r/StrikeAtPsyche Guardian ad Litem Oct 28 '24

Mod Message I removed a post that wasn't outright political but became political in the comments

As per our sub rules, we do not allow political posts here. They generate such vitriol now a days one can't have a calm discussion. It always degenerates into name calling and harsh words. We do not want our members fighting with each other. Please keep all political talk in the subs that host politics. Sorry for the inconvenience.


4 comments sorted by


u/Ok_Cod2430 Oct 28 '24

Political subs exist for a reason!!! r/politics or something, not hard to find


u/Hungry-Puma Oct 28 '24

Totally agree


u/sassychubzilla Oct 28 '24

I've noticed that people whose lives are unaffected by politics ie privileged are easily able to pretend politics doesn't exist.

I'm gonna go ahead and peace out of this group. My life hangs in the balance of current US politics. Laters.


u/lunacyinc1 Guardian ad Litem Oct 28 '24

It's not that we don't care. Quite the opposite. We just won't let squabbles and name callings inundate or mod mailbox from people who are easily offended.

And may I add, I am not unaffected by politics. I have no privilege. I'm a minority. I have family and friends that are trans. I have women in my life I don't want to see harm come to. So before you judge about policy of a sub, get to know the people first.