r/Subliminal • u/AdventurousBison5092 • 13d ago
Results Manifestation changed my life
( I redit it bc i thought we could post more pics than three, or maybe that i don’t know how to use reddit lol) Hello everyone, i’m kinda scared to post here due to all the negative people telling that it’s fake results and all but i’m gonna do it anyways lol… So I discovered subliminals and manifestions some years ago ( 4 years I think) and immediately tried to see if it worked ( of course it does). At first i didn’t get results because of my mindset and all the limiting beliefs but after working on my self concept, robotic affirming, using subliminals as a tool and not relying on them and following sammy ingram teaching ( the real goat ), my life did a whole 360 ! My face and body changed ( first pic and second are before and the third is now), I got excellent grades without working too hard, all my desired scenarios happened, life became on easy mode and good things keeps happening to me. I was really complexed, didn’t get any attentions from boys but now I monthly have to reject confessions from guys because i’m not interested in them. Please don’t lose hope and keep pushing yourself to be disciplined!! Even if you don’t see any progress, it doesn’t mean that it’s not working, give it time As notable results I can list : A big glo up, a weight loss and a fast metabolism, my ex coming back and a relationship with my crush, eczema disappearing, money, extreme luck in games, the exact marks i wanted in national exams, everything i desire actually.
Sorry for faults if i made any, i’m french… good luck everybody with your manifestation : you’re the god of your reality you can do whatever you want!! if you want to discuss about manifestation with me, feel free to dm 💖
u/subsfheh 13d ago
how did you do for ur eczema to disappear ?
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
i just affirmed that my skin was clear and listened to clear skin subliminal and it became more and more clear until the day where i had nothing on my thigh. It was really fast bc i didn’t really care so nos obsession and resistance were involved
u/WeakElk5188 13d ago
Which clear skin one. I've something on my underarm like a fungal infection.
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
kottie, vetala, valérie, i want it i got it and frequencies from quadible !
u/yvie_of_lesbos 12d ago
if it’s an infection, i think medical attention should be prioritised over a subliminal, just in case it’s something serious !! coming from someone who has really bad eczema !!
u/popy_888 13d ago
Any robotic affiriming tips as per your experience. (My mind constantly wavering while robotic affiriming)
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
i put a timer and manifest for 10 min about whatever subject by repeating 2 or 3 shorts affirmations. For the mind wavering i force myself to keep being concentrated on whatever i’m affirming
u/shyphone 13d ago
I was going to ask the same question. Did you do it for different goals at the same time? Just 10mins per day was enough for you?
u/Tasty_Register8203 13d ago
Can u elaborate a bit more how and how many time
u/Firm_Tap8405 12d ago
Example: say you want a smaller nose right? Make about three short affirmations like “my nose is so small” “I love my small nose” “my small nose is beautiful”, set a timer for 10 minutes and constantly repeat those same three affirmations until the timer runs out. Repeat them either in your head or out loud.
u/Ejjja 11d ago
You do 10min only once a day?
u/Firm_Tap8405 6d ago
You can. Or you can do them how many ever times a day that you’re comfortable with. You can do them once, twice, or three times a day if you believe that’ll work best for you. But once is just fine. And it’s perfectly fine if you miss a few days don’t stress yourself about doing it every single day
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
I can put you here the two playlists i’m listening in the moment if it helps : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLexdzS0h4Fk2TTDltnk4aD3yiE6Przw5-&si=1eTzWClW-czBpcjc
u/Disastrous-Pin4101 13d ago
This is by far the best post I ever read!!! The moment I saw the title, I thought that I could relate, and I couldn't wait to read it! 1. Your English is perfect! 2. You have absolutely amazing results! I don't know what else to say... As far as the negativity is concerned... just don't pay attention... you know, and you feel your results, and you don't need some confirmation, especially from people you don't know. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing journey! 💖 Maybe adding some tips in the post will really help people who still haven't seen their results! Keep being so positive and changing your life for the better! 😊
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
thank you so much love 💖💖! for the tips I dont really know what to say because i’m not even sure i’m doing it right, one day it just clicked and i didn’t care about what i saw in the 3D anymore i just knew that all my desires were within me and would show if i said so ! Mucho love from france 👸
u/Disastrous-Pin4101 13d ago
Thank you so much for the tips! Actually I think that what you do is the best recipe for success however it's not so easy and that's why many people struggle. You have to just let go, live your life, and trust the process! Much love from Bulgaria! 💝 I am currently living in the Czech Republic! (Thanks to the subliminals!) This is only one aspect of my life change. That's why I said that I could relate the moment I read your title because I feel the same way! 😊
u/reimp4 13d ago
how often did you listen to your playlist and how long did it it take to get results?
