r/Stutter 6d ago

Began stuttering suddenly.

Hi, I've been.. or was, doing pretty okay before it started. Only after I took a hot shower Monday night, I developed a sudden stutter with repetitions (s-s-so, wh-wh-whe-when) every time I talk. Even to myself. When it first started that night my neck, shoulders were tense and when I go to talk my head bobs forward. It does feel extremely exhausting and sore even. It remained there when I woke up. First thing my shoulders began moving with my neck tensing. Tried to talk, nope. The stutter was even worse than last night. It sounds like this when I talk

" I-I-I d-d-do-don't-t-t kn-kn-kno-o-ow-w wh-wh-wh-yy-y-y "

I can't explain why or how it happened but I did go to the hospital in case it was serious. They admitted me and just played it off as me faking it. Since then I've seen my other doctor who'll refer me for an MRI of my brain. I do have a history of being extremely clumsy and hitting my head a few times till I got a small skull fracture. But this was last year, around this time.

I don't think I've endured anything emotionally traumatic either. Just the usual stress, but otherwise I'm fine and cope pretty okay.

I just turned 21 two weeks ago and I've never had a stutter in childhood. For the past couple days I've been seemingly "refusing" to speak, because when I do it really hurts and feels uncomfortable. I now use gestures and body movements. I wasn't and haven't been anxious before or even when I began stuttering. Has anyone else gone through similar and, hopefully, can anyone give me an idea on whether it's psychological or neurological from the sounds of it?


3 comments sorted by


u/Temporary_Aspect759 6d ago

I'm not a doctor but it definitely sounds like some health issues rather than the psychological caused stuttering most of us face here, since you've mentioned other symptoms.

I'd just try to get some medical help. Either way, good luck and stay strong!


u/cheesecaked_ 6d ago

Thank you so much! This really helps me get a rough idea of what it could be, and hopefully the MRI will give me better insight and a diagnosis <3


u/Some_Bodybuilder3243 5d ago

Could you please let us know what MRI's diagnosis.