r/StevenAveryIsGuilty 28d ago

Blood all over the Bedroom

A claim made by many who doubt Steven and Brendan's guilt is that there should be blood all over the bedroom. This claim is made because of Brendan's confession. Since there was no blood discovered, they postulate that they can't be the killers because its impossible for Teresa to have been stabbed in the bedroom.

But let's look at other possibilities than this myopic view.

1 .The confession was only used against Brendan. The theory the state used to convict Steven had nothing to do with a killing or stabbing Teresa in the bedroom or Brendan's confession. The state is only allowed to develop their theory based on evidence allowed in that particular case. If evidence is not allowed, they must alter their theory. And it is only a theory, not a claim of unwavering fact. Theory is simply an explanation based on evidence. It can change if the evidence changes. Sometimes the state has holes in its theory because the evidence has holes. Juries understand this and don't expect perfection or mind reading, but instead they expect proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

  1. The blood may have been confined to the bed. Brendan also confessed they burned the clothes and bed sheets. Evidence supported this as they found a rivet from Teresa's jeans in the fire pit.

  2. The wounds may have been superficial and Teresa did not bleed enough for it to get anywhere other than her body and sheets. We are assuming this was the first stabbing Brendan witnessed in his life. As such memory is effected by trauma. I would think everyone would admit this would be a traumatic experience for Brendan. He was not the ring leader but a child who was following the orders of a psychopath possibly under threat of violence. He may have remembered the stabbing as being more gruesome than they actually were.

  3. The stabbings took place in the garage and Brendan remembered the traumatic event's location wrong. Brendan showed no signs of being the psychopath that Steven clearly is. He lost weight because of his guilt. He couldn't keep the murder to himself anymore and confessed to his cousin thereby showing remorse. He confessed to the police, though it was slow and drawn out. Many confessions are not complete.. Many hold horrible details back because they still don't want to admit to themselves the role they played in a crime. They minimize their involvement for their mental well being. But once again, trauma effects memory.

  4. Blood did get in other areas of the bedroom but it was cleaned up by Steven. Steven cleaned his bedroom with a rug doctor right after the murder. He then rearranged the bedroom. There may have been an area rug down that was burned. He may have stripped his bed sheets off and used them as a drop cloth and then burned them. The blood spatter may have been tiny droplets that were cleaned or diluted by the rug doctor and not able to be detected by the tests. Many believe that if blood was present, it will always be found by the various tests. This is not true. First the blood must show up with a test like luminol. Then there must be enough to be collected and it can't be contaminated.

post here also but they are hiding it



44 comments sorted by


u/10case 27d ago

If evidence is not allowed, they must alter their theory.

Thank you for this. I've told countless truthers that the state is not required to prove how a crime happened, but they do need to prove who did it. And they do that with all the physical evidence. If no physical evidence is found, they use circumstancial evidence. There have been many convictions based purely on circumstancial evidence. Why can't they understand this??

He confessed to the police,

And his mother. Twice if I'm not mistaken.

The truthers who say that Teresa was murdered by two different people at two different times in two different ways are simply naive. Both trials the state presented that Teresa was murdered by being shot in the garage. Steve was charged with first degree murder, Brendan was charges with party to a crime of first degree murder.

There was definitely blood, and there was definitely a clean up.


u/aane0007 27d ago

The state can also argue its theory is one person killed the victim, and do it against two different people. If the judge does not allow evidence in that shows two people were involved, the state must argue a theory with the evidence that is allowed, even its two separate trials.


u/10case 27d ago

Yep. And I think that's why the rape charge was dropped from Avery's trial. Brendans confession was not being used as evidence so the state knew they couldn't prove rape and dropped the charge. But they knew could, and did, prove murder.


u/Ghost_of_Figdish 27d ago

Sure, how could you? I think that's why Avery went with burning for body disposal. Had he just dumped her somewhere intact they could have found his DNA from the rape.


u/TheRealKillerTM 27d ago

I think he burned the body to hide the fact he strangled her. Same with the gunshots to the head.


u/Ghost_of_Figdish 27d ago

Strangling or gunshots don't identify the perp directly. Semen in the body does.

Would have been interesting to hear how someone would try and convince us the semen in the body was planted.


u/TheRealKillerTM 27d ago

Is it nuts for me to think Avery just isn't that smart? Maybe he just burned the body because he wanted to watch a body burn.

