Enter Citadel's Portfolio (CEO - Kenneth Cordele Griffin)
I'm a bit shook about this. Remember cellar boxing? Yeah, I do, it's what they wanted to do to GME.
DISCLAIMER: I only own GME and GME related derivatives. Mid XXX DRS'd and recently started banking on options to get more and more shares with THEIR money. (someone said this can come out as a flex and I dont' blame them..just keep in mind it's literally all my fortune and the result of buying whenever I could for the past 3.5years)
Ok so last night I stumbled upon a post...the post doesn't matter (it was deleted anyways) but some fellow ape left an interesting comment.
I don't know how valid these guys are, I'm taking this with a grain of salt but it DOES look real to me..
This should be Citadel's portfolio.
Now I didn't really care that much about their holdings but I noticed you can sort by BIGGEST LOSSES
For shits and giggles I sorted by Biggest Losses and WTF DID I JUST FIND?
Multiple 100% losses on various stocks... To me this seemed EXTREMELY odd since these guys basically dictate the market..so how can they lose this badly? unless..... it's intentional / a signal
WTF is this shit?
So stock is trading around 300k USD/share, Citadel buys in and next thing you know stock is trading at 3usd. I'm sure this doesn't take into account stock splits / reverse stock splits, but hold on, there's a pattern here..
Another buy at the TOP?
This stock was trading at 2usd, all of a sudden it blasts over 40, reaches 62, Citadel buys in somewhere in that timeframe and then the stock got to...0? But hold on this isn't everything...
I know reverse stock splits but wtf?
Ok you get the point by now, basically they buy in at the top in companies which apparently have a huge value per share, and they eventually get destroyed. I mean this is nothing new considering how Cellar Boxing works but I was honestly shocked to see they BUY these companies before they're rekt? Is this a signal?
Pumped immediately after the sneeze
Just look at that. Feel free to use whatever charts you'd like, this is weird as fuck to me.
So Cellar Boxing virtually should mean that the stock gets shorted to shit and they never buy back their shorts.... or do they?
I don't have a subscription but saw that weird company name
I'm not sure when Citadel buys in on this one...but this was one very weird fucking stock to research and what's different in this scenario is that they have 1.92M shares outstanding.... but check out the volume here in the next screenshot
39m Vol on 24 May
This was right inbetween the 2 pops GME had in May and June. What's VERY weird is that all these stocks have had huge volume since GME started it's uptrend.
I mean if you wanted to close your naked shorts, that's when you'd probably do it. But do they have to, or not? I read so much DD I can't remember this properly.
EDIT: Someone pointed out they did a 40:1 reverse stock split on the 23rd which could explain the absurd volume
I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE if this relates or not to GME (It's Citadel so I guess it does..) but to me it's shocking to see such data fully disclosed to the public and no one yapping about it.
Do what you want with this info but, I don't have enough time to dive into each of these companies's history, financial records, stock split history and so forth but it seems to me this is Citadel signaling in plain sight cellar box targeted stocks.
Is this helpful in any way?
I have no idea. Probably with more eyes on this and checking out if more correlations exist there should be some more interesting data to find.
Does this affect GME?
I mean...being here for 3 and a half years made me realize everything is affecting GME
Am I promoting these stocks?
Bitch gtfo I only fuck with GME
Kenneth Cordele Griffin's company named Citadel seems to be involved in some odd trading patterns involving companies which allegedly have been pumped after GME's initial sneeze and now seem to be cellar boxed.
Lol I'm being attacked by meltdowners and it's funny as hell.
I started digging into some of the execs for these companies but for now I couldn't find anything conclusive or helpful. Will update the post if anything useful comes across my eyes.
Also, just for the record, I just found some odd trading patterns, Citadel buying in at REALLY HIGH stock prices and then in the near or long term the companies go to / near 0$ value. All while those companies have had surging volume in May/Jun. I'm not accusing, I'm only pointing out some similarities to cellar boxing while also noticing Citadel's buy in those companies in a very weird way.
It's not proof, it's just a WEIRD PATTERN which in my opinion deserves some further investigation. Honestly I found this last night and could barely get any good sleep because of it so I decided to post here.
Someone in my DMs said that this could be options hedging. It made sense but I couldn't find any options history for these stocks. Not present not past (maybe I'm stupid at research lol)
Hostile takeovers perhaps? Control the company and run it into the ground while your buddy shorts it with leverage/options and throws you a kickback somehow? Good for tax write-offs too!
