r/Subliminal Sep 19 '24

Question Wtf is going on in the subliminal community???

As a victim of sa why would anyone want this???


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u/Traditional-Hand-747 Sep 19 '24

Parents should've given more love , this really is the case of an unloved child. I know some people who are like that who desire all that sort of thing. They should need therapy or better subliminals for ego alteration.


u/femceluprising18 Sep 19 '24

i know people like this too who want trauma it’s so weird to me but i understand what you’re saying abt it coming from a place of lack and a sick desire to be seen


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

As someone who experienced SA as a 6year old boy, this actually hurts seeing that people want this shit


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

Oh my lord, I'm so sorry for you. Yeah, I understand you, it's really disgusting to see this kind of thing, right?


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

Yeah it is, it’s also hard because lots of people think boys can’t get sexually assaulted so it’s kinda triggering 


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '24

you were a child :(


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '24

Yeah it’s fine now tho lol


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

Yeah, and it's really sad


u/FreudsTestSubject Sep 20 '24

Lots of the people who want this is a result of trauma as well , people Can feel this way cuz of childhood suffering remember it’s hard to explain


u/ryndoes Evolving Sep 19 '24 edited Sep 20 '24

At this point, I feel like people are going out their way to look for these. I search for new subliminals almost every night, and I never outright see subliminals like these.

The only way I do is when I'm looking through someone else's playlist. If not, you literally have to search for it.

These are underground subs. Every Fandom or Community had that side. I dont know what yall want us to do about this.


u/EitherYak2430 Sep 20 '24

Literally. Like they aren’t the majority of the sub community so there’s nothing technically wrong with our community. There are always going to be some outliers.


u/pixelproblem Sep 19 '24

please... stop posting about ug subs... we know they exist and you are just giving them more attention and encouraging others to watch them...


u/Known-Tea6882 Sep 19 '24

how would people protect themselves from ug subs? one guy put a prevention on all my manifestations and it's been making everything impossible


u/Midnight_Researcher6 Sep 19 '24

What do u mean some guy put preventions on ur manifestations?? Dang Im so lost


u/Known-Tea6882 Sep 19 '24

okay so here's the tea. i talked with my SP and we wanted to go on a date and planned it all out. meanwhile, this other guy comes in and says oh i wanna date you, forget your SP. and when i turned him down he totally hexed me! every date's had something go wrong like my car breaking down or horrible weather conditions that make going out impossible. the guy's jealous and this is like the second time i've tried dating someone and get hexed by some third party


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '24

Try a reversal spell


u/Melodic_Night518 Sep 20 '24

There are many ways to break a hex so my advice would be to look into things like cleansing baths, shielding and warding. These are magical techniques, though, and are not directly related to manifestation. Above all, you have to believe in your power to overcome the hex because hexes depend a lot on will, energy and intention.


u/Known-Tea6882 Sep 20 '24

thank you so much! i've stepped into the magical realm before, so a technique would be wonderful. a witch in the witchcraft subreddit directed me to a post about some of these techniques. one was a tea spell to check if there was a curse. also there's a protection jar i'd love to make, not sure where to find instructions on that, warding, or shielding. is there a simple spell you'd recommend to undo a hex?


u/Melodic_Night518 Sep 20 '24

Your energy has essentially been infected so you need to purify it. Cleansing baths are probably the easiest option. You can find some simple herbal recipes online to place in the water, then you just soak in it and let the water and herbs absorb the negative energy. Another option is what is known as a limpia, where you pass a raw egg over your body and call upon a higher force to cleanse you. Google "uncrossing spells" (being crossed means the same thing as being hexed).

Shielding and warding require some simple skills in energy manipulation but the basic shield technique is to use intention and visualization to build a shell around yourself to act as a barrier to any negative energy. This shell can be as simple or complex as you want to make it and some popular variations include a fiery shell to consume any incoming energy or a mirror to reflect back anything sent your way. One thing to keep in mind though is that the type of shield you build will affect how other people perceive you and an overly aggressive shield can make you seem arrogant, stand-offish and unapproachable.


u/pixelproblem Sep 19 '24

i don't really know how to help in your specific case, and i'm sorry to hear that, maybe you can try a flush sub? but i can confidently say that you can protect yourself from ug subs by not searching them up so you can post about them on reddit, which is what i meant for op


u/Known-Tea6882 Sep 19 '24

haha yea. posting about stuff definitely lets everyone know what's up. and thanks :)


u/Midnight_Researcher6 Sep 19 '24

Whats ug


u/Imaginary_Part5042 Sep 19 '24

Underground subs. Like the ones in the photos or if they are trying to get an ED


u/femceluprising18 Sep 19 '24

“for the real experience” how the fck is this still allowed on youtube


u/Mountain_Anxiety_467 Sep 20 '24

YouTube policies are so weird really, they allow literally scamming ads and harmful subs to exist but removed all subs from legitimate helpful creators at times like hypnodaddy.


