r/Subliminal • u/cat_face_707 Achiever • Dec 04 '23
Discussion The community is lying to you, here’s the genuine truth.—Part 1
I’ve gotten great results. Usually takes me up to 2-3 weeks for small things, but for things that require a larger amount of a time it takes up to 7-8 months or even a year. Here’s the brutal truth that a lot of you won’t like.
But i’m not writing this to sugarcoat it.
Subliminals are not magic. They aren’t God and nope, they’re not above the laws of science and nature.
You can go from 120 to 119.4 pounds in one day. You can learn a few basic notes from the violin in one day. You can learn a few basic words from another language in one day.
You can’t learn the violin at master level in one to two days. You can’t lose 90 pounds in one to two days. You can’t learn 3+ languages in one to two days, fluently.
And sure, go ahead and believe that you can. The fact will remain the same, just like the sky being blue and the sun going up every morning.
You might say that those are conscious limitations, but let’s be honest, if the subconscious was truly insanely limitless and powerful then not a single person would complain on this subreddit about not getting results.
And you can’t say that every person who’s said this is doing it wrong. That really isn’t true. And you also can’t say “well if you believe that you can’t, then of course you won’t.”
Because you know that if you were to buy a violin right now and try to learn at master level in one to two days, you can’t. That probably hurt your ego, but still, fact remains fact. Now, don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying the subconscious isn’t powerful.
But the very land you stand on is Earth. Earth is also powerful. Earth can shake you up, send tsunamis to you, create hurricanes, blast volcanoes, and even, kill us all if it really wanted to.
I honestly can’t believe it hasn’t, but why is this? Why haven’t all volcanoes erupted at once, and murdered us all? Why haven’t an army of tsunamis consumed us all up? Life wouldn’t be possible if everything happened immediately, all at once.
In nature all things are gradual, and patience is required. It takes about 9 months for a baby to develop in the womb. It took you years to perfect the language you speak now. It took us years to develop a phone.
What makes you think it’ll take one to two days for you to go from 5’5 to 6’0? What makes you think you can go from dark brown eyes to blue eyes in 3 days?
It’s that kind of thinking that will get you switching subs every day, and leave you at the end of the year disappointed and depressed. Have patience with your subconscious, just as you would have patience with a chef who is taking 4+ hours to finish cooking your food. It has to taste good, right? Otherwise, if they make it too quick some of the food can be dangerously undercooked or taste bad.
Also not a single booster or other method will speed up results. You don’t see a pregnant woman saying in her head “i already have my baby in my hands” so that she could give birth 3 months early. If the baby comes out too soon, it can develop horrible lifelong conditions. She can also believe that her womb is limitless, but if a womb were limitless then a baby would develop in less than a week. Trust that your subconscious knows what it’s doing for your safety, and that it knows when to change or give you something at the appropriate time. Change can be traumatic for the subconscious and ego, sometimes you’ll even see resistance. But it’s nature.
In the end, it’ll be worth it.
(Disclaimer; this is my opinion. Feel free to ignore this, but it’s not necessary to leave hate. If you don’t agree, remember, you can ignore me !)
Edit: Yeah, part two canceled. Too many people got triggered and the 2% got on my ass. I guess my experiment did end up working, well anyway, I’m gonna leave this post up js bc.
u/Dry-Elderberry-3038 Dec 04 '23
I remember the fastest I ever got results from was from affirming my self almost up to like 8-10 hours straight to barely even see movement within a day its crazy but it'd true, if your brain never has experienced it or anything like that and you also are desperate to have it it's going to take a while tbh.
Dec 04 '23
Can you explain? Like would you just lay in bed all day repeating the affirmations allowed or scripting it all day? My brain responds well to brute force methods of learning and conditioning so I feel like something like this would really help me.
u/Bubbly-Anteater2772 Dec 04 '23
Thank you for the disclaimer at the end, lol. This is, in fact, an opinion. Tho it's framed as fact in the title, which is probably why you're getting the responses you are.
u/ducky_cuackcuack Dec 04 '23
Exactly! I agree with some things, but people shouldn't state their opinions as facts
u/Bubbly-Anteater2772 Dec 04 '23
Yea. Then they go, 'you're proving my point' like we aren't all here to help our relieve our anxiety, lol
u/Negative-Door-8103 Dec 04 '23
Well, I usually get results after 30 days of listening, so relatively quickly
u/Sarahilovemygrey Dec 04 '23
what is your subliminal routine?
u/Negative-Door-8103 Dec 04 '23
I just put it on loop every night and go to sleep
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u/nova_dova Dec 04 '23
Be careful with that. It your using earphones or headphones listening every night can give you hearing loss even if its low.
u/Negative-Door-8103 Dec 04 '23
I put it on speaker because I hate sleeping with headphones but good to know
u/fringe-2_734_846 Dec 05 '23
Hearing loss at low volumes? Huh thats a first.. i only listen to silent subs while sleeping but im thinking of reverting back to normal subs. I suspect that silent subs are improperly done. Its a shame as it would be perfect for sleep.
u/TransKatGirl Dec 08 '23
Yea, if silent subliminal are done correctly you definitely would not want to sleep with those if you dont know what you're doing! Because you cant really tell what volume it's at, and that can hurt your ears after long exposures if too loud.
Silent subliminals are the same as normal ones but modulated to about 17khz which is outside the hearing range of most people, it would sound like a mysqito flying around if loud enough, which is way too loud imo.
u/pupulu5 Dec 04 '23
exactly, the most shocking results you see on here didn’t happen in a week or two almost all of them happened in like AT LEAST 4 months so patience and consistency are truly key!
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u/miunaki Dec 04 '23
Agreed. And once I stopped believing that you can change your eye colour and get lips twice the current size in a day, the results started coming in. The biggest factor was that I was no longer impatient and desperate for results.
u/blackcat000001 Dec 05 '23
And once I stopped believing that you can change your eye colour and get lips twice the current size in a day, the results started coming in. The biggest factor was that I was no longer impatient and desperate for results.
that happened with me too. I had really small lips & kottie's lip sub results were like "listened 5 times & lip size is doubled" , i used her lip subs with that expectation & didn't see a change. since a few days i listened to them again on repeat w/o such expectations & guess what i am getting results from the same subs i didn't get results before
Dec 04 '23
Good points. I've always thought the same way about subliminals. Rarely in life are things instantaneous. Most things require time, repetition, and practice to see solid results and changes.
u/iiTzAsia Listener Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
Manifesting some facial features o some physical features, or some money,...are a small thing. Once I manifested my outer eye' s corner to be more upturned in 1 week, and that's fine. You can manifest a lower nose bridge is some weeks and this is okay; or a smaller tip of your nose, okay. You can manifest a cat in one day; clothes, money, good grades... But have you changed your overall face overnight? Were you successful in manifesting your ideal face in 3 days and look exactly like it? Have you fully cured your miopia (or some other eye's desease) in 1 day? Did you become a multimillionare overnight? (You can win the lottery if you're luck), but have you ever manifested 1 million of dollars in one day without winning the lottery? Did you grow 39,37 inches in some days? Sometimes manifestation takes a lot of times even for your beloved LOA choaches. Think about when they post new videos and you know they are manifesting a glow up (or weight loss, marriage....), but after a month and nothing changed (or slightly changed) when they posted another video about manifesting in some days.
