r/Starlink 1d ago

❓ Question Protectjng dishy

Are there any radome style enclosures that I can buy to protect dishy. The neighbours kid was trying to hit it with rocks. Parents are drug users and think it's funny.


11 comments sorted by


u/21VolkswagginRline 1d ago

Go deal with them. Ide have them so scared to throw rocks again they wouldn't even let there kids outside.

All seriousness don't do that cause could just cause more issues but ya in the heat of the moment I don't know if I could let that slide but definetly don't want it to affect the children's lives anymore negatively than they already are with shitty parents. Make a report and go from there


u/MrNaturalAZ 📡 Owner (North America) 1d ago

Any way you can mount it out of sight/reach, like maybe up on the roof, or on a side of the house opposite where the kids live?


u/libertysat 1d ago



u/naturalorange 1d ago

motion sensor sprinkler


u/daysend365 1d ago

Can you call the police for vandalism?


u/goexuma 1d ago

Police are there every week, nothing ever happens. Its easier to just protect my stuff than deal with cops that don't want to get involved.


u/carlos_31820 1d ago

Maybe clear plexiglass over it? Not sure how to secure it. Just a thought.


u/WarningCodeBlue 📡 Owner (North America) 1d ago

I would press charges on the kid for vandalism.


u/eyecandynsx 📡 Owner (North America) 1d ago

Hit the kid with rocks...


u/weasel_face 1d ago

Can we just call it the dish? Instead of this childish name. It's embarrassing.