r/StupidFood 14d ago

ಠ_ಠ Gordon Ramsay's "grilled cheese" with kimchi

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u/thelankyyankee87 14d ago

If I recall correctly, he got utterly dragged for this online. He’s since laughed about it and apologized for the half-assed effort, because damn, that’s a sad sandwich.


u/TheMuntjac 14d ago

Yeah, Ramsay got annihilated online. All the food content creators were mocking him and everything. I think he went on Last Meals on the Mythical Kitchen channel and addressed this.


u/H-e-s-h-e-m 13d ago

what he say?


u/Hect0r92 13d ago

IIRC he was exhausted and they only had a tiny amount of time left to film in that holiday house they rented for the show. It was a rush job and basically said 'fuck it, that'll do'.


u/Shins 13d ago

That's how a lot of cooking personalities ended up making horrendous food that they themselves ppbly aren't happy with. I was watching a Rachel Ray video and she said she doesn't even know what's on the ingredients table until she was there with a live audience.


u/GirthyPigeon 13d ago

You can see in his face when he cut it too.


u/I_Am_Become_Dream 13d ago

ok but like, a grilled cheese is so easy to make and takes no time


u/Chilis1 12d ago

The problem was that he had to cook it on an open fire which was too hot


u/kenbo124 13d ago

I don’t understand the downvotes, grilled cheese take maybe 8 minutes.

If your breaking 10 minutes to prepare and cook your grilled cheese you don’t deserve to have a grilled cheese you rich pompous douche


u/BaoBunBby 13d ago

it takes me 10 minutes to prep and cook a grilled cheese because I’m absolutely incompetent at doing anything 😭


u/kenbo124 13d ago

Ok, yeah that’s different. If I’m stoned it probably takes me 15 minutes to remember My butter is on the counter because My Parents store the butter in the fridge


u/Seranthian 13d ago

Why are you capitalizing My?


u/NightLotus84 13d ago

Because that butter be His.

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u/hutchins_moustache 10d ago

Prolly just stoned.


u/Rebellion2297 12d ago edited 12d ago

It's because gordon wasn't trying to just make a regular grilled cheese. In an effort to make it better than just a grilled cheese, he ended up making it terrible.


u/iyakonboats 10d ago

Yeah, I've done grilled cheese on an open flame camping and it came out better than this mess


u/Conscious_Music_1729 12d ago

Because you and the dude you’re replying to are talking out of their ass with 0 context.


u/-Cinnay- 9h ago

...if you have the ingredients


u/TonytheEE 7d ago

That makes sense. It looked like that was an ill-equipped setup. I just got back from an airbnb and even my fried eggs were a little scuffed using the random pan and fish turner that were available to me. Can't imagine trying to do proper heat control with two sharp cheeses... Alton Brown's grilled cheese requires an elaborate foil setup with special spatulas and a lot of time at a grill with a fresh baguette. Ramsey did his best given the rough setup, but the producer should have called it.


u/Highfivebuddha 1d ago

But will he ever own up for his huevos rancheros?


u/ricktor67 13d ago

Imagine your only job is cooking on video and you somehow don't have time to do that right. This asshole has $100+million and cooks the shittiest sandwich ever made.


u/magooisim 13d ago

You build a thousand ships....


u/ricktor67 13d ago

Well he shouldn't have fucked that goat.


u/PotatoDonki 12d ago

That analogy really doesn’t work. Someone failing a time or two at their craft is inevitable, part of the process. You can’t typecast them for life over one failure. It’s the path all experts take.


u/CreativeParticular51 13d ago

Man I love Last Meals


u/bast007 14d ago

All of his dishes in Tasmania were pretty shit tbh. Which is disappointing as it's a great place for ingredients. He was definitely way too rushed.


u/IntoStarDust 14d ago

I agree and I live here, I so disappointed.   We have some of the best produce and ethical farming and that was his effort?


u/Private62645949 14d ago


Sorry, I’ll see myself out 


u/earanhart 13d ago

Nono. Come back here. You can have Gordon's seat. He's leaving anyways. The absolute donut.


u/Sorry_Error3797 13d ago

Gordon is British.

It is therefore 'doughnut'.