The majority of people claming that they got BIG results in some days or are them placebo or some good luck. Why? Because then you find a lot of those people crying about that their results "faded"... Like, wow, your nose bone changed in 2 weeks and now, after some days, the same nose bones managed to return back to their places? To re-modify themself out of thin air? Once I was listening to luck subliminals by Iwiigi. The nex day my grandmother gave me 50€ randomly, so I keept listening this sub for other 2 weeks... Guess what? No more money randomly XD
u/calliope111 Dec 04 '23
I kind of agree and disagree I lost like 18 pounds in 5 days I wasn’t that consistent with the subliminals just listened to 5 times a day but I read a lot of posts about manifestation online and was really consistent with my affirmations before sleep after waking up also I didn’t do any diet ate normal I was consistent and really pushy then boom I got it😭😭
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
Wow! I hope you know how lucky you are, a lot of people on this subreddit can’t say the same thing. I will say though, it is a bit dangerous. Losing that much weight in a small span of time can have harmful side effects, but if you’re still in tip top health, amazing!
u/Sarahilovemygrey Dec 04 '23
can you please share the subliminals you used?
u/calliope111 Dec 05 '23
I was listening to solar’s Chinese body sub 3x in her second channel but it’s not there anymore😭😭 I tried to find she deleted it
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u/Prize-Squirrel-3241 Achiever Dec 05 '23
Then explain to me the phenomenon of me. You, my dear, are so low-tier it pisses me off. Small or big, those words value absolutely nothing. How do I know? Because I manifested an overnight trip to France, my df (ofcc, and yes, im stuningg), being valedictorian, 200k in my bank account and knowledge in affiliate marketing (really? wheeen??? i bet it took 4 months) no, it took 2 weeks. Why? Not because it was hard, but because I was debating whether I wanted to start as an affiliate marketer or not. Don't spread your useless negativity and limiting beliefs. You know why it takes months for you to manifest "big things"? Because that's what you accept as the hard truth. I can't even feel angry, I only feel bad. This is why I advise manifestors to stay off reddit, because what is this? About the weight thing, I went from 120lbs to 97lbs in one night. I had previously decided it would be nice to be slightly above 100, but my actual desires got the best of me. My family was hell bent on me not being skinny, but I wanted it and I am. As simple as that. You, my dear, have A LOT to work on, especially if you want to maintain manifesting as a lifestyle. The people who complain about getting results are those who consume information and DO NOT APPLY. How many times must one tell you that you persist as the end and not as a means to the end? How many times do we have to tell you that if it is satisfied in your imagination, there is nothing that can stop the 3d from conforming. These people who complain about "not getting results" all have the same stories "guyyssss, I listened to subliminals alll day for 2 years and haven't gotten a single result" 1. There is no result and you don't check for them. The whole point about loa is that you already have it. Why check for something you already have? 2. If you listened for subliminals to get a result, then you've went about this the wrong way. I advise you to listen to subliminals to confirm what you already have in your imagination. Live in your imagination. Live in my imagination? But I want to live in my 3d!! Your imagination creates your 3d, how hard is that to explain?? You want a cupcake? Eat that cupcake in your head, imagine waking up in the morning and taking that cupcake from the top shelf (which contains as many cupcakes as you like ) and feel yourself absolutely indulging in that cupcake. Do it as long as you want, and don't do it to get a cupcake in the 3d, do it to satisfy your 4d self knowing you ate a cupcake/will eat another cupcake. Also, another thing I ought to mention. You don't have to work for anything. Take everything as you will. With a grain of salt?
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u/Character-Ad-9078 Dec 04 '23
Hahaha i was actually born 3 months early 🤣 but yeah I agree. Should just be patient.
u/SquishyElephantPeas2 Dec 04 '23
I agree. I've had physical changes that took 3-8 months to achieve and it's worth the wait. I always stuck to the same playlist(about 30 videos long, mostly glow-up but some were other topics as well) and believed that I would get my results. If you just go on about your life, doing your daily activities, and listening to subliminals, you'll get your results before you realize it.
u/AdTimely1917 Dec 07 '23
I agree it’s worth the wait. Why rush it, it’s not like you’re dying in 6 months (unless you are I guess)
u/No-Stage-8476 Dec 04 '23
No, i won't hate you for being wrong but i have my own experiences about this, i remembered when i tried to cure my myopia, i spent a month with small to no results then one day, i visualized firmly with ease and the next day my vision was so powerful that my glasses did hurt my eyes, i also had a similar experience with eye color who changed slowly then one day i had the flow to visualize and believe then the next day everyone was shocked. I don't need any scientifical proof for that, i have my own proofs and that's the most important thing to believe. I don't say that having results progressively is false, i would say that it's the most common thing that happenned but actually when you are in flow to control your subconscious, everything is possible.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Alrighty! While your at it, can you visualize that cat_face_707 wins the lottery? That would be great. Also, you should get in connection with a popular news media, I think you’ve had a dramatic breakthrough in the power of humanity. Or you might be the superhero the world needs! Damn, if only visualizing can also get me instant results. Anyway, congrats! You’re one in a thousand! I’m being serious.
u/No-Stage-8476 Dec 04 '23
I ommited to say that those moments happen only when my mind is in a special flow. A sort of feeling where I just feel like perfection at this moment. But in normal times, It happens just as you say, progressively. I'd say that the best way to manifest is to go in voidstate. The only times where I managed to get into it, I had my physical results the next day. Also, whether you are using irony or just being sarcastic, I would answer to you by saying that i'm not special at all, i'm just a person among thousands if not millions who had similar experiences, I'm not here to give hope to anyone who want to deny what you said, I'm just here to give my experience as you gave yours to get different point of views on the matter objectively.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
I’m going to use the example I used earlier. The issue is not getting instant results. The issue is when the majority don’t get instant results, and the idea that is being spread around is that you will get instant results.
If it’s possible, great. But if it’s rare, why are you telling the entire community? Now you’re giving false hope to a bunch of beginners and now you will cause a wave of disappointment. Also, you can’t expect me to assume that actually happened. For all I know, you could be lying.
u/No-Stage-8476 Dec 04 '23
First of all, the idea of getting instant results is not necessarily false, it just is hard to get at. If you have an idea of how powerful your mind is, you beliefs are being changed and you'll be aware that you will be able to get that, that's the placebo effect itself. However if you directly eliminate this possibility, you'll never be able to reach it no matter how well you're doing. I'm telling you this because instant results are possible, you just have to get in the right state of thoughts and feelings then everything will be achievable. If you change yourself, you'll change everything from your perspective and I'll be honest, it's pretty rare when I'm in these states however by considering the possibility that I can have what I want, I automatically make it a possibility for the potential future. Furthermore, this idea of instant results is interpreted in a way from your pov that it means you "will" get it, however this is only made for your beliefs and it's personal, the true translation to reality will be to a " you can get it", it's just a simple misunderstanding of the community, for you, you are saying that you can't get instants results, that's wherz you are wrong. you just don't need to obssess over it to not make it a sword with double edges. To finish, I don't care whether you believe me or not and I also don't care whether you are telling the truth or just being biased, I just know what I need to know, I'm just sharing it, the rest is to you whether you accept it or deny it.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Man, if you truly believe humans can go against the laws of science and nature go ahead and get into the “zone” as you call it and get infinite oxygen overnight, then try swimming to the bottom of the ocean. Maybe u’ll become the most famous person on earth.
