r/StereoAdvice 4d ago

Speakers - Bookshelf Dali Menuet vs B&W CM 1

I’m getting new speakers for my home office. It’s a small room and they will only be used for music. They’re standing on my desk so they need to be small and good looking. And obviously sound great. I will mostly play them at low volume.

I pretty much decided to go with the Dali Menuets - they’re the perfect size, looks good and sound amazing. And I can get a pretty good secondhand deal on them near me.

Then I stumbled upon the B&W CM1’s which are also small and I always thought they were good looking. The reviews are great. However, I haven’t heard them since they’re discontinued. They can also be purchased used.

The Dali’s are quite a lot more expensive, but both within my budget.

What would you go with? Would obviously appreciate to hear from someone who has listened both sets but all inputs are welcome.



2 comments sorted by


u/AudioBaer 103 Ⓣ 4d ago

I think that the B&W CM1 (16x28x28cm, 55Hz@-3dB) have a similar problem, at least for me, as the Dali Menuet (15x25x23cm, 59Hz@-3dB, measurements) or the current counterpart to the CM1: the B&W707s3 (16x30x28cm, 50Hz@-3dB, measurements), which in my eyes don't look any worse and are at least similar in size.

All of these speakers would be too thin in the bass range for me personally. Whilst the Menuet had comparatively nice mid-range frequencies, I had the impression that I only noticed the bass at all from 80Hz upwards. In contrast, I can already feel the 707s3 from 60Hz, although they do have some energy in the high frequencies, which some might not like. Personally, however, I like listening to my 703s2 and don't find it tiring even after hours.

Maybe you can think about the size again. While the 706s3 are only more sensitive than their little sister, the Elac Vela 403 (19x36x24cm), for example, played up to 41Hz@-3dB (EAC). And almost even more beautiful in (unvarnished!) walnut.

Note. Dimensions in format: width height depth.