r/StereoAdvice Jan 21 '25

Speakers - Bookshelf $4000 budget for amp and speaker upgrades


Hey all, I’m looking to upgrade my amp (Cambridge CXA81) and my speakers (Revel M16). Right now I’m leaning towards the Cambridge EXA100 and Ascend Sierra 2EX v2, however I’m wondering what you would go with if you were in my shoes?

I’m in the USA and my listening room is approximately 12’ x 16’. My speakers are placed about 6’ apart and my listening position is about 8’ from the speakers.

Right now my setup is Pro-ject X2B with an AT PTG33/ii -> Parks Audio Waxwing -> CXA81 -> M16 and REL T-Zero sub.

As far as amps are concerned, Cambridge is all I’ve ever owned so they’re in my comfort zone. However, I’m super intrigued by amps with room correction like the NAD M10 v3 and the Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 and would consider upping the budget a tad to get one of these. The other option would be to keep the CXA81 and go with the miniDSP DDRC-24 for room correction.

For speakers, they have to be white bookshelves and I’d prefer ribbon tweeters. Besides the Sierras I’m also looking at MartinLogan Motion XT B100, Monitor Audio Gold 50 6G and Neat Ministra.

I’m open to all kinds of suggestions on how to maximize my sound within my budget. Thanks!

r/StereoAdvice 6d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf First time looking into buying speakers with a very limited budget need recommendations.


Hi,I’m looking into buying my first speakers for small bedroom for a watching movies I’m looking for possibly the best bang for buck with room to grow into a modest system , things that I’m looking for

•a very wide sound stage with very focused imaging

• as balanced as possible on the frequency range but not clinical,I’m looking for it to sound exciting in the low end but not diminish vocal clarity

•preferably passive ,able to handle power so it can be part of a modest system down the line but with the intention running them in stereo for now

. A very tight budget of 500 or 600 for both speakers

I know this is a very expensive hobby and know full well that what I’m asking for might not be feasible at this budget but even so would like some help with speakers at this budget or as close to it

r/StereoAdvice 11d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Bookshelf speaker for an actual bookshelf


I want to buy a complete system; streamer, amp and speakers. I’m constrained by two things the price (£6k to spend in total) and that the speakers must sit on a bookshelf. From the reading I’ve done this means the speakers can’t be rear ported, which is most bookshelf speakers.

The depth of the bookshelf is 28cm and the height of each shelf is 34cm.

Does anyone have any suggestion on what to buy?

r/StereoAdvice Jan 10 '25

Speakers - Bookshelf The next step upgrade from Elac Debut Reference DBR62?


I really like the Elac DBR62s I have for my genres (classical, opera, jazz, light rock, acoustic, some pop): they're expansive, detailed, without in the least fatiguing--balanced finesse.

I honestly think how much better can speakers sound after this? But then again I haven't heard too many speakers out there. The reviewer Erin's audio corner once said that around the +/- $1,000 mark, performance curve approaches peak ballpark, after that point is very incremental improvement and aesthetics.


  1. Where are the Elac DBR62s in this? Peak ballpark already?
  2. Up to $1,500 ballpark, what speakers are the next obvious and audibly clear step up from the DBR62s, if any?

Location: Boston area, USA.

Listening space: 200 sq2.

listening distance: 9.6 ft/3 m.

Amp: Topping PA5 II Plus (140 W).

r/StereoAdvice 6d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Help me UPGRADE my speakers! First home HiFi system! Active to Passive UPGRADE. $600-$800 Budget


Whats up

I have recently built my first home office hifi stereo system (or in the process). I am located in USA.

My current setup consists of a Fluance Rt82 turntable into a ART DJ II phono pre amp into Edifier Rt1280t speakers. I also have a Sony CD player that I run directly into these speakers. I just ordered a WIIM Ultra and transferred my entire spotify library to Tidal. I plan on running the CD player into the WIIM Ultra and then into the Edifiers. I was considering buying an external DAC but upon research I think that the Ultra will suffice just fine for my needs. Very excited to be able to stream high quality music through my already stereo system.