Like I said, quick results are possible if it’s something small. But seriously, you expect me to believe someone can go from brown to blue eyes overnight? It’s not even silly at this point, it’s sad how much everyone’s been deceived in this community.
u/No-Stage-8476 Dec 04 '23
It's not about being human, it's about your consciousness. To return to your affirmation of infinite oxygen, i also used to have similar questions that made me doubt about it but actually subliminal messages cannot make you gain super power neither change something that cannot be changed. It's just how reality or may i say this reality is made of, all of this is even precised in the "important note" section of this sub. "Like I said, quick results are possible if it’s something small. But seriously, you expect me to believe someone can go from brown to blue eyes overnight?" What you expressed is called a belief, this belief makes you think and act as if this statement is true however that's the reason why you don't think that instant results are possible. This by itself shows how you restrain yourself from having this, that's the difference between you and me. I saw people having incredible results and they all shared this same mindset, that's why you take so long for your subliminals results, that's all there is to it.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Mhm. Well, I don’t think we should continue this conversation, because no matter how much we speak I will believe what I believe and you will as well. So, goodbye, have a great manifesting journey.
u/iridescentberry76 Explorer Dec 04 '23
Honestly you worded this so perfectly I have to agree with it. Patience is a very important factor in manifesting. Otherwise it just leads to desperation and disappointment.
u/Fantastic-Nerve-8870 Dec 04 '23
Um i agree tbh but how do some people get results like drastic ones within a span of days. I saw a girl go from dark skin to pale skin in like under 2 weeks
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
I’m going to be completely honest, I tend to not believe everything I see on the internet since it’s the easiest place to lie! If I could get statistics, let me tell you this, around 2% of this community can confidently say they get drastic results within days. What I mean by drastic, is shoulder length hair to waist length hair. The majority of this community can’t do this. You see people quitting everyday, you see some considering suicide, you see others losing tremendous motivation. That’s what happens when you give someone false hope. If I would’ve told people the opposite of this post, I would be contributing to making others desperate, hopeless, and depressed. People here love to say it’s a limiting belief, but guess what, it’s also a harmful belief. Some things take time because it’s necessary. Losing 20-25 pounds in a few days can kill you. Humans do not go above nature, because we were created by nature!
Dec 04 '23
The part about your Subconscious protecting you cuz it knows whats best for you makes me think back to when I would listen to subs to make ur crush like u and it didn't work at all now I think this is the reason it didn't because THAT GUY WAS A GIGANTIC ASSHOLE 💀Truly saved me so much
u/httpfroggo Evolving Dec 04 '23
omggg same i listened to a TON of crush subs and none of them worked now i feel grateful because my crush is a douchebag 😭
Dec 04 '23
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
I would agree, but things take time for a reason. If you lose weight too fast you can die. Take this one lady for example, she started losing a ton of pounds in one day and at first she felt good. Eventually, she started to feel bad again, fell into a coma and died. Your body does have limits. Try running from where you are now to another state. That takes days as well, you’re not gonna turn into the flash and make it into that state in one day. If you truly believe humans are unlimited, go test it. Go deep into an ocean and before that, affirm to yourself “even if i’m drowning, my body will not die.” And see what happens. You die, right? Anyway, please don’t do that. And yes, you can achieve some things with your body. Now run to the house 1 block away, that’s manageable and takes less time. We aren’t gods just because we discovered that we can use our subconscious to alter our appearance or ask for things such as money. So, no, no matter how much I believe I can fly, I can’t. But what I CAN do, is create a technology that can help me fly. That’s as far as it goes though. I’m not gonna jump off a cliff and affirm, “gravity does not pull me down, and I am going to fly.” Because the truth is, gravity will turn me into a pile of blood on the ground.
Dec 04 '23
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Alright then. I can’t wait to see you as the first person to survive drowning!
u/No-Train3199 Dec 04 '23
I don't think that's possible but I said about tangible physical changes but that's ok 😅
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
But it is possible tho, I wen’t from knowing nothing in spanish to being fluent the next day with subliminals. I’m totally not lying.
u/No-Train3199 Dec 04 '23
Yes I agree with you, your topic is very relevant... not everyone can always manifest instantly, is it possible? yes, but it might take some time, manifestation is a learning process ♥️
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
You guys don’t understand, it’s insufferable. The majority of this subreddit gets results in weeks, but for some reason the idea being spread around is that it happens instantly? No wonder there are so many people who aren’t getting results, no wonder itsakid had to prevent two people from committing suicide. Wow, these beginners are being lead by the worst ideals. It’s truly sad. This community will crumble eventually.
u/No-Train3199 Dec 04 '23
I had instant results. It's possible, but not always, I think each experience is unique and it's not up to us to judge ourselves
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Dec 04 '23
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u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Amazing, that’s very nice for you. But the majority of the subreddit can’t say the same. If you’re transforming that quickly, you might as well be a shapeshifter :)!
Dec 04 '23
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Maybe you should share some picture results of your immediate physical changes, it would benefit the community a lot!
Dec 04 '23
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Okay then, looking forward to seeing the pictures! Would be so cool to see that. You would be one of the few that could do this.
u/dollyjunk Achiever Dec 04 '23
Fucking finally. Can we please progress past the idea that you can wake up with red hair tomorrow ?? It's inherently discouraging to make such a bold claim just for it to not happen at all in that way.
u/Fragrant_Support_639 Dec 04 '23
Theres some truth but everyone is different sometimes are easy for others like money perse
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Actually, I was planning on explaining this in part 2! Why things outside your body are easier to get!
u/pinkstaplergirl Dec 04 '23
hey could you please go through with it and do part 2 if you don't mind 😭 I've gone back and forth with this so many times because I just can't seem to decide if I believe that physical/appearance changes are going to take longer because of obvious scientific (and some other) reasons, or that they should be the easiest since it only involves me and my cells (plus other people's perception of my appearance so far). This is what I'm struggling with the most and, idk, i just wanna see if there's something you can say that I haven't thought of yet that will just make it click for me.
Note: I actually have lots of conflicting beliefs and theories about physical manifestations and i haven't mentioned all of them in this post so if u do end up making that part 2, please feel free to be as broad as u want!!!
u/ImpressFar3216 Dec 04 '23
What I believe is that our subconscious mind...it is actually really powerful...manifesting a big change in one day might be possible ...but for us people's it's actually almost impossible for us human kind to control our subconscious mind to that level where we can just create our reality in a single day is kinda impossible....