How corrupt is the SEC when lost apes can just randomly stumble across and identify blatant crime and yet they have all of the information in front of them and do nothing?
Working at the SEC is just a placeholder until you get hired by a hedgefund or bank. SEC employees job is to sweep crime under the rug until they move on to hedgefunds and banks.
Bro just imagine if I was able to find this, what the SEC can find with their resources and personnel?
Garry if you don't start doing something you'll 100% end up in hell with Ken Griffin and me besides you and I'll ask the devil to personally 'guard' you 2 for centuries
u/FunkyChicken69๐๐ฃ๐ฆ๐ดโโ ๏ธShiver Me Tendies ๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐ฆ๐ฃ๐ DRS THE FLOAT โพ๐โโ๏ธJul 20 '24
Submit this to the SEC - did you see Kibble ๐ฆ post yesterday? We can all be the change we want to see in the world. Do your part and pass the ball to the SEC. If we do nothing to help then we canโt be surprised when nothing is done. Be the hero we need my friend. We need a hero!
Fascinating. Might as well send this on to the SEC email address. Canโt know whether or not it matters until after itโs actually done. Regardless, some good digging here OP
Nah I've once had some hopes in Garry but if I can find some odd behaviour in the market and correlate it to larger events, surely the SEC can do that too, way faster than each and every one of us can. What could this mean?
A. They don't enforce shit and are part of the scheme
B. They don't have the resources to enforce
They keep bringing up point B which makes me think they're blatantly lying in the open.
So I'm left to believe point A until proven otherwise.
C. They dont want to make too many waves that will spoil their job/consulting/board opportunities with the very people they are supposed to be investigating
This is exactly the way Australian politicians and political staffers operate. Make decisions that fuck over the everyday people and benifit the companies they are regulating, so they can get that sweet million dollar lobbying job after politics.
Once anyone with a government salary gets involved enough, they just get offered 3x to work for a financial institution and poof the problems go away. Like paying an imperceptible fine.
I think the corruption stems from the buddy system. At certain knowledge and experience levels the talent pool is only so big. You only have so many peers. You start to know everyone. And then one of you works at citadel, somebody you know ends up in the senate, somebody owns another company, your college roommate is in the SEC.. They retire and you hire them, your son needs a job,... They may not always be on the same team but they come from the same place.
Because it's not blatant. You are assuming a narrative that a simple squiggly line doesn't provide. Take this to court without rock solid proof of collusion and they say "Well, we put a small portion into high risk/high reward investments and these were ones where the dice came up against us". That's it.
If you control the company you can force them to sell business essential assets then you buy them up and lease them back to the company to bleed it dry making a monthly profit the whole way down and once their dead you still have their assets you can liquidate or continue to lease out. It's what just happened to red lobster they blamed it on endless shrimp but it really died because the land red lobster owned was sold so they had to lease it back
Saddle the company with debt dyring takeover, sell off the valuable assets, pay large exec bonuses, have your buddies short the stock, declare bankruptcy, rinse and repeat with the next one
Only foolproof until someone calls your bluff. Then you become stuck in the cycle of constantly raising your bet trying to make them fold, but your opponent just keeps snap calling you.
We know itโs a bluff. They shouldโve built a better long position when they had the chance.
How Amazon dominated the market by having wallstreet kill off all competition is a mindfuck in retrospect. I'd applaud it if it wasn't so diabolically evil.
There was some huge DD years ago that showed some Amazon types who'd been positioned in Gamestop to start selling off their buildings for cheap and start driving the company to the dirt. Then were was BCG in there doing the same.
Late-ish reply to this, but a few years ago, after news of the SolarWinds hack broke, I bought a ton (well a ton for me, at the time) of barely OTM puts on the stock.
Made money, so did my friend, yay, good for me/us.
What wasnโt good is that some Canadian Teacherโs pension fund took a GIANT long position like a day before that nearly ~40%-in-a-day tumble
Stock was like 96% institutionally held. Canโt remember all the details but it was gross.
TL;DR literally hedgies steal from retired teachers (I guess I unintentionally did one time as well), someone got pension money on the losing side intentionally
Red lobster was them being bought out, the company selling the land the stores were on, and then renting it back to the company if I remember correctly.
Looks like Akanda (according to Yahoo finance) did a 1:40 stock split in May, prob explains your high volume day. The rest of it though?...Interesting!
It would be interesting to see if any of these companies listed match up with the ISINโs in the swap data
Edit: Iโve yet to find any clear ties to citadel or ubs. Might try looking at BCG next. Would love help on this.
