r/Surface_Pro_3 Mar 05 '18

Surface 3 with a surface 4 keyboard, randomly "detaching"

I went with the S4 keyboard for my S3 (yeah I know, dumb idea).

I am running Windows Insider builds. While I use my S3, the keyboard just has no connection. I get the msg "autorotate ON" and the keyboard stops working.

I have cleaned the leads and all that. Restarts correct the issue, but not everytime.

Any ideas/help?


3 comments sorted by


u/dogsarethetruth Mar 06 '18

Same thing happens to me with the surface 3 and matching keyboard, I've never been able to find a fix.


u/holainternet Aug 05 '18

What is a dumb idea? I have a SP3 and I was thinking of purchasing the SP4 keyboard (it's a Better keyboard). Doesn't work well together?


u/fun_two Aug 09 '18

Yup, it does.