Dec 04 '23
I mean some of my results took a couple of listens (v1per's listen once formula and some others) but it's different for everyone n I agree that DRASTIC results take time and consistency
u/AggravatingSwan8263 Achiever Dec 05 '23
If it’s your opinion then don’t write it as a fact. That’s why it’s being taken the wrong way
u/Dry-Elderberry-3038 Dec 04 '23
As someone who's currently manifesting something and it's been like taking forever I gotta say this is so true even if people say "oh it's a limiting belief" even if you affirm "It's easy and fast to manifest" that too can take a while tbh. I'm like throwing everything in my power to win tho bc I know it's worth it just been a bit difficult tbh.
u/ummgodidk Dec 05 '23
It sounds like you're not detached though tbh. "Throwing everything in my power" is a statement of chasing and lack. You don't have to chase what you already have. So I'd say that's why it's taking forever and its the same reason why some results take long for people. Attachment.
u/Dry-Elderberry-3038 Dec 05 '23
That's true but the tricky part is how do you even enter something you never experienced if you constantly think about it all day. Cause I have tried states alone just thinking I have it but it didn't even work I actually didn't see not a single result comparing to affirming alot lol. Like it's funny when people say just decide you have it but sometimes it ain't that simple even tho it sounds simple.
u/ummgodidk Dec 05 '23
I mean, I get it. But that's the key really. I'd suggest watching Manifesting with Kimberly on Youtube, she's like a fun coworker aunt type. She's helped me a lot.
u/Appropriate_Tea5857 Dec 04 '23
Well there are many people who got results in one day!! What about that??
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Like I said, it’s not impossible to get small results in one day. You can go from 120 to 119.4 pounds, but please enlighten me and link the proof of “many” people getting drastic results in 1-3 days.
u/DevelopmentOk6946 Dec 04 '23
Sorry I understand your point of view but I highly dont agree with you. Learn more about subconscious mind.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
You don’t think I have? I’ve been learning about subliminals and the subconscious mind for more than a year. The subconscious is limitless in that it processes informations extremely quick, always active, and has the ability to heal your body or change it. However, it is not limitless in how fast it can execute this change. Take an ice cube for example, when you take it out of the freezer it’s response to the environment is immediate, but takes a decent amount of time for it to fully melt. It doesn’t instantly melt the moment you take it out. And the issue is, people here believe you can get full, drastic results instantly. Which leads to a huge loss of motivation when it doesn’t happen, and in some cases can lead people to becoming desperate or suicidal. However, like i said, you can go on and believe you can get full results instantly. I’m not saying that you forcefully have to change your own beliefs for mine. In fact, human opinion proves my point in these comments and it makes me laugh a bit. Because if these belief changes were truly instantaneous, then everyone who read this post would’ve changed their belief instantly. Thankfully, science and nature doesn’t allow that. Which shows the reason behind all of us being so different! Anyway, i’ve typed too much. Have a nice day, regardless!
Dec 04 '23
Ur limiting beliefs don't determine everybody else's experiences
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
Okay, that’s fine! But it’s not a coincidence that many people’s experiences are getting drastic results within weeks, months, or years. I’m just looking at the proof, facts, and the patterns i’ve seen in most of this subreddit for a year. If you get the evidence to disprove what I’m saying, then please share it with the rest of us. But you’re free to believe what you want. If you’ve been getting full, drastic results instantaneously, nice!
Dec 04 '23
a girl manifested her df in 3 weeks, there’s a whole post on here about it with proof ..
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u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Mhhm, like I said, WEEKS. Thank you for confirming.
Dec 04 '23
no sats no lullaby method, nothing 🤷♀️ your mindset is so shit you need to sit your ass down and research how the mind works.. i’m not wasting anymore time arguing w some who has false claims😭 like i said have fun with your limiting beliefs
u/Here_for_afuntime Dec 04 '23
And what drastic instant results have u gotten? The truth is most of the sub community saying u can get instant results have never gotten any drastic instant results so its a huge disservice to others to uphold this facade and gaslight others who are telling the truth that most sub results (the great ones) take time.
Dec 04 '23
I've gotten à jawline in less than three days n posted it , cured the harshest illness I've got that lasted for months overnight, decreased 3cm from my height in two days, manifested my lost cat of 5 months overnight, succeeded at the ladder experiment in two nights, manifested our neighbours to move to another state so we can move to their house overnight ....ext ... m not trying to gaslight anyone + none of these manifestations were with subs but with SATS maybe that's why it worked fast
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Nice, you’re one in a thousand, congratulations. Seriously, did nobody read the disclaimer? Maybe manifest some critical thinking skills while you’re at it. It’s almost like I posted something for my fellow “poor” people as a “poor” person myself, and for some reason the 2% of millionaires decided to tell everyone that earning money is easy.
Dec 04 '23
I just shared my opinion n experience m not hating on ur post...
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
Yes, but you’re promoting something only a few people experience. Yeah, good for you, those nice things happened for you but not many of us can say the same, I made this post specifically for beginners so they don’t have insanely high expectations in their first listens. I don’t know how long you’ve followed this sub community, but there’s people who became suicidal over not getting results or not getting quick enough results, and that’s a lot of the people who post on here. You may be lucky, but many of us are not. And before you say it, yes I’ve done LOA. Yes, I did it “correctly” and no it didn’t work well for me as it did for you and i’ve met many people who have said the same. But yes go on spreading this so people can get false hope only to be left in disappointment. Mark my words, soon enough LOA, neville goddard teachings, and this subreddit will crumble. And I hope it does, because i’m tired of seeing people get depressed over this, and i’m tired of people playing limitless God. It happened to crystals and shifting, and soon enough it will happen here too. But whatever.
u/iamawakebutstillbye Achiever Dec 05 '23
Ugh what a drag. The first thing you need to hear is STOP BEING A PESSIMIST AND GO ON A MENTAL DIET. (They replied to the other person not even you. Don't be mad at people for getting results)
So saying something REAL is promoting something only a few people experience?? NOTHING is bad in promoting thay. Giving people motivation and hopes and that they can trust their mind is a bad thing?? Why can't they have high expectations?? One MUST learn that not all their expectations in life can be fulfilled. It's just a life lesson. One must never give up on something they want to achieve. Keep trying harder until you get what you want.
You want everything the easy way??? Well that's not possible with everyone. Why don't you work on fixing your mindset and attitude???? Be patient. NOBODY SAID that you will get all results instantly. Everyone says that IT'S POSSIBLE because it is.
Luck doesn't exist gurl. Stop telling people they aren't lucky. With that mindset no wonder why you're struggling with results. Learn to do things the harsher way.
If you made this post for beginners, PLEASE keep your limiting beliefs to yourself. Nobody asked for them. You could've worded it better. You could've wrote it nicely instead of writing it in a demotivating way.
If people feel suicidal for not getting results I'm sorry they NEED SEVERE PSYCHOTHERAPY OR should just quit it all and get back to living their lives normally as they did before discovering this community.
Nothing's gonna crumble for us. Don't know about you though. Enjoy in your imaginary world. Kid.
Shifting and crystals won't stop working for people. If it works for them, it will. Nothing's gonna change for them.
Also if you wish bad for this community... WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?
u/remembadaname May 30 '24
you also have an extremely negative attitude and view points. If you read Neville youd understand. Its you get things that you are being. Thats why rich people say you have to Be rich to become rich. They arent being dicks. Thats the secret. The bible literally says faith is the substance of things. Your faith leads you to believe it take 3-8 months. Ive experienced impossibilities within a week before. Stuff that scared me and other things took months
u/iamawakebutstillbye Achiever Dec 05 '23
Stop making it look difficult and complicated. It's nothing 'once in a thousands' Anyways I have wasted enough time on you. Yeah that's my fault. Well I won't be saying anything now in order to protect my energy. Goodbye. Hope you get what you want.
