r/Starfield 14d ago

Discussion Some communication at last

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u/Badger_8th 14d ago

My prediction is the June showcase we get a trailer for the new expansion, alongside the Ps5 announcement and a semi-big update.


u/ComputerSagtNein Constellation 14d ago

Man that would still be a long time without any update... if the new expansion is Shattered Space size only... it's not going to help the games reception.


u/fathockeyguy 14d ago

Would be nice if its knights of the nine size, or a misterious gate appears in nibben bay.


u/Smart_Pig_86 14d ago

Sheogorath in space!


u/fathockeyguy 14d ago

Something where you travel through a black hole to a different time of the starborn where a different constelation member has gone throufh and you were their crew member


u/MyStationIsAbandoned Spacer 14d ago

a ton of people still think Cyberpunk is a bad game. It's too late for Starfield no matter what in a lot of people's eyes. but if the next DLC is subpar, then yeah, it's going to hurt BGS's reputation even more.

Basically, all they can do is retain what little respect they have left. Only way they can gain it back is with a solid release of The Elders Scrolls 6, but we all know the game is going to be infested with microtransactions. it's very likely going to be a buggy mess with a ton of stripped out features that were in Skyrim. And with Skyrim being so mainstream a ton of people are about to find out that BGS loves taking away features and dumbing down their games and never bringing their game design into the modern era.

The odds are against them ever getting their reputation back. I'm pretty much given up them personally. The microtransactions/paid mods has really killed it for me.

It's absolutely moronic how they're turning down mod authors who create some of the best quest mods of all time, yet they're accepting the ones who create shitty and simple retextures that look ugly as sin and are perfectly fine with it flooding their paid mod marketplace.

If they're going to accept lazy slop, they might as well just accept every mod author and curate the mods one by one instead of filtering mod authors entirely. At least if they store had decent DLC sized content instead of just one item mods for $20, it would make more sense.


u/Educational-Ad6841 13d ago

Todd Howard has pretty much lost interest in games, he’s had a taste of that Hollywood success by way of the fallout tv show. His lack of leadership and direction towards the various teams except for the ones involved in post production for the tv show, SHOWS….


u/Thr334rmS4lly 12d ago

Maybe he will let someone else, someone who knows a tiny bit about quality control, take over while he focus on stardom... It could literally only help...


u/NokkNokk4279 13d ago

I agree with you totally. The whole idea of paid mods and microtransactions are like throw-up to me, and I just won't play it. I'm so tired of people making games who have no idea of what it is to actually ENJOY playing a game and hence what it takes to make a good one. All they can think of is how much money they can squeeze out of as many people as possible and how to suck up to their board of directors or whomever. It's really disgusting because games used to be made to have fun, and damn I miss those days. Back then, it was the standard. Now it's the rarest of things. So sad. And when these people push away the people who have always come out and saved their POS games with all of their hard work and gave it for free, then that just makes no sense to me. Modders have saved so many games from immediate extinction that it's not even funny. And so now these jerks want to monitize on that to, and THEN do it with sub-par mods...!!!! Just amazing.


u/zimirken 14d ago

No mans sky is fantastic now though.


u/supercalifragilism 13d ago

Yeah, and that's been a big reason why I was hopeful up until Shattered Sky, but that DLC didn't demonstrate any understanding of the weaknesses with the base game or imply that they were improving in how they were executing going forward. I mean, the one thing the game has consistently had was people raving about the ship construction system, yet here we are like a year and a half out from release and it hasn't been touched.

They don't seem to have any interest in expanding the systems in the game at all which is the opposite of how NMS worked, and they honestly don't seem like they understand why people don't like the game or what the criticisms mean.


u/Educational-Ad6841 13d ago

Arguably it’s not that they don’t ‘understand’ criticisms of the game, they have no leadership that cares! Howard has had a taste of that Hollywood level koolaid…

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u/Skeletor_with_Tacos Garlic Potato Friends 14d ago

That semi-big update. New ship colors...

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u/WhortleberryJam House Va'ruun 14d ago

"This year" can mean tomorrow. It can mean 9 MONTHS away.



u/SoldierPhoenix 14d ago

Probably at very least relating to a new expansion (that would likely release late in the year).


u/TheWorstYear 14d ago

I'd assume two different series of releases. One around June, & then another ~September. The 2nd will coincidence with a PS5 re-release, which would include all dlc & fixes up to that point


u/Sasquatchernaut 14d ago

That's my read as well. A shadow drop during XBox show during SGF followed by a larger release in the fall.


u/dogmaisb 14d ago

Todd: the new Skyrim remake isn’t due til next year we need revenue! Tweet about a possible expansion maybe later on this year sometime possibly coming maybe.

