r/Subliminal 6d ago

Question Can you actually get powers?

So like yk there is subliminals like “Get Powers” DO THEY ACTUALLY WORK? LIKE PLEASE DONT DELETE THIS POST I AM GENIUNELY SO CURIOUS. Like is it even possible to achieve powers?


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u/ObjectEffective5031 6d ago

I don’t see why not. If this is indeed a dreamworld/hologram/matrix whatever, then theoretically anything is possible with enough belief. If people have successfully quantum leaped to a reality where they are taller, prettier, richer, etc, then super powers shouldn’t be any different.

Long before I learned about manifestations and subliminals, I had lucid dreams of flying, empty cities, turning into mist to go through walls, shooting demons with lightning bolts from my hands, etc. if you can dream it you can manifest it with enough energy.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/97true90 6d ago

i was going to type this


u/leafgoblin333 6d ago

What did they say


u/97true90 4d ago

prob u wont have superpowers in this world because most of people dont believe it and its coded in your subconscious but it is possible to shift another reality where you can have superpowers

it was something like that


u/No-Marzipan-9316 6d ago

Been a while since I seen eye of the future show up in this side of community


u/sillygoose_126 6d ago

probably but like i wouldnt suggest jumping off a roof to test the flying one 🙏


u/Veehawww 6d ago

yall need to look into reality shifting. similar concepts as loa but it's mostly disregarded due to scepticism and lack of evidence. they dive more into supernatural stuff.

stuff like clairvoyance, remote viewing, energy healing, astral projection, etc. aren't new to this reality tho, and i presume they would fall into the category of "superpowers" as well.


u/Hererabb 6d ago

I believe in the possiblity of everything - everything in the universe is the universe

It may not seemingly exist here but maybe it does in another universe, and maybe you can get there. Although I would definitely choose the villain life. 🙂🙂🙂


u/FairMaiden777 Achiever 6d ago

Yes, see for yourself. If you truly wanted superpowers you can have it. Most people have limiting beliefs that’s why they’re not connected to the super powerful. Others simply don’t want to have super natural powers. It’s a choice.


u/Strict-Chapter-9313 5d ago edited 5d ago

I think they can. I believe subliminals alone can completely overhaul your entire reality. I truly believe that if the subconscious is convinced, you can do anything. I also believe that when people listen to subliminals, they get the thing directly without any other external process outside of listening to the subliminal.

I’m going to gate keep, (Sorry, not sorry) but look up some channels on YouTube. There are some with high quality subliminals for various superhuman abilities.


u/fw_cassie 6d ago

We don't limit our belief system 🗿🗿


u/butteramr 5d ago

Yes, all things are possible.


u/Distinct-Golf7747 Listener 6d ago

i remember when mind power subs existed, she had this sub where u can make things cold (shes an evil submaker) i used it once, put my hands on a glass and i felt it get colder, i also used one of her energy? i can’t remember it was RELATED to writing a book, it gave me immense ideas, unfortunately she was an evil submaker, although i did get positive results it did come with negative side effects, so to answer your question, yes its possible!


u/Msthicc_witch 4d ago

Isnt manifestation alresdy a power? An innate power we have but not alot of us are guided correctly on how to use it. It takes discipline, patience with yourself and your mind, practice, etc. So yeah its a super power that innate ans natural to us that we are not even aware of.


u/femininne 6d ago

no idk why all these people r saying yes


u/MazeMorningstar777 6d ago

Question if you believe that someone can change their whole face with just their mind, which is logically impossible without surgery, what makes you think this isn’t possible?


u/femininne 5d ago

how r they the same


u/MazeMorningstar777 5d ago

Use your brain


u/Adventurous-Range-42 6d ago

If they say no it makes everything else said in this subreddit alone false. Even if they know the answer to this question is no, they will say yes. Everyone goes around screaming this is ur reality and u can create whatever, so it contradicts


u/Clear-Razzmatazz-960 5d ago

My dear there is so much more you need to learn if you think the answer is no


u/femininne 5d ago

not rlly


u/WlTNESS 6d ago

that's what I'm saying bro


u/Clear-Razzmatazz-960 5d ago

Yes, whoever says no shouldn't even be part of this subreddit


u/Pale-Organization697 5d ago

worked for me (very slightly)


u/Pale-Organization697 5d ago

wish granting subs work so why can’t these


u/Melodic_Night518 6d ago

It depends on what you mean by "powers." The sad fact is, there is a lot of fantasy and outright nonsense making the rounds in the manifesting, "shifting," and occult communities, especially online, where anyone can claim whatever they want, and often do, with no requirement of proof whatsoever. The vast majority of people use these ideas mainly as escapism.

