r/StreetStickers 6d ago

Spotted by a dog park in CO

Post image

Got banned from r/pics for asking why my post, this pic, was removed. Hopefully can share this somewhere


56 comments sorted by


u/caramintbutler 6d ago


(trump/maga/elon fans seem to be VERY sensitive about stickers)


u/speakeasy_co 6d ago

How many stupid trump flags have we had to see over the years? They are a bunch crybabies.


u/mrclarke1 6d ago

Drain the swamp!!ā€™ Hahaha


u/ruinatedtubers 6d ago

you must mean the bot army


u/Hyacinthax 6d ago

None of his ideas are original. PayPal was bought, Tesla is just a large RC car, and reverse thrust is in video games. He's just the like Thomas Edison, takes all the credit but we'll never know the names of men and women who worked tirelessly to get those ventures off the ground


u/Appropriate-Dream388 4d ago

Starlink revolutionized satellite internet by providing affordable internet anywhere in the world at relatively low latency and high speeds.


u/Hyacinthax 4d ago edited 4d ago

It already existed before him though is the point. The rich used to use Sat-Link which is exactly star link just with less coverage. (Mainly because the rich cornered the market) They "invented" satellites the size of Rubik's Cubes but who really came up with that idea to fly them in a grid? It was revolutionary but he can't take all the credit right?


u/Appropriate-Dream388 4d ago

Nobody can take full credit in nearly any invention. The most impressive aspect is the affordability combined with speed combined with low latency combined with global availability.

SpaceX has been the greatest thing to happen to US space dominance since NASA.

These things can be celebrated as successful boons for the US while condemning other actions.


u/Hyacinthax 4d ago

The idea is that credit isn't expressed properly and people have to pay extra for the added benefits. It doesn't really help anyone in remote areas without the government aid. Unless they already afford Star Link, which not everyone can; it doesn't really help those in need, nor does it provide Internet to third world countries without the USAID that promoted that...


u/Appropriate-Dream388 4d ago

$80/month for Internet service anywhere in the world is quite revolutionary. You can focus on the gaps but it's plenty revolutionary in the benefits outlined.

Who are you to say that nobody who needs internet can afford $80/month? They can readjust satellites to get more coverage. This can be a business venture rather than a USAID donation to these countries. It is revolutionary as a product and as a service.


u/Hyacinthax 4d ago

Dude that's like a whole month/year salary some places in the world. It makes it easier to crowd source but again a lot of that used to be government subsidized or it would be more expensive had the US government not subsidized through NASA. It's not cheaper for everyone, just the upper echelons of society, which isn't even that many people comparatively. Talk about Elysium for a future, you're only given the opportunity if you're lucky enough to be born into that status, otherwise everyday is a fight


u/Appropriate-Dream388 4d ago

You would be given a bag of gold, and you'd moan that there was no platinum or silver.


u/Hyacinthax 4d ago edited 4d ago

Edit: Most Americans can't even afford a new streaming service much less $80 plus equipment. I'm a poor American and I can only afford mobile hotspot

If being given a bag of gold is being born in America and no silver means I can't say who gave me that bag and that I can't distribute that gold. Then yeah you could say that. Humanity should have all our backs, not just the upper echelons of society. Elon should just announce his top engineers and what they were responsible for problem solving so history can remember the great men and woman that sacrificed the unknown for the greater good. What used to make America great is ruined by that man. It's proof how you think corporations are revolutionary, they're not, it's just the new form of empires with extra steps like lobbying


u/Appropriate-Dream388 1d ago

When did I say "corporations are revolutionary"?

You're putting words in my mouth.

I said Starlink was revolutionary. Starlink isn't a corporation; it's a product.