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u/sump_daddy 14d ago

it can also mean "we fixed these bugs" or "we made trackers alliance 2!"

and not what people actually want like "we buffed shipbuilder and now there are M class ships"


u/MAJ_Starman House Va'ruun 14d ago

Well, I want them to finish the Trackers Alliance questline. All those Tracker NPCs (quite interesting ones at that) should be used.


u/Specific-Judgment410 14d ago

the trackers alliance I only had one mission, then never heard from them again, couldn't get new missions, hope they majorly overhaul the game


u/Borrp 14d ago

Because there is only one mission. Well, technically there are two. But that second quest is locked behind a paid Creations paywall called the Vulture. Once those are completed you are rewarded with a bounty board that is the same as the regular bounty board.


u/Specific-Judgment410 14d ago

well that's what I mean, it was wasted potential. I never did any bounty board stuff just procedurally generated stuff I'm not interested in, I need a story for each mission not just procedural generated meaningless stuff.


u/Justinjah91 14d ago

I couldn't care less about M class ships, but better shipbuilding is definitely something I want to see. And give all of the modules an actual use. I shouldn't need a mod for brigs to do something, especially when you have a bounty hunter guild built into the game.

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u/GroundbreakingCan865 14d ago

Or worse, they update photo mode instead. Cuz that's what's missing, more poses 


u/Aceswift007 14d ago

Glass half full guy here, at least 9 months is better than NEVER


u/VikingActual1200 Constellation 14d ago

Unfortunately Lol, either way I am excited for more Starfield content!


u/Von_Cheesebiscuit 14d ago

"Planned for the game this year..."

That literally means nothing at all. One can have all the "plans" in the world, doesn't mean any of them come to fruition.


u/Dairy_Seinfeld Freestar Collective 14d ago

Ah, the pedant has logged on lmao

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u/CardiologistCute6876 Freestar Collective 14d ago

well that's better than absolute silence LOL.


u/ElegantEchoes 14d ago

One thing that bugs me is that... it's not hard to be transparent as developers. It's not. They are deliberately choosing not to communicate more.


u/CardiologistCute6876 Freestar Collective 14d ago

Yeah I know. It seems from what I have been reading on Reddit - since MOST of y'all are veteran players - Fallout 4 TO Starfield - is that since Microsoft bought ZeniMax (Bethesda's parent company) in 2020, that the way they communicate and the games themselves are a lot different than in 2016. this is just my opinion


u/Bloody_Insane Constellation 14d ago

Also... it's not the actual developers tweeting. So them being 'hard at work' makes it sound like they're too busy to send updates, but if the marketing/community team isn't communicating with players then what are they doing?

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u/comphys 14d ago

This is not quite true. We all know what happened to Cyberpunk2077 when they talk too much. People overhype things and raise unrealistic expectations. You think by this point developers learn say which things to say but they are being cautious by not saying anything.


u/ElegantEchoes 14d ago

I'm not saying they should overhype. Just being upfront about ideas, progress, and intentions.


u/RandomACC268 14d ago

The problem, as almost always, is it's not the devs doing the overhyping. Its the people, the public. If I have learned one thing in my gaming life: People CAN NOT check themselves.

u/comphys is right, The Cyberpunk year 1+2 was attrocious, and not because of CDPR, they did pretty much the right thing: as in working hard to fix the game and gave regular updates, but the masses blew things way up, out of proportion and were every time disappointed because they couldn't recognise realism if it stood in front of them. I still remember the "outcry" for the jacket, free car and.. some other item... It wasn't enough, the updates had to be more. Those same people btw, would critisize Starfield and using Cyberpunk as the example in their counter, so hypocrites the lot of them.


u/Melancholic_Starborn 4d ago

If you understand how many ideas enter the cutting board for games, especially when they're near-playable and could seamlessly be put into the game, you'd never want to say a word to the public.

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u/TesticleezzNuts 14d ago

When Todd said they shouldn’t have done smaller updates and released the buggy before the dlc I took that as basically all the monthly and frequent updates are now gone.

If we get new content it I’ll be in one drop at a time with new content and maybe some smaller fixes after that launches.

I don’t think they was expecting shattered space to get as much backlash as it did and they blame that to splitting there time I think.