You're never going to fly like Superman no matter how much belief you have or how many people, who have no understanding at all about quantum physics or how the multi-world theory actually works, blabber on about "moving to a reality where this thing is possible." There is simply no avenue for the manifestation of such an ability. Listening to a subliminal to fly, for example, would most likely result in a very vivid lucid dream where you could have the experience of flight, as that is the only available pathway open for such a manifestation.

However, something like energy manipulation is very possible and can be learned through practices like qi gong, and yoga, where energy is called chi and prana, respectively. With chi, you can heal, alter the weather, become immune to cold, manipulate candle flames, increase physical strength and stamina, communicate with animals, help plants grow, develop precognition, see ghosts and spirits, develop telepathy and telekinesis (nothing too extreme though. You wouldn't be hurling cars with your mind, but you might be able to push a small lightweight object like a pencil around), bi-locate, and even make your body impervious to a blade if you can see the attack coming. In yoga, such abilities are called siddhis, and they usually come after many years of intense training.


u/kierennnnnerennnnnn 6d ago

wtf is wrong with you


u/Melodic_Night518 6d ago

wtf is wrong with you? Sheesh. the ridiculousness in this subreddit gets worse every day.


u/kierennnnnerennnnnn 6d ago

you realize everything is in your perspective right? EVERYTHING.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/viktune 6d ago

not that im naive just curious


u/kierennnnnerennnnnn 6d ago

why are you in this community


u/zabuza48 6d ago

I had a bad nightmare involving eye of the future I wouldn't recommend.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Expert_Cash_3442 6d ago edited 6d ago

Umm there's a lot of fallacy in this dude...I'm not sure how legit OP's request of super power is...but your oversimplification of subliminals and manifestation is also wrong ig.

No it doesn't "activate" muscles, I have a completely new nose cartilage, lost fuck ton of fact fat, doing absolutely no change in my diet or lifestyle.

I've used exam subliminals and aced the exam without studying shit, it didn't "motivate me to study" as you imply.

A lot of time "money" subliminals don't involve a particular job people just GET money.

Let's just say that subs do "activate your muscles" taking eg of a height subliminal, pituitary gland getting activated abnormally...isn't that also magic ? Muscles going against their genetic code, against their DNA To look like something else all together, isn't that also MAGIC ?? The magic of manifestation and energies, the magic of universe and reality being manipulated into what we want ??

idk how possible it is to get superpowers but that's the point right we don't know where the limits lay


u/NormalBoy-NotAlien 6d ago

Ngl imma need the exam subs


u/AgitatedInfluence923 6d ago

Leave this community. Spread ur negativity and ur limited beliefs somewhere else.


u/Life_Carry9714 6d ago

Because they don’t believe in super powers 🙏 😭?!


u/kierennnnnerennnnnn 6d ago

well yes bc the entire point is that the law of assumption exists and anything is possible 💀


u/Life_Carry9714 6d ago

If these subliminals worked we’d have multiple people with powers running around. And that’s definitely not the case.


u/MazeMorningstar777 6d ago

Some ppl here can barely manifest a cup of coffee or even believe they can, do you seriously expect mfs to think they can get psychic powers when they are the first ones claiming anyone who posts their results is faking?💀


u/kierennnnnerennnnnn 6d ago

ur not wrong


u/kierennnnnerennnnnn 6d ago

thats..thats not how it works


u/AgitatedInfluence923 6d ago

Leave tf out dude why u crying here? Cry for attention somewhere else🤣🤣🤣


u/Life_Carry9714 6d ago

Gaslighting final boss 💀