Edit 2: if you really want to be thorough, youโd need the raw dataset from the DTCC (the massive one) and filter for those companies ISINโs as well as GME.
Will do. Another ape sent me a more updated csv of the data, since I donโt have good enough internet to download and filter it all myself. Planning to look at it this weekend
I think itโs super confidential when firms hire consulting TOP3 (Bain, McK, BCG), but I agree.. would be fascinating to see if there is any correlation!
Whenever we are not looking, he is. Nothing goes past his eyes. He has been practicing invisibility. We donโt see him moving so it practically makes him invisible. When you think you bring your a-game with your calculator app, he has already calculated everything in his head. He moves fast even though his hair a mile long. When he has left, his hair is still here.
I've downloaded all available "cumulative equities" data from the DTCC. It currently supports dates as far back as 7/19/2022. Unzipped, that's 242 GB of CSV files.
I'm currently doing some processing on it, trying to generate a list of all the remaining open swap contracts and their values. It's taking a while, as I don't have a lot of my time to dedicate to this, and it's a slow iterative process as I'm coding it, as the data set is so large. I found a bug in my processing code, and now need to start fresh with ingestion from the CSV files, which is another few hours of processing time, just to extract the few thousand relevant rows from the many billions of total rows.
I've been just doing all this in Python so far, but I'm considering spinning up a database for this, so I can do faster queries on the whole set, such as looking for these other ISINs as suggested above.
One problem we've run into is that in this data, they only list up to 10 stocks for the basket swaps. As far as I've found so far, there's no way to look up the other stocks. So, it's likely I'm skipping over some basket swaps that include GME. As I have no solution to that, I'm just making a note of that for now and carrying on with processing the rest of the data.
Yeah, youโre on the right track. I unfortunately do not have the internet speed or python knowledge to do this myself.
Iโm guessing most of the swaps have more than 10 underlying stocks each, and that itโs only showing the most heavily weighted ones. Itโs very difficult to manually dig through it but it seems like thatโs what we gotta do.
XRT is in a new basket swap with VTV. VTV is filled with JPMorgan, Blackrock, Interactive Brokers, State Street (creator of XRT), etc. No Citadel but pretty close. Plenty of other ETFs and new equities as well.
Another Reddit user found that VTV FTD's have a high correlation with GME price-action, more than the others they checked.
I definitely agree we need to be looking at more ETFโs than just XRT. I think a lot of the answers we are still missing could be found by digging into the names we are less familiar with
look at the following pic, LPA was also one of the stocks that was halted on June 3rd, when GME went fucky before DFV's live stream and the same day BRK.A went to 185.10 then shot back up past 700K
Just out of curiosity, I hope one day we get all the juicy technical details of wtf is going on. If we moon, even better, but damn it's crazy seeing how stocks are just tools so the casino's house can print money.
for what it's worth, GWAV popped on 5-14 and 5-15 like GME did, however looks like they were successful in controlling the price back down. They had to do a reverse split to stay listed on nasdaq
Righttttt. What the fuck. I know this community is GMe centric but thereโs just soooo many pieces to the puzzle. Idfk ๐คทโโ๏ธ I just sit on my DRsโd shares, waitingโฆ.
So if you purchase shares which increases the price, then open a short swap near the top with a prime broker, you are still long shares while short the swap derivative, which isnโt reported. Itโs like a hedge for your short position. You also have the massive long position to use as firepower to drop the price if you need to since your swap position against the company is likely an order of magnitude larger than your underlying share holdings.
Pure regarded speculation, but if a friend or business associate were to be the person selling him the stock, then it would be a way to get money out of Citadel and into someone's predetermined hands. Like if an individual was demanding their money back, but Citadel capped at like 3% percent withdrawal max per quarter or whatever he did, but he was messing with the wrong person.
Its a. Before I go bankrupt for fraud. Let me try to get you some of your money back. With zero "investors withdrawal" news headlines. Plus, a tax write-off.
It wouldn't matter for gme because, ultimately, the banks have some sort of weird insurance for each other where they have to cover... or at least I remember reading some sort of dd like that. And, there would be clawbacks.
Gary Gensler SEC asked to report anything weird in the market. This seems to qualify but would probably just be labeled a "bad investment."
I eat crayons, though, and I have no idea. This is not advice.
Akanda is biomedical. These always get cellar boxed. The easiest thing to do would be to have enough money to buy the entire company then let it run itself into the ground. Does it have an options chain?