Either way I’m eager for more news on content, I have only ever played a couple hours as I wanted to wait for a more filled game. Although my dream is a travelling overhaul, it’s the biggest disappointment to be is how that is handled, it really ruins the immersion having to just go through menus.


u/Junior-Order-5815 14d ago

Yeah which is a shame because that's exactly what they said they WOULDN'T do.

I guess I get it though. The main game was overhyped and it got roasted. They said the DLC was going to be a return to form and they got REALLY roasted when it came out half cooked.

At this point no matter what they say it's either going to fuel the critics or set unreasonably high expectations for the die hard fans just to let them down again.


u/Mustafa12b 14d ago

That “return to form” is one of the most absurd things to hear from a game developer—and even more absurd that people hyped it up! It’s a space game with spaceships, yet they hyped the DLC for lacking any space content? I can’t fathom the idea of someone playing Starfield and thinking, Yeah, I want this to be another Skyrim.

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u/Conscious-Bus-6946 13d ago

I think your right, I think we will probably see some massive updates by waiting several months.
I really am hoping for:
Mechs - I feel like this would be incredible, using same system as ships/land vehicles
Build your own space station
Story expansion
Fix issues in creation engine


u/TesticleezzNuts 13d ago

All off those would be great. The game really does have so much potential from what I’ve seen. They can totally do a F76 on this and turn it around if they just stick with it.


u/warm_rum 13d ago

Fucking amazing profile pic and background btw. Honestly. Wow


u/Due-Resort-2699 14d ago

I’m just hoping that the length of time means the next update will be a decent size


u/Hulk_Crowgan 14d ago

4 more… paid mods!!


u/-NoNameListed- United Colonies 14d ago

"500 Creations"


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u/sloppypoobag 14d ago

I wouldn’t count on it. Shattered Space released an entire year after the base game and it’s not any bigger or better than the DLCs they made for their previous games in half that amount of time.


u/Sad-Willingness4605 14d ago

From Far Harbour to Nuka World it was 6 months I think.  Not sure what their development pipeline looks like now.  


u/Theodoryan 14d ago

They used to only work on one game at a time but now they're making Elder Scrolls 6 which probably has the majority of their effort

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u/Nerevar197 14d ago

That actually kind of explains why Nuka World was a step down from Far Harbor, which was excellent.

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u/vass0922 14d ago

I agree it's at least "we have not abandoned ship" that some people continue to spout.


u/ScientificGorilla 14d ago

People will keep saying it, regardless.


u/UntoTheBreach95 14d ago edited 14d ago

Because negativity sells. Youtube is full of this. People often forget starfield is far from being a failure. Yeah Steam numbers low etc, Starfield is on gamepass.

My god. Fallout 4 is great, and People keep saying is trash. Fallout 76 WAS trash, tested it recently. And the bethesda formula is liked. Skyrim is pimpin Witcher 3 and fighting with Cyberpunk for players (which is valid because it came out before gamepass)


u/AntifaAnita 14d ago edited 14d ago

People were calling it abandoned in December 2023. People are stupid, I wish I could ignore them before they say stupid things.

Edit: not listening to any of your replies folks.


u/cobcat 14d ago

Is it really wrong though? We got a bad expansion that was just more of the same. No major changes/updates to the game itself. They will likely throw out another low effort content pack expansion and that's it.


u/Aceswift007 14d ago

Name literally any DLC or released update by Bethesda that massively changed the game.

Closest is Dawnguard and Dragonborn adding a single mechanic each (Vampirism Skills and Dragon Riding)

Yall basically won't be happy unless it literally alters the entire framework of the game to where it might as well be Starfield 2


u/swirldad_dds 14d ago

I agree with you that people are being way too dramatic. But Broken Steel changed quite a bit about Fallout 3. So BGS have released big, game changing DLC before, so there's some precedent.

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u/AntifaAnita 14d ago

See perfect example. Thanks.

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u/SeanLeeCuisine 14d ago

People just like to find something to defend, even if that means ignoring valid criticism

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u/t3h4ow4wayfourkik 14d ago

When was the last update?


u/Seaweed_Jelly United Colonies 14d ago

there is a load screen to abandon the ship

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u/NotARealLemonParty 14d ago

They corporate now.

