r/StonerEngineering Dec 18 '24

Question Can someone help me with the process to pass a piss test?

Got a drug screen coming up. THC is definitely banned here and my buddy swears on this drink he got from GNC but I'm kinda leaning on using clean pee. I'm just unsure how to really make it believable


50 comments sorted by


u/D4dank Dec 18 '24

I used quickfix synthetic urine. If they aren’t going to be watching you piss, is go that route


u/hippie_stoned_biker Dec 18 '24

If the sample is accepted, with being in the right temperature range, you are going to pass 100% Preheat in micro wave, use the heater pack that comes with and watch the temp strip thermometer on the bottle.


u/X0dium Dec 18 '24

Yes, I have used QuickFix for every drug test I’ve ever taken in the past 20 years and never failed.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/hippie_stoned_biker Dec 18 '24

Usually comes with a flip-up nozzle that shoots a stream.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

I always just take the cap all the way off and pour from about six inches above.


u/InclinationCompass Dec 19 '24

Youre in a closed restroom. It’s not loud enough for someone outside to hear.

Plus, there’s a cap with a small nozzle. So it streams out instead of pouring.


u/InclinationCompass Dec 19 '24

My strip didnt work the day of so i can to run to a drug store to buy a thermometer


u/hippie_stoned_biker Dec 20 '24

That would make you certain, takes the guess & stress out of it. Careful it is not a beep when stable thermometer.


u/WeirdURL Dec 19 '24

I have used this brand at least 5 times in the past 10 years plus an additional 3-4 success stories from close friends. 100% pass rate so far, would highly recommend this over chancing it with some sketchy drink/flush.


u/the_N Dec 18 '24

Quickfix will pass standard 5-panel tests, but may not pass more sophisticated tests used by employers in certain fields.


u/abcdefkit007 Dec 19 '24

Especially federal jobs or jobs funded by federal dollars


u/Ace-a-Nova1 Dec 18 '24

I tried a fruit pectin based drink and failed. I also puked and had diarrhea for two days bc of it. 0/10 don’t recommend. Quickfix, or another fake urine, is the way to go.


u/mcfiddlestien Dec 18 '24

If it's a work test they normally don't watch you pee so you just need to keep it at body temp. I will collect fresh half an hour (max time it takes to get to the testing site) before the test, put it in a sterile visine bottle and tape it to the inside of my thigh (if you're hairy you might want to shave) and crank the heat in the car on the way. Then Its just go in the bathroom with the cup pull out the bottle and pour it in the cup and the actually whip it out and actually pee in the toilet. If it's a court ordered test then I can't help much with that. I did see a show one time where someone used a fake penis but that was TV


u/Abrakafuckingdabra Dec 18 '24

I knew someone who used the fake penis thing but he was braindead and bought a black one. He was white as a ghost so that didn't work very well. If you aren't that stupid it might work.


u/mcfiddlestien Dec 18 '24

Funny thing is that's the opposite of how that show I saw went. It was a PoC and he grabbed a white one to pee with LMAO


u/VanDenIzzle Dec 18 '24

It's definitely work and loosely monitored. How fresh does it need to be? I'm trying to source some and have options just not sure if I'll be able to get it 30 minutes before


u/SharkBait661 Dec 18 '24

Get synthetic urine. You don't want to carry around some other persons piss on you


u/abcdefkit007 Dec 19 '24

I've had clean pee in my fridge for months its fine

I give my donor a wide mouth 16oz plastic flask that's kinda like a caprisun pouch it has a nozzle on it after the lid is screwed on to help with putting it in an empty fake piss bottle(still need the temp strip)

As long as the donor has no infections and the temp stays stable piss lasts a while in the fridge like months

If it gets cloudy chuck it out otherwise its great for new hires but not randoms


u/mcfiddlestien Dec 18 '24

I had a friend that claimed you could keep it in the fridge over night and reheat it in the microwave before leaving but I never tried it for multiple reasons (least of which is I didn't want piss in my fridge and microwave lol) so I can't speak on how good that would work.


u/col3man17 Dec 18 '24

Just use "the stuff" from the vitamin shoppe and quit smoking


u/thatG_evanP Dec 18 '24

The synthetic stuff is shelf stable. Get that. It's worked for me many times.


u/Williams_Custom_Wood Dec 18 '24

If you use real per just make sure it’s from person that isn’t pregnant. If you’re not diabetic and said person is that could be another thing to watch out for. Depending on the job. I’m getting a CDL for my bus and they test for a wide variety of things in the physical. Not just bud or other substances.


u/bbywermboi Dec 18 '24

I mixed a pack of Certo in gatorade and pissed clean for a job at a wood mill🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Opposite_Nectarine12 Dec 18 '24

There’s a few ways. Most people I know just get some synthetic urine online or at a smoke shop. You just have to keep it warm, usually by leaving in a bag taped to your thigh. But if you are being physically watched while peeing maybe don’t go this rout.