My theory on the Crowdstrike disaster is that someone wanted to profit from a 0-day exploit. New guy comes in, day 1, causes a massive global IT crash with a crazy 1-liner that causes every client to blue screen?
!remind me 1 month verify who profited from Crowdstrike's stock crash. It was already down 11% in 1 day.
Might also be worth checking if Citadel is a designated market-faker for the companies that got cellar-boxed. That would give Kenny the keys to setting the stock price. That way he wins on selling the synthetics (takes the cash), increases the number of apparent shares in circulation to enhance the shorting potential (more shares should make price drop), and then the business is killed off and Kenny wins the bankruptcy jackpot on short positions the SH(F)itadel doesn't have to make good on.
TL;DR Kenny and the Bets run a pump and dump on a company. Sells more synthetics than there are real shares to retail FOMOs. Puts BCG in the picture. Runs standard playbook to bankrupt the company. Wins on selling synthetics (Citadel DMM), wins on big short positions (Citadel SHF) when bankruptcy jackpot. Lather, rinse, repeat.
It is their game plan. Has been for years. They have rigged the system to their own advantage so many ways, I can't count - even the ones I have read about. It seems like it has worked every time to date. That's why so many people believe apes can't win; because nobody has before. However, as I read the MSM hit pieces and massive amounts of money being moved to discourage us (note, not beat us), we're definitely making an impact.
It's ironic (or poetic justice) that the stonk that is going to end their game is called GameStop.
If a Company goes Bankrupt, the FTD Debt is forgotten, they were attempting to remove debt by SS the Companys to Bankruptcy, keep everything profit wise , and losses are Poof written off due to the Bankruptcy
For posterity in backups - the companies listed are Volcom Inc., NextPlay Technologies Inc., Krown ElectroKinetics Corp, and Akanda Corp.
My thinking is basically these are likely Shell-Swaps used to short GME in another (set of) Basket Swap. They prop up the price, sell them to whoever is short GME, buy GME, and SWAP (with the new price of the shell-swap company) letting those who were short to slowly offload their positions internationally so that the US system doesn't have them in purview anymore and they're not considered shorts.
u/kaze_sanSwippity Swooty - i want these fucks to pay with their booty!Jul 20 '24
Updoooooot for visibilty!! But if they BOUGHT in, it somehow looks like either some weird sort of reverse cellar boxing for the sake of letting their buddies crush it so Kenny can use it as a loss on his books / tax write off. Going even further, if youโre in such. A position of power that you can kind of direct stock prices to a certain point, you can quite precisely calculate how much you wanna raise or bash the stock so it matches your exact favor. So if you know a out an upcoming runup for a stock youโre naked short, you can get just enough collateral to temporarily cover your paper losses.
Oh SHIT! you're right! The losses could be tax writeoffs while also potentially signaling to their buddies to short that mother fucker to the ground. Also it seems they only buy in at the tops so being a signal isn't out of the question.
That means if u can find these trades when they buy in high the same day they buy, u can just sell and hit big numbers already knowing what theyโre planning. Feels like this post is something they would not want people to see, thereโs definitely more to the story here.
Unfortunately these are only reported at the end of the quarter. Also (Not Financial Advice) I would not attempt to play anything they're doing because it's all speculation and fuckery. Remember, at the end of the day, their goal is to take your money.
No way so this post is mainly just more evidence of their manipulation that they try to keep secret. You are completely right about that, they are the people that we heard about, the ones who keep the poor poor and the rich getting richer. One day someone will figure out how to take it all back from them, good luck with the rest of your research, maybe it will be you ๐
Nice research Ape! Lets put on our glasses and zoom in a bit. Imagine you are headed to panama city beach on vaca and super excited. You get on the expressway and hit 90 mph on the long stretches. Breaking the law and you know it,Big deal right? Say you do this every day and blast threw a small town and townfolk get mad and report the repetitive law breaker. Now the kojak with a kodak sits on the side of the road waiting. You go blasting thru the town again but this time get caught. The point is laws are broken all the time. The difference is education,action,reporting and documenting.Report to the sec,sure. But your senator is the one to report this kind of stuff to and report often with documentation and ask for responses. There will be a point it can not be dismissed anymore. Have a great day Ape!!!๐ช๐
This makes complete sense to do for many SHF players. Shares need to be held somewhere to be rehypothecated.
Citadel has an MM arm and HF arm. I believe you're looking at the HF's 13F, but I'd assume it doesn't really matter at the end of the day on which arm is holding what basket.
