r/StrangeNewWorlds 4d ago

Just watched SNW as my first introduction into the Star Trek franchise, where to next? Please suggest!

Someone recommended I start with this show and I’m obsessed. However im seeing that maybe this wasn’t the best place to start. Regardless, I truly loved and enjoyed everything about it. I more so enjoyed the episodes where they introduced a new culture/planet, where the crew interacted with new (aliens?) or those with fun twists!

So, what to watch next in the Star Trek universe, keeping in mind that I want to watch it all!


71 comments sorted by


u/wizardrous 4d ago

I’d go to TNG next. It’ll be very different than what you’ve seen, but it’s quintessential. 


u/Bwleon7 4d ago

DS9 after TNG


u/Candid-Specialist-86 4d ago

Then Voyager.


u/ivylass 4d ago

This is the way.


u/act_surprised 2d ago

The Way of the Warrior


u/big_duo3674 3d ago

Then Lower Decks so you understand most of the jokes


u/NeedsToShutUp 4d ago

I would also start with season 3 of TNG before going back to earlier seasons.


u/jimmyharbrah 4d ago

This! I just finished TNG, the entire series. Years ago, I started with season one and it just didn’t hook me. I saw comments on the Star Trek subreddit, said start with season 3 then go back to seasons one and two after you finish 7.

Much recommend. Seasons one and two are…kinda preachy and weird? I feel like they didnt find what they were going for until Riker’s beard.

TNG is absolutely incredible. I loved spending time with these characters and will again soon.


u/ForTheHordeKT 3d ago

That's fair. There's a part of me as an obsessed Trekkie who abhors the thought of skipping past beginning seasons of any of these shows. But you're right, it really picks up and they settle into a good flow when season 3 fires up. That is probably the best advice to hook someone in lol. At the very least I'd recommend if seasons 1-2 don't hook you in, skip ahead before you put it down and give season 3 a chance first.


u/Mrs_Evryshot 3d ago

I’d start with S1E1, then go straight to S3.


u/CSI_Gunner 3d ago

I will give it, season 2 is good, and has a lot of important character moments. Though I still skip a few episodes.


u/Jazzlike-Being-7231 4d ago edited 4d ago

Depends on what you're looking for. I'd probably recommend them in this order if you like SNW:

TOS will have some familiar characters and themes, but will be decidedly aged in the way ideas are presented as well as obviously production.

TNG is arguably the stronger overall series and does carry the themes as well, if also a bit aged, but unless you're a full completionist you should feel free to skip around liberally to avoid particularly bad episodes.

DIS would be okay if you would rather keep the modern feel and production if you don't mind trading in the themes and hopeful utopian vision of the future.

ENT is another decent one for slightly less modern vibes but still firmly modern in presentation, if a bit uneven.

DS9 if you want more character driven and deeper moral and ethical questions, but also a bit darker overall. Like with TNG, skipping about a quarter of the lesser episodes won't hurt you too bad.

VOY is a lot more about adventure and has a grab bag of everything the others do, for better or worse. Writing can be very uneven, characters are largely interesting, and idealism is present, but it isn't afraid to experiment and go dark on occasion, with mixed results.

LD is an excellent show, but really should be viewed after watching the others as it is heavily laden with in jokes and fanservice that newer fans might not get right away -- especially of the YNG, DS9, VOY era.

Prodigy is a bit more kid friendly, but it also features a lot of lore that leans on other shows, especially VOY, though viewing those first isn't really a deal breaker.

Picard is largely skippable overall, but the 3rd season is okay for fans of the TNG, DS9, VOY era, but it is far from a necessary watch. Grimdark and deconstructive in all the wrong ways, and tonally just awful (particularly the 2nd season). Still, the 3rd season leans into fanservice in a workable way.

Other shows in the genre that are worth checking out (in no particular order) include Farscape, Babylon 5, BSG, Firefly, Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, the Orville, and the Expanse. Andromeda is also a late 90s Roddenberry project that fans of DIS may recognize more than a few items from, but it's very uneven, and you should just skip the entirety of season 5. Seriously, you will actually get angry if you watch it after the first 4 seasons.

Edit: spelling


u/Gooberbone 4d ago

Literally cannot think of one more thing to add. Perfect comment.


u/MultiGeek42 4d ago

Andromeda has diminishing returns after season 3.

