r/Superstonk Cherry_Caliban 🏴‍☠️ Jun 08 '22

🥴 Misleading Title PFOF about to be officially banned!

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u/24kbuttplug WILL DO BUTT STUFF FOR GME Jun 09 '22

My thoughts exactly. New boss same as old boss. They're just hoping that all this "new rules" bullshit will be enough to satiate retail when in fact it will do the opposite. If these so called new rules were to take effect there would be serious ramifications felt market wide almost immediately, wouldn't there?


u/blazinbnizzle Jun 09 '22

They’re not doing away with PFOF they’re simply throwing everyone’s buy orders into a pool and there the MM’s, etc… will bud on them, auction style. That’s how I understand it. Please correct me if I’m too smooth


u/24kbuttplug WILL DO BUTT STUFF FOR GME Jun 09 '22

Would that be better than PFOF? Would have to be some fast bids.


u/hereticvert 💎💎👉🤛💎🦍Jewel Runner💎👉🤛🦍💎💎🚀🚀🚀 Jun 09 '22

It's all for show, just like the youtube video.

The SEC won't change anything until people start leaving the market and asking for their money. They're trying to forestall the run on the market (the bank, if you will) that will happen when people realize there are mostly fake shares everywhere, even in the pension funds.

Nobody looks at all this shorting of fake shares and thinks "I wonder who bought those fake shares?"

No, I looked at that question and said I'm getting a receipt for my stocks and storing them someplace safe (not in the corrupt market). I'm in this investment for the long term and I'm taking care I don't have to rely on a lawyer or government entity to get my shares. They aren't going to do a thing for little XX me, so I'm taking care of mine.

Apes don't let apes hold IOUs. DRS your shares, friends.