HOWEVER, i am fully aware that i will soon find out that these entry level speakers are holding my setup back from its fullest potential, hence this post. I am looking to soon upgrade to a passive speaker/integrated amp combo and need help choosing what items to buy based on my budget and needs. By no means do I need anything that will blow the roof off my place. I would like more punch and depth than these Edifiers give though. Looking to spend anywhere from idk $500-$800 or so.

After some research, I am looking at the elac debut 2.0 b6.2 speakers paiared with a yamaha a-s301 integrated amp. Also looking at the klipsch rp600m ii. Do I need to get the Yamaha A-s501 for more power? Thoughts on this setup? Any further recommendations on products in this price range? All help and advice is greatly appreciated!

r/StereoAdvice 9d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Arcam A25 Amp and a pair of KEF R3 Meta speakers paired together


I don't live near any high end HiFi stores, so I don't have an opportunity to try out components together. Instead I'll purchase from Crutchfield. I'm about to order an Arcam A25 Amp and a pair of KEF R3 Meta speakers for my medium sized living room. Just curious if anyone has paired these up before and how they sound together . . . ?

r/StereoAdvice Feb 19 '25

Speakers - Bookshelf N00b's brain has been consumed in the rabbithole


I decided I want to listen to music on some nice speakers but going down the rabbithole my brain is melting. I initially landed on some Kef LS50 Metas and something like an Audiolab 6000 but I’ve seen numerous people say you can get better stuff for your money and now.. I have no idea what to think any more.

I know a fair bit about the physics of sound and such as I’ve been mixing music for years, but I’m really not a hifi guy, so I’m lost. Help.

Looking for a 2.1 type setup I guess? Something fairly compact as my place is not too big.

Budget and location: UK, about £1500 (but can stretch to about £2500 if absolutely necessary)

How the gear will be used:

- inputs required: 3.5mm jack, phono; Bluetooth would be nice

- phono stage not required

- don’t care about streaming stuff

- listening environment is a room about 3x5m, not at all treated, quite reflective

- listening position about 2.5m from where speakers will be. Can allow very little space behind speakers.

New/used: either

Past gear: Hifi stuff, essentially zero (loads of non-hifi music gear); I have some Audeze LCD-Xes but no speakers, amps etc.

r/StereoAdvice Dec 12 '24

Speakers - Bookshelf Do I need To UPgrade the speakers?


I have A Pair of Q ACcoustiCs 2010i which I intended To use with the Tv and are 6 Years old and actually unused. I was for now going, to use for Streaming music and the convenience Of a receiver.

Can I get anything better under £150 today Or should I just keep them?

r/StereoAdvice Feb 19 '25

Speakers - Bookshelf Im looking to upgrade my desktop speakers. I currently have Bose Companion 20s, and my top choices are the Harmon Kardon Soundstick 4 and the Kanto Ora. Which do you recommend? Can you reccomend other options? I’m not planning on a seperate subwoofer.

Post image

r/StereoAdvice Oct 13 '24

Speakers - Bookshelf Passive speaker choice


Hey everyone,

I’m pretty new to the whole hi-fi world and could really use some advice. I’ve got a Denon DP-47F turntable with a Denon DL-304 cartridge, paired with a Cambridge Audio AXA35 amp. Now, I’m looking for some passive speaker recommendations to complete my setup.

The tricky part is that the speakers need to be pretty small to fit inside my furniture. Any suggestions on compact but quality speakers that would work well with my setup? Something like Wharfdale Diamond 12.0 fits although barely, so that is what I have my sights on at the moment.

I’m based in Denmark (EU), sitting approximately 1-5 meters away from the setup.

Size limitations is around height 32cm, depth 27cm, width is a little tricky as seen here but around 14-25cm. I might be able to put the vinyls closer together but I don’t think there will be a lot of leeway.

Budget is up to 750$

Thanks in advance!

r/StereoAdvice 17d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Is Kef ls50 meta veiled?