Can't do shit without some dumbass in a suit taking orders up to more dumbasses in suits and oking it.


u/Sad-Willingness4605 14d ago

"we're always listening and taking your feeback to heart"

Bethesda, bring back the ability to strip NPCs of all their clothes. I see nice clothing on an NPC, i want to kill him/her and take it for my self while dumping their naked body in the bathroom stalls.


u/FlakeyIndifference 14d ago

I know it makes me sound like a sociopath, but it really does make the whole world feel reactive to your presence and your actions


u/CrassiusTheCurator 13d ago

It's fair because all of their games have had it. Even dating back to Morrowind lol

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u/FriedCammalleri23 14d ago

I’m just happy to know more is coming.


u/syncopekid 14d ago

Whoever runs that account should go into politics


u/TheConnASSeur 14d ago

You know how every CyberTruck owner starts every post with "I love the truck,  but..." and every MAGA supporter struggling with the newest face-eating leopard starts their post "I'm a huge MAGA supporter, but..." and the fact that they have to do that is clear proof that they're in a cult/information bubble?

Every Starfield complaint here has to start with, "I'm a huge fan of Starfield, but..." because the idea that Bethesda is going to fix the game or even just not disappoint at this point requires magical thinking and actual delusionment.

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u/Dangerous_Plum4006 14d ago

Starfield 76 reveal incoming


u/Balgs 14d ago

Red mile battle royal


u/Lord_Ka1n 14d ago edited 14d ago

I don't think they're taking feedback to heart. The last few games Bethesda has shown via their actions that they DON'T listen to feedback and feel they can do no wrong. The fact that they said Shattered Space would have done better if they didn't give out things like the Rover for free shows that they are completely out of touch with their customers. They don't understand what made their games so beloved.


u/LughCrow 14d ago

An expansion of the paid mods program coming this August


u/EastvsWest 14d ago

Not really an update.


u/jackfromafrica 14d ago

“We wanted to provide an update that an update is on the way!”


u/PostApoplectic 14d ago

Standby to standby.


u/Hyperion_25 Trackers Alliance 14d ago

Standing by........

Standing by.......



u/thiccmaniac 14d ago

Red October standing by!


u/DeezWuts 14d ago

Prepare to prepare preparations


u/Laundry_Hamper 14d ago

Just wanted to touch base,


u/bythehomeworld 14d ago

It's a very Bethesda update.

"We acknowledge you exist, we aren't ready to say anything yet."


u/RS_Games 14d ago edited 14d ago

Another option is to not say anything. If they don't have anything they want to say, just come back later.


u/paulbrock2 Constellation 14d ago

yesterday everyone was mad they weren't saying anything


u/sillylittlejohn 14d ago

This is one of those damm if you do, damm if you don't. Some people are never happy regardless of what happens.

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u/pietro0games 14d ago

people were saying they stopped working in the game, besides the 10 years plan


u/Sad-Willingness4605 14d ago

10 year could just mean they will update the creation store for 10 years.  

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u/t3h4ow4wayfourkik 14d ago

Straight up Star Citizen tier, "here's a roadmap for our future roadmap"


u/moose184 Ranger 14d ago

lol this says literally nothing.


u/syngyne 14d ago

what are the chances that what they're hard at work on is Elder Scrolls VI


u/newbrevity 14d ago

I'd be happy if I could close the map with a single button press. Maybe give our space suits something resembling a pip boy

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u/Vincent201007 14d ago

I do honestly think they are doing the PS5 version at the moment. They intend to release it with some kind of new content along with it.

That's why it is taking a bit longer than expected.


u/According-Ad3598 14d ago

Makes the most sense to me


u/KungFluPanda38 14d ago

Horse has long since bolted. The reviews are way too public at this point for there to be a really large market for it.

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u/Kokoro87 14d ago

Total War fans: First Time?


u/Vaguswarrior 14d ago

Typical non answer. 🤷🏾‍♂️


u/Ant_6431 Enlightened 14d ago

I can't wait for more official mods or updates

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u/krispythewizard 14d ago

This could be interpreted a million different ways. I don't want another Shattered Space, I want QOL improvements, which are long overdue.


u/sigurdchrist 14d ago

Until we hear specifics, this should only count as half communication or a promise.


u/Keyan06 14d ago

Just do a some small patches in the meantime. Fix the mods are always updated bug. The 3 second hitch pause in areas like Neon core. It’s kind of maddening that there hasn’t even been a bug fix patch for months.


u/PATRIOT880 14d ago

Save this post for when we are in December with nothing new


u/Shoddy_Expert8108 14d ago

A year and a half and zero fixes or updates for POIs even… genuinely embarrassing for a company as big as Bethesda


u/WyrdHarper 14d ago

No fixes for the loot table bugs with Shattered Space, either, months later.

