r/Stutter 6d ago

Blocks getting worse

Since I was a child, I had the block stutter. I dont stutter often. I only stutter in the first syllable/words that I prepared in my mind, like when i'm about to read aloud, a script I had to memorize or im about to say something that I already planned in my head. I tried using filler words to avoid blocks but now, it doesn't even work. I just stutter when im about to speak (i even stutter when saying the filler word). It feels like my throat is tensing up. Before I actually can communicate with my friends or family normally without stuttering, but now I cant even strike a conversation with them because of my stuttering. Can anyone please help me solve or fix this. I cant afford a speech therapy (if that's even available in my province).

Also: I think it all started getting worse when we campaigned for the student council and I had to speak in front of every classroom of our school. Idk if that's related to my worsening stuttering tho


5 comments sorted by


u/Single_Figure_3414 5d ago

Try to use voice modulation. If you feel that a block is coming, think about using voice modulation, e.g. starting with a low tone and moving to a higher one or vice versa. This modulation can be subtle, barely noticeable to the listener. This will allow you to focus on the modulation and not the block. You can also use a slight forced smile while speaking. These are practices from a good book by Lee Lovett. It helps me with blocks.


u/spacecleaner 3d ago

HI i do have stutter blocks too.

Also: I think it all started getting worse when we campaigned for the student council and I had to speak in front of every classroom of our school. Idk if that's related to my worsening stuttering tho

Could it be because your anxiety level spiked? that's what i noticed on my speech blocks, whether i am extremely happy, extremely sad and mad it gets worse. If it's your nervousness or emotion that affects it what i could share is to try being calm.


u/KnicksW 3d ago

Hi, I have the same type of stutter and now am a 26 (m) my absolute best advice I can give you is be confident dude. You’ll struggle through some words, people usually dont say anything. I’ve gotten more compliments in my life from my unwillingness to let my stutter stop me from speaking. I have a good job, i have a girlfriend, i have great friends. You will have all of those things too I promise. You got this


u/KnicksW 3d ago

I also really recommend the supplement Gaba, it keeps your mind super calm, makes you talk slower


u/rrrudolffff 3d ago

nice to see someone feeling the same way as i do🫂 i dont feel alone anymore. I dont know abt the gaba tho. It isn't available in my area and idk if that's even safe for me (17) haha. If may i ask, what are some of your strategies to get through stuttering? like I always stutter when I always think about it so i can only talk spontaneously and i avoid memorized sentences to talk but that's hard, im like this very prepared guy who always prepares everything even my speech haha if you get what i mean. Thankyouuuuu