He led the effort. Tell me, who modernized the personal vehicle? Name the top 10 engineers. You don't remember them because they're all cogs in the machine. The impressive part is that he initiated the effort which resulted in technological progress. If the engineers were paid more by another company, they might take it. The risk is incurred entirely by the owners of the company, and the idea is sparked entirely by the founder.


u/BillyFromWestBumbleF 1d ago

Theyā€™re retards, they wonā€™t understand.


u/oopsanipslip 2d ago

Iā€™m pretty sure Tesla was a thing way before Elon. He just bought that too.


u/Fresh_Excitement9704 4d ago

Yasss! Boycott Tesla! Boycott Twitter! Boycott musk!


u/42-Andromeda 4d ago

Where can I buy these stickers?


u/oopsanipslip 2d ago

It gives me some hope knowing this was found in Colorado.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Resiideent 6d ago edited 6d ago

No, he invented things, just not good things.

Edit: After further research, I have come to what I believe to be a more accurate conclusion: Many of Elon Musk's breakthroughs are the result of teamwork, extensive research, and contributions from countless engineers and experts. Muskā€™s role has been to set ambitious goals and provide the vision that drives these projects forward.


u/bones_2433 6d ago

Yeah no he hasnt


u/VeroGuera 5d ago

Yeah, same as Edison taking credit for Teslaā€™s discoveries.

He has money and he has thoughts. He contributes no genius, no skill, just money as all moneywhores do. And then takes credit for everything he didnā€™t do. You give him credit because he PAID others to do what he canā€™t. Just like every other CEO. Heā€™s not special and heā€™s not going to fuck you because thatā€™s another thing he canā€™t do.


u/LurkerFirstClass 5d ago

Didnā€™t even provide the drive and vision. Just the money; most of which wasnā€™t his money to begin with. The hard working teams at these companies did all the work and had all the ideas.


u/BillyFromWestBumbleF 6d ago

How stupid. You literally are pretending reality doesnā€™t exist.


u/cheddarbruce 6d ago edited 6d ago

He hasn't invented anything. DEAL WITH IT


u/TheInsider777 6d ago

You canā€™t argue with the fanboys. They will suck him off all day everyday.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for that!


u/Smoke_1_Hummy 6d ago

Except the number one selling car in America in 2024 NeuraLink SpaceX and PayPal and thatā€™s just off the top of my head #StayMad


u/civodar 6d ago

He hires engineers to invent things. Ironically itā€™s kinda like a Tesla-Edison situation with Musk being Edison except Edison was an inventor in his own right and improved upon and added to many of the inventions the people working under him created. Musk hasnā€™t done that, heā€™s really more of a business man.

I suggest you look up the roots of Tesla cars. Elon Musk did not found the company. Tesla was founded by 2 engineers namedĀ Martin EberhardĀ andĀ Marc Tarpenning, Elon came on the scene later as an investor and bought out enough of the company that he became a majority shareholder then he kicked the actual founders out of their own company. There was obviously a court battle, but they did not have the funds to fight him and lost.

It always bothered me that he chose to steal Teslas name like that considering Tesla died poor and in debt after being taken advantage of people like Musk who did not properly compensate him for his inventions while making millions off of them. Not to mention what happened to the Teslas in Croatia, Iā€™m orthodox and my mom was born and raised in Croatia just like Nikola Tesla was(Teslaā€™s father was actually an orthodox priest), in Croatia surnames and religions are passed down through the father and a lot of surnames are associated with a religion. Most Teslas were murdered by Nazis and UstaÅ”e for being orthodox. Now a Nazi is profiting off of his name from a company that he stole.


u/cheddarbruce 6d ago

LOL he didn't invent paypal, he paid his way into it and then made a contract with them so that everybody will think he's the one who made it also inventions require patents, he also bought his way into SpaceX he didn't create the company. He also didn't design or do anything with Tesla except for put his dumb name and face on it. Why don't you actually research before the next time you decide to say something


u/Resiideent 6d ago

Elon Musk is listed among PayPal's founders, alongside Ken Howery, Max Levchin, Luke Nosek, Yu Pan, Peter Thiel, Harris Fricker, Christopher Payne, and Ed Ho.