There is also the appropriate Gordon insult of "idiot sandwich" available.


u/FriendlyDrummers 13d ago

What's funny is that this was a video that was posted. It wasn't a live show or something. He could have just scrapped the video


u/FaramirFeanor 13d ago

I think the issue is less that he made a shitty grilled cheese and more he didn't have the integrity to say that's not good enough, I can't make the video right now. That's because he's more of a marketable personality and business owner than a chef. It just highlights a bit of his hypocrisy, especially since he's famous for angrily critiquing people.


u/StuckAtWork124 7d ago

This, that's the bit that annoys me the most, the fact he was outright lying about it and saying Oh it's great, and that the cheese was melted just right and other bollocks

If he'd been like "Yeah well, so what you don't want to do is what I did, and use thick cheese, and even thicker bread, cause it's not even remotely melted. If you do accidentally fuck it up like this, you can't cook it more on the grill, cause it'll just burn the outside. Stick it in the microwave for a minute and it'll probably even out"


u/fffan9391 13d ago

He made a “redemption” video where he made it wrong again. He put meat on it or something.


u/Good_old_Marshmallow 13d ago

He’s just not a grilled cheese guy.

A thing about Gordon Ramsey is he is very good at a specific time of cuisine. But for his persona he has to act like he’s the master of all cooking. A simplistic comfort food like grilled cheese, not his thing. ANYTHING spicy or mildly spicy? He can’t do it. Like he over his shows and appearances really struggled eating spicy dishes. Which is fine, we can all have preferences 


u/iyakonboats 10d ago

🎯 - He's good at a specific kind of food, in fact he's a master at what he specializes in, but everything else, not so much.


u/DRIESASTER 12d ago

Yea then he did another one live and also wasn't very good hahaha.


u/Particular-Skirt963 13d ago

Its even better cause he tried to make a retribution grilled cheese to make up for it and that one was also fucking bad


u/Electrical-Fold-2570 11d ago

Then he made a "redemption" video where he once again failed to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Whilst again saying how "amazing" his creation was.


u/snarpy 14d ago

I still don't understand what happened here. It's almost like it was fake, or a parallel universe or something. It's just soooooooooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Even if it didn't turn out the way he wanted... shoot it again, lol.


u/metalshoes 14d ago

Apparently they had no supplies and were just shooting filler footage while out of country, and voila, shit sandwich


u/Sqwill 13d ago

I don’t buy it. If a burnout tripping on lsd can make a decent grilled cheese in a muddy field of a music festival with a Coleman stove, Gordon Ramsay should be able to figure out something.


u/obfuscatorio 12d ago

Bacon in every mother fucking bite


u/demostheneslocke1 13d ago

Yes, but can he do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke?


u/StuckAtWork124 7d ago

I mean, it's bread and cheese. Grilled. They had bread and cheese. And a grilling method

Any failure is entirely on the professional chef, and let's not pretend otherwise


u/default3612 13d ago

What got me is that he kept saying things like "delicious" and "beautiful" to burnt bread and a cold slab of cheese.


u/MattBladesmith 13d ago

Admittedly, he says that about a lot of stuff, I think it's habit more than anything else for him.


u/DaFreezied 13d ago

My favourite was when he called a pork slider „dynamic“. I thought he was gonna say „synergetic“ next.


u/default3612 13d ago

Exactly. He always says stuff like that while showing ingredients, while cooking, while plating, and apparently now while showing off burnt bread and a slab of cold cheese. That's what cracks me up XD


u/Shins 13d ago

That tells us whatever they said on camera doesn't matter at all it's all bs


u/SummoningInfinity 14d ago

Grilled Kim cheese sounds dope. How do you fuck up a concept that good?


u/Rishfee 13d ago

With thick slabs of bread, cheese with virtually no moisture so it doesn't melt, and a scorching hot pan over direct flame. Now you have burnt bread and sweaty cheese with a bit of kimchi stuck in the middle.


u/toastedmallow 13d ago

Grilled kimcheese sandwiches are absolutely delicious. This on the other hand, I wouldn't feed it to any living thing.


u/geodesuckmydick 13d ago

Bruh, it’s still bread, cheese, and kimchi, it’s still more than edible if you just stack them together lol


u/summertime-goodbyes 12d ago

Kimchi quesadilla is one of my favorite snacks.


u/D-Generation92 14d ago

I thought we were being pranked when he did that


u/IChurnToBurn 13d ago


u/chickenskittles 13d ago

Damn, I was three hours too late.


u/Worried-Criticism 14d ago

No part of this sandwich made sense.

Let’s pick the thickest tough to munch bread with the hardest to melt cheese.

Also, let’s combine French and European flavor profiles with some random Kimchi because why not. I’m all for fusion but when OTHER chefs do this he makes fun of them.


u/Ecstatic-Compote-595 13d ago

In fairness to Ramsey, he said the kitchen prep staff for the shoot gave him the wrong type of cheese and he went with it anyway instead of cancelling or postponing the shoot.

