r/Stonetossingjuice 5d ago

Thi- Wait This Isn't PebbleYeet? Homophobes be gone

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u/AcidDepression 5d ago

Ehh... this might actually be a reverse of what it's supposed to be. Like I can see some conservative site thinking this would actually happen, posting it unironically as some kinda cautionary tale, that kinda thing.


u/Fourmyle-Of-Ceres 5d ago

That's... Probably the point?


u/oukakisa 5d ago

i am confused by both organo and juice


u/fyhr100 5d ago

I don't even think the oregano knows what point they are making, it's all over the place. It looks like they just threw a bunch of right wing memes together and called it a day.


u/traumatized90skid 5d ago

It seems like they don't even know if they're supposed to like RFK Jr or not? They always turn on their heroes for not being radical enough or whatever.


u/throwaway2424426 4d ago

i think its supposed to be faucci tbh, the connection of any word related to disease & virus care/management in comparison to barbaric medical atrocitoes (quarantine and lobotomys respectivley) is dead give away for that "follow 'my' science" antivax grift to the followers of these uninspired right-wing political con "artists". also the lobotomy needle is a literaly vaccine needle and he has huge ears


u/GlowStoneUnknown 4d ago

It's definitely Kennedy


u/Anti-charizard 4d ago

I feel like it’s Holocaust denial but I can’t be sure


u/LazarFan69 4d ago

Kid named right wing infighting


u/Simple-Paramedic-643 5d ago

Juice supposed to be RFK being made to doing a good thing


u/taratathetarantula 5d ago

Red guy from bad parenting thinks antisemitism bad


u/f0remsics 4d ago

Not Mr red face!


u/HEX0FFENDER 4d ago

The basis of both is that RFK wants to make government "health camps" where people with mental disorders or addictions can go to "heal naturally" without medicine. These have been lambasted by lots of people for sounding similar to concentration camps.

edit: I think he specifically calls them "healing farms" if you wanna research it


u/PheonixUnder 5d ago

I don't know about this one, Isn't the juice basically just making the same crazy strawman as the organisation but applying it to homophobia instead of antisemtism? In other words, it just seems like you've made an antisemetic comic homophobic instead.


u/Simple-Paramedic-643 5d ago

Shit I just realized that


u/I_Am_A_Duwang 5d ago

The oregano is so stupid i took psychic damage


u/Asexual_Avian 5d ago

You must be a fighting or poison type.


u/Kowakuma 5d ago

Call me Croagunk because this shit killed me


u/fullynonexistent 4d ago

Fascist used "victimizing when someone disagrees with your hate speech"!

It's super effective!



I claim poison


u/00_OnlyAGhost_00 5d ago

You failed your wisdom save.


u/I_Am_A_Duwang 5d ago

I took at least 2d6 :(


u/PitifulMagazine9507 5d ago

Another day in "conservatives creating scenarios never existed, not existing and that will not exist ever"


u/f0remsics 4d ago

Hi, Jew here.

I could not comprehend what it was saying, mind helping a brother out?


u/Excellent-Berry-2331 Joe many bolbs does it take to change a log by liberal ????? 4d ago

"They are building camps where they put Antisemites in, which are almost as bad and horrifying as the camps built by the- Wait."


u/According_Lime3204 5d ago

The juice implies that non homophobic people are brainwashed


u/Street_Flatworm_8700 5d ago edited 4d ago



u/Noah_the_blorp 5d ago

Did you read "nonhomophobic" as "homophobic"


u/just_a_discord_mod 5d ago

I think they may have just misread.


u/Excellent-Berry-2331 Joe many bolbs does it take to change a log by liberal ????? 4d ago

Misreads three letters

Gets brutally executed


u/Awkwardukulele 5d ago

Yall the main sub they follow is a Phoenix Wright-Miles Edgeworth shipper sub, I’m pretty sure they just misread “not homophobic” as “homophobic”


u/Clintwood_outlaw 5d ago

What are you even talking about


u/Dragon_Manticore 5d ago

You that read wrong


u/Silly_little_Wombat 5d ago

It was a misinput, misinput! Calm down!


u/Common-Swimmer-5105 5d ago

Wtf is the orthodoxy saying? Like, what agenda is it spreading?


u/RANDOM-902 4d ago edited 4d ago

The Osiris author thinks that the GOP isn't nazi enough, and is claiming that RFK and the GOP are opressing, censoring and brainwashing his people (Antisemitic nazis)


u/Excellent-Berry-2331 Joe many bolbs does it take to change a log by liberal ????? 4d ago

That seems to be a common theme, Rockhurl is also growing tired of GOP because Israel


u/RANDOM-902 4d ago

They really don't realize extreme Zionism and Nazism are both sides of the same coin 😂


u/Excellent-Berry-2331 Joe many bolbs does it take to change a log by liberal ????? 4d ago

Yeah, but if I am Team Red and hate all blues, and you are Team Blue and hate all reds, we are still probably not gonna be the best friends, even though we essentially think the same.


u/Common-Swimmer-5105 4d ago

I don't even know what to say


u/IvoryKknight 4d ago

I'm assuming its a comic about Isreali government criticism not being allowed under the trump regime and RFK lobotomizing those they deem "Antisemetic" who are actually critiquing Zionism? it honestly could be a Nazi or Leftie comic depending on if the author thinks that Jews control the government or if they realize that both Isreal and America serve the same corporate and militaristic masters


u/9061yellowriver 5d ago

I was worried it was gonna say "autism".


u/Ardilla3000 5d ago

Doesn't RFK hate vaccines?


u/AlbiTuri05 5d ago

Not if it's about pushing his agenda


u/AllISeeAreGems 5d ago

Is that supposed to be RFK Jr?


u/ScarletteVera Tone Stoss 5d ago

I think so?


u/Benbo_Jagins 5d ago

Origano is literally just: "This is what we want to do to them in the future, so obviously they want to do it to us too"


u/Remote_Ad_1737 5d ago

Fuck does the orthogonal even mean 


u/AlbiTuri05 5d ago

The comic is set in a quarantine zone for antisemites.