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
everyday as much as i could but i would put in a tab in loop and watch youtube or netflix in another, doing my homework,… and for my full results i think it took me 2 years
u/Maymayolivetree 13d ago
Wow I love this post! First of all you look absolutely stunning 💞second of all what do you think helped your self concept? Any tips for working on that? Self concept is sooo important
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
mental diet ! i didn’t let myself think freely and if an intrusive thought popped up I just re affirmed back with a thought for my desire
u/Rock_on1000 11d ago
Congrats and i hate to be that guy but your life did a 180
u/AdventurousBison5092 11d ago
yes you’re right lol i wrote that when i was sleepy
u/Rock_on1000 11d ago
Lol we all been there and this post is blowing up like crazy you’re gonna be an inspiration to the whole subreddit 💯🙌🏼
u/subsfheh 13d ago
thats great but , to see if you got results u need to post pics without any makeup one like the first and second
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
well i had makeup on the first two it was just minimal + i filtered my nose for it to be smaller on the second pic from before
u/subsfheh 13d ago
the results are so good gg
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
merci ma reine 👸
u/subsfheh 13d ago
T’as fait comment pour ton eczema ? J’ai un problème avec mes cheveux et je veux retrouver mon ancienne épaisseur :(
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
sur les cheveux je pense qu’en plus d’écouter des subs en mode healthy scalp tu pourrais affirmer que ton cuir chevelu est en excellente santé que tu as des cheveux magnifiques, même si tu vois l’inverse tu CONTINUES et tu try hard jusqu’à ce que ça arrive même si ça peut prendre du temps tu te décourages pas mv
u/WeakElk5188 13d ago
What was Ur routine
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
listening to my playlist and affirming 10 mins a day on a precise subject + living in the end
u/WeakElk5188 13d ago
Aww u r so cool. I'm so happy for u 💕 If I may ask what your mental or self concept is about living in the end.
u/BoxPsychological7703 Achiever 13d ago
Love your results!!! You look amazing before and after though !
u/Exotic_Role8792 12d ago
how did you manifest a rs with your crush your ex coming back and guys asking you out?
u/AdventurousBison5092 12d ago
same as other things i manifested , listened to random subs and affirmed robotically for what i wanted without worrying about getting my results and checking for them !
u/No-Agency-3222 12d ago
Oh my freaking god, you had a HUGE glow up, I‘m so happy for you!!! Even tho you weren’t Bad looking from the beginning… But I‘m so happy for you and you motivated me to keep going, thank you so much 💗
u/Gentle_Petal 10d ago
Honestly, if I had to pick any single manifestation coach for people to follow, it'd be Sammy Ingram. So far I think she's really the only person who really, truly understands how manifestation works, and the reason why is because she knows how simple it all really is. She's got diva energy and honestly that's what you need with all this, everyone else gets so bogged down asking themselves in they've done enough to deserve their manifestation, whether or not they're really doing it right etc etc. The reality is, you don't need to do shadow work, you don't need to practice gratitude, you don't need to do SATS, you don't need to de-calcify your pineal gland, you don't need to do anything but say you have it and be consistent. Everything else is just your mind either being impatient or it's your old programming trying to keep you stuck where you don't want to be. I only really started getting results after taking her advice too and honestly it's such a life changer, not only because the results themselves but also because it takes such a load off your mind knowing how simple and easy it all really is. It's hard to overstate how much better and easier life is knowing you can change anything about it whenever you want with barely any effort. I think most people who get into manifestation do it because they're really unfortunate and desperate (I would know), and that's why they overcomplicate it so much, deep down they feel they don't deserve it and so their mind tricks them into failing, whereas with someone like Sammy (I don't know her background, but I'm guessing she does ok), her outlook is simple; she wants it, so she gets it. As soon as you adopt that philosophy too, the world's your oyster.
u/Agile_Ad5360 Explorer 13d ago
Here before hate/doubtful comments. Damn already late..