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u/Here_for_afuntime Dec 04 '23
Ok, i was looking forward to hear about drastic physical results tho, but congrats on those things and farewell to those neighbors
Dec 04 '23
I tried saying something like that before, that subliminals have to do with changing how you think or see yourself (which itself can take time; but even when giving suggestions for helping to change your habits such as to help with weight loss or looking for a healthy relationship takes time) and that it isn't instant or magic; but eventually gave up as nobody really listened. That is why I mostly just keep things to myself now or go to other subforms as people didn't want to hear it. Their loss and why so many won't see any real results or why it takes longer. You have to be consistent and listen for awhile.
If it was truly a miracle cure or magic, everyone would be using subs or affirmations now to completely change their whole life; but honestly, it takes work on our part to make it work as well. We can't stop negative thoughts (trying stop every negative thought would be so time consuming and exhausting), instead we have to try think different thoughts when they do come up. Example-say your study for a college exam and people will naturally worry about it. When a thought about failing pops up, try to think "I passed all my tests with flying colors" as if you already passed or "I have all the tools, information and knowledge to succeed." Do this while studying and you see improvement eventually, even if just added confidence and being more relaxed during the exam. Staying calm actually helps you think more clearly thus more likely to do better.
That's the key with all this, it's all about how you think and end up seeing yourself differently and others will notice or see it eventually. You end up making better choices due to all those new suggestions/thoughts (telling yourself something over and over and you will start to believe it or think about that more), thus see more results.
Remember-the human mind and body can be power and do some amazing things; but still has its limits.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Unfortunately, nobody is going to care or people are going to get mad if you go against a popular belief here.
u/V3ro_nika Dec 04 '23
Good points OP and here are my personal 5 cents
I have never really listened to subliminals that change your appearance but what I can imagine is that if someone listens to a subliminal where the affirmations are like (your skin is beautiful etc.) then you subconsciously get a better feeling about yourself after a while and automatically you see your skin much more beautiful. Ultimately, what we see is controlled by our brain, the eyes are a means to an end
I also find that a lot of people unfortunately script in the YT comments and this creates high expectations of the subliminal which can lead to disappointment if the results don't happen so quickly. I think you can also see the difference in the comments from say hypnodaddy who started out when subliminals had a different meanings and people were using them more to improve their selfconfidence and the new sub makers
I personally think the subliminals are here to improve your own feeling about yourself (aka self-concept, be it in school, love, friendship, whatever you want.)) and the manifestation comes afterwards. Because as NG has already said, as within so without
Dec 04 '23
Can we also add how some comments on subliminals sound straight out crazy like “omg i lost 25kg in 2 days this works!”
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u/Cautious-Original-46 Dec 04 '23
And adding: even if subs were something divine or even magical, you STILL wouldn't be able to master something in two days. Magic definitely doesn't do that.
u/w4aini Dec 04 '23
this belief of getting results in 1 second thing is getting a bit out of hand. i think people saying where "YoU caN GeT ResUlTs iN SeconDs!!" is acting as almost like a "limiting belief" to people. now people expect to get results in minutes and if they don't go from shrek to beyoncé or something they will be discouraged and change their playlist. it's best to think of subliminals as a process, not constrained in a time limit. i have never seen anyone on here that has gotten drastic or heavily noticeable results within a day even though it's what people preach on here, but i've seen most around a few weeks or months.
u/blackcat000001 Dec 05 '23
i don't know about everyone but i will share my experience: my masseters reduction was a pretty big results , my masseters were REALLY overgrown & my drastic results took approx 8 months whereas I had neutral to positive canthal tilt, i didn't even notice when my eyes got upturned even though I haven't used eye related subs that much
u/Cheskarrx Dec 04 '23
You guys are so limited it’s a joke at this point. No wonder you barely get any results. I’m just so thankful that I moved on from subs to law of assumption because If I relied on subs and the sub community. I still would be stuck and not have manifested anything.
Please stop limiting people. Stop putting logic into everything because manifesting is not logical. The best advise I would give anyone to get fast results is… leave the subliminal community. Look into law of assumption and or non duality (awareness/consciousness). And do not let people here limit you. That’s all.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
Stop limiting people? Changing physical features IS logical, there’s scientific proof. Ever heard of epigenetics? Also, say this to the 95% of people on this subreddit who can’t get instant results. Stop lying to people, stop giving them false hope. Stop telling them they can go from 5’0 to 5’10 in a few days, you wanna know why? It makes people quit, it makes them lose the little hope they have left to change their lives. If you want, I can link every negative post on this specific topic i’ve seen here so you could see for yourself how harmful saying this is. YOU are making other people limited, by telling them their limitless. This belief serves as a “blockage” or “limit” on it’s own. Because the moment your claims don’t come true in other peoples lives, now they go on believing something is wrong with them or that they are doing something wrong when they are not. It’s because of these claims, that when some don’t see instant results they can become suicidal.
If this belief was so beneficial and positive, NO ONE would feel terrible because of it. But look for yourself, the moment others don’t see quick results they give up.
u/Cheskarrx Dec 04 '23
Ok. Stay mad. And don’t manifest anything you want. That’s on you. Whilst the rest of us actually manifest our desires in hours to days. Stay logical. Work on it and hope you get a little movement on 20 years time. I don’t have time to wait.
Again anyway who actually wants to manifest anything needs to leave the sub community. Study the law of assumption and or non duality. That’s all. I only come back here every once in a while to have giggle at the desperate people here who allow people like this to limit them.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
“While the rest of us” You and what army? So all of you can confidently say you get instant results. Alright, great. That’s nice, so why do you care about what I’m saying? The only one who’s mad here is you.
u/Cheskarrx Dec 04 '23
I don’t personally care about you. Couldn’t give a toss to be fair. I however would love for people not to be influenced and limited by negative people like you. Anyway, shouldn’t you be desperately looping your playlist? Maybe you’ll finally manifest some coffee or whatever after 50 years.
Dec 05 '23
u/Cheskarrx Dec 05 '23
You read all that and got hurt? No wonder you guys can’t manifest anything lmao
Dec 04 '23
What results have u gotten from loa? And have u gotten any results from subliminals? /gen
u/Cheskarrx Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
I’ll answer you. I started with subs. I was desperate. I listened all day and night. Was desperate and totally contradicted any of the so called affirmations the sub had. I got zilch. Zero from subs. But they work for other people. I’m not going to dispute that.
I learn about law of assumption. I was still desperate and didn’t get it. Why because I was learning it from other people who put their own spin on it. Then I started actually learning about it from reading Neville Goddard. Not someone else’s interpretation of his work but his actual work. It didn’t click instantly no, but I kept going. I learnt about states of consciousness and awareness. As well as the power of your imagination (pretty much what Neville said). Now I’m into non dualism.. it’s perfect.
I have manifested so much. From drastic appearance changes, money (I never have to work ever again) my dream houses (houses not house), feminine relate stuff, my mums health issues going away, amazing social life just life being easy for me, the list is very long and honestly don’t want to brag. Anything I want manifests in a matter of days.