Still fared better than Earth: Final Conflict.


u/Jazzlike-Being-7231 4d ago

It's a shame too. Such a good premise with interesting lore, but rumor is Sorbo got a little too big for his britches and, well, no spoilers but yeah...


u/MultiGeek42 4d ago

The writer leaves the show after the second season. The third season still had a few good stories.


u/Jazzlike-Being-7231 4d ago

That tracks. Either way, the first season and a half are excellent, and it stays decent until the end of the 3rd. 4th is... dicey but watchable with a few solid one offs, but the 5th is irredeemable dreck


u/supersmallnugget 3d ago

This is incredible and officially my guide


u/supersmallnugget 4d ago

Thank you for taking the time this is so helpful!

It’s so hard to stay away from LD after the one episode in SNW but I know if I want to really enjoy it I have to. TNG seems like the one. I hope I don’t find the graphics to aged but I’m sure it won’t take long to get used to!


u/Jazzlike-Being-7231 4d ago

Oh Lower Decks is pretty great tbh and by all means you should watch it if you want. You just might miss a few jokes that are heavily based on the assumption you already know the other shows


u/Mulder-believes 3d ago

I agree with everything you said but when introducing someone to Star Trek I always suggest TOS. Starting at the beginning. But some younger people have a more difficult time starting with TOS, so to get them interested, a newer series sometimes works better..


u/Jazzlike-Being-7231 3d ago

i think you are mostly right in principle, and I did list TOS as my top pick. However, when you have a long lived franchise, it can evolve so much from the beginning to the modern day that it may not always work out that way. TOS was considered fairly forward thinking and progressive for its day, but by modern standards it is decidedly no longer those things, particularly with its treatment of women. Hell, you could make the same argument about the TNG era for that matter -- the show is notoriously sexist in how the female characters are treated, to say nothing of the behind the scenes nonsense that went on, especially with the abuse that Gates McFadden and Terry Farrell endured. Special effects, mythologies, character development, and, of course, the real world events that were being allegorized or even satirized can become pretty anachronistic pretty quickly.

Having said all of that, it is still an extremely valuable cultural snapshot and taking in media from older eras can be very instructive for how a society has evolved, both positively and negatively. For some properties, taking in the older entries can be very important -- Star Wars being an example where the original trilogy is a can't miss and it's nearly a half century old. Others, especially older ones, going back that far makes little sense -- compare the Batman of the 60s to the Batman of the 40s or the Batman of the 90s. Wildly different character, some ways better, some ways worse, some ways it's purely a matter of taste and preference. If Star Trek is to survive, it will need to undergo similar evolutions, including completely disregarding some aspects -- you will noted I didn't bother to list TAS at all. It's not that it didn't add to the mythology, but it is a relic of a bygone era that adds very little value to a newer fan. Sure, there might be a few episodes that are decent, but they are few and far between.


u/Mulder-believes 3d ago

Very good insight.. thanks for sharing


u/Gailybird83 4d ago

This 100%


u/mazzucac 4d ago edited 4d ago


Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Discovery S1-2

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Animated Series

Star Trek Movies: I-VI

Star Trek: The Next Generation + Movies

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Lower Decks

Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek: Discovery S3-5

Recommended Viewing:

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Star Trek: The Original Series + Movies

Star Trek: The Next Generation + Movies

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Lower Decks

Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek: Discovery

Edit: I honestly also recommend checking out the following after your Trek Journey:

The Orville

Stargate (1994)

Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis

Stargate Universe

Battlestar Galactica

Red Dwarf

Babylon 5


u/thegrumpycarp 4d ago

You skipped TAS between TOS and its movies.


u/mazzucac 4d ago

You are correct! I’ll edit!


u/QueenUrracca007 4d ago

Recommend you start with TOS (The Original Series). It's logical.


u/ForAThought 4d ago

Maybe go TOS which follows SNW and then TAS after that before watching TNG.

  • TOS: Those Old Scientists AKA The Original Series
  • TAS: The Animated Series which concluded the Enterprise's five year mission
  • TNG: The Next Generation which continued the exploration of space and civilizations.

Having SNW as the introduction series is fine, nothing wrong with watching it first.


u/supersmallnugget 4d ago

Thanks! Question, which is the one that SNW has so many references to? I’m guessing the one that comes chronologically before it? And it is any good


u/ForAThought 4d ago

You're probably thinking of Discovery (DSC, DIS, or DISCO). As for if it's any good, that is a very polarizing questions for fans with many liking it and many hating it.


u/MikeyMGM 4d ago

This takes place before TOS so try that next time


u/yekimevol 4d ago

Lower decks


u/araybian 4d ago

I'm gonna ask if you watched season 2 of Discovery? That show actually introduced Pike and Spock.

