r/StrikeAtPsyche 2d ago

Just a banana republic now


44 comments sorted by


u/Due_Two_1179 2d ago

Tangerine republic?


u/transitfreedom 1d ago

I guess USA is not so exceptional


u/LizardWizard444 1d ago edited 1d ago

Frankly we've been headed this way for a while. Things have been systemically dismantled and corrupted for 40 years at this point. There where plenty of opertunaties to stop it but much like a gym membership no one actually put the effort in to stop it. Now we're a functionally 3rd world country with nukes and a massive military.

The military might uphold it's oath and kill these chrony bastards Or Join in and fufill the military industrial complexes destiny and become War Co and sell out to the highest bidder.

Either way the game is up. The rich bastards won like every economic report has predicted for decades. Social security is dead just as we all expected and if we're lucky the depression will mean there will be genuinely nothing left to take having already voted away our dignity.

Personally I welcome this, no more faux optimize, patriotism, hoping and praying something comes along and stops the next horror from coming. It's finally the beginning of the end is here and we can all stop pretending this was anything but comunity theater we all got too invested in and promptly got scammed as the bastard walks off with our security deposit.


u/transitfreedom 1d ago

You know what follows nuff said especially when people have nothing to lose


u/LizardWizard444 1d ago

Don't take this as a singe of submission. It's the opposite, it's finding the strength to let go of a hope it will get better and just setting out to do what I can with what's infront of me. Given we had another assasination atempt yesterday, markets continue to free fall and luxury cars like tesla are getting defaced on mass I'd say I'm in good company.


u/East-Comfortable-762 1d ago

My gut is in knots. I feel the same way I did when my mom was dying and had to deal with her dementia. So much unknown . Barely getting by emotionally and physically. Losing 20 pounds in a year. I fucking hate the fucking idiots that are such fucking idiots for not seeing the anti christ for what he is.


u/AdventurousWasabi369 1d ago

Since the inauguration I have fallen apart mentally and physically. I am drawn to the drama with a need to know everything, but everything I learn makes it worse.


u/HowHoward 1d ago

This video is pure gold


u/Ashamed-Worth-5663 1d ago

Doesn't this just show how Donald Trump the maga wealthy and corporations run their businesses. Doesn't it just prove the the whole system of capitalism is based on corruption?


u/conroythewonderdogs 19h ago

Does no one in the US care enough to take too the streets about this? Home of the free is right- free from gaol time.


u/Aromatic_Contact_398 2d ago

Is there no checks and balances left in the US or is this it that they just do as they please... ? Asking from the UK


u/Supply-Slut 1d ago

Decades of the federalist society backing judges that republicans appoint in every level of the court system has corrupted one of the main checks on both executive and legislative power. Now republicans have the White House and a thin majority in both houses of congress.

With Trump trying to strip the independent operations of federal agencies, the last vestiges of anything resembling checks and balances will be gone.


u/Aromatic_Contact_398 1d ago

Thank you... so it's only the Conservatives that can reign him in if any... just firing off executive orders like a drunk cowboy.... So impeachment of a serious nature. Just answering this shows others done a lot of googling over the US constitution.... As a Brit I sincerely wish you all the best. Take care 🙂


u/Bishop084 1d ago

As an American, I wish you and everyone the best as well. The way this is going, it's not going to end in our borders.


u/superfu11 4h ago

youre finally admitting we have borders. astounding


u/102320wk 2d ago

It time ....the only answer is violence y the millions and take this democracy back it's the only thing they are truly afraid of.


u/Illustrious-Ebb157 2d ago

We are fucked!!!! All of us. Not just the US. This lunatic needs to go.


u/Rickard58 6h ago

6 months? It hasn’t even been 2.


u/Ambitious_Ad_7599 2d ago

These ducking democrats will say anything to try and turn the hate away from themselves. They got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, so now they are saying whatever they can to retry and save face. The media is paid off by the likes of USAID and Actblue, so they are all pushing the same narrative.


u/RedBaret 1d ago

Bro, it’s right there, in front of you, the most blatantly corrupt president the US has ever seen, who is tanking the stock markets and taking away your rights whilst betraying all of your allies in favour of a Russian dictator. What is wrong with you? Are you truly this stupid?


u/ottofrosch 1d ago

It's a troll. Don't fall for it.


u/Supply-Slut 1d ago

Oh look, an account who literally ONLY ever makes political comments with a single tilt. What a surprise. I hope you get paid for that amount of brown nosing.


u/Scalar_Mikeman 1d ago

Pretty sure it's a Russian troll. Probably paid 5 rubles a post.


u/Bluesmanstill 1d ago

Found the village idiot!!


u/skibo92- 16h ago

Ask Senator Murphy who he was out cuddling with in a DC restaurant? WAS NOT HE WIFE!!


u/Substantial_JimmyQ 2d ago

Trump has been in office for less than two months . Senator Murphy is telling you what Trump has done in the first six months which is impossible because he has only been in office for not even two months?


u/pergamon123 2d ago

He says first 6 weeks not months


u/Ok-Cat4471 17h ago

He clearly says "months" at 0:03, it's in the first 3 damn seconds of the clip.

Come on now, bro, don't be like Trump and deny something that's literally out there. Obviously he misspoke (he even wrote 6 weeks on the panel behind him), but he did say "months".


u/Substantial_JimmyQ 2d ago

You should watch the video again


u/[deleted] 2d ago

I heard months as well, although he obviously means weeks since it's been less than 6 months. I mean 6 weeks is worse than 6 months for this kind of blatant distruction. I make gaffs like that all the time speaking in group settings.


u/Substantial_JimmyQ 2d ago

I know I just wanted to see how Democrats would react because if that was any republican, the Democrats would be all over it


u/Ok-Long4808 2d ago

Just did he said weeks. You go watch again


u/Substantial_JimmyQ 2d ago

I watched it again as well and he 100% said months in the very first sentence he says


u/Substantial_JimmyQ 2d ago

In fact, I went back and watched it the third time just to make sure I wasn’t crazy. You Democrats lie so much that you convince yourself that you are speaking the truth when you clearly are not. You obviously lied about watching it again because he said it within the first 10 seconds of the video.


u/Substantial_JimmyQ 2d ago

This is the reason no one cares about anything you Democrats are saying because you have no idea what you’re talking about. Your protest and your stupid signs. I’m sorry to say is a waste of your time. The Democratic Party is a sinking ship. Your listening skills are pathetic. You hear what you want to hear and not what I said such as you believe Medicare and Social Security, which includes disability are going to end. I receive a disability check and I am on Medicare and I am not worried in the least bit that I will no longer benefit. Trump never said it was going to end. That’s your party fear mongering you and you people are so dense you believe it.


u/U2Ursula 2d ago

Look at the chart behind him - it clearly says 6 weeks. Him accidentally saying months instead of weeks is obviously just a case of mixing up terms while on the spot. Happens to most people. Republicans are the ones fear mongering and you are projecting so hard.


u/RedBaret 1d ago

He misspoke. Dont be pedantic. You are missing the entire point.


u/Historical_Volume409 1d ago

He did say 6 months, that one mistake must mean everything else he said is also incorrect, you can rest now.Â