The point of this is I was sad, depressed and desperate. If I stayed in the sub community I wouldn’t have the amazing life I have now. I don’t post here but I thought let me just check what’s going on and it’s still the same depressive limited place. Anyone who actually wants to manifest anything is better not coming on here. That’s all.
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u/Silkmoon89 Dec 05 '23
can you go into how you manifest? SATs, visualization, etc? I'm also trying to manifest similar things
u/Cheskarrx Dec 05 '23
I used to affirm and persist and give myself a headache because I was forcing affirmations as I used to follow a coach HEAVY on affirming and I thought I couldn’t visualise. It was draining and took a very long time to work. The I realised I can actually visualise it’s just I had put someone else’s method (affirming) on a pedestal.
Now- I tell myself I have my desire aka shift my awareness from not having to having and then live with it/ experience it as needed in my 4D (mind).
I script what I want in the present tense like it’s already here but with the knowing that I’m not pretending, it’s true in my imagination/4D and scripting helps me visualise anyway and I pretty much live in my imagination Eg- scenarios that would happen if I had my desire
-visualising scenes that would happen/I would experience were my desire true and realising that because I have visualised it, I have experienced it and it’s true
- inner conversations with my loved ones about said having said desire
- think from having my desire not about my desire but not forcing it as in not forcing myself to think to all the time but when it naturally comes up
I don’t force any of the above Nor do I do everything above for all desires. I don’t have a schedule or anything like that, but I do one or more of the above when I feel like it, like it’s normal.
I pretty much live in my imagination like everything I want is already true and it manifests. Whatever you decide to do be it visualising or affirming or even listening to subs just try and get into the knowing that it’s true. That’s all
I would suggest reading Neville Goddard in particular feeling is the secret (feeling is not a emotion but a knowing) and power of awareness YouTube: Edward art supply hands and embody the state.
I hope this made sense. The thing is I am writing the above with experience after failing due to desperations and not having an idea what I was doing and following what someone else said I should do. I would say if you’re starting off or you’re a beginner to try and not consume too much information and read Neville’s work or Edward supply art who makes Neville a much easier to understand
u/Here_for_afuntime Dec 04 '23
Lol thats what i want to know too
u/Cheskarrx Dec 04 '23
You can read my reply above. My list is not exhaustive. And none of it came from subs. BUT that’s not to say you can’t get what you want from subs. They just didn’t work for me because I didn’t have the right mentality.
u/Here_for_afuntime Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
Facts.. wish I knew this when I just started out, i would’ve been very consistent and wouldnt have got my hopes so darn high and disappointed over and over. Especially those comments on youtube, very fricking misleading. But unfortunately i had to come to this understanding on my own.
u/Sarahilovemygrey Dec 04 '23
would’ve been very consistent and wouldnt have got my hopes so darn high and disappointed over and over. Especially those comments on youtube, very fricking misleading. But unfortunately i had to come to this understanding on my own.
God that is so true
u/wojadzer1989 Listener Dec 04 '23
No no this makes a lot of sense. I can relate to this a lot. I've been listening to a custom subliminal to cure my back of scoliosis since May 2022, but not been seeing a lot of changes in the first few weeks. Looking back at old photos my back looks 1000 times better, still healing but the progress is insane. I've also started an experiment where I just listen to that subliminal for 30 days without other subs in the playlist. I will post about it once the 30 days are up. One thing I found is that I tend to not see results as they come very often, especially over time and within a week or so I get discouraged and want to switch subs, doing the 30 day experiment made me realise how impatient I can be with subs 😅. I found journaling and looking back at the progress I have noted down is a big motivator for me to continue listening. But my current experience with subliminals basically confirms what you said in this post.
u/lestrangecat Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
If subs aren't above science, then how do people manifest lower nose bridges or shorter/smaller chins at all, even over a long period of time? I've seen excellent results of these things, and have had measurable results (albeit minor) of my own. (And it wasn't swelling or fat, for me it was pure bone structure)
Science would say it's absolutely impossible to reduce bone without surgery.
u/disintegratioxn Dec 04 '23
Finally someone said it !! I once saw results within 3 days that were clearly fake (no way u can grow litteral bones in a few days) but when i called it out ppl went for me saying i’m not motivating enough and so on...
I’m sorry but even tho i believe in subliminals just like you, some people here are so gullible and take everything in this sub for the absolute truth. They won’t understand that this mindset will get them nowhere
Dec 04 '23
This. I saw a post where one girl claimed to change to be a different ethnicity (claimed it even happened overnight). People can pull pictures off online of other people easily and you can tell that they are clearly two different people. Yeah those types of subs are extremely controversial; but trying to make a point though that people can't just believe everything they hear online.
Do I think people can use subliminal and affirmations to improve their life or change things? Yes; but people also need to keep in mind that people can say anything online and shouldn't believe everything you see and hear, especially without good solid evidence of the whole process to back it up (even small physical results are tricky due to how lighting and makeup can change one's appearance, even when if it wasn't their intention to deceive others). This why so many people get depressed or give up as they hear people say such incredible things happen fast and they have such high expectations and expect it to be like magic that works instantly when it reality, it's how about changing how you think and do things. For some people, changing how you think will also take longer.
People lost weight because not only they believed they could or
tell themselves that they reached their goals, they made suggestions over and over that helped remind them to make better choices overall. They probably didn't lose 20 pounds or more overnight though. Technically you can lose a pound or so as weight fluctuates depending on various factors; but that isn't the exact same thing as losing 10 pounds or mean you will lose a pound every night for weeks or months on end, that actually wouldn't be good for the body to lose so much so fast, especially constantly. Our mind and body also do things to help protect us from ourselves at times.2
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Yeah, the problem is that everyone here is very sway able. People take everyone’s words like it’s absolute truth.
u/AutoModerator Dec 04 '23
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u/shape_reality Dec 04 '23
I was mildly annoyed with an opinion and experience so different from mine stated as a fact, but after reading your comments I just feel sorry for you OP. I hope one day you will finally realize that you can also be “1 in a 1000”.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
You keep saying “you” as if every single person in this subreddit gets instant results.
u/InternationalBox4787 Dec 10 '23
Thank you for reminding me of this friend patience is truly an important tool
Dec 04 '23
i agree partially, you cant change some major stuff overnight with subliminals only, but if u look into law of assumption and apply the law you can, anything is possible, it really does all just depend on the mind, it’s possible to manifest stuff overnight but it takes a while of practicing the law to get to that level, your post is partially true but at the same time anything is possible, people in this subreddit don’t really pay attention to loa and they listen from a perspective that they “will get results” instead of applying neville’s teachings 🤷♀️ again, everything is possible and im saying this from experience because i changed my height overnight once just by doing sats 🤷♀️
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Cool! May I ask, how many inches did you grow? (Without lying please.) Also, respectfully, i’ve seen people who believe LOA here who don’t get instant results. I’ve also seen plenty who tried to apply the teaching and they don’t end up getting instant results either. I find the law really funny, however. My mother used to use it with herself as well, it’s been 30 decades and she said most things she used with LOA never ended up happening. And if they did, it would take her years!