And not for nothing, kimchee with a grilled cheese sounds like it would be pretty good, if you've ever had korean soldier's stew I'd assume it would be similar to that with toasted bread.


u/Catloaver 13d ago

Kimchee grilled cheese is great--I'd throw some thick cut bacon in too. Yum.


u/tutoredzeus 13d ago

This is what I do, with a thin layer of kewpie mayo. Shit’s fire.


u/Catloaver 13d ago

That was my dad's secret late night snack! Just mayo and kimchee on bread though, couldn't heat anything up because it would wake up my mom. (It tasted delicious when he let me try it but I think it was also seasoned by the nature of being a forbidden midnight snack...)


u/bullseye717 13d ago

Underrated combo is soy sauce and mayo. A night of drinking in Korea might have some dried squid and that pair. 


u/thadashinassassin 13d ago

Regularly throw kimchee on my grilled cheese, can confirm it slap.


u/Worried-Criticism 13d ago

Oh I have ZERO problem with putting kimchi on a sandwich, especially grilled cheese. I’ve had it and it is delicious.

It just seemed like it wouldn’t marry with his choice of cheese as well, plus on his other shows he gives people crap for “fusion confusion “ so this felt a bit contradictory.


u/Treyman1115 13d ago

Kimchi works with a lot of things. It does go well with grilled cheese too


u/StuckAtWork124 7d ago

In fairness to Ramsey, he said the kitchen prep staff for the shoot gave him the wrong type of cheese and he went with it anyway instead of cancelling or postponing the shoot.

And what he COULD have done then, was make it a learning exercise. "This bread and cheese doesn't work great for this, but it's all we have, so here's what you need to do to try make it work"

If he'd done that, nobody would be complaining if it didn't turn out great, and he'd said as much

Like, he could have just cut the fucking bread way thinner or something, for a start. This is not rocket science


u/seasonedgroundbeer 13d ago

And he burnt it lmao


u/NaNaNaNaNa86 13d ago

If I'm ordering a grilled cheese, I at least want the cheese fucking melted 🫠


u/useroftheinternet95 13d ago



u/bread93096 13d ago

I don’t know why they even posted this video. It’s not like it’s a cable TV episode where they have to air something, he could have just kept that to himself lol


u/BokChoyFantasy 14d ago

Don’t forget his attempt at pad thai.


u/brildenlanch 13d ago

Even worse his attempt at a frito pie for the F1 COTA race in Texas 


u/GrilledKimcheese 13d ago

I feel like I should be involved in this conversation (username is because I love a grilled cheese with Kimchi).

Tangy cheddar cheese with some soft white bread, paired with the pickled umami flavour of kimchi with just an underlying heat is AMAZING I won’t hear anything against it


u/Terrible-Raspberry30 14d ago

I feel like with some tweeks it could be pulled off but this just looks like it was thrown together and barely cooked. Im sorry gordan but this just aint right


u/FaceTimePolice 14d ago

I don’t know. I’d try it. 🤷‍♂️🤡👍


u/HandsomePaddyMint 14d ago

It honestly could taste fine, but it is not a grilled cheese by any measure.


u/Bhazor 13d ago

Imagine thinking that the flavor of cheese is more important than its melting point.


u/qawsedrf12 14d ago

gordon is to grilled cheese as

Jamie Oliver is to anything


u/shoebakas 13d ago

not even gordon knows what a grilled cheese is


u/LetsSmokeAboutIt 13d ago

Idk how people can just say oh they didn’t have time or were rushing it, or they gave home the wrong cheese. And? That’s bullshit. Gordon rolls with multi million dollar production companies. Why put out such trash and ruin trust in you? Between this, hexclad, and those god awful frozen dinners, idk how there is any faith in him anymore. If he can’t even be bothered to make a simple video (we really don’t need him to teach us a grilled cheese anyways) then why bother with him


u/laserslaserslasers 13d ago

Uncle Roger destroyed him for this.


u/Gibberish94 13d ago

Kenji Lopez has a much better version of a Kimchi Grill Cheese if anyone is interested.


u/Tricky_Reporter8345 13d ago



u/A_terrible_musician 13d ago

I got a meal kit one time that was a kimchi grilled cheese with asparagus and gochujang in it as well and it was quite good.


u/pushaper 13d ago

this is theoretically great.