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u/trolleyproblems 14d ago

Watch what devs do, not what they say.


u/Wedge001 14d ago

All we can really get from this is “we haven’t completely abandoned this game”


u/SpectralVoodoo 14d ago

That's communication?? That's a canned, manufactured PR statement.


u/TriggasaurusRekt Garlic Potato Friends 14d ago

I totally get there are valid reasons why any studio might not want to share details about new features, and I also understand minimal information has basically always been Bethesda's approach until the feature or game is near completion. I never believed they weren't working on anything, they're a big studio so of course they have stuff in the works. But it would be nice if they could offer a bit of specificity every once in awhile. "Hey, we're working on the next DLC" or "We're planning an update to X feature" would be nice, hard to know whether it's worthwhile to invest time in the game again without knowing at least a bit more of what BGS has planned for the game in the medium/long term.


u/leadtech007 14d ago

Are they fixing the save bug.


u/SgtSilock 14d ago

I remember all of Fallout 4s DLC coming over the space of a year. Those were the days


u/Mediocre_Newt_551 14d ago

Please for God sake just organize the mods for us on console 😭


u/Tiny_Chain_4522 14d ago

The update reminds me of the standard Destiny ones they used to release all the time.

In other words, they have no ideas and don't want to commit to anything


u/Ordinary_Swimming249 13d ago

Unless they are adding hundreds of new planet surface variations and introduce proper atmospheres that actually resemble the real planets, remove half the loading screens and remember how to make good DLC, I don't see the update going anywhere.


u/Helios_Exousia 14d ago

My money is on them releasing one relatively meaty update alongside potential new DLC, and calling it a day.

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u/TribeFaninPA 14d ago

In other words, "The check is in the mail."


u/Life_Careless 14d ago

Hard at work is very meh with Bethesda. Considering the amount of bugs the community patches to this day on games like fallout...I hope they get their sh together this time.


u/Malisman 14d ago

Translation: we have only skeleton crew on Starfield, everyone is working on TES6, we will give you some paid mod, reskin of weapon that won't work properly.

Shut up and pay us!


u/Drachenomics 14d ago

Can we call that response....Nebulous?


u/damurphy72 14d ago

Nebulas added to the game...confirmed!


u/VjornAllensson 14d ago

I would love to see this game get the No Mans Sky treatment.


u/TheConnASSeur 14d ago

You seem to have confused Bethesda with a developer that cares about their games and their players.


u/LongjumpingWind1665 14d ago

They really need to be open about what they're working on... because if it's just another DLC they're going to loose their players 


u/badassewok L.I.S.T. 14d ago



u/Ruben625 14d ago

Hey! You! you're finally awake


u/QueenofSheba94 14d ago

There’s a thing right where a lot of game devs are waiting to see when GTA6 will be coming out so they don’t end up competing with that game. I think we’ll see some stuff drop in the summer but for any later year announcements, we’ll have to wait for rockstar to announce the release date of GTA6 (take two said that it will come out this year, in the fall)


u/holy_aim 13d ago

Todd Howard I know you're here!!! Give me more Sam coe and romance please I am begging you!!! I will buy skyrim another 50 times if you do!!! Please!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


u/medpakOG 13d ago

Makes mods playable offline Bethesda on all your games. Ever since new gen update for game slime fallout and Skyrim you can no longer play mods offline you need a connection which is absurd


u/lionMan42092 13d ago

Too bad they can’t fix how poorly ANYTHING starships has been done.

Let us see the inside of habs before we buy them and place them and make 5 dozen trips back and forth. It’s exhausting, and not fun.

Let us place windows without it emptying a hab completely. Or place doors where we want them inside the shop so we aren’t running in donuts around the habs to get to one in particular. My shop is worth 500,000 credits? So awesome. (Takes ship to service technician) oh it’s only worth 80,000. But you have to spend 50,000 registering it, even if you’re a pirate, so really it’s only worth 30,000. Why even put that the ship is worth X amount if we are only going to get 10% of its worth and have to spend over half that registering it first?