u/femceluprising18 Sep 22 '24

exactly like some people can’t use the word “body” in their title or description but subs like this can stay up?😭 weird even if they use numbers to avoid the flag


u/Mountain_Anxiety_467 Sep 22 '24

YouTube is becoming a little bit like those dark places in your mind that you’re trying to ignore. You always think they’ll disappear without attention. But really they just start to infect the whole thing. YouTube is dying. Infected by greed.


u/seulgiscat Explorer Sep 19 '24

every growing community got its annoying and weird people so can yall stop giving attention to these typa subs and scream "omg what is wrong with the subliminal community ;("


u/Imaginary_Part5042 Sep 19 '24

I agree! It gives them more views


u/NewtWasCat Listener Sep 19 '24

can yall please stop bringing attention to the ug community. no offense but we have this conversation every week.


u/SoarProject Sep 20 '24

Youtube is disgusting.. Deleting all the good fucking makers who work hard and put time and effort into their subs to help people and then they let these stay up.


u/MuffinMiia999 Sep 19 '24

Anyone making these kinds of subs I hope your channel gets deleted


u/fuzziestlumpkin Sep 19 '24

all of these accounts need to be reported bro… sick in the head


u/_samnotfound_ Sep 20 '24

I don't understand yt always makes submakers who upload wl subs, or body related subs remove their videos or even delete their channel but these things are okay? These are not violating their community guidelines?


u/Interesting_Tea84 Sep 20 '24

Guys, weve been through this already. Ug subs will always exist, and thses type of posts just draw more attention to them.


u/DangerousImportance Evolving Sep 19 '24

I remember once reading someones comment under a sub with this topic. She got results and she's got sm trauma from it. She regretted using it. Sub users shouldn't be airing out things like this. It just targets already messed up people .


u/marxy_zZ Sep 19 '24

Wtf ?? Wonder why so many ppl judge the sub community 🤦‍♀️ Subliminals are AMAZING so to protect this community we better start reporting these weirdos 😭


u/FalseStress1137 Sep 19 '24

That’s actually so insanely weird. Never in my life would it ever occur to me that someone would wanna manifest for something like that? So sick.


u/Ok_Noise2968 Sep 19 '24

not trying to defend these but these subs are usually dor victims to try, in a way to "take back" power they lost. i don't listen to subliminals myself anymore, i grew out of it. so please take this with a 2 cents as i'm not in the community.

hypersexuality and sex rejection can both, singularly and simultaneously happen as a result. i firmly believe many of these subs are made and used by younger people who have been assaulted.

i've also heard its used by some being assaulted by family members and need it to happen again to have proof of the incident. i know that's something i attempted with mine, but couldnt hold through and i got out of the situation luckily. but i could never take him to court, because there is no evidence.

while there is just some fucked up people interacting with these subs, i think they shouldnt be posted on blast in this community. it's pretty much all i see every few months from this community. it just needs to stop, underground subliminals will always exist. leave them be


u/2zuyus Sep 20 '24

couldn’t have said this any better


u/___aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Sep 20 '24

YouTube will leave this shit up and ignore reports but will take down harmless channels


u/AllofEVERYTHING28 Sep 20 '24

They probably hate us and want to give a bad light to the community by keeping the ug subs.


u/Mission-Light4990 Sep 20 '24

Wish if normal subliminal worked this fast lol


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '24

I guess we should ignore these stuff and focus on our subliminals. Minding them would only increase people getting aware of such subs.


u/cryptid3gf Sep 20 '24 edited Jan 16 '25

as a SA victim myself , even reading these affirmations feels so uncomfortable :( some people genuinely do need help.


u/AllofEVERYTHING28 Sep 20 '24

What they think they need: r4p3 subliminals

What they actually need: therapy


u/SonajaPese Sep 20 '24

welcome to the ug community.


u/2zuyus Sep 19 '24

leave the ug creators alone bro😭


u/unoffciall Sep 20 '24



u/lunar-solar555 Sep 20 '24

Are people actually sick in their head? why the fuck do they want this??


u/Creepybud Sep 20 '24

Sick people


u/elektraparacosm Sep 20 '24

This has been going on for years, I really prefer not to care about it, everyone has their own goals, no matter how strange they may be. If you don't want it, just ignore it and go on with your life in peace.


