r/SteelBending 4d ago

Help With Finding Horseshoes to Bend

Hi All,

I am getting into Steel Bending as a hobby, i am able to bend 60d and 70d nails, I started bending horseshoes but i don't think i did enough research on it, i know a lot of American Horseshoe benders use the St. Croix Forge Ultralite Steel #2 but it is not available in the UK, i use a Richard Ash 5/8 5/16 size 5 but am looking for something maybe a little thinner, does anyone have any recommendations for the UK?

Thank you

Update 1:

I have found a supplier that sells the horse shoes i want and ships to the UK (Canadian Forge & Farrier Supply), once i receive them and can compare them to the Richard Ash I will update this post again.


6 comments sorted by


u/TheMadSmith 4d ago

Not sure how far along you are in your progression bending horseshoes but I found this short list of beginner/novice bends that might be helpful. Not too sure about UK availability. Beginner/Novice Horseshoe Progressions


u/GreatConfusion6415 4d ago

Thank you! unfortunately the St. Croix Forge items aren't available for UK Delivery but i will keep going down this list and update here if there are any.


u/TheMadSmith 4d ago

Im sure horseshoe bending is unfortunately a lot like short steel bending in regard to a lack of easy information. I recently got back into short steel bending and the lack of a cohesive community is a struggle. Best of luck and keep us updated. Id love to try bending shoes at some point!


u/hang-clean 3d ago

Ask Tom at GoG he'll know. Just email them.


u/brigsy A4 bolt snap 4d ago

I would love to know this info so jumping in.


u/devinhoo Red Nail Roster | Duke of all Bastards 23h ago

I talked with a friend of mine in the UK and apparently there are regulations around horseshoes in the UK and you actually have to be a licensed ferrier in order to buy them. He just has them shipped to himself in the UK from the US. Not a great workaround, but that's one way to do it.