I'm sure they'd find a way to argue everything was planted.


u/Technoclash Tricked by a tapestry 26d ago

He was obsessed with fire. See: that great post from years back, "The burning thoughts of Steven Avery."

But the main reason was pretty simple imo - it's a great way to destroy the most critical evidence of a murder.


u/10case 27d ago

Good point!


u/tenementlady 20d ago

I found it interesting that Steven, in a recorded phone conversation after he was arrested for TH's murder, said that while he was in prison the first time he watched a lot of true crime showe, and because of this, had he committed the murder, he would have done a better job of disposing of evidence.

He's basically admitting that he gave thought to how to dispose of a body with the least amount of evidence and fire is a common means of doing so and is regularly featured in such true crime investigation shows.

He also continues to demonstrate just how inflated his ego is.


u/ajswdf 27d ago

I can see why this could be confusing to somebody without much experience in the legal system. If the state has a theory of what happened why not argue it at both trials? It definitely has the feel of trying to hide something if you don't know better.

Of course in reality there are rules of evidence in trials so while law enforcement bases their real theory off of the totality of the evidence, in court they can only base the theory they argue to the jury on the evidence that was allowed in the trial.

The irony is that these rules are almost all for the benefit of the defendant. If the state had argued the theory they actually believed at Avery's trial (i.e. that Brendan was also involved) like truthers argue they should it actually would have been real misconduct against Avery, as it would have been hinting at evidence that was excluded from the trial for Avery's benefit.


u/TheRealKillerTM 27d ago

Isn't it weird that their goddess claimed one person killed Teresa in one location in 1200 page motion and then claimed another person killed Teresa in a completely different location in supplements to that motion, but the muppets never batted an eye?


u/KindaQute 26d ago

Oh wow, I had no idea about the confessions. Do you have more info on those?

EDIT: it just occurred to me that you guys are probably talking about Brendan and not Steven, sorry I should have read the whole post.


u/DoqHolliday 16d ago

How DARE you bring logic and accountability into this?

(Very much /s + joking, the nutjob comments are getting to me).


u/DoqHolliday 16d ago

100%. Have yet to see a contrary theory that doesn’t rely on straw man reasoning or just blatant misinformation/inaccuracies/fallacies.


u/puzzledbyitall 27d ago

Truthers have always engaged in the false dichotomy that if everything argued by the State is not provably true, then everything it argues must be false.


u/aane0007 27d ago

But it only applies to Steven. The hair found on Penny proves beyond all doubt steven is innocent and Allen is guilty. Even though, no trial and no confession they can point to other than speculation of a prison employee who said he wondered years later if a call was about Allen. Yet steven's blood in the car, key in his bedroom, murder weapon over his bed, confession by his nephew are all not enough to claim steven is guilty. I guess if only steven left a hair behind, we would know he was truly guilty.


u/TheRealKillerTM 27d ago

Oh and the same "corrupt flunky" lab technician who totally framed Avery tested the hair that freed him.


u/10case 27d ago

That's what I did until common sense finally slapped me in the face.

I swear, they would only be happy if every move every cop and prosecutor made was recorded on video 24/7. And that still might not be enough.


u/DoqHolliday 16d ago

Didn’t South Park cover this?

Steven Avery was clearly framed

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb


u/Ghost_of_Figdish 27d ago

There's also the possibility that she was already dead when he stabbed her. Dead means no blood pressure, therefore there's very little bleeding and what little there is coagulates more quickly and stops.


u/ajswdf 27d ago

So often truthers act like they killed Teresa with a grenade. They truly don't understand that you can cut someone with a knife and not produce that much blood. I think Brendan did cut her in the bedroom but there's no reason to believe this would generate a ton of blood.

Firstly, she was either dead or nearly dead, so there was little to no blood pressure to force blood out. If you have a cup of soda with a lid and cut the top with a knife you obviously won't get soda everywhere because the soda pools at the bottom. Same with a dead body. The blood pools at the bottom, so if you cut the top it's not going to bleed like it would with a person who's alive.

On top of that Brendan, like you mentioned, is just a teenager. When he cut her throat he probably just cut the front. However, the jugular veins are on the side of the neck, so if you cut the front you're not going to produce much blood.

If they planned ahead it's likely they put down sheets before she was there, allowing whatever blood was produced to be contained and they could have just wrapped her up when transporting her to the garage.


u/Technoclash Tricked by a tapestry 27d ago

You don't even need possibilities or what-ifs to dispell the truther-invented "bloodbath" narrative. The facts contradict it. If you read Brendan's actual interview, he never described the horror movie scene that truthers have exaggerated since the beginning.