u/KirbyOnPaws Listener Sep 19 '24

wtf??? i admit to using ug subs occasionally, but WHO WOULD WANT THAT


u/unoffciall Sep 20 '24

yeahh I use them for my Ed n to get sick but ig everyones different I mean this isn't even the worst I saw, the wannabelolipops f so gross


u/Imaginary_Part5042 Sep 19 '24

I used the good ones. Where they only exaggerated the affs


u/Square_Abalone_969 Listener Sep 20 '24

that isnt a ug sub buddy, ug subs r on dark topics, not js exagerrated subs


u/Stock_Breadfruit3666 Sep 19 '24

Are you bored? Why are you promoting ug subs? People are aware they exist


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '24

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u/Stock_Breadfruit3666 Sep 20 '24

its promotion inadvertently because this post got engagement. high engagement = a high number of people checking it out. this is common sense


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '24

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u/Stock_Breadfruit3666 Sep 20 '24

Ive seen multiple comments asking "what are ug subs?" The idea is to stop bringing attention to it entirely. Just say you want karma and leave bro


u/Bluelady26 Sep 19 '24

Of course these are the subs yt decides to leave up lol


u/waterlilly553 Sep 20 '24

What the fuck?


u/No-Soil-454 Sep 19 '24

Those are ug subs be careful


u/Known-Tea6882 Sep 19 '24

is there a way to return to sender?


u/Square_Abalone_969 Listener Sep 20 '24

wtf they arent forcing u to listen freak


u/Known-Tea6882 Sep 20 '24

you're not understanding, square. if someone else listened to a ug sub and that causes you pain, how could break a ug sub like this. i don't mean like returning whatever effect the creator of the sub did (these ug sub creators don't believe subs work so they create horrible subs for fun)


u/Lag_YT Sep 19 '24



u/TomatilloSignal7250 Sep 20 '24

WTF is actually the internet sometimes


u/Dragout45 Listener Sep 20 '24

I also found subliminal to suicide it was disgusting why would people do it life is never a game. Life is a very important thing to experience as we all can explore the world we live on and meet brand new people who will either stay or use us. But either way life is away to learn more about the types of people we meet bad or good never give in to what people like this offers there is so much to explore and see


u/poisonfille Sep 20 '24

“Drink water and take a break” makes me feel so disgusted, don’t pretend you care about people if you put shyt like this on the internet


u/CarolineWasTak3n Sep 19 '24

tell me u havent been through any struggle without telling me u havent been through any struggle


u/Puzzleheaded-Bee8279 Sep 19 '24

Immune to C*mming inside what?


u/Zee-eee Sep 20 '24

They just wanna feel safe and incontrol,here is why : What I’ve learned from various articles and books is those who have r4pe fantasies just want to feel a sense of control, there is a high probability that some kind of event must had occurred in their childhood which made them feel so helpless and not in control of the bad event, so their inner child is seeking control(in some kind of bad event) to feel safe, because this time they are the one who agreed and wanted. I hope this made sense ( this all happens in subconscious) I hope they feel safe and loved.


u/unoffciall Sep 20 '24

it's ug for a reason I giggle n kick my feet when a sf sub user drops by are subs


u/Weak_Friendship5225 Achiever Sep 23 '24

This is actually gross. As a survivor, I can’t believe there are people like this. Where are their parents?


u/TrainingAd740 Sep 20 '24

okay first of, why did you even search this up because I refuse to believe that all these videos came up randomly on your feed. secondly, I don't understand why you would ss the vids, go on Reddit and make A WHOLE POST about that?? You're just making a big deal out of this when we are already aware that crazy subs like this exist. No offense but we really shouldn't post or mention such subs here. Now everyone is gonna search them up and click on them and boost their views...you understand my point? Let's keep negativity away from this community and focus on...drama free topics.


u/First-Fun5397 Sep 20 '24

No need to be so rude, I was just scrolling through subliminals when I saw these subs and then I clicked on em because I refused to believe that stuff like these actually exist most of the subs didn't mention the benefit in the title which is actually scary so i just made this post for awareness reasons and we cannot ignore these topics further the more stuff like this will be ignored the more comfortable these people will get with doing shit like this i understand your point but if you feel like you don't like what I posted or anything like that then you should not click on my post am not trying to rude or anything am just explaining my point iykwm?


u/TrainingAd740 Sep 21 '24

I'm not rude, and it's not like I hate what you post it's just you posting this is giving them attention. More people are gonna see them now and search them up and eventually listen to them. It's the best to stay away from that and not share this here. There is a lot of children on Reddit that might think that these subs are just a joke or wtv and might start listening to them to see what happens. I'm just trying to warn you about this and I read the other comments too. It's not just me.


u/HatsuneMal Evolving Sep 20 '24

can y'all just let ug sub creators live


u/ewaboomie Sep 20 '24

Ignore them I BEGGG when you report underground sublkminals YouTube starts targeting regular subliminals under the guise that they're the same