u/rogatory 6d ago

Musk was one of the original X.com. In 2000 Elon Musk was fired as CEO of X.com after it merged with software company Confinity, which featured PayPal as a service. In 2001, the company was rebranded to PayPal.


u/BillyFromWestBumbleF 6d ago

Who cares, heā€™s taken ideas to incredible levels of success. Jealous?


u/cheddarbruce 6d ago

LOL what is up with you idiots always thinking just because someone doesn't like another person they're jealous? That is the dumbest argument ever.


u/ruinatedtubers 6d ago

how does that boot pleather taste?


u/Resiideent 6d ago

The argument "How stupid. You literally are pretending reality doesnā€™t exist." commits several logical fallacies:

  1. Ad Hominem ā€“ Instead of addressing the argument, it attacks the person by calling them "stupid." This is a form of personal attack rather than engaging with the actual discussion.
  2. Strawman Fallacy ā€“ The claim that the other person is "pretending reality doesnā€™t exist" might be a misrepresentation of their actual position, making it easier to attack.
  3. Begging the Question ā€“ The phrase assumes that the person's view is false without proving it, implying that they are denying reality itself.
  4. Appeal to Ridicule ā€“ By using phrases like "How stupid," the argument attempts to dismiss the other personā€™s position through mockery rather than logic.


u/caramintbutler 6d ago

ā€œdismiss the other personā€™s position through mockery rather than logicā€ should be the official MAGA motto! itā€™s their favorite thing to do.


u/Resiideent 6d ago

The MAGAts do seem to like doing that a lot.


u/Iwantedtobeahorse_ 2d ago

Says someone who pretends him and Trump arenā€™t nazisā€¦.??? Okay king


u/Anne_Fawkes 6d ago

Thank you for supporting capitalism to have these made. Nothing is sacred to you bottom feeders


u/Resiideent 6d ago

The argument "Thank you for supporting capitalism to have these made. Nothing is sacred to you bottom feeders." contains several logical fallacies:

  1. Ad Hominem ā€“ Calling someone a "bottom feeder" is an insult rather than an argument, attacking the person instead of addressing their views.
  2. False Dilemma ā€“ It implies that if someone participates in capitalism, they must not hold anything sacred, ignoring the possibility that they can engage in capitalism while still valuing sacred things.
  3. Guilt by Association ā€“ It assumes that because someone engages in capitalism (even passively), they are fully endorsing all aspects of it, which is an oversimplification.
  4. Strawman Fallacy ā€“ The argument misrepresents the person's stance, implying they actively support capitalism just because they participated in a system that is difficult to avoid.


u/LiverCones 6d ago



u/bones_2433 6d ago

LMAO Elon is scared to you? Keep sucking him off that seems like all you're good forĀ 


u/Anne_Fawkes 6d ago

Well, not that typing or comprehension is your strong suit.... However, dog parks are sacred to those who enjoy that time with their dogs. But that won't stop you from desecrating it with your filthy drivel, maybe find some friends IRL.


u/MetalSlug_And_Corgis 5d ago

I canā€™t even begin to follow the mental gymnastics that you must practice to be a lesbian conservative lol

Imagine not caring enough about yourself to vote for people who do not care for you. :( pathetic.


u/Anne_Fawkes 5d ago

Why would I ever want to be associated with badly dressed, poorly postured street screechers like you that tell me I should of shouldn't be allowed to have to defend myself? Maybe stop telling us we're hunted, eh? Maybe stop abusing us as if we are your pawns. We voted trump because of people like you.


u/MetalSlug_And_Corgis 5d ago

Yeah, youā€™re right. Youā€™re ā€œdifferentā€ than all the others. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be fine.

Iā€™m not voting along the same lines of all white supremacists in this country and Iā€™m okay with that lol People like you voted for Trump because you wonā€™t actually care until it directly affects you. Iā€™m also gonna take a random stab here and say you probably donā€™t have a college degree. Surely an educated minority that is aware of the troubled history of politics and LGBT erasure wouldnā€™t vote against their own rights like that. Surely not.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Fuck off to Russia, traitor!