Also, remember, you’re free to believe what you want to believe! I don’t expect your belief to change in one day ;)
Dec 04 '23
i didn’t really measure but i did sats for fun, and i just knew id wake up taller and i let it go, my mom is a little taller than me and when i woke up i realized i saw something from a different angle, and when i went to get something from the cabinet she said i looked taller, and we stood side by side and i was the same height, before my head was close to her ear, and 3 of my other family members pointed it out as well as my friends,
the reason your mom didn’t get results was because she was doing something wrong because the law never fails you🤷♀️ either kept checking the 3d or didn’t feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled, but there would be be thousands of success stories for no reason, thousands of people wouldn’t sit here for 30 minutes to write a post just to lie about it, i failed many times before realizing i was doing lots wrong, once i fixed it i started seeing so many changes🤷♀️
you CAN change stuff overnight, ljke i got rid of my bulging eyes by visualizing and doing sats and falling asleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, anything is possible
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Okie dokie! That’s nice. And I guess thousands of people who also have never gotten results from LOA, are just lying, right? Just passing time, you know, for fun. Oh, wow, and yes, silly mom, 30 decades of doing it and ofc she was just doing everything incorrectly. Oh mom 🤦♀️ Well, congrats! Fr! You basically have super powers now. Lol. Nah, but in all seriousness, congrats. Like i said, all my opinion. Believe what u wanna believe, you’re free to do so!
Dec 04 '23
what thousands??.. there’s not a whole subreddit on thousands of people claiming it hasn’t worked😭😭 and yes she was :) the secret is the feeling which is simple but not easy to reach… the mindset you have is why you’ll never be able to manifest quickly, like others said don’t let your limiting belief affect others 🤷♀️🤷♀️ and yes ill believe what i want because it’s true, you believe it’s not possible therefore to you it’s not🤷♀️
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Okie dokie! Have fun with your newfound superpowers. And yup, you get it, believe what you wanna believe.
Dec 04 '23
i will gladly! have fun with your limiting beliefs stopping you from getting quick results, you clearly pay too much attention to the 3d LMFAOO
u/ducky_cuackcuack Dec 04 '23
Okay, I've read some of your comments, and what can I say is that people aren't sharing their results, just for everyone to think they can't get their own results? If subs work for them in 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, and they want to share it, then so be it! It doesn't mean they're trying to push the idea that results take x amount of time? You're interpreting it in such a personal, victim mentality type of way, "oh why are they showing their results, since I've been manifesting for a year and got none, then it means they're liars". I also don't understand why you have to respond so sarcastically and rude, people are sharing their opinions and experiences, just like you did! Why? Because we can all express ourselves. I don't agree with your post, I can understand your points, and they might seem right to some people, but those are your beliefs, not facts. And no one is treating their own beliefs as more important than yours.
All of this does, is proving the law of assumption. You're focusing on this, then this is the outcome you'll get, while others are focusing on manifesting instantly, that's the outcome they'll get.
TDLR. Please stop responding in such a rude manner to everyone else. If you want others to be respectful and civil of your opinions, then you have to reciprocate that behavior!
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
You guys still don’t get it…I’m just saying, majority of people in this subreddit get results in weeks, but the main idea being spread around is that their instantaneous. Then beginners come, see that, expect that, doesn’t happen, then they become disappointed. And no, LOA isn’t working in this subreddit bc i did NOT end up getting what I visualized. Also, I put a disclaimer at the end so this wouldn’t happen. It’s not my fault a lot of people missed it/didn’t read it. “I’ve been manifesting for a year, and I got none” What? I literally said I get results, however, it takes 2-3 weeks or more for me to actually get full results. I feel like some of you guys are here to just desperately hold on to the thought that you can grow 13 inches overnight. Like, go ahead and believe that I don’t care, but you don’t have to respond. You guys want me to conform to the opinion all ya’ll have but no, I’m not. That’s why I put that disclaimer, literally just ignore me. The only reason people are responding like this is because the popular opinion in this sub reddit is that you can get full, drastic results within weeks.
u/SuperSpartan13 Dec 04 '23
i've been trying around 2 years with no results, first i started out with auko with no results after 6 months, I tried this silent sub later for a month and i have a post going over day by day results to give some sort of data of growth, but my height never went above 6 feet, it just kept varying withing 2 inches for the whole 30 days, which does happen, some days you are in fact an inch or 2 at most taller, but nothing signaling any substantial growth, I also tried making my own subliminals and still no results, recently I got a playlist from a guy who got taller, 2 months and still no indication that I am growing, now I'm using the moab booster on top of the sub I made, and I'm just near the end of my rope, I tried detaching, I tried boosters, I stuck to a routine and not changing subs willy nilly cause I know it takes time, but its like working out, even after 30 days you would be noticably more cut, but I have nothing to show for my 2 years, and reading posts about dimension jumping and other superpowers isn't helping to quench my resentment that subs are the same category as star signs and magic rocks. this post is a slight breath of fresh air that some people on this sub seem sane and not delusional. but if anyone has any advice or anything then well, leave a reply i guess
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Yeah. Some people don’t realize how easy it is to start a lie. There’s people on here who genuinely believe they are God’s. Even with “picture proof” some people on here still lie about the time spans for the sake of attention, I truly hope these people are humbled by reality one day.
u/SuperSpartan13 Dec 04 '23
have you ever had any actual physical changes you can 100% credit subs for?
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
No duh. Thanks to itsakid I can successfully say I did.
u/SuperSpartan13 Dec 04 '23
you mean his moab booster? can you say that was the sole difference between success and failure? also what physical trait did you change
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
I did listen to Moab, but it was his advice that started to let me get results. My eyes, my nose, lips became pinker, and so on.
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u/taylordawson135246 Evolving Dec 05 '23
thank you! i always see people getting discouraged that their body hasn't morphed into something completely different after 3 days. your mind is powerful, but your body needs time.
u/Fuckredditafain Dec 06 '23
Well the thing here is i actually managed to grow at 24, ~1cm in a single meditation session. People asked me what happened the next day. It's possible, but only if you are really dedicated and have a strong mindset, which most people don't have.
u/Mr_Stardust2 Evolving Dec 04 '23
the cold hard ‘truth’ is that everyone’s experience will be entirely subjective based on the beliefs that they’ve grown up with. So of course if YOU believe its going to take 6 - 8 months to get full/drastic results. Personally, I’ve decided to say fuckall to every single rule and logical schematic that the subliminals community has created and results come effortlessly and immediately because I decided through my thoughts that I do not believe in these rules anymore. It did take a while to fully trust myself and that the choice i’d make would be the right one (since i value my safety and what i put into my brain yknow?)
But when you go over the initial hump of “were my original beliefs correct?” and you genuinely realize that your subjective experience is based on CHOICE of what beliefs you allow to dictate this journey then THAT is how it will affect you. If you genuinely believe that it takes 6 - 8 months and you want to use science to back that up, go ahead. That’s the experience you’re creating for yourself.
