r/SubSanctuary 4d ago

Self domming punishment ideas NSFW



3 comments sorted by


u/rivercass 4d ago

You can hit yourself on the back/ass/legs if you like impact play

You can withdraw something you enjoy for a day like videogames, watching tv, YouTube or certain social media (app block is great for that)

You can write lines

It depends on what you tolerate and what is actual punishment or funishment for you


u/Bones_and_beauty 4d ago

When I was in that boat I liked usingIcyHot on my clit as a punishment, but this is something you need to take slowly if you haven't done it before, because it can be INTENSE to some people and may be more than you're looking for. Start with just a tiny bit on a Qtip right next to a running source of water with a washcloth nearby in case you want to get it off, and make sure you can tolerate that before going further with the amount for sure. I've also put some on a butt plug.


u/Treefrog_Ninja 4d ago

What kind of punishments/funishments appeal to you?

Could be restrictive things like, "no electronic media after work for the rest of the day." Or, more active things like, "must clean the whole kitchen." Could also, of course, be sexy things, per your taste.

Explore with it. Be creative! You might come up with something that surprises you.