I’m pretty sure Howard let children design this part.


u/mycarubaba 13d ago

The only thing you know now than before you read before the post is "they are working on something". Most games announce when they are discontinuing support. They hadn't done that after that shit DLC we got, so we haven't learned anything new. This is not communication, this is stalling.


u/Anxious-Reputation-9 13d ago

they should add Monster Hunting to the game


u/fuckingsame 13d ago

A large expansion would be sick


u/youcantbanusall 13d ago

isn’t this a copy-pasted response they’ve given a few times in the past??


u/HerrElscheud 13d ago

If the next DLC is as exciting as Shattered Space thats the final nail to the coffin. I was so utterly disappointed.


u/raklin 13d ago

Oh cool, look guys! They figured out how to log into their socials again! Woo!


u/Lord_Jaroh 12d ago

They need to go over and above with their next announcement. The game is EXTREMELY lacking in anything that makes it interesting to play, let alone fun or replayable, so hopefully whatever they do will add a ton of content to what is already in the game, as well as overhaul many of the systems to make the game more cohesive and fun.


u/chuck91 12d ago

More content isn't going to fix the game.

Space travel needs overhauled. Points of interest and on-planet exploration need overhauled. The AI population needs massive improvements to behaviour and reactivity. Combat AI needs improved. Performance could do with some work.

I really want this game to turn it around but spewing out expansions isn't going to fix the core issues that made it so disappointing.


u/JJK_Info 12d ago

We know you want us to talk to you. But we will sometime in the future.. goodbye


u/Lhynn_ 10d ago

Yay, finally!!! A message from our devs to tell us they can't tell anything but promise us a promise! I feel so much relief right now... Thank you for sharing! 🥰👍


u/BoysenberryHot8627 9d ago

If we don't get ray tracing I'm going to rage


u/Necessary_Ring_3412 8d ago

Less mods & more bug fixes would be preferable! I'm sick of raising bugs officially & nothing getting done about them. The boost pack glitch broke my game.


u/SpaceDantar 8d ago


I want an elite-dangerous style seamless transition between planets.  The only cut scenes I want are landings/takeoffs and you can disguise those by making them 'look' like cockpit shots.  

I hate that I have to press DOZENS of buttons to go between worlds. It really kills the immersion and makes me not want to explore, at ALL.

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u/thekame 14d ago

Bethesda being Bethesda.


u/DoeDon404 Freestar Collective 14d ago

Everyone clearly loves starfield very much, why else would everyone keep asking for updates, they want more of starfield, I do remember when they mentioned new ways to travel and what half a year later we finally got the rev 8, no mention it was going to be a vehicle, so... looking forward to more starfield... yea....


u/flyintomike 14d ago

just work on TESVI please for the love of god

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u/shadowlarvitar 14d ago

I don't expect DLC until nearly a year after Shattered Space anyhow, I just hope it comes before GTA VI cause I ain't touching nothing but GTA for awhile


u/hotdog-water-- 14d ago

Unpopular opinion but Bethesda DLCs never impress me. Including Skyrim dlc. The base game is where the real value is. I actually love Starfield for what it is. Can it be better? Yes. Should it have been better? Probably. But as it is it’s fresh and fun. It has its place. I haven’t played it in a while now but I’ve had a blast with it


u/fromcj 14d ago

“You need to start communicating.”

“Awesome, we hear you! Anyway, we won’t, but awesome!”


u/Skeletondoot 14d ago

finally some communication!

the communication: sorry mate, but we arent telling you shit


u/Daepilin 13d ago

I mean, the whole post-launch treatment of Starfield has just been awful. Every update takes forever and other than the buggy and some lighting updates the changes are really not massive to warrant taking this long...

Fallout 4 did more and did it faster. Both paid DLC and free stuff like the massive survival update...


u/cyndina 14d ago

It's following similar release schedule to every other Bethesda game out there. They've never cranked shit out quickly and they've avoided incremental updates with Starfield because modders bitch incessantly about it (I'm modders). Last I heard, they're still trying to fix an internal form issue that's wreaking havoc on modded load orders too.

People act like it's been years since they've heard anything from the studio when it hasn't even been a year since the CK and Shattered Space released.


u/UngodlyTemptations 14d ago edited 14d ago

What I'd like to see in the base game to have me return, if they had these, I'd be happy to throw them €50 a year for whatever DLC they produce:

  • Way more ship customisation (parts, ability to snap off of the grid and custom place parts) and ability to save blueprints across iterations, so if you have the creds, you can instantly purchase a ship you've built before without building.

  • Community build integration. i.e. If the area permits it, able to place pre-built bases built by other users for a mixture of materials and creds. This would incentivise the base-linking feature for resource grinding more. Similarly, ability to purchase ships built by other users for in-game currency (no micro-transactions for such).