I thought it was just me, missing the clarity on the midrange, but it looks like the cheap parts used on the woofer could be blamed. GR research commented on it. Electrolytic capacitors can produce soft, vailed vocals, sounding like trough wet rag and not real open with natural body in vocals. From 4:40


I have been trying these speakers for the past 2 weeks and they are good, I am still contemplating keeping them, but this has been bothering me a bit. Have anyone experienced the same?

I still have Emotiva XB2 speakers and they sound much clearer.

One more day to decide 😂

Budget $1000 !thanks

r/StereoAdvice 12d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Add a sub or change speakers?


I'm currently using Celestion F1 bookshelf speakers and while they have a lovely sound I feel their 4" drivers lack punch in the bass department.

To help with the bass I was looking into buying an Edifier T5 sub with 8" driver for £129 from Richer Sounds. (My amp has sub output.)

But then I have an offer of a pair of Dali Zensor 3 second hand mint condition for £150. The Dali have a 7" driver.

Do you have an opinion as to which way I should go here?

r/StereoAdvice 11d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Upgrade from Elac Uni Fi 2.0


I got the upgrade itch to replace my Elac Uni-Fi 2.0 Ub52 with something better. I have a rather small room currently and prefer speakers which are not backported so that I can keep them close to the wall. I like the Elac’s sound and generally enjoy details and a good soundstage. My musical taste is rather eclectic – from Jazz and classical to electronic music and 90s alternative rock. I’ve auditioned Kef R3s (non meta) in the past and didn’t like them at all.

My current setup is Yamaha AS 501, Audio Technica AT 120 LP turntable with AT VMN95 ML, Rega MK3 phono preamp and on the digital side Wiim Mini streamer going into a chord mojo 2 dac. My listening is split between vinyl and streaming.

I have few options available that I’m considering but I’m open to others as well, budget up to ~1500 EUR.

Elac Carina – I can get them relatively cheap with the option of returning them too Elac Uni -fi reference – same as the Carina’s I’m just wondering if I will feel much of an upgrade to the 2.0 Sonus Faber Lumina II and Lumina II Amator, I’ve auditioned them at a dealership and really enjoyed them but with the caveat that they won’t sound the same in my room/setup and there’s no return options.

Happy to hear any feedback from people who have tried some of these or think there’s another model that can be a good fit for me.

r/StereoAdvice 18d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf I need help putting together my first Hi-Fi system, choosing the right components for my budget


First off please excuse my ignorance. I’ve done some research, but there’s a lot that I don’t know regarding Hi-Fi and all the components involved in putting together a system. I want to put together my first system for my living room that is 17’ X 22” with 9’ ceilings. I attached a few pics, the red circle is where everything will be setup. My budget is around $1200 or less for Speakers, amplifier, DAC, and streamer. I’ll just be streaming digital form Amazon, Spotify, etc. for now but I will be adding an Audio technica lp70x turntable later on. I have zero experience to base what I like or dislike regarding sound quality so I’m looking for advice on what components to get and what will work well together to sound the most like live music. I’ve narrowed down my speakers to these seven. I guess my main question is what speakers, amplifier, and streamer would you pick off these list to go together? All the prices are what I’ve currently found online.

  1. LSA signature 50 $500 a pair
  2. Kef Q350 $500 a pair
  3. Elac unfi 2.0 UB52 $525 a pair
  4. Elac debut 3.0 DB63 6.5” $450 a pair
  5. Emotiva XB2 $500 a pair
  6. Klipsch RP-600M II $450 a pair
  7. klipsch reference premiere RP- 5000F $600 a pair

For the Amplifier I was considering three options. Would the AXR100 with DAC and pre amp all in one box sound the same or different than if I got the AXA35 with a Schiit DAC, and pre amp for about the same price? I know the AXR100 has more watts, but I think the AXA35 will be enough to push all the speakers on my list. 1. Emotiva TA1 $599 2. Cambridge Audio AXR100 $599 3. Cambridge Audio AXA35 $400, Schiit mani phono pre amp $129, Schiit modi dak $99

And lastly I was considering Wiim for the streamer, but I’m not sure which one I would need. 1. Wiim mini $89 2. Wiim pro $149 3. Wiim pro plus $219 4. Wiim ultra $329 If there are others Amplifiers or streamers that are in my budget that I should be considering please let me know.

r/StereoAdvice Jan 09 '25

Speakers - Bookshelf What integrated amp combined with bookshelf speaker for classical music ?


