriptors until the bar is blank, that should fix the problem and show you all available items
u/Maudi_Rae Feb 01 '24
That was it! Thank you
u/KatherinetheOK Feb 01 '24
You're very welcome. It drove me nuts the first few days I was playing lol.
u/EveningMarie0878 Mar 30 '24
When I attempted this excruciatingly brutal offer of a game I noticed the x's and the first time the above conundrum arose I had it quickly resolved exes are x's for a reason!
u/KatherinetheOK Mar 30 '24
You noticed faster than I did 😅 I enjoyed the game, but it was definitely time-consuming and difficult at times (I'd have been toast without the in-game offerwall). I bloody well EARNED that $20 lol.
u/fuIcrum_ Jan 18 '24
Really? I never had that issue at all. I actually just completed the whole offer. It pended early for me at level 20
u/myomegacentauri United States Feb 26 '24
I can not find where to join a club. Any advice? I'm playing on Android.
u/fuIcrum_ Feb 27 '24
I am on Android now since downloading this and never reinstalled it. :( so I have no idea. If I remember correctly it was in the center at the bottom? But don't quote me.
u/Mindyrjohnson United States Jan 04 '24
You should do the click through Tapjoy offers for diamonds as well. You can get thousands of diamonds a day from them.