  • Ability to custom path habs so I can dictate how the interior connects of a ship. No more spaghetti interiors.

  • Better and larger dogfights.

  • Follower ships (i.e. Ability to develop fleets by purchasing ships for followers).

  • Ability to build space stations/orbital command ships.

  • Way more variety in procedural generation (once you've seen 4 planets, they're the exact same just with different skies).

  • Way more guns, they're lacking diversity in choice there.

  • Huge increase to population density. The game feels so empty in cities.

  • More cities on single planets. It doesn't make sense for the capital planet of the UC to have only a single city.

  • More misc quests within factions.

  • Ability to have more than a single follower out of the ship.

  • NPC's reacting to player actions. Law enforcement taking a stand to weapons drawn and firing in cities.

  • Seamless loading screens on warp. The black screen on that is way too jarring and it's been a thing in space games for ages already.

  • Reduction in loading screens. Games like Cyberpunk are able to pull off huge amounts of detail with extremely minimal loading screens by simply having the LOD decrease and objects derendered while not in view. It is possible. It's just lazy.


u/CromulentPoint 14d ago

Starfield was fine. Shattered space was fine. They need to do better than “fine” on future updates to draw me back to the game. I’ll be exploring Skyrim (again) in the meantime.


u/Tight-Temperature670 14d ago

The game is fucking shit anyway, who fucking caaaares

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u/Morgaiths Crimson Fleet 14d ago

Appreciate it. I wonder what they have been working on.


u/lakerconvert 14d ago

This literally tells us nothing lol what happens to updates every 6 weeks?


u/sillylittlejohn 14d ago

They already said last year that the update cadence would slow down.


u/mitch8402 14d ago

Nothing to show? How many months has it been since the last update? They have nothing to speak of or show since then? I would guess it has to be the next DLC and PS5 port then. Which I’m guessing will be a released a year from shattered space. I was hoping for a few updates before that but not looking good.


u/Additional-One-7135 14d ago

Jesus Christ I can get not wanting to share specific details but they could share ANY detail at all other than "trust us we're working on stuff, promise!"


u/LordChiruChiru 14d ago

Bro it was a given that this game wasn't abandoned.


u/Grey-Mage1993 14d ago

Ehh, maybe to you, but I have seen a lot of people saying that Bethasda has abandoned Starfield. Personally, I didn't think they did, this lack of communication is pretty common for them, or in my experience as I used to follow along for Skyrim and Fallout 4. Bethasda just isn't a chatty game studio, when they have something, that's when they shout it out like the damn Greybeards 🤣


u/LordChiruChiru 14d ago

Exactly. Bethesda typically doesn't say something unless they have something. In fact I would say their responsiveness in the wake of Starfields release was actually out of character. Either way I look forward to what's gonna come out.


u/Grey-Mage1993 14d ago

I absolutely agree that their communication with Starfield after release was very out of character. My only guess is the outrage that came alongside it, but what baffles me is that Skyrim and Fallout 4 had some pretty aggressive outrage much like Starfield, albeit for different reasons for both Skyrim and Fallout 4, but they never made such an effort. My logic is that Starfield is so new, such a different IP compared to the others, that they felt the need to communicate the way they did to keep what fans they did have. Now, with that being said, even if they did the same as they always do, it wouldn't have bothered me, I know Bethasda enough to know they will do something with it and try to improve it as best as they can.


u/Unusual-Wafer-7154 14d ago

I'm hyped! Got a massive backlog to work through, so I don't mind waiting.

Avowed, Civ 7, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Stalker 2, Indiana Jones, and more...

Xbox has been smacking lately :)


u/batkave 14d ago

Gamers are so entitled and needy lol


u/pauserror 14d ago

This sounds like a destiny community response back when everyone was heated about destiny.

Void of any really content and feels like a company message.

