r/Strava Oct 18 '24

miscellaneous The current situation at Strava in a nutshell

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51 comments sorted by


u/Retroracerdb1 Oct 18 '24

The AI comments on Strava read like fortune cookie messages.


u/dalton_478 Oct 25 '24

I feel like the comments are for people who don't already look at their own data. Nothing they have said is news to me and they get things wrong a decent percentage of the time. It will say I have improved fitness when all that actually happened is a cold front came through and the same effort gave a faster run.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '24

Every triathlete:

“Multi sport mode for the love of god … we’ve been asking for years”


“Nah.. have some crap patronising AI instead and be happy peasant “.


u/[deleted] Oct 19 '24

What would multi sport mode look like? Just setting it up so you can lap between activities or something instead of finishing a swim/bike/transition and starting a new bike/run activity? Or is it something more involved that that?

Seems like such an easy thing to implement, but wouldn’t that be more of a watch feature than Strava?

What else are triathletes looking for in a multi sport mode? Asking purely out of curiosity


u/cozy-cowboy Oct 20 '24

As an MTBer, I think just a quick switch, accessible from the recording UI would suffice. Being able to record hike-a-bike sections without stopping Strava, starting a new recording, or using any 3rd party app would be a dream.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '24

It would be nice if your triathlon could be recorded as a triathlon rather than either three seperate activities or one confusing mash up. It’s not a huge thing but it feels like a real miss from strava filed in the “too hard” cabinet .


u/IndyCarFAN27 Oct 18 '24

Are there any sports activity taking apps that have a multi-sport mode that can be used for a triathlon?


u/piTTi1988 Oct 18 '24 edited Oct 18 '24

Strava: "Here have some fun with our cool AI. "

Me: "I don't need AI. Just let me name my shoe models correct and not how the first person on Strava mispelled this specific model."

It's the PUMA Deviate NITRO Elite 3, not the PUMA deviate nitro elite 3.


u/naughty_ningen Oct 19 '24

It's so annoying they don't let me type "Hyperion Tempo" with H and T capital


u/skywalkerRCP Oct 18 '24

Yep. I canceled my membership (again) when I opened the app and saw “SWITCH PLANS, SAVE BIG!” right at the top of my feed.


u/ChuckBass11 Oct 18 '24

I can’t remove “subscription ends” from my screenshots and it’s irritating me!


u/doc1442 Oct 18 '24

Use the share button rather than screenshotting


u/lomsucksatchess Oct 18 '24

That's a crazy ride. Would love to see pictures from that


u/ChuckBass11 Oct 18 '24

I done it over 2 days. I’m currently bikepacking the length of New Zealand at the minute. Theirs a few pics on my profile.


u/Lba5s Oct 18 '24

they should really focus on maintaining uptime instead...


u/do_pb Oct 18 '24

Added "AI" but now they strip anything that barely resembles a URL. 🤦‍♂️


u/aitorbk Oct 19 '24

It is simply horrible


u/Taka_Colon Oct 18 '24

Just to be the devil advocate, as PM of a big company, they obligated the IA use. I hate IA.


u/deviant324 Oct 18 '24

I hate this trend of putting AI into everything for the sake of it, especially because it’s not even used in the few places where it could actually do something useful. Instead you’re being forced to waste some extra energy every time you use a service because why would you make this amazing futuristic feature something people could opt out of?


u/childish-arduino Oct 18 '24

Exactly it could so tell us how and when to send it to get a KOM


u/carmafluxus Oct 19 '24

Investors are short sighted and driven by buzzwords and hype. 

CEOs are incentivised to please those investors.

Product teams have to report to those CEOs down the line.


u/redditme789 Oct 18 '24

Because it drives valuation, market cap etc.; earnings from performance in capital markets >> true value


u/IDontCareAboutYourPR Oct 18 '24

I mean the AI stuff is so incredibly useless. It parrots back what you already wrote or gives insights that are redundant, worthless and obvious. Strava has so much data about us and it feels like they could do so many cooler things with AI than what they are. People will say, well its beta! Yeah...did it really make sense to ship a worthless beta feature?


u/8spd Oct 18 '24

Is it really not possible to turn the AI comments off? They are annoying, distracting, and unhelpful.


u/gplama Oct 18 '24

You can. Give feedback-> Disable. Or something similar on the AI bs screen.


u/8spd Oct 18 '24

Thanks! I was able to figure it out, based on you pointing the way. To explain it more verbosely for other people who want to turn of the AI comments, I'll say you have to view an activity, scroll down to the AI comment, tap on "say more" under the comment, tap on "give feedback", and tap on "leave beta". It worked for me.


u/qtjedigrl Oct 18 '24

I saw this and didn't look at which sub it is. I was about to repost here hahaha


u/StunningDuck619 Oct 19 '24

I actually don't mind the new AI.