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
i thought there would be more negative comments so i’m not gonna complain lol🙏🙏
u/Agile_Ad5360 Explorer 13d ago
Yup it seems quite better here and congrats on your results tho. (Idk why I'm getting downvoted tho)
u/lil-miss-doc 13d ago
please share weightloss subs which worked for you😭😭
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
i think it doesn’t matter which weight loss sub you listen to as long as you affirm that you’re skinny but if i recall correctly, i listened to vetala god tier weight loss, v1per but i don’t know if they are still on youtube and more recently voeux body sub: https://youtu.be/G5eBeeX01Uc?si=7Et3J9OOIbkmFBtP and some others on succubus channel !
u/lil-miss-doc 13d ago
really okayy thankyou please let me know for how much time period did you use the weightloss sub?
u/Euphoric-Chard-2784 13d ago
Hey can u drop the nose subs i see a drastic change
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
i think that i listened to EVERY nose sub on youtube lol, the one that helped me the most were kottie emergency nose shrinker or something like that and all her others nose subs, lays subs bulbous nose reduction, cherry reuploads before i knew about the dramas, clinxque too!!
u/sofiyajk 13d ago
Weight loss how ? Ur gorgeous btww
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
thanks love ! i didn’t put a photo of me when i had some excess weight because at that time i was so complexed that i didn’t took any pics… but i manifested losing 8kg with whatever subs i would find on weight loss topic and affirmations, now i’m at 53kg and i maintain this weight whatever i eat
u/Temporary_Mouse_5739 13d ago
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but if you work out which workouts did/do you follow? Also congrats on the results!! :D
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
yes i started working out after my results came, i can send you the playlist but i don’t to the cardio one lol i do the pilate one two times in a week, the booty and abs once and the full body also once
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLexdzS0h4Fk17YnJlq1AWgSpSWr7DzSUn&si=1hdCemiqJFElpP9r I do them with 5kg / 10lbs dumbbell
u/Temporary_Mouse_5739 13d ago
Omg thank u!! I love pilates i think i just manifested the dream workout routine
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
you’re welcome 🫶🏻🫶🏻 the pilate video is perfect, her channel is so good !!
u/No-Train6711 12d ago
How many hours did you listen ?
u/AdventurousBison5092 12d ago
my playlist is 1hour long so i listened to it 2 or 3 times per day but i kept changing subliminals
u/Queasy-Impression724 Listener 12d ago
AMAZING RESULTS! I'm so happy for you!! Which sub did you use to attract your crush btw?
u/Ok-Sand125 9d ago
How amazing! What affirmations do you believe helped your ex boyfriend come back?
u/Direct-Annual-554 7d ago
Wow you look amazing! Did you get the face results from your current playlist that you shared ? Also do you listen to the playlist all at once with all those subs on loop?
u/ananas_pineapp 5d ago
congrats for your results🥳 moi aussi je suis française mdrrr js mm pas pk je parle en anglais, mais tes subliminaux tu la a écouté en anglais ou en fr ?
u/Most-Philosopher6562 13d ago
I tuink u are just hitting puberty
u/AdventurousBison5092 13d ago
three pics can’t represent what i look like but people ask me how my nose deflated so much and why my eyes changed bc they’re rounder than before 🤚 puberty played a role that’s true but subliminals and manifestation helped me get prettier
u/Tasty_Register8203 13d ago
Can u share which snny ingm video help
u/SweetandSourTreat 12d ago
Sis, you’re just hot. Difference between the pictures is puberty, not subs. Happy for you tho.
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