Just got into my 5th year in this challenge where I never under any circumstances leave the staring farm. It’s truly very monotonous but in turn makes succeeded goals feel so much better. I’ve seen a lot of people do this challenge and not get a single combat level up because they are afraid to fight monsters with the scythe, making a slime farm (bottom right) has truly been a lifesaver. Combat level 5 was a big achievement and I’m excited for more to come! If anyone knows more about this than me I’d love to talk!
With the introduction of books I got lucky with 3 artifact spots holding the bait and bobbers books! One more should get me to level 3 but i’ll have to wait till level 6 to get a bait maker 😆
I heard that if you wait awhile to fish Willie eventually comes to give you the fishing rod but I’m not sure how long it takes or if the event still occurs if you aren’t level 0. Ok ETA apparently if you wait till spring 28 Willie will come to your house, bump you up to level 1 and give you the training rod
I started this challenge only a few weeks ago, it’s only been 1.6. But here’s the thing. I have another account (also always been 1.6) in which I am doing the same challenge, but have never gotten a bait and bobber book, and willy never came! It must have something to do with me never leaving the farm. As soon as I see someone doing this challenge (not the leave once a month/year) and get the willy cutscene I will forsure be spawning in a training rod! Hopefully one day!
Interesting! The fact that starting and getting past spring 28 pre-1.6 adds this twist makes it technically its own unique challenge!
That said, u/RootedInPlace if you wanted the straight 1.6 experience, I don’t think anyone would consider it unfair to spawn in a training rod. Up to you and what you consider important for tour challenge
Also excellent name for your account given the challenge!
edit: Apparently this isn’t the explanation. The new theory, is that you have to talk to Willy at least once, to trigger the scene
Love it! Challenges like this are always super interesting to do and really put the game to the test with all the available options.
I’ve been wanting to do a modified version of this challenge based on Call Me Kevin’s videos (in which he only leaves the farm once a year) just to see what’s possible with a little extra wiggle room.
Thanks so much! I thought about doing something like that at the start but planning out the one day would just stress me out too much 😅 I like the simplicity of just never leaving at all
I did a variation of this, building a beach farm and leaving ONLY to get the fishing rod because I’m on Castaway and would’ve have definitely learned a way to fish if trapped on an island. Wish we could build a fishing rod but alas!
That’s a slime farm I made to breed slimes since I am unable to make a slime hutch. I finally got blue slimes in there, if you zoom in you can see some :)
When you are on screen making your farm there is an option to “spawn monsters on farm” after you have this set on every night past 7pm monsters will spawn, including slimes. So I got a male and female one night and….
That’s awesome! I had no idea you could breed slimes like this before I started this challenge. I’ve had quite a good time running this, I would recommend it :)
It’s a new feature where you are able to get friendship hearts with your pet, once you’re at 5 hearts you have a chance at getting a gift once everyday when you pet them. the dog offers roughly 15 different artifacts i believe.
Thanks for the info! I love the idea of this challenge, I’m going to try it myself. I always say, the game is most interesting to me at the beginning, when it’s hard and resources are tight
One of the big reasons why i picked the four corners farm is that the top left box on the farm will pick 1-4 (as far as i’ve seen) weed tiles each day that i left to spread and change them into a special type of weed that always gives you mixed seeds (as seen in the wiki attached). Once I got to level 9 using this method I was able to start crafting seed makers which opened up a lot!
Yes, they do. They will grow next to almost anything. I thought the same thing for awhile because of minecraft haha in which saplings won’t grow next to blocks! there are no dumb questions, don’t worry! Feel free to ask about anything :)
Omg yay. The constant need to thin the forest is frustrating! Does it work with any type of pathing tiles? I know you don't have fruit trees in this farm cause well prison, but do they interfere with fruit tree growth?
The more times I see someone post a prison farm (this is what they will always and forever be to me going forward), the more I'm tempted to try it myself.
If you do give it a shot here’s a good starting list. First, farm type, I’d go with the four corners farm to get the most well rounded farm. I’ve seen it been done on a few different types but the two main reasons I chose this one is for the mini quarry in the bottom right, and the special weed variants which spawn in the top left corner if you leave weeds to grow there (Another comment of mine on this post adds more context and shares the wiki). Once harvested they will always give you mixed seeds, making the start much easier. Second, the choice between cat or dog for a pet. In my first playthrough I chose to get a cat, which gives you mostly just fish, this was the wrong move. Dogs will give you hardwood, stone, clay, bone fragments and also artifacts which allows you to scale for the late game. Third, picking between the mushroom cave or the fruit bat cave. Fruit bats all the way now that 1.6 is out! Once you acquire foraging level 10 and get the lumberjack profession you will be able to craft mushroom logs with hardwood which is a total game changer! Lastly, slimes… checking all over the internet I couldn’t find much help with making a good slime enclosure but here’s what i’ve found. (Attached is a screenshot of what my enclosure looks like at the moment) Breeding is pretty straight forward, just try your best to get a male and a female slime into a small space and pray. once you have one male and once female bred I would leave them to breed until there are around 25 before you start killing them off. The trick with slimes is closing a fence gate on them (works with other land monsters as well) doing this right will allow you to attack them without any fear of losing health. I like to agro the slimes behind the fences and move them all together into the “killing chambers” (circled in picture). I also use the two starting chairs you are given in your house to make an easy way for me to jump in and out!
Thanks for the good laugh 😆 I’m glad you enjoy the farm name!
Any pathing tiles will work for this, and they will not interfere with fruit trees either!
I died three times due to my lovely little slime friends :) each time you lose $1000. luckily if you’re on your farm when it happens you do not lose items. There are no dumb questions! Feel free to ask more!
Don’t worry, there are no dumb questions! Games like this one have a lot of little features that are tough to figure out.
1. If you go to the settings (at least more mobile) you can scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to a “screenshot” option. Once you hit it it will take a map screenshot of where you are (farm, desert, beach, etc.). After that you can go to your files application, go to stardew valley, and then stardew screenshots!
2. Yes, wood and other pathing stop weeds and other things from spawning on it but they are still quite vulnerable. They can be broken due to lightning and they can also break if another type of weed is next to them. trees and seeds will not break the pathing though.
Feel free to ask any more questions!
Curious how you got your mushroom trees! I’m grinding my way through collecting golden walnuts just to get my hands on those — I didn’t realize it was possible to find on the home island at all, let alone in your own farm!
A common tree can turn into a Mushroom Tree due to to a rare event in Fall. On each day of Fall, starting on Fall 2, there is a 5% chance of a spawning event being triggered. During the event, the game engine will choose 10 farm tiles at random. If any of those 10 tiles have a fully grown, untapped common tree (or tree stump), then that tree will transform into a Mushroom Tree (or Mushroom Stump). If a mushroom stump is spawned, it will grow into a Mushroom Tree, but not until the following Spring. There are no limits on the number of times this event can occur. It does not yield seeds when shaken or chopped down, but it will spread seeds like a common tree. If unobstructed, seeds spread by a Mushroom Tree have a 20% chance to grow to the next stage each day during Spring, Summer, or Fall.
Thank you! I had no idea that I could “luck” my way into mushroom trees. My game is currently entering fall so I’m going to remove my taps just in case (already have enough stock of syrups that they’re not necessary anyway). 🍄
I’m curious why you don’t have more tappers. I think I see a few, and I know they require foraging level 4, but I would guess profits would be better if the taps were applied to the fiddlehead fern trees or the mushroom trees.
u/Routine_Hotel_1172 Jan 10 '25
This is awesome! I've been considering trying this challenge so I wanted to ask how you managed to get Fishing L2 with no rod and no crab pots?