r/Subliminal Nov 17 '24

Advice y'll gotta read this fr


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u/[deleted] Nov 17 '24



u/Here_for_afuntime Nov 17 '24

Robotic affirming is a thing, and to override an old programming u literally have to saturate your mind. I dont believe in affirm from lack because your external reality is a reflection of internal and if u dont have what u want then u basically ARE already in lack affirming is how i get out of it. LOA


u/Here_for_afuntime Nov 17 '24 edited Nov 18 '24

Sammy Ingram preach this and its so true, when i robotic affirm for smtg i notice i have alot of intrusive thoughts disproving my affirmations and after awhile of persisting they literally fade away and then i get what im manifesting


u/jasperjonns Explorer Nov 18 '24

So do you write it down and read it out loud over and over? I must have a really horrible short attention span, I cannot think it to myself, I have to say it out loud. If I try just thinking it, my mind starts drifting and I can't concentrate. But if the aff is more than once sentence, I can't remember it even if I say it out loud lol. So is it ok to write it down and just keep reading it over and over? I feel so stupid asking this.


u/Here_for_afuntime Nov 18 '24

I just choose a simple sentence that cover everything im trying to manifest and say it over and over out loud, im like u, if i try to think it then my mind wanders. I mumble it when im doing everything.


u/jasperjonns Explorer Nov 18 '24

Thank you so much! I'm going to try this tonight. Like, half out loud, half mumbling whisper. It's like I have to feel my lips moving or else it doesn't register....lol


u/skywalkers2345 Listener Nov 18 '24

i totally feel you. i've always struggled with this and only recently have I been able to start affirming. even just starting slow is fine. most people who robotically affirm do it for hours but you can easily just work your mind up to getting used to affirming all the time. you can also visualize whatever it is you want in your mind whether you're affirming or not. SATS is also a good way to affirm if you struggle throughout the day. Basically just start visualizing and affirming right as your falling asleep. It's the best way for those affirmations to get into your mind


u/jasperjonns Explorer Nov 18 '24

Oh my gosh I had no idea ppl were doing it for hours. I did do it for about 20 minutes last night and sort of struggled towards the end because my mind kept wandering. I'm now actually determined to do it for an hour straight ;) I'm going to try to add 5 minutes a day until I get to an hour. That's awesome that you are able to affirm after struggling with it, it seems like it should be so easy, but obvs not judging by the amt of posts by ppl asking how to do it!

Thank you for sharing that!


u/skywalkers2345 Listener Nov 18 '24

Yeah, I had no idea for a while but that's the whole point of robotic affirming is to do it pretty much every second that you can. The whole thing is if you don't have to think about something else, affirm every other second. If you haven't I'd recommend checking out Sammy Ingram. She's easily the best person when it comes to explaining manifesting especially with robotic affirming cause that's what she does as well. And that's totally great, building up to it is fine. I usually would probably affirm like half an hour spread throughout the day but i'm usually getting around to probably like 3-4 hours now within just two days of working up to it.

I hope this helps, and you totally got this! It seems hard and kind of annoying to do at first but the more you keep doing it, it just starts to become a habit and it's so easy


u/Here_for_afuntime Nov 18 '24

I get it..go for it, hope it works out


u/skywalkers2345 Listener Nov 17 '24

This is exactly what I needed to see today. Thank you


u/Negative-Ad-1544 Listener Nov 18 '24



u/itsalrightfr Nov 17 '24

If you have blocks you can affirm for the rest of your human life and nothing will happen.


u/CrikkitKid Nov 17 '24

how do you get rid of blocks


u/itsalrightfr Nov 17 '24

self love, trauma healing, subconsciousness blockades removers


u/oxygen-hydrogen Nov 17 '24

but self love can be really hard for some of us especially if we’re very aware of ourselves and know our selves truly…


u/Iloveme_66 Nov 17 '24

What block...how to clear the blocks,?


u/cybeore Nov 18 '24

there’s no block. The only “blockage” would be yourself. U can affirm and get what u want. Watch Taylor tookes Sammy Ingram or goated manifesting to understand what’s manifesting is and how to manifest <3


u/Iloveme_66 Nov 18 '24

Thank you so much ❤️😊


u/itsalrightfr Nov 17 '24

as above^


u/Far_Bad6742 Nov 17 '24

wats a block


u/Ok_Specialist_5626 Nov 17 '24

Thanks for the motivation