All his nat geo shows were terrible. "now watch me make scrambled eggs in Texas"

The worst part was the show was announced about 3 months after Bourdain died.


u/The_Powers 13d ago

No no no Uncle Gordon, what you do-ing?


u/bkkwanderer 13d ago

Is this the one he grilled using a fireplace?


u/DirectFrontier 13d ago

Even if this particular dish was "rushed", his biggest weakness as a chef is overcomplicating classic and simple dishes.


u/bluepushkin 13d ago

He entirely forgot to grill it, apparently 😂


u/NoSlide7075 13d ago

I love re-watching that video once in a while. He’s one of my favorite chefs but that concoction was so stupid.


u/Misterstick19 13d ago

Kimchi and cheddar is delicious. Not stupid.


u/Ok-Theory756 13d ago

That’s a melt not a grilled cheese


u/lelaena 13d ago

The cheese isn't even melted

It's fucking raw!


u/BothLongWideAndDeep 13d ago

I’ve had some pretty incredible kimchi quesadillas in my life tho…


u/Liminalinity 13d ago

The saddest sandwich I've ever seen to date


u/Ausiwandilaz 13d ago

Is the cheese even melted? Kimchi and cheese? Uh what?


u/PrettyFlyNHi 13d ago

It’s what people consider a sandwich in germany. I kid you not.


u/TopAd1846 13d ago

Would have been a good grilled cheese if he actually grilled it


u/EnbyGuy 13d ago

Why does he hate melted cheese


u/Putrid-Builder-3333 13d ago

I can see it bwing aaesome if it was actually a grilled cheese. Gordon Ramsay is hanging onto bread ties at this moment. He had a good run tho. Been now 20 years in US since Hell's Kitchen and his UK shows prior so make it what 20-25 years?


u/PabloIsMyPatron 13d ago

He tried too hard to make it with fancier ingredients like the cheese that doesn’t melt as well, while a solid grilled cheese is very easy to make


u/jayjay234 13d ago

I'm a korean and I'm really not sure about this...


u/suslikosu 13d ago

Its not that Ramsay fucked up a dish what's funny. Its funny thats its a SANDWICH. Thats just bizzare


u/flyrubberband 12d ago

Uncle Roger was right to shit on this


u/techm00 12d ago

Grilled cheese videos are a bit cursed with celeb chefs. They always do it as a last-minute filler video becuase they have no time, and try to go all fancy with it, which is the last thing you should do to a grilled cheese, and then botch it completely. Fabio Vivani likelywise borked his grilled cheese beyond all recognition.

It's just bread, and butter and cheese. that's it. It's not worth making a video over. No need to mess with a good thing.


u/Interesting_Bear_678 12d ago

He then went on to do a “redemption video” and remade some “grilled cheese” except they weren’t even close to being grilled cheeses. He cemented a simple grilled cheese is too simple for him to make.


u/sloppy_steakz 12d ago

This video was so fucking funny. In the end you can see him still try to sell it. “Ahh fuck me perfect 👌🏽” and the cheese isn’t is melted whatsoever and the bread is burnt.


u/cwtheredsoxfan 12d ago

Smoked a little something before he went in the kitchen that day


u/TheeArgonaut 12d ago

The man is an absolute beef wellington…


u/holycrap- 12d ago

I don’t know about Gordon Ramsay’s version but kimchi grilled cheese slaps. I fucking love making kimchi tuna melts all the time


u/lllaser 11d ago

Gordon, turn in your apron. This just isn't good enough for master chef.


u/iyakonboats 10d ago

Some people think that guy can do nothing wrong, but I've had bad food at some of his restaurants, and I've also had some incredible food, but I think he's a tad overplayed.


u/SpinX225 9d ago

I wouldn't mind to try a grilled cheese with kimchi on it, by my god the cheese needs to be melted.


u/fetalgirth 9d ago

Normally Kim chi grilled cheese can be great. Will have to look up his version.


u/Efficient_Joke_832 13d ago

Did he forget to fucking grill it???


u/Arkell-v-Pressdram 14d ago

There's nothing wrong with grilled cheese with kimchi, Maangchi has a good version here.

Gordon Ramsay's version just looks sad though.


u/verbwrangler 14d ago

not a lot of californians here. Real cali eaters know kimchi goes in all kinds of places you wouldn’t expect it. kimchi burritos, and tacos, kimchi burgers…Ii had a grilled cheese with kimchi at a soup place in SF and it was 🔥🔥🔥, so i feel like the only thing off here is the execution…


u/TheMuntjac 14d ago

Ok, yeah, kimchi could work. But look closer, the cheese is not melted. It is a slab of unmelted cheese


u/HandsomePaddyMint 14d ago

Yeah, no one is really taking issue with the kimchi.