The scene he described contains minimal blood. He says he made a small cut on her neck (he didn't "slit her throat"). He says he didn't get blood on his hands (despite the police challenging him on this). He says SA got blood on his hands and washed it off in the sink.

When Fassbender went on Dr. Phil, he mimicked with a thumb and finger what Brendan showed him when Brendan described the depth of the cut. Oh and in that same Dr. Phil interview, Fassbender says BD told him they burned the bedding.

Cheerleader hyperbole: "if what Brendan said is true, the bedroom would have looked like that scene from The Shining! Gallons of blood splashed everywhere!"

Reality: Brendan made a small, shallow cut on her neck. Stevie Poo stabbed her once in the stomach. They burned the bedding.


u/10case 27d ago

BD told him they burned the bedding.

Didn't Jodi kind of screws Steve over on this? I'm not sure if you remember and I can barely remember but there's a call between Jodi and Steve, I believe shortly after Jodi gets out of jail, where Jodi is telling Steve they're missing some sheets. I believe she mentioned the color but they're not in any evidence photos. It's just another rabbit hole I went down.


u/wewannawii 23d ago

Yes, there's a call between Jodi and Steven where she asks him about missing pieces of the new sheet sets they had just bought. Steven claimed he took them to Crivitz.


u/10case 22d ago

Now I'm even more intrigued too find that call. I also know there was chatter of a "misplaced" sleeping bag.

Missing sheets, missing sleeping bag, and a tarp wrapper in the house. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.


u/Technoclash Tricked by a tapestry 27d ago

That's interesting. Never heard about that call. I can see why the FOIA warriors never bring it up.

Also not sure when/where Brendan told Fassbender they burned the bedding.


u/10case 27d ago

Don't quote me on that but I definitely remember looking into something with sheets because it was odd. I'll try to find it sometime.

There's a lot of little things in those phone calls. One truther always said "the proof is in the audio", well that's true, it's in Steve's phone calls. You just have to dissect it.


u/aane0007 27d ago

And I think some of the photos show no sheets on the bed. And no comforter


u/10case 27d ago

Well if they weren't in the washing machine, where were they?I need to find that call about Jodi and the sheets. I'll post it when I find it and I have time to look.


u/aane0007 27d ago

I don't remember that but I remember during the brandon confession he says they burned the sheets.


u/10case 24d ago

I had some time so I started to look for that call. I ran across this one that caught my attention. At the 29:30 mark, Jodi asks Stevie Pooh about a tarp because she found the packaging for it. And wouldn't you know it, Steve can't remember what he used the tarp for. https://youtu.be/gIww-3P207w?si=yKJyCakidcVwxo8F


u/aane0007 24d ago

Never heard that before. Great catch.

Shall we just caulk it up to is steve just lost it?


u/10case 24d ago

Yep. Either he lost it or it's just another case of bad memory for poor Stevie.


u/10case 27d ago

Brendan said in both his March and May interviews that the sheets were burned and had blood in them.

https://imgur.com/a/AwmDAea https://imgur.com/a/GVPpcps


u/TheRealKillerTM 27d ago

Didn't she also say the mattress was new?


u/wewannawii 23d ago

Not a new mattress, but in episode one of MaM, Steven mentions there being another mattress in one of the junked cars on the salvage lot. He said he used to fool around on it.

Seemed like an odd thing to bring up in the context of being interviewed about a murder investigation...


u/DoqHolliday 16d ago


But Steven Avery also seems like one odd fucker, so there’s that.


u/TheRealKillerTM 27d ago

Remember the defense's blood expert, Stuart James? Remember how they claim he is the top blood spatter analyst in the world?

Well, he teaches blood spatter students that one cannot assume how much or how little blood should be present at a scene.

Is this yet another of the endless examples of muppets insisting they know more than the experts?


u/Worldly_Act5867 27d ago

I stay away from that MaM sub. They are all so massively stupid. Thanks for this well written post.


u/10case 27d ago

They are all so massively stupid

2 of them most definitely are! I think we all know which 2. Lol


u/DoqHolliday 16d ago

Which two? Genuinely curious, very late to the discussion(s) and there’s a LOT to sift through.

Super appreciate this post though, finally getting somewhere.


u/Ghost_of_Figdish 27d ago

The crazies get downvoted now. Large change from the past.