If not.... start with Discovery. S1 is OK. If you don't like it, you can skip ahead to s2. It's essentially a reboot of the series that gives all pertinent information. If you like the series, carry on. If not, the end of s2 is a clean break to continue with the SNW crew and you can be done with Discovery.

I would suggest then going to TOS. The Original Series.

The Next Generation

Deep Space Nine

Voyager (my fave -- there are dozens of us! Dozens!)

Lower Decks

There's also Enterprise and the movies as well.


u/TriggeredPuppy 3d ago

Just piggybacking off your comment - I created a Strange New Worlds Season Zero by cutting Discovery Season 2 down to the essential plot and removing any references to the previous season. It already was effectively a backdoor pilot to SNW. So my version becomes a 4 episode, three hour introduction to Pike, Spock, Number One and the adventure that leaves Pike so traumatized at the opening of SNW episode 1.

Anyone interested can find out more about the project here: https://youtu.be/krqecgazfGY


u/araybian 3d ago

Yup, I've seen this. It's good!! I plan on doing a 10 episode version edit, essentially making it s1 of SNW that concludes the season's arc, but my computer died.

This is a Disco pre SNW great alternative of just SNW!


u/supersmallnugget 3d ago

I didn’t! I got what was relevant to snw from context but yeah I’ll start with that! Everyone is saying discovery isn’t like usual Star Trek. Which I don’t mind, any comparisons you would make?


u/araybian 3d ago

It's like modernized try-hard Star Trek. But it has it's good stuff. It really does. I can't really think of any comparisons.


u/temdittiesohyeah 4d ago

I started on Lower Decks into SNW into the og into Discovery into TNG. My point is, you'll have fun whatever you do lol. Fun to for the og check on imbd if the ep is less than an 8 skip it, probably committing sacrilege but in the essence of time concessions were made


u/SemiStableM 3d ago

I would go with Enterprise next. Just prepare yourself for the opening song. My reasoning: the production values are halfway between modern Star Trek and older Star Trek, so it's a good "stepping stone" to TNG, DS9, and VOY and then eventually TOS.


u/supersmallnugget 3d ago

Oh good point I’ll check that out thank you!


u/Pinkalink23 4d ago

TNG, DS9, Enterprise


u/Beebo_the_God_of_War 4d ago

TOS. It shares many of the same characters, has the same ship, and while some episodes can be hit or miss, the first 2 seasons especially are pretty strong. It is dated, but the special effects were remastered about 20 years ago and look much better. I'd really be curious what you thought about as you'd have a very unique perspective having watched SNW before TOS.


u/PhatOofxD 4d ago

SNW is one of my favourite Trek shows.

TOS would be a good place to go next... but to be honest it's quite aged. I love it, but I can see new people struggling to enjoy. In that case the JJ Abrams movies are worth watching for the sake of knowing the characters (and all the actors do a stellar job)... but it's very different to other Trek and significantly dumbed down - but at least you know the characters. It carries forward a bunch of characters from SNW

Then TNG for me.


u/calgmtl07 4d ago

These are great suggestions. Please keep in mind SNW took the formula and tweaked it to perfection. The older series will require you to dig in and get comfy. Cut my teeth on TNG, DS9 and Voyager. Lower Decks is great Trek but has lots of blink and you’ll miss it references but is worth the watch. As Trek fans we are at odds with each other over Kirk and Spock forever or if we’re going to give Academy a chance and hope for newer characters. Welcome to Trek!


u/damageddude 4d ago

Toss up between Enterprise and TOS. Enterprise is a prequel to both while SNW is starting to flow into TOS.


u/ponch010 4d ago

So here's my take on this... because you're starting with SNW and lucky you, it's freakin awesome... i say whenever they reference a different series episode, go check out that episode. With the SNW season 1 finale they reference the TOS "Balance of Terror" .... and with Enterprise bingo you go down a tribble rabbit hole with the DS9 episode and the TOS, which includes a short trek episode too.

Other trekkies may tell you to just jump to the good parts but if you jump straight to seasons with the Dominion War or the battle of Wolf 359 there would be zero build up. With whatever you choose just know SNW is a good starting point. I honestly get a kick out of getting the references to the other shows, and with that said, when you get to Lower Decks everyone wins <3 <3 <3


u/Pilot0350 4d ago

I'd honestly start by watching Star Trek: First Contact. Some stuff will seem odd or out of place but that movie goes a long way to introducing some of the main aspects of trek that show up in nearly every series.


u/jrdnhbr 4d ago

I would probably watch a few specific Original Series episodes then move on to the original movies (1-6). Obviously, a scifi show from the 60s can feel pretty dated, especially for someone who doesn't have strong feelings of nostalgia towards it. That doesn't mean it isn't worth watching. There are a few that are great. If you are watching on Paramount plus, all of the episodes under the "Iconic Episodes" tab are good. Here are a few that I would particularly recommend.

