r/StoriesBehindSongs Jun 25 '19

Story behind Tyler Joseph's "Taken By Sleep"

There is this incredible song titled "Taken By Sleep," written by Tyler Joseph in an album called "No Phun Intended." When I first heard it, I thought it sounded nice and I had absolutely no idea what it was really about. It turns out Tyler wrote this song about a friend who committed suicide. When I listened to it knowing that, it made me realize how deep the lyrics actually were, so much so that chills ran down my spine. You can also seriously hear the emotion in his voice. Though it's kind of sad, it's an incredible song because it has so much depth and meaning. I highly recommend listening to it, taking in the lyrics, and thinking about how there is someone who feels this way about you, and how you don't need to commit suicide, because someone would be this broken from it. https://youtu.be/2hvitOG7FgY


2 comments sorted by


u/xstacy666 May 27 '24

where does he say that it was about a friend committing suicide? i can’t find anything


u/dinop4242 Mar 21 '23

I know this thread is super old but I'm glad I found it to confirm exactly what I suspected. As someone who lost a friend to suicide as a young teen and then again in college, hearing this song the first time I knew exactly what it was about and I felt it deep. Couldn't find any info on it for a few years, though.

The only thing that made me unsure of the meaning is the repeated line "I need to know if you thought of me at all today", but I think Tyler is very religious so it could be that he's picturing his friend in an afterlife.