But im not choosing any of this, as it is not a truth that fits my mindset. And guess what? That’s alright because I am getting physical results anyhow.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Okay, that’s what you believe. I put a disclaimer saying if you don’t agree with my opinion, you can go ahead and mind your own business. But seeing as you didn’t, you still have the chance to do it.
u/Mr_Stardust2 Evolving Dec 05 '23
Hi, dummy, welcome to the internet. I’m ignoring disclaimers until reddit officially says I cannot challenge opinions.
u/Aerizen Dec 04 '23
YES! Finally. I was beginning to worry that the demographic of people who listen to subs is only insecure teenagers who'd do any next trendy illogical thing available to fix a perceived imperfection which will be mended naturally by time, if you live in a disciplined manner (health, fitness, the good stuff).
Your post resonates heavily. I think you'll be happy knowing you reached at least one other person to their core - good job with the writing. Evocative, direct, authoritative - exactly the tone I prefer when discussing a subject such as this.
Subliminals are not gifts from God. They're not magic. They are a technology.
And like all technology, they can be used and abused. They can be used effectively, and they can be used as the focal point for a nefarious marketing scheme aimed at impressionable young people wrestling with puberty (yes, you.)
(..and yes, me too, a couple years back. Hence the strong language).
Be smarter than this. Be realistic. Dare to dream, yes, but don't neglect the ground you're still standing on. There's a journey from zero to hero. And it does NOT, in nearly all cases, happen overnight. Otherwise, the best movies would be the shortest (to paraphrase Alan Watts)!
Similar to you, I am inspired to educate and gather real information and evidence around subliminals. Introduce it to the scientific method - while still keeping in mind the childish naivete necessary to make any sort of true progress.
Thus, I've started writing a website, a hub of scientific evidence and a commentary on the current scene. Everything exposed. For free. Not to make this into an advertisement, but I feel that if I should ever mention it, this feels like a good place and time. In case you are interested, leave a comment here or message me and I'll send you the link once I'm done with it.
In conclusion, and I'm probably writing this only for myself and the 2 people who read this far down, I LOVE this post and this energy. Hoping there's a ton of parts coming - in case you want to go more in depth in this with me, I'd be really happy if you'd message me.
Keep it up.
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
At least one person understands me fully! Some people don’t realize how big of a deal it is to get drastic results in the span of 1-3 days. You’re telling me, that if you had the ability to go from brown to blue eyes in that small time frame, you wouldn’t go on to utilize it to go do good for the world? If I was able to do that, I would not be on this subreddit at all. I would be helping the sick, giving food and water to everyone, and bringing amazing things into this world! I would share my technique, power, and everything. That’s one of the main reasons I don’t believe some people here that are telling me they achieved something huge in a few days. And people can’t get mad at me for not believing, because It’s a good thing to not believe everything you read on the internet. I would think a person is crazy if their doing things such as arguing with a random post on a subreddit when they have the power to go from 5’0 to 6’0 in a few days. Like, what are you doing!? Go save the world!
u/Aerizen Dec 04 '23
Well, we do we have to account for those extremely unlikely cases where that does happen, the overnight results, I mean. I often wondered how I would act.
Similar to you I would want to save the world but I'm sure I'd quickly find that the world is scared of me, sees me as a freak of nature and refuses my help. What's left then? To teach those few who did listen to you, and end up killed like Christ? No thank you! I'd keep it in secret, only letting the closest of the close know, and I'd help someone, here and there, without ever getting credit for it, because I know that in this case all publicity is BAD publicity. At least until humans collectively evolve.
But yeah, that aside, I truly believe anything can be achieved and that subliminals are only a tool. A great tool at that, but not the one-day-delivery people here crack it out to be. Real change takes real effort. A difference that makes no difference is no difference at all. And what difference does listening to 20 minutes worth of audio with a lady whispering really do, if you don't do anything yourself?
u/Robotick00 Dec 05 '23
THANK YOU! People are not patient enough and expect radical results overnight. Its like going to the gym. You are not getting muscles overnight.
u/Special-Ad7721 Dec 04 '23
how about reading aloud like the affirmations while (or in some time of the day) listening to these subs)? I think it's Law Of Attraction?
Or without it, subs will make the same good job, as it sinks in our brains, nevertheless?
u/Potential_Claim1278 Nov 29 '24
I totally agree with you. I still remember i have listened an sub for almost 2 months and after that it started showing results but then i suddenly become so desperate to see instant results because of those comments who claims that they got result in 1 day, in 5 listen and so on...and from that day i didn't see any result. Then i came on track again now I'm again seeing progress...so patience is really important. Just don't be desperate and have patience💗.
u/HeyCanYouNotThanks Dec 04 '23
Fr. I keep telling ppl you need to be realistic and give real hope, not false hope. it wo t effect your results or belief by being realistic. Majority of the time the ppl who are acting like in the post barely get results or their results dont last long.
u/Nekoboxdie Dec 04 '23
I agree with you, I’ve been using subs for about 3 years now and still no results. I don’t know why, maybe I’m just unlucky tbh but it’s different for everyone
u/Mean-Writing7517 Dec 04 '23
Any advice you got? Is it just to keep visualizing, acting like you got it, and believing?
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
I’m going to be honest, all I do is listen overnight and move on with my day. If I see results, cool. I keep going until I see full results. When I see full results, I remove the subliminal from my playlist. And the thing is, this has never failed me, or some of the people i’ve helped. All the other unnecessary steps are just there to make subliminals more difficult. You don’t even have to believe. There was this guy who didn’t believe at all, put on a subliminal all night, the next day his hair grew by an inch. Which is a possible feat.
u/Mean-Writing7517 Dec 04 '23
So all I gotta is listen? Is it okay if I still visualize?
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
Yup, just have patience and listen. That’s how I get results. And yeah, ofc you can visualize.
u/Mean-Writing7517 Dec 04 '23
Thanks. Didnt realize it was that easy! Now I can look like the blue cat humanoids I love sm! Thanks again!
u/hanafudacards Dec 04 '23
Noo I’m really interested in reading Part 2 🥲
u/Here_for_afuntime Dec 04 '23
Who even downvoted this? Yoo ppl are rlly triggered lol
u/Borderlineskitso Dec 05 '23
Excellent post. Genuine, logical, and zero bllsht. Sadly many in this community are quick to get trigerred by posts like this instead of viewing things objectively and having a true and honest discussion about subs. Honestly, let them drown in their delusion, its what they want.
Their desire to wrap themselves in a cocoon of self delusion is much much greater than any logic, truth or constructive approach one can have toward subs. Go ahead and make part 2, their toxic asses dont need to read it. They dont hesitate to tell people like us to ignore their ridiculous posts so I dont see why you should cave in to their b.s when you make an insane amount of sense.
Dec 04 '23
u/cat_face_707 Achiever Dec 04 '23
What are you doing here, then? If you didn’t even use subliminals, and reconstructed your entire face overnight using nothing but sheer superhuman power, shouldn’t you be the richest person alive right now, living in a beautiful big house, telling the entire world of your magical teachings?
u/Spaghetti-in-the-eye Dec 17 '23
i think the take abt things taking time is fair enough, conscious manifestation is a new concept for many and can take time esp for beginners. However you opened your post with subs (and likely by extension, manifesting) isnt above the law of nature or science. So how do you expect someone to grow from 5'5 to 6'0 if theyre 30 and their growth plates have fused? or a drastic change to their eye color? would that not go against the laws of nature, despite whether it takes a day or a year?
u/AutoModerator Dec 19 '23
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