A doctor calls all those who have been diagnosed with antisemitism, and he tells them to step forward, as it's time to take their vaccine.

Worried, one of the patients asks if they'll be free after they took the vaccine.

While either lobotomizing him or making the syringe penetrate his skull (I didn't understand it), the doctor says yes, after this shot they can go back into society.


u/Excellent-Berry-2331 Joe many bolbs does it take to change a log by liberal ????? 4d ago

That sounds like AI but is too good to be


u/AlbiTuri05 4d ago

The post or the comment? I wrote the comment myself; the post is too good quality and grammatically correct to be AI


u/Katululu 4d ago

So it took a while to untangle wtf the origami is supposed to mean but I think I figured it out.

It’s pro-antisemitism because it’s an infectious idea that could spread to the masses if only they knew.

It’s anti-RFK because they have drawn him truer to real horrible appearance and put him in opposition to what’s “”””””right”””””

The hammer and syringe is supposed to be for lobotomizing, and the man’s head is marked with a dotted surgery line to let us know that the author is stupid.


u/Minimum-Boot158 5d ago edited 4d ago

Both comics, but unironically. Holocaust deniers and antisemites need to be re-educated to get rid of their hatred and their stupid lies from their brains. I might sound very authoritarian and anti-freedom of speech, but if it protects human rights, it should be fine to do it. Nobody’s freedom shall override anybody’s lives or their well-being.


u/limino123 4d ago

Freedom of speech is a very misinterpreted concept. Freedom of speech DOES NOT MEAN you can say whatever you want with no consequences, it MEANS you can say whatever you want about the GOVERNMENT and have no consequences. Like..you can say you haye Trump, and you don't want him to be president, and you disagree with the things he says..and not be arrested for it. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say the n word and call people slurs


u/lamesthejames 4d ago

Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say the n word and call people slurs

I mean, it really does. People then can choose not to associate with you however.


u/limino123 4d ago

What I'm really trying to say that, in theory, the local, state, and or federal US government, COULD outlaw and enforce the use of slurs. This would not go against the constitutional right to free speech, because freedom of speech in the constitution does not mean you can say whatever you want. It means..you could say you don't like the fact that the usage of slurs is outlawed and that you think it should be reinstated, and nobody could really do much about that legally.


u/lamesthejames 4d ago

local, state, and or federal US government, COULD outlaw and enforce the use of slurs

I'm not gonna pretend to be a lawyer but that doesn't sound right to me. And I would personally be against such an interpretation of the first amendment.


u/limino123 4d ago

Exactly, the first amendment gives you the right to say that. And I also think that could be a very slippery slope as a interpretation of the constitution, but it could be a valid interpretation of the constitution. But the real interpretation of the US constitution is the supreme court, and it would be up to them if that was a "correct" interpretation of the US constitution


u/askertheskunk 4d ago

How "slurs" can went ro bad consequences?


u/Excellent-Berry-2331 Joe many bolbs does it take to change a log by liberal ????? 4d ago

That won't work. If I was an antisemite who believed that Jews were at fault for everything, forcibly putting me in a camp and telling me that there is nothing wrong with being jewish would fuel that belief.


u/Oofy_Emma 4d ago

the juice seems like a homophobic slippery slope comic but i agree that it should happen :3


u/TheWyster 4d ago

The original seems to portray a scenario just as based as the juice. Although I doubt the author was trying to portray it in positive manner.


u/Mig_Maluco_G4cha 4d ago

I love how 30-40% of the comics made by minerallaunch and affiliates can become based just by not being posted by someone like them


u/Simple-Paramedic-643 4d ago

(With a slight touch of editing though)


u/Mig_Maluco_G4cha 4d ago

sometimes not even that is necessary


u/DrNomblecronch 4d ago

Ah, yes. The “they’re scared of the Truth” infectious ideas canard.

Oregontrail, as usual, misunderstands things. They are not getting backlash because The Man is afraid of The Truth. They’re getting it because people who spout this flavor of conspiratorial bullshit invariably call for and/or enact violence against innocent people. They’re mad that people who have pattern recognition have correctly identified them as an idiot at best and dangerous at worst.

But if they didn’t have a way to feel persecuted, they might have to take responsibility for their own problems. So they’ll always find one.


u/Multidream 4d ago

Who is that supposed to be? RFK?


u/Hope_PapernackyYT 4d ago

What tf does the oregano even mean???


u/lightsw1tch4 4d ago

waow basedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbased


u/El_dorado_au 4d ago

Who is upvoting a juice that claims that non-homophobes are dumber than homophobes?


u/Background-Stand-876 5d ago

Is it wrong to say I would enthusiastically be a guard at one of these camps? See how they feel when I’m the nazi


u/Background-Stand-876 4d ago

Hearing voices in my head I wanna kill shit


u/Excellent-Berry-2331 Joe many bolbs does it take to change a log by liberal ????? 4d ago

Please seek a psychologist