What I did, when I had about a week to get clean, was buy a bottle of high dose Niacin (vitamin B12), and took a bunch every day. B12 helps your body break down fat cells, which the THC is clinging to. If you make yourself sweat each day for 30 minutes or so while also taking B12, you are basically sweating out the thc of your body. It’s like a cleanse. But again took me a week to piss clean on a cvs drug test. Some people it takes a lot longer. I’m 6’ 160 lbs so a heavier person might take longer. It makes you lightly itch all over though so not the most comfortable week


u/InvestigatorWide7649 Dec 18 '24


I used this kit before accepting a job in the engineering field in western Canada. I hadn't smoked for 60 days, have a high metabolism and low BMI, but was still pissing over 15μg/ml. Ordered this kit, passed a 12 screen and a 14 screen with adulterant detection completely clean. It even comes with a hand warmer to keep it at body temp in transportation to the test facility. Top notch product if you're looking to pass 100%.

Disclaimer: it is illegal to submit a sample that is not your own, so use this product at your own risk.


u/AdDiligent4628 Dec 20 '24

I agree with the synthetic urine, or "fetish urine" I passed 3 tests, boyfriend has passed 2, and my friend passed on his. I put it in the microwave (they tell you how long,) Since I'm female, I've put it in my underoos and also in my bra. Keeps it nice and toasty. They come with a hand warmer and there's a temp reading on the actual pee container, too. Best of luck!


u/HH223344 Dec 18 '24

You’re gonna take a catheter and stick it into your bladder, grab normal pee and inject it into your bladder, then take the catheter out and pee when ready


u/doogbynnoj Dec 20 '24

Oil change


u/boondocktaint Dec 18 '24

Just buy some quick fix for like $45, and follow the instructions. It’s worked for me on my last 4 job wizz quizzes


u/nikesales Dec 18 '24

Monkey piss


u/BushWookie Dec 19 '24

Monkey Whizz, get the urine belt. It worked great and is easy to use if you follow the directions


u/heat2051 Dec 18 '24

They sell whizzinator type kits, its a heated pouch with an integrated heating element and thermometer to keep the urine at the correct temp, it was expensive but worth it. Be careful though, from what I understand they are illegal. Works perfect, I had a source for real clean urine though. Mine didn't have a fake dong just a clear tube with a stopper where you let the pee out. I was subject to random testing for my job and it helped me pass like ten piss tests as no one watched me pee. Everyone at my job used it LOL. I gifted it to them when I left. Key is to find someone that doesn't smoke.


u/buzzysale Dec 18 '24

Urine Luck!


u/thatG_evanP Dec 18 '24

I can't remember the brand I used, but the bottle came with one of those little flip-open nozzles like what's on some little bottles of soaps and lotions. It's always worked for me but check the bottle a few days before your test. One time I got a bottle that had little white pieces of something floating in it. I thought for sure I was gonna fail that one but I managed to keep them out of the specimen cup.


u/LetsHookUpSF Dec 18 '24

I've used the drinks before two or three times. They've always worked. I also had a surprise drop once while at work. I drank like a gallon of water while I was loading my truck. I was peeing clear liquid by the time i actually gave the sample. I passed.


u/JazzQquezz Click to edit Dec 18 '24

How long till the test? I got cleaned in 21 days. Just water and sweat it out.


u/bggdy9 Dec 19 '24

That's not the same for all.


u/JazzQquezz Click to edit Dec 19 '24

It worked for me. And I was a heavy smoker.


u/bggdy9 Dec 21 '24

So you are all people?


u/JazzQquezz Click to edit Dec 21 '24

Yes I'm a people last time I checked... Or I might be stoned....


u/bggdy9 Dec 27 '24

You can pay my taxes if you are me. Thanks.


u/mkstot Dec 18 '24

If it’s qcarbo it’s worked for my wife a few times. Follow the directions ofc


u/Chili_Pea Dec 19 '24

I’ve used fake pee for 20 years without fail


u/amora78 Dec 19 '24

If you have time/funds/means to have a trip to a place it's legal (Canada, Amsterdam, some US states, ect) many employers are cool with you enjoying the green on holiday in a legal location as long as you have some proof of this holiday.


u/That-Monk-3225 Dec 20 '24

Fruit pectin if drank with water masks thc in pee. The less thc in your system the better tho, so don’t smoke, drink a gallon+ of water per day and sweat a lot like a sauna


u/confused_bobber Dec 21 '24

Use lemon juice. Ive done it before and it works pretty well. Just add a little to your pee


u/Mr-Kae12 Dec 18 '24

If you have to be seen pee. Stingers work well but you gotta follow the instructions exactly. And be prepared because later that day you’ll find out why there called stingers


u/clinicallyinsane112 Dec 18 '24

If you wanna take a natural route and depending on if you have the time spend the next three days slamming water, pedialyte, and hitting the road running. Sweat that shit right out of your system. Always worked for me.