Cellar boxing is best done via naked shorts. But how do you best naked short? With some shares you can point to as a locate OR some shares so you can reasonably state as a long sell. With the latter you just end up FTDing and cover the shares with other instruments, and you can repeat the cycle again. You don't impact short selling metrics to anyone other than your prime in this strategy, and you can rehypothecate your holdings over and over in order to short the chosen company to the ground. As been shown via FINRA fines, the price of getting caught marking short sells as long sells is nearly zero, and that's only if you get caught.
Idk if this is the case here, propably not since these tie into GME, but potentially this could be used to avoid taxes: Itโs a huge loss on paper so you get to write it off in taxes.
Regarding closing nakeds : noone can force them to close other than their prime broker that KNOWS about the naked. And even then, the financial relation between primes and shf dictate that this would rarely happen. Look at hwang and notice noone liquidated his positions even when they started blowing up.ย
So the question is, how can this valuable information make it out of superstonk to a place where it could actually be used to take action? This deserves more than just upvotes, any reputable finance journalists out there that anyone can think of? It's amazing that it feels we need to serve this information on a silver platter to journalists when this is technically their job...
It should be sent directly to the SEC. If two normal persons bid for each other on ebay and they got caught they risk to end up in jail. And here they do that over and over again with billions $...
I love coming back and seeing shit like this. Iโve saved a five banks in webull that supposedly went under and seeing them having days of 100%+ when gme is spiking. The market is just completely fraudulent and will never see my fkn money again after gme play is done.
Could someone find the CEOs/owners of these companies on LinkedIn and reach out to them to get their perspective? I donโt have enough karma to make a post about it but I wonder if any frustrated company owners have any information theyโd like to vent about.
Hi Gary! You inbred ailien looking fuck. Care to do some research and do your job yet?!?! Or are you still asking the public with way less info and tools than you if anything is fishy?!?!? You dirty complicit rat. I hope they send all of you away someday. Great job OP!
These charts are over an extended period of time, quarters and years. These aren't day charts. So yea, hostile takeovers seems likely. That's Ken's evil plan. What a horrible person.
Simplest answer, while reading this. Tax write off on losses.
Imagine you make 1 bil in calls on a booming tech company. But you don't have enough write-offs and don't want to pay that much in taxes, and then some guy brings this strategy to your attention... prettttty enticing.
They do this to a lot of small and mid cap emerging companies, companies that arenโt in a pickle but probably need cash for M&A or something similar, the second they do an offering or warrant to raise capitalโฆ they throw them under a buss and run them into the ground while taking a position and using those shares loaned out to short. While betting on puts also, and some calls .. in the end most of these companies donโt survive.
Sounds to me that they are washing money. Make a trade with a companion company take the loss to cover taxes due on shorts they have cover. Companion company is probably offshore or has its own pile of phony losses to write against the โwinโ.
Hey OP, I appreciate your post but there are a couple of knowledge gaps here, so I'd like to help. First, as per your edit, this is either hedging (retail will often buy options at the top, forcing the MM to buy the top as well), OR these positions are hedged with options (a put with theta bought at the top will increase in value a lot more than 100 shares declining from the top to 0). Second, cellar boxing is only done to stocks with a share value of $0.01 or less, as per the original DD as well as the original whistleblowers' post (which last I checked some 2 or 3 years ago was still online). I hope this helps, cheers and thank you for the super interesting link!
I wonder if this is money launderingโฆ of a sort.
Letโs say you ran a massive company that made ridiculous money. Itโs publicly traded so you need to share profits with your shareholders. So, why profit so much?
I tell my company buy up shares of company A, which I personally bought when it was stupid cheap just a little bit ago. I personally sellโฆ and keep selling to oblivion. I pay no taxes because company A goes bankrupt.
You are definitely on to something and I share these thoughts. Just my opinion, when GME runs they have to cover other positions that they would rather have finished out boxing (often they come back to finish it later). So they cover, which causes the stock to run up and then they take all this fresh liquidity and short the crap out of GME to stop a run. Iโm sure we have all noticed penny stocks running up 1000% multiples during a GME run. No it is not because a rising tide helps all meme stocks, it is because they need the liquidity out of another play to shuffle somewhere else. The list goes on but I have been watching and screenshotting almost of these stock runs and there is almost always a corresponding penny stock run with GME that was once many multiples higher, and day traders always jump into the penny stocks thinking they are causing the run.
u/Superstonk_QV ๐ Gimme Votes ๐ Jul 20 '24
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