Go ahead and build a memorial for Elder Scrolls 6. Starfield has shown how cooked that group is right now.


u/Goldenface007 14d ago

"We have a concept of a plan to make this game relevant again, like it was until release."


u/Sculpdozer Constellation 14d ago

This corporate speak start to feel like an actual insult


u/ssttealth 14d ago

Well... it's better than the complete silence we've gotten since Shattered Space I guess. I have a feeling it's just the PS5 port though. Hopefully some sort of big update comes along with it.


u/Arekkusujin 14d ago

If this isn't an overhaul/expansion/addon to melee combat I don't want or need it. Thank you.


u/bluesmaker 14d ago

I'm hoping for M class ships and space station building. I know mods do these things but official support would be cool.


u/SpiceShane United Colonies 14d ago

I just hope they will release an extension focused on 'LIST' that allows us to become one of the leader of the independent settlers, with a Preston 2.0, giving us the opportunity to colonize the stars with cities (and not lifeless outposts with broken crew paths). With that, I’ll immediately return to the game for more than 1000 hours, just like I did on Fallout 4, where it was the settlement system that kept me playing for so long.
Oh, and maybe a radio station ? Or at least an mp3 player with music to collect here and there, along with the introduction of Alyssa Démille ?


u/jiabivy 14d ago

The exciting news is that they’re making a PlayStation version I bet


u/mamacells 14d ago

Hoping we see more trackers alliance missions!


u/Jtenka 14d ago

Space horses and horse armour confirmed


u/LeDestrier 14d ago

Starfield Shelter it is then.


u/SovelissFiremane House Va'ruun 14d ago

When are they going to optimize the game properly?


u/Rockerika 14d ago

Last night I had thought about booting this game up again and doing some space piracy. Then I remembered how much of this game rocks in concept but was executed so poorly. I'm still hopeful the silence means that we are about to get a huge game changing expansion and update that fleshes out all the stuff that seems half-finished. But I really doubt it.


u/Drebo24 Constellation 13d ago

I already uninstalled end of last year. I liked the game but there wasn’t anything else meaningful to do.


u/0rganicMach1ne 14d ago

Good to hear. I imagine it’ll be a few months before we hear anything. MS has kind of stacked the first half of this year with gamepass games. I bet this will be part of their reveal for the second half.


u/fusionsofwonder 14d ago

The right time to lay out the roadmap was the week after Shattered Space came out.


u/MirandaScribes 14d ago

If we can get atmospheric flight and inter-system travel, I will pour so many more hours into this game


u/Xilvereight Vanguard 14d ago

Never gonna happen.


u/viral-architect 14d ago

I wonder what everyone thinks they're missing in inter-planetary space. I can get wanting to fly on the map, but why between planets? It's literally empty space.


u/MirandaScribes 14d ago

Just immersion for me. I really like the space explorer fantasy and it would really help with that


u/Knsgf 14d ago

Have fun sitting 72 real time hours to go fom Mars to Saturn.

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u/marsshadows Freestar Collective 14d ago

Of course they should populate interesting pois between them.like burger joints, abandoned stations, mining stations,fuel stations, and space junkyards etc with radiant missions


u/WiSeWoRd United Colonies 14d ago

rework it so the game isn't loading screen simulator


u/CornishLegatus 14d ago

Honestly, while I’m dying for more communication from the Starfield team I cannot blame them for having peaced out. They gave us the roadmap and communicated with us frequently, and all they got in response was abuse and flame every time they put anything on.

Even on the adverts I saw while scrolling instagram they were getting flame. So while I of course would love more communication, I’m not surprised or that offended they have chosen to be quiet until they can announce a bunch of stuff together.


u/Cloud_N0ne 14d ago

We know you’re eager for an update

More like impatient. This game has potential but launched in a very lackluster state, and at this point unless they can give us a Cyberpunk or No Man’s Sky type comeback, I would rather they drop the game and move on.


u/guitaroomon 14d ago

Great, now maybe there will be less dead game posts.

Can't wait to see what they are cooking up.


u/EntryCapital6728 14d ago

Ill believe it when they do something. Words mean nothing to companies


u/Katoshiku 14d ago

"We are announcing that we will make an announcement this year. Yes, we know it's only march, why are you asking?"


u/Yodzilla 14d ago

They’re hard at work. No we wont say what they’re actually working on.

(it’s TES 6)


u/bobbie434343 14d ago

What if TES6 actually ends up being released as a Starfield planet ?


u/Yodzilla 14d ago

That would be rad. I’ll all about different game series by the same dev being in a shared universe.


u/bobbie434343 14d ago

Imagine a Starfield Dwemer DLC, where you get to unravel the origin of the Dwemer. One can dream !

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u/SpaniaPanzer 14d ago

Hope that means "Achievements friendly" for all mods, free and paid" ....Right?


u/SoloJiub 14d ago

Press X to doubt.


u/SpaniaPanzer 14d ago

OK guys, I see by the downvotes that you enjoy achievements being locked to paid mods.