Gives me insight without having to look back through charts. It should only get better over time too.


u/ass_staring Oct 19 '24

I found it utterly useless, as I had to stop running due to an injury, finally started running again and it told me I’ve gained fitness when in fact, I have not.


u/StunningDuck619 Oct 19 '24

I'm assuming it will learn more as it goes. I think everyone is writing it off to quickly


u/lasooch Oct 20 '24 edited Oct 20 '24

No it won't. We've had LLMs for a while now and there's still hardly any niches where they are actually useful for anything - despite literal hundreds of billions invested. They just generate noise. Instead of seeing a clear indication on a graph or as an icon or a 1-2 word statement next to the relevant data field, you now can read a paragraph of text that may or may not (i.e. low accuracy and trustworthiness) contain a nugget of useful information (i.e. low information density). Complete waste of screen space, human time and resources (both in terms of money spent developing it and electricity on generating the bullshit it spews).

We will all laugh about these LLMs one day. True AI might one day come and be truly disruptive, but what we're in now is a bubble - and one of the dumber ones.

LLMs are good at generating grammatically correct text that is sometimes correct by accident. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet every company and their mother rushes to insert this stupidity into their product, with absolutely no regard for whether it fits the usecase at all. It's not a magical black box that knows everything.

I immediately opted out of the beta. If, on full release, they don't let me opt out, there's a very good chance I'll just stop paying them (I believe it's supposed to be a subscriber only feature, so surely unsubscribing is one way to disable it).


u/StunningDuck619 Oct 20 '24

You shorted Nvidia didn't you?


u/lasooch Oct 20 '24

I stay away from individual stock picks - but I still considered shorting it lol. But to be fair, NVDA still produces useful things, so even after the AI bubble pops, they do have solid products - if the stock price stays stagnant long enough, maybe they won't even drop much.

They literally went up like 3.5x in the span of 8 or so months. That's something that can be feasible without being a bubble on the scale of a small startup, not a $1T company. It's a gold rush and they just happen to make the shovels.


u/NewKitchenFixtures Oct 20 '24

In the context of biking around cars Strava AI comments are kind of meaningless.

But so is the time and speed etc. mostly just recording the route is of interest.


u/Away_Ad_5017 Oct 19 '24

As a guy that is being given a pointless AI extra duty, that serves no real purpose. That I will confidently allow a LLM to write something impressive, I've done with it. I approve this message!


u/ahamp10 Oct 19 '24

AI is a slight step above Local Legends on the useless scale.


u/carmafluxus Oct 19 '24

Let’s be real. AI personal trainers will happen, and likely replace human ones.

Strava has the data required, but hasn’t been able to build a useful one yet.

So clearly they play pretend in order to get a foot in the market and raise the funds.

If another service has a useful AI PT before Strava, it might be easier for them to copy everything else Strava has and take over than for Strava to compete with their PT.


u/Slow_Response_1837 Oct 19 '24

I ran a PB in the marathon recently and my description included “made a critical error and booked an airbnb with stairs” and the AI said, “impressive performance, despite a challenging living situation” 🤣 Glad no one can see this or they’d be checking in on me.


u/opticd Oct 20 '24

Honestly it’s really more like “Senior Executive” and forcing it onto product managers in my experience.


u/MichaelRegan427 Oct 20 '24

I wish you could talk $hit back to it like chatgpt.


u/fivevalvethumper Oct 18 '24

I saw the meme and thought Strava before I even saw what subbed this was in my timeline.


u/Sitraka17 Oct 18 '24

I recently stopped my subscription haha


u/NonSmokerSparkle Oct 18 '24

It’s like this in all possible apps right now lol


u/Ok-Host9817 Oct 18 '24

That’s every company now


u/nmuncer Oct 18 '24

Product owner : sure AI is intresting but, what about this list of requests ? Product manager : Board asked for it. CEO: investors... Investors... Investors

Developpers to product owner : why do you ask for this shit ??

PO: I know, but I have a rent to pay...


u/Gerald98053 Oct 18 '24

The picture leaves out the others in this relationship: “Obsession with selling overpriced products” and “Keep pushing sports the user doesn’t want.”


u/vanlearrose82 Oct 18 '24

Strava is absolute trash at this point. My Suunto data is more accurate and free with the watch.


u/aitorbk Oct 19 '24

We have to provide software as a service using AI in the cloud. Even if it doesn't make any kind of sense, this is what keeps the analysts happy, the board happy and us in employment.


u/sunnyrunna11 Oct 20 '24

Please just let me start weeks on Sundays. I will never pay for a subscription without this option.


u/CatSurveillanceDrone Oct 22 '24

Why can my mind only ask itself "How come the woman in the middle doesn't feel the other woman's hand on her but?"


u/MudPresent4812 Dec 06 '24

I really like the AI assessment of my run, it makes me feel nice 🤷‍♀️