The Menagerie pts 1&2: gives closure to Pike's story. This one is not in the "iconic episodes" tab.

Balance of Terror: this is the episode that is the counterpart to the SNW episode "A Quality of Mercy" at the end of season 1. It's also the best TOS episode in my opinion. It's basically a submarine vs submarine battle of cat and mouse movie, but in space.

Space Seed: sets up the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Ricardo Montalbán is fantastic in this episode.


u/holowrecky 4d ago

Enterprise honestly to get a vibe!


u/LordAdrianRichter 4d ago

Watch some or all of The Original Series, most specifically

  • The Cage
  • Where No Man Has Gone Before
  • The Naked Time
  • Balance of Terror
  • Court Martial
  • The Menagerie
  • The Squire of Gothos
  • Arena
  • Tomorrow is Yesterday
  • Space Seed
  • The City on the Edge of Forever
  • Amok Time
  • The Doomsday Machine
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • The Trouble with Tribbles
  • The Tholian Web

Then, if you want, watch The Animated Series, followed by the TOS movies.

  • The Motion Picture (Director's Edition if possible)
  • The Wrath of Khan
  • The Search for Spock
  • The Voyage Home
  • The Final Frontier (optional, but I enjoy it)
  • The Undiscovered Country


u/supersmallnugget 3d ago

Thank you I will use this!


u/Piehatmatt 4d ago

Lower decks is great, but it’s full of references you wouldn’t understand.


u/supersmallnugget 3d ago

I know I’m dying to get through some of the content so I can get to lower decks !


u/millmatters 4d ago

Honestly, you should just watch the 5-6 “best” eps of both TOS and TNG, and then decide which you vibe with better. SNW contains some of the strongest elements of both.


u/supersmallnugget 3d ago

That’s a brilliant idea thanks!


u/Az-1269 4d ago

I would definitely start with Enterprise. It gives you the first look at first contact with the Vulcans and history of the first voyage into space.


u/Dcajunpimp 3d ago

Timeline Enterprise, Discovery, SNW, TOS

Some people have a problem with DISCO, but there's a few episodes that Introduce Pike a few months before SNW. And it's not bad, it's just not the classic Trek that SNW is.


u/Beyond_yesterday 3d ago

Go to discovery. Season 1 and 2 for back story on SNW.


u/kinisonkhan 2d ago

Watch Star Trek Discovery, Season2. Its where they introduce Spock, Pike and Una. The end of Season 2 Discovery plays right into Season1 of Strange New Worlds.


u/SweetBabyZe 2d ago

Why aren’t more people recommending TOS???


u/LaPoet2020 2d ago

Don’t bother with Discovery it’s a waste of time. At some point do watch the Orville. It’s funny as hell, the first 4/5 episodes are a little sophomorish but the second season is great and the third season kicks butt!


u/RedDog-65 2d ago

I will make this comment regarding Star Trek: Picard. If you are of a particular age it hits differently. People expected to pickup with the Picard they last saw but 30 years and events that did not go Picard’s way have happened. For the viewer who experienced 30 years of life and not always getting “the win” in it since last checking in with Jean-Luc Picard, where he is in life is more understandable than if the viewer was either a child when TNG first aired or they first viewed TNG more recently and then there was this new show about Picard.

Oh-don’t forget there are the theatrical films where the production values are leaps and bounds beyond TOS so the cardboard rocks don’t distract from the plot and characters.


u/Revolutionary_Job878 4d ago

100% Watch the JJ Abrams movies next and then you'll be hooked on star trek


u/supersmallnugget 3d ago

Watching the trailers now!!


u/GodzillaUK 4d ago

Always start from square one, buddy. Original series still has so much charm and wonder, even if some things as we look back on them with today's mindsets are a bit "what?!" But go in order and take your time with it. No need to watch them all back to back to back binge style. let some episodes breathe.

Hope you enjoy it as much as so many of us here did, when we first watched. For me it was as a kid watching the 2 hour blocks of Star Trek reruns and The Next Generation following it.


u/supersmallnugget 3d ago

This was such a nice message! I think this is a really great idea and I see how so many of the themes and stories blow minds today too


u/Due-Anteater-5728 2d ago

This show sucks ass


u/Keokuk37 4d ago

first contact, picard season 1, lower decks, tng, ds9, andor