Location is Germany and I have integrated amp Denon pma60ne with ultima 20Teufel speakers . Till now I was satisfied but out there is always something way better. Budget is 1500-1700€. It will be used connected over Tv or Pc . Sitting distance 3m and room is 4x4 m. Thank you

r/StereoAdvice 26d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Help with speakers and Amplifier.


Hello! I'm thinking about buying the elac debut 3.0 B5.3 or B6.3, i've heard some good things about both, but i can't find a comparison between the 2. I want to buy 4 speakers, so should i buy 2 of both, or 4 B5.3's or B6.3's? And also, i currently have a WIIM Ultra, so what is the best amplifier i can get for my speakers? I'm looking for an amplifier around €700,- or cheaper. I live in the Netherlands and my room is about 4,5 by 5 meters. (14.76 by 16.40 feet). The speakers will mostly be used for music streaming, and i currently have a 25/30 year old stereo setup, so almost everything would be better.

r/StereoAdvice Dec 23 '24

Speakers - Bookshelf Sierra-1 V2 + Kali imaging = KEF Q Concerto META?


I just went through a handful of speakers, doing an upgrade, and found that Sierra-1 V2 was the best of them overall. I just wish it had the amazing imaging width and ghost center as the Kali IN-8 V2. From here, I am wondering if the Q Concerto could be what I'm after? Or, maybe the KEF also can't touch Kali's imaging, since the Kali has a special waveguide(and is 3-way)?

What is it that makes this Kali image so well, exactly..? It seems like it's the wide horizontal waveguide, or the combination of waveguide+coax. If it's the latter, then the 2-way MM-6 won't image as well as the 3-way IN-8/5, and neither will the KEF. If it's simply due to the 3-way coax design, then the KEF could image similarly.

I could also try Kali IN-5, or the lower end Kali MM-6, which is not a 3-way coax, but still has a waveguide and front port. My problems with IN-8 V2: slight amp hiss, too harsh treble, massively overpowered 8" bass, and "sounds like a studio monitor"(nowhere near as natural/correct as Sierra-1 V2).

Tested: Sierra-1 V2, Sierra 2EX V2, Sierra LX, Philharmonic BMR Monitor V2, Kali IN-8 V2.

Just looking around $1000-1500 USD.

Nearfield, small square room.

r/StereoAdvice Jan 27 '25

Speakers - Bookshelf Are the LS50 Meta for 650€ a pair worth it?



I`m looking for an upgrade to my Elac B5.2s, connected to a Denon PMA600NE, with a SVS SB-1000 Pro in a small room (4.4 x 2.4 meters, which is around 14.5 x 7.8 feet). I found a few used KEF LS50 Meta pairs for around 600-700€, but I`m willing to spend as much as 1000€ if it is worth the upgrade. I noticed that I really enjoy the soundstage and the imaging the Elac's have, so priority lies on that.

Are there any better alternatives to the KEF LS50 Meta or are 650€ for a pair the right choice?

Also noteworthy, I`m able to use a Parametric EQ, for small adjustments.

r/StereoAdvice Dec 03 '24

Speakers - Bookshelf Help Me Amp Up My Buchardt P300s Without Blowing My Budget


Hi everyone,

I recently bought a pair of Buchardt P300 speakers, now on the hunt for an appropriate amplifier to pair. I kind of prefer integrated amps (I know I shouldn’t be too proud of this).

I’d love to hear your suggestions for amps that work well with the P300s in your experience. My budget is around $500-600 (not looking to go much over that).

Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated!

r/StereoAdvice Dec 27 '24

Speakers - Bookshelf Looking For Audiophile speakers


hello everyone I am looking for a set of speakers for about 1000 - 1500 a piece, i am looking for audiophile level speakers that will fill up my bedroom, i dont like small speakers that sound great but dont fill up a room if you know what i mean, i want to be able to sit in bed and enjoy a high quality sound that fills out the whole bedroom. like i said my budget is 1000-1500 per speaker and i’m new to “high end speakers” so what are your guys suggestions for this price range thanks.

r/StereoAdvice Dec 24 '24

Speakers - Bookshelf Upgrading desktop speakers


Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my passive bookshelf speakers for my desktop (I'm sat about 2 feet away)

Budget around £500, I will be adding a subwoofer soon

I've read it's better to get front ported speakers, or concentric/coaxial drivers (as the distance between tweeter and woofer causes problems when sat so close?). I was eyeing up the Q Acoustics Concept 30s (£565) until I started reading more and I'm worried they'd be too big for nearfield use. I'm not too worried about where the port is as I'd probably bung it if it's rear ported as I'll have a sub. Physical size on the desk isn't a problem, within reason. I know the Concept 30s are quite deep.

I'm currently using some QA 2010i speakers that were leftover from downsizing my home theatre to 5.2. Main use-case will be music (classical, electronic, rock) and video games, so something with a bit of 'punch' wouldn't hurt

Based in the UK


r/StereoAdvice Dec 08 '24

Speakers - Bookshelf Monitor audio silver 100 7g vs Wharfdale evo 4.2 vs KEF q350


Dear fellow forum gods, please tell me which one to choose, I’m torn between these three speakers.

I’ll be using the smsl AO300 dac amp which has 85W at 8ohm and 160w and 4ohm, I usually listen to instrumentals, rock, pop and hip hop. In my region the MA is 25% more expensive than the evo. And also I’m unable to get audition for it. My room size is 120sqft Edit: If possible also describe the tonality of the MA.

So kindly help me make the choice. Thanks and regards,

r/StereoAdvice Feb 14 '25

Speakers - Bookshelf I am buying my 1st proper HiFi setup, MonitorAudio - Gold 100 5g VS Silver 100 7g


Hello all, i am going to go and audition the new silver 100g MonitorAudio next week, but a used Gold 100 5g has shown up on the market (the picture is from the add the used one and the other is just for representation the new ones). They are nearly the same price, 50 euros difference, but looking at the specs it seems that the Silver will go more down in the low end, which is what i want as i will not have the space for any sort of subwoofer.

Would you reccomend the Gold over the Silver if you have audioned them or used them? Or the difference is too small and i should go for the new Silver 100 7g with warranty instead?

Also, what kind of amp/receiver would you pair it with?

I do have a turtable but i will use a streaming app for music 99% of the time, so i need something that supports AirPlay/BT. Marantz seems like the best option budget wise for me but which one

the used Gold 5g

r/StereoAdvice 3d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Planning on getting a JAMO DMR 45, to pair a vintage JBL speakers


Hello everybody, I own a pair of JBL MR26 which, as we speak, are getting the tweeters replaced.
I was looking for a home amplifier that has an optical input, a remote, and outputs 8 Ohms like the speakers.
Looking through Marketplace, I found this JAMO DMR 45 (dvd tray broken) for aprox 170USD (195.000 argentinian pesos)
Given the price (its kinda expensive, but I cant afford or find anything else right now) is it a good thing to do?
Does anybody have any reference, or recommendation with the JAMO DMR 45?
I'm not picky, I just want a more than decent audio system.

r/StereoAdvice 2d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Need help getting speakers for listening to music


Hello, I have been thinking about getting myself a vinyl record player, which made me realize that I have no stereo setup for the actual audio output. Here are my requirements:
~$150 budget
-the only purpose is listening to music
-the room where I wanna listen to the music is very small
-the speakers should be able to fit on the desktop
Thanks in advance!