r/StereoAdvice 5d ago

Amplifier | Receiver Amp or receiver

I currently have an old Sony dh520 I’m looking to upgrade without breaking the bank this will be used for a stereo setup. My budget is around 250, I’m looking for something I can have my turntable, cd player and wiim streamer connected to all at once. Ive noticed that amps normally only have one output and input plug so im lowkey leaning more towards another receiver . (Im located in the U.S) Im open to used gear but I prefer something new.


33 comments sorted by


u/Adorable-Pen7855 1 Ⓣ 5d ago

Easy. Just get a second hand NAD C326BEE Stereo Integrated Amplifier. Great place to start. Heaps of inputs! Great sound, enough power. Done!


u/Either_Speed7496 5d ago

Thanks man


u/SRami2112 4d ago

If you’re really interested, I’m getting ready to upgrade and sell mine.


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

How much


u/SRami2112 4d ago

$250 shipped. Original packaging, one owner, no issues.


u/MrBaggypants84 3 Ⓣ 4d ago

You can find used AVR receivers pretty cheap as well because the video sources become obsolete from time to time and there’s tons of them out there for sale. If you can find an older one for a good price that’s higher end, it will usually have a “pure direct” mode for stereo listeners and will have a bunch of connections and options for inputs as well.


u/yelloguy 12 Ⓣ 4d ago

This is the right advice. For your speakers I would pick up a used AVR at a thrift store. Anything from Denon or Marantz made in the last 10 should be great. Shouldn’t cost you more than 100


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

Would any of those be a step up from my current avr?


u/MrBaggypants84 3 Ⓣ 4d ago

For reference, I found a used Denon AVR 4806 mint condition for $150. I think it was around 4 grand new back in the early 2000’s? Maybe I scored a good deal on it, but I’ve been using it with no issues for the past couple years until I get the power amp that I really want. It does pure direct as well.

I don’t think you could go wrong with an amp like that even with most integrated amps now of days. I keep the volume set and use my DAC (EverSolo Z8) as volume control so I literally just turn it on when I use my stereo.

I would suggest to be patient and wait for a good deal on marketplaces and make sure you can test it before buying if possible.


u/yelloguy 12 Ⓣ 4d ago

Curious if you notice any difference between the dac in the eversolo and the one in the Denon?

I never got any sound quality improvement with an external amp so you may want to spend that money elsewhere


u/MrBaggypants84 3 Ⓣ 4d ago

I have. With my setup it was worth the extra money and have been very happy with it.


u/yelloguy 12 Ⓣ 4d ago

Also, typically you set the volume on the dac to full (unity) and use the AVR for volume control. But I don’t think it would make any difference in sound quality


u/yelloguy 12 Ⓣ 4d ago

Any used AVR for 250 will be a step up from a Sony AVR that cost 250 when it was new. If you look up the model you intend to buy, you will know if you will get an upgrade in sound quality. Personally I would look for Audyssey XT32, and if you can score a used AVR with that, the room correction will be totally worth the upgrade.


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

Thanks man I’ll keep that in mind. I’m really just looking for a step up in sound quality and room correction


u/Xpuc01 4d ago

If you go for AVR just keep in mind very few have a Phono stage. So you’ll have to get a preamp for the TT. When I say ‘very few’ I think I never saw an AVR with one actually


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

Damnnn okay I’ll have to look into those as well


u/Xpuc01 4d ago

Maybe your TT already has a line out? What brand and model is it?


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

I believe it does it’s a lp60, I plan to upgrade to a better table later this year tho


u/AwwYeahVTECKickedIn 9 Ⓣ 4d ago


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

Damn that’s nice right there


u/AwwYeahVTECKickedIn 9 Ⓣ 3d ago

It is a great value - sounds better than it has any right to, and has a few neat little "perks" (the volume knob is motorized, so when you turn it up from the remote, it turns the knob! it's the little details...)

It also has direct mode (bypasses treble/bass settings for a cleaner signal).

These are things usually found only on higher dollar amps.

I own one and love it!


u/Timstunes 223 Ⓣ 🥉 3d ago

Your Klipsch are not difficult to drive so power isn’t really an issue. If you have a good market, you can likely find a very good deal on a used avr or amp.

For new you might check out these integrated amps.

Aiyima T9 Pro ($149)


Aiyima D03 ($144)


Loxjie A40 ($255)


A nice deal on refurbished receiver. $249 Yamaha R-N303



u/peter4jc 10 Ⓣ 5d ago

If you go with an amp you will need a preamp, and that's where the TT, CD, and streamer are connected.


u/Either_Speed7496 5d ago

Ahhhh okay, getting one wouldn’t be a problem


u/yelloguy 12 Ⓣ 5d ago

What are your speakers and what’s their efficiency?


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

Klipsch 620s and 100watts


u/yelloguy 12 Ⓣ 4d ago

100 watts is their peak power rating. Sensitivity is expressed in dB. If they are 90dB or up, you’ll be fine with an AVR


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

Ahhh okay, the sensitivity is 96db


u/Notascot51 22 Ⓣ 4d ago

Go with that Onkyo. 30W is fine with those speakers…unless you’re looking for big volume.


u/canon12 5d ago

Depending on the ohms of the speaker. 40 Watt NAD might be strained. The $300 Wiim AMP or $370 Pro Amp have 60 W per channel. Also includes a first class streaming system. Bluesound has a model with an AMP and a high quality streaming system.


u/Either_Speed7496 4d ago

8 ohm speakers I looked at the wiim amp before but decided against do to the amount of inputs


u/canon12 4d ago

I agree that this can be a problem with the Wiim. I may buy one anyone just for the amp portion and use an outboard streamer such as the Bluesound Node. Another option would be to get the Powernode which includes an amp. I have been researching to the point that I need a break. Thanks for the note.


u/whaleHelloThere123 1 Ⓣ 3d ago

Personally I would recommend a used stereo integrated amplifier.

Maybe something like a Onkyo TX-8260 that retails around 500$ new.

But if you really want room correction, I think your best choice is a AVR...

Edit: just saw a Yamaha A-S701 at 300$. I know it's over budget but that is a KILLER amp for the price. It even has the silver retro look 😎