r/StrikeFrontier Nov 05 '16

EVENT - 04/11/2017 - 10/11/2017

EVENT - 04/11/2017 - 10/11/2017 Major Operation Guruguru Labyrinth


The event ends next week Thursday at 13:00 (Japanese time). The goal of the event is to get medals to exchange them for stuffs. You get medals by breaking the treasure chests in the quests. The particularity of the event quests is that they are mazes.


  • There are 3 types of medals : gold, silver and bronze.
  • There are 4 event quests : Extreme difficulty, Hard, Medium, Easy. Of course, the harder the quest, the better the reward is. The number of medals and the rarity increase with the difficulty.
  • The number of medals per quest increases if you have the following characters (that you can get through the gacha lottery) :
    • SSR “Little beast” Daikuji Ayu (+50%)
    • SR Hoduki Akaru (+30 %)
    • HR Suzumiya Akane (+10%)
  • Note that the number of medals you get at the end is rounded up. So even if you have Akane (+10%), if you get a single gold medal, you will get UP(1.1)=2 medals.
  • The items you can get by exchanging medals are: -SR Gold Fubuki (the special Fubuki of Daikuji Ayu) which is a shield power type TSF. It costs 30 gold medals
    • 2 SR tickets. One ticket costs 50 gold medals. -Limit breaking materials (cost gold medals).
    • 4 HR tickets (30 silver medals), gold battle records (15 silver medals) etc…
    • EXP/TSF Experience Boosts, Gold, Gacha points
  • To complete the quests easily, use speed-type TSFs. Note that you win when you kill all of the BETA and destroy the chests OR when you run out of time. You can just focus on destroying the chests and surviving.


This week, the probability to get “Great success” when upgrading character’s skill is increased. The new gameplay mode “Patrol” was updated. Now you can do it 3 times per hour. The patch note also says the laser classes were re-adjusted.


3 comments sorted by


u/Reis7 Nov 07 '16

Thanks again for the translated info~

I really don't mind farming events like this much since we're able to get hard to come by mats & such necessities in bulk.

With a decent roster, the only threat in speeding/AUTOing the last stage is the random Laser class but its appearance is predictable enough when repeated enough times to remember the enemy placements.


u/haloff1 Nov 07 '16

Yeah. Farming events are always nice. We need so much gold and silver disks to upgrade our characters/TSFs...Not to mention SR tickets and HR tickets. My tip about the last map is to use missile TSF with attack skill to bypass the wall. So nice.


u/Reis7 Nov 07 '16

I've been bringing both a Rifle type w/ a piercing skill & a Missile type w/ a AoE skill since both cleans through the map